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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 59 KB, 640x360, garbage-dump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15748729 No.15748729 [Reply] [Original]

*something completely /lit/ unrelated*

Any books on this?

>> No.15748761

>books for [/pol/ thread]?
i hate this place so fucking much

>> No.15748777

leftypol is somehow more unbearable than pol

>> No.15748785


>> No.15748812

why are trips given to such stupid people
also how can you say this when there are at least 3 DA JOOZ type threads up

>> No.15748820


>> No.15748843

wrong board pal

>> No.15748855

go back newfag

>> No.15748856

have sex incel

>> No.15748869

There's probably a shitty Bret Easton Ellis story about this image

>> No.15748943


>> No.15748950



>> No.15748957

leftypol doesn't even exist anymore, it had like 3 shitposters
/pol/ is the biggest board on this website, it's clear who's to blame so stop pretending like you're not from there faggot

>> No.15748958

What's this one?

>> No.15748959

Why do you insist on having /pol/ threats on /lit/?

>> No.15748967

Stig of the Dump by Clive King

>> No.15748968

Ok, this one's gotta be epic

>> No.15748979

So. Many. Bicycles.

>> No.15748980

/pol/ doesn't waste time on /lit/ faggot
you would know if you weren't a basic redditor

>> No.15748987

>I take my imageboard very seriously.

>> No.15748989

>/pol/ doesn't waste time on /lit/ faggot
is this your first day browsing here?

>> No.15748990

Coming up

>> No.15749016

What the..?

>> No.15749021

>pol/ doesn't waste time on /lit/
lol is that why half of the catalog is thinly veiled off-topic political shit at any given moment
about 2/3 of the entire userbase are mouthbreathers from /pol/, gg and election have fucked up almost all non-niche hobby boards

>> No.15749026


>> No.15749030

Do you also smell the image?


>> No.15749034

wasn't there like a coordinated discord movement a few days ago to raise the bar for posts?

>> No.15749040
File: 447 KB, 600x773, c84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15749045

that's a bit excessive, mods should just enforce the rules that tthey themselves have stated in the sticky

>> No.15749061

<KYM filename
case in point newnigger
also who else do you think would want to talk about politics on a a literary board lol?

>> No.15749096

they are too occupied sucking their tiny dicks

>> No.15749100

Hey, that's an image I posted on Rapture's last thread! Nice!

>> No.15749120

>not taking books recommended by blue Peter about illegal dumping, and apprehending burglars and bullies, and being transported back in time to raise the standing stones of a future morally pure race with friendly cavemen, seriously
>in a get thread
>Not taking book things seriously even when the book has gulls in it
>Gulls are birds, which makes them de facto very important and worth considering
>In a get thread with birds!
>Not taking things seriously
>not even as a caveman
I'm reporting you to essforce if you don't start taking things like storytime very seriously from now on and double so if there are birds or especially pictures of birds.

>> No.15749630
File: 113 KB, 1024x768, 1587974392740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/izens complaining
This board is actually pretty on-topic. /tv/, /v/, /fit/ are way worse.
Yesterday there was a thread on /t/v, with an OP that was pic related and the post was "PRÖÖÖÖÖÖÖH :DDD". It hit 200 replies before it got deleted, and all the replies were off-topic posts about elephants and pics/webms of elephants.

/lit/ isnt that bad, really.

>> No.15749662

elephant posting is great
you are blind
/lit/ is bad if you want to discuss literature and great for everything else

>> No.15749688

I'm complaining exactly because I don't want our board to turn into these you've listed. Sure, these boards have been in decay much longer than /lit/, but it's still better to deal with all off-topic shit now before it's too late, especially when it hasn't infested the board to its very core like it is in case of /tv/

>> No.15749730

fit and tv are great because people there actually lift and watch tv and are vocal about it and not amount of shitposting will change that.
lit just has poor moderation and pathetic users

>> No.15749787

>the people filling /lit/ with political shit aren't from the political board on the same website
Even on the slim chance they're not they should still post their political shit on the political board and not the literature board.

>> No.15749826

>Heffalumps are afoot
[Piglet squealing intensifies]

>> No.15749833

no one will pay them the slightest attention there

>> No.15749873

Elephant threads are by far the best off-topic threads on /tv/, though, and better than most on-topic threads as well.

>> No.15749887

Haven't really stuck on /fit/ but /tv/ is utter shit. Not only people there don't discuss films and just post off-topic shit all day but the board itself is also basically a /v/-tier newfag central filled with retarded redditors

>> No.15749889

elephant threads have been somewhat ruined by the infamous elephant webm. The best off topic threads imo are the 'disturbing video' threads, and maybe the ones about the ocean.

>> No.15749899

Because people who watch tv and movies don't really discuss it

>> No.15749900

which infamous elephant webm

>> No.15750045

That's 1000 times better than "I hate women. books for this feel?"

>> No.15750055

idk if it's this one but there's one of an elephant sticking his trunk in another's ass and eating the poop

>> No.15751254

Animal threads are part of 4chan culture, they don't count as truly off-topic. Even /a/ has animal threads.

>> No.15751268


>> No.15751277

Inyrtnry latrines.

>> No.15751304
File: 2.89 MB, 480x480, Zandatsu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean this one

>> No.15751589

yeah maybe. It's normal behavior so there's probably more than one.

>> No.15751594
File: 1009 KB, 195x197, Midnight snack.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are correct

>> No.15751612

Yes, latrine dynamics.