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File: 154 KB, 820x836, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15750817 No.15750817 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>enter into a discussion with my parents
>Start deconstructing the grammar and semantics of their arguments
>Find their motives and the assumptions they take as self-evident
>Deconstruct those assumptions
>Their logical cohesion dies in front of their very eyes
>Insert my argument as I reconstruct the logic of the discussion to fit my goals
>They get mad because they can't win the argument but still know I'm wrong
>Leave doing face in pic related

Thank you Nietzsche for teaching me the superpower to win every single argument in existence, you annoying fucking cunt

>> No.15750822

literally me
i'm so useless

>> No.15750830

Did you really need to read a pants-shitting philosopher to figure out how to outwit the midwits? This is peak midwittery.

>> No.15750840
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Kek'd and rekt.

>> No.15750846
File: 36 KB, 494x800, 74808c2c44a34b47ad36864cb8b1fe41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>regularly have sex with my parents because I fed them the Sadepill

>> No.15750847

Do you have Down Syndrome?

>> No.15750852

Wtf even is that

>> No.15750854
File: 34 KB, 640x513, happe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>learn how to cook from youtube tutorials despite never being good at it
>get kind of good at italian and french food
>cook for my entire family
>they really like it
>have pleasant conversation and joke around
>really good time is had by all
>leave giving them a hug and telling them I love them

>> No.15750856

Enjoy corona

>> No.15750874

based and wholesomepilled

>> No.15750887

every greentext that starts with "be me" was written by a mouthbreathing cretin and not one of them ever contains anything of value

>> No.15750914

wholesome 100 moment

>> No.15750928

well duh, people who misuse the quote function instead of writing a coherent text aren't really smart any way you look at it

>> No.15750930
File: 74 KB, 497x614, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post videos please
I need to start cooking for myself

>> No.15750934


>> No.15751000

you can use it to format a decently written story that doesn't start with idiotically superfluous 9gag shit

>> No.15751019


>> No.15751160

There's something deeply sad about this post.

>> No.15751201


>> No.15751204

Marquis de Sade, read up on him anon

>> No.15751205

holy based

>> No.15751438

Fucking disgusting

>> No.15751450


>> No.15751467

comparing that post to your life maybe

>> No.15751745


>> No.15751767

>he thinks thats a nietzsche thing when thats what most every big name philosopher tried to do.

>> No.15751832

But only Nietzsche (and the most early post-structuralist philosophers) were aware of it

>> No.15752504

Not true

>> No.15752538

I feel sorry for your parents anon

>> No.15752541

b a s e d

>> No.15752559

Nice fanfic, any normal parent would have slapped you at the grammar deconstruction. Don't try that at home, anons. Some people might even put you in a rehab clinic or some other bs.

>> No.15753321

did they cut off your allowence?

>> No.15755067


>> No.15755070


>> No.15755101

No, the opposite. That a normal human moment was written down as some kind of unusual achievement.

>> No.15755116

OP is Derrida

>> No.15755132

You sound spiritually cucked beyond comprehension. You are basically dead, converting organic material, water and oxygen into feces and nothing. You are a fecal pump.

>> No.15755141

How very Jewish of you, David Shekelhoarder.

>> No.15755322
File: 1.39 MB, 1242x1129, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will kill you

>> No.15755350
File: 34 KB, 975x590, Dnm-XC0U8AAiNM5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will kiss you

>> No.15755363
File: 2 KB, 83x125, 1593410907386s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will you

>> No.15755370

>written down as some kind of unusual achievement.
It was written in the context of a frogposting OP who takes joy in being a wilfully autistic adolescent, showing what non-autistic familial interaction is like. No implication of it being unusual is there, it's one you put there.

>> No.15755413


>> No.15755436


>> No.15755542

It makes you realize that the height of human love and connection - that provided by blood ties and long times spent together - is in the end as empty and fleeting as all other false hopes in this void of existence. I pray there is a God who will make this all go away soon.

>> No.15755552

Crawling in my skin
These wounds, they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing what is real
There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface
Consuming, confusing
This lack of self control I fear is never ending
I can't seem
To find myself again
My walls are closing in
(Without a sense of confidence I'm convinced
That there's just too much pressure to take)
I've felt this way before
So insecure
Crawling in my skin
These wounds, they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing what is real
Discomfort, endlessly has pulled itself upon me
Distracting, reacting
Against my will I stand beside my own reflection
It's haunting how I can't seem
To find myself again
My walls are closing in
(Without a sense of confidence I'm convinced
That there's just too much pressure to take)
I've felt this way before
So insecure
Crawling in my skin
These wounds, they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing what is real
Crawling in my skin
These wounds, they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing, confusing what is real
There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface
Consuming (confusing what is real)
This lack of self control I fear is never ending
Controlling (confusing what is real)

>> No.15755564


>> No.15755571

This is shit. The following song is not.


Auschwitz, the meaning of pain
The way that I want you to die
Slow death, immense decay
Showers that cleanse you of your life
Forced in like cattle
You run
Stripped of
Your life's worth
Human mice, for the angel of death
Four hundred thousand more to die

Angel of death
Monarch to the kingdom of the dead

Sadistic, surgeon of demise
Sadist of the noblest blood
Destroying, without mercy
To benefit the Aryan race
Surgery, with no anesthesia
Feel the knife pierce you intensely
Inferior, no use to mankind
Strapped down, screaming out to die

Angel of death
Monarch to the kingdom of the dead
Infamous butcher
Angel of death

Pumped with fluid, inside your brain
Pressure in your skull begins pushing through your eyes
Burning flesh drips away
Test of heat burns your skin, your mind starts to boil
Frigid cold cracks your limbs
How long can you last
In this frozen water burial?
Sewn together, joining heads
Just a matter of time
'Till you rip yourselves apart
Millions laid out in their
Crowded tombs
Sickening ways to achieve
The Holocaust

Seas of blood, bury life
Smell your death as it burns
Deep inside of you
Abacinate, eyes that bleed
Praying for the end of
Your wide awake nightmare
Wings of pain, reach out for you
His face of death staring down
Your blood's running cold
Injecting cells, dying eyes
Feeding on the screams of
The mutants he's creating
Pathetic harmless victims
Left to die
Rancid angel of death
Flying free

Angel of death
Monarch to the kingdom of the dead
Infamous butcher
Angel of death
Angel of death

>> No.15755633
File: 156 KB, 265x323, bloatsmile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon starts doing this to me
>I recognise it
>keep arguing for eternity until anon gets so riled up that he starts reeeeing
>anon will never resort to a physical attack because I mog him
>"calm down, bro. It's just a discussion"
>I win by staying cool and level headed

Thanks, Chad.

>> No.15755798

Niggas can never keep their cool

>> No.15755900

stop being a fag
i bet they all hate you and shitty cooking

>> No.15755982

this doesn't work because people are too dumb to be selfaware even when presented with their self by another. just go with some sleazy rhetoric and dishonest implications and strawmen, that seems to work for everyone and everything else.

>> No.15756052
File: 15 KB, 128x128, feelsbadman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will quim quiff

>> No.15756089

>Loving your family is being a fag

>> No.15756278

this is typical brainwash victim
dont have a family, abort your children
we all know the logical conclusion

>> No.15756294

If you were my child I would disinherit you on the spot and maybe slap you too

>> No.15756298

I can see you were raised by a bipolar single mother.

>> No.15756310

I wasn't. Go back to your armchair midwit

>> No.15756320

You were. You can stop crying now.

>> No.15756325

nicely done son

>> No.15756332

You're conflating sociological with psychological, cringe retard

>> No.15756362
File: 20 KB, 322x311, freud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are offended because it's true.

>> No.15756387

I'm not even that anon, you drooling pseud.
Of course a leftist responds to a valid sociological argument with 'hurrr ur mum'
Go back to twitter sweatty

>> No.15756392

You are the lefty here. Not me. You don't have a right to opinion if you were not raised by a dad and a mother.

>> No.15756396

disingenuous lefty cant even do sopihistry right
go back to your BLM march cuck

>> No.15756409

You cannot understand family and virility if you were raised by a single mother. Sorry.

>> No.15756416

>hurrrr strawman strawman strawman therefore nothing you said is right!!
go back, cuck

>> No.15756423
File: 7 KB, 297x169, yodacringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a basedboy freudian talking about virility

>> No.15756426

these lyrics are pretty sad considering that Linkin Park dude who killed himself was sexually abused by a man in his childhood

>> No.15756435

Family is not a lefty value. In fact, they were all raised by single mothers. There is no separation between who you are and what you say, that's why women's opinion tend to be stupid.


>> No.15756438
File: 8 KB, 204x247, soijak8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You cannot understand family and virility if you were raised by a single mother. Sorry.

>> No.15756442

I don't read psychoanalysis.

>> No.15756455

>Family is not a lefty value.
Anon's original post was pro-family, you absolute mouthbreathing spergaloid. Learn to read, for fuck's sake.

>> No.15756462

I realized this after my second post, kek.

>> No.15756478

you can win arguments with most people by asserting literally anything as long as you maintain a veneer of calm and cohesion and bait the other party into losing that

argument and debate (in this sense of parties genuinely opposing eachother) is the lowest form of communication. It's not just online that nobody is convinced and nothing changes, it's just that online the social game of remaining calm and somehow therefore logical isn't in play so it never ends.

>> No.15756486

True. We should never reply emotionally.

>> No.15756926

Wrong, emotions are everything. Look and Ronnie and Randal Paul, everything they say is logical, and no one outside Kentucky gives a shit about either of them because of their autistic precision.

>> No.15757575

>muh the self doesnt exist


>> No.15757747

very not true. read the intoduction sections of leviathan, or prologenia for Kant. it was absolutely standard. the only reason remember Neitzche for it was that he was very load about that point instead of justtaking it as a necissary first step.

i cant think of a big name philosopher who didnt spend a good amount of time deconstructing language.

>> No.15757983

That's even more sad.

>> No.15758445

Incredibly sad and banal.

>> No.15758811

shut up nerd