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15750238 No.15750238 [Reply] [Original]

You are simulating a real, perfect version of yourself that exists outside of time & space. This is known as the "higher self."

"The function of humans in our world is therefore to imitate the ideal/archetypal world [of Forms] as much as possible which, importantly, includes imitating the [ineffable] Form of Good"

The recursive paradox of the whole situation is that it is you NOW that is empowered to define who exactly that perfect self IS and WILL BE

Who do you want to be?

For more, see:


>> No.15750268
File: 180 KB, 599x882, Samkhya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forms/Logoi exist at the limit where Becoming approaches infinity - pure Being in archetypal spirit-space.

Achieve balance between Being and Becoming.

Being = eternal consciousness, atman, sustaining force, Holy Spirit, light, purusha, Shiva, prana

Becoming = nature, matter, prakriti, evolutionary force, Kali, kundalini

For more, see:

>> No.15750282
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It is a joint "simulation" (archetypal Forms coalescing into nature/matter with a feedback loop).

We all co-create our reality through thoughts and actions.

I should add that when I use the word "simulation", it is slightly tongue in cheek, because the love and emotions shared between you and your soulmate , for example, is very real.

>> No.15750306
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In other words, Being and Becoming are dynamics of orthogonal dimensions bootstrapping each other into experiencing the infinite journey towards archetypal Form.


>> No.15750335

> experiencing the infinite journey towards archetypal Form.

This is the Tao

>> No.15750411
File: 1.53 MB, 2886x2160, generation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having set out all these ordinances to them—which he did to exempt himself from responsibility for any evil they might afterwards do—the god proceeded to sow some of them into the Earth, some into the Moon, and others into the various other instruments of time. After the sowing, he handed over to the young gods the task of weaving mortal bodies. He had them make whatever else remained that the human soul still needed to have, plus whatever goes with those things. He gave them the task of ruling over these mortal living things and of giving them the finest, the best possible guidance they could give, without being responsible for any evils these creatures might bring upon themselves. When he had finished assigning all these tasks, he proceeded to abide at rest in his own customary nature. His children immediately began to attend to and obey their father’s assignment. Now that they had received the immortal principle of the mortal living thing, they began to imitate the craftsman who had made them. They borrowed parts of fire, earth, water and air from the world, intending to pay them back again, and bonded together into a unity the parts they had taken, but not with those indissoluble bonds by which they themselves were held together. Instead, they proceeded to fuse them together with copious rivets so small as to be invisible, thereby making each body a unit made up of all the components. And they went on to invest this body—into and out of which things were to flow—with the orbits of the immortal soul. These orbits, now bound within a mighty river, neither mastered that river nor were mastered by it, but tossed it violently and were violently tossed by it. Consequently the living thing as a whole did indeed move, but it would proceed in a disorderly, random and irrational way that involved all six of the motions. It would go forwards and backwards, then back and forth to the right and the left, and upwards and downwards, wandering every which way in these six directions. For mighty as the nourishment-bearing billow was in its ebb and flow, mightier still was the turbulence produced by the disturbances caused by the things that struck against the living things. Such disturbances would occur when the body encountered and collided with external fire (i.e., fire other than the body’s own) or for that matter with a hard lump of earth or with the flow of gliding waters, or when it was caught up by a surge of air-driven winds. The motions produced by all these encounters would then be conducted through the body to the soul, and strike against it.

>> No.15750739


>> No.15751295

>Believing their fantasy world is the real one since before men wore pants
Your mind produces a simplified version of complex reality, and of course you think that because you are only capable of grasping the simplified simulation, that has to be actual reality
So what else is new stonertard?

>> No.15751673
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Human-you is not the perfect Form itself. You are always getting closer to the higher self if you are virtuous, but never quite reaching it.

It's an infinite journey - like the concept of a limit in mathematics.

>> No.15751694

And, pray tell, how do you know any of this? Do you just want it to be true because it sounds cool?

>> No.15752032

Pants were invented on the Steppe and Romans/Greeks did not use them due to Eastern influence in the distant past.

>> No.15752143
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>It is a "simulation"
Absolutely meaningless buzzword, the quotation marks don't help reconcile the hollowness of it.

The simulation theory is plagiarised from the the 1999 movie The Matrix. Nick Bostrom released his trash book in 2003, the 2nd Matrix film came out that year. He had a lot of time to floss it out.
Elon Musk started talking shit about the simulation because he met Nick Bostrom at some point.
That's it.
There is no simulation theory, it's literally is just an irrelevant meme book based on a fucking movie.

>> No.15752322
File: 18 KB, 202x451, Evolution_in_Samkhya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


read beyond the title

Hegel would argue that becoming is the balance or the tension between Being and non-Being.

A buddhist might argue Being and non-Being are the same:

But a Hindu from the Samkhya school would argue the tension is between Being and Becoming/Nature - I would agree and subscribe to this take.

"Samkhya theorizes that prakṛti is the source of the perceived world of becoming. It is pure potentiality that evolves itself successively into twenty four tattvas or principles. "


>> No.15752790

>You are simulating a real, perfect version of yourself that exists outside of time & space. This is known as the "higher self."
>"The function of humans in our world is therefore to imitate the ideal/archetypal world [of Forms] as much as possible which, importantly, includes imitating the [ineffable] Form of Good"
If the human function is to imitate the ideal, then surely the human is the "simulation" simulating the more powerful ideal?

>The recursive paradox of the whole situation is that it is you NOW that is empowered to define who exactly that perfect self IS and WILL BE
Are you sure you have that level of power to affect this higher plane?

>> No.15753479

Yes. This faggot posts this hippy Hindu shit all over 4chan and spergs our if you don’t buy his yoga pamphlet hah. He tOld me the Iliad is actually a Hindu allegory or some other shit like that.