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15747026 No.15747026[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What works of literary merit make you stop wanting to be the one on the right and instead want to become a man and want a wife?

>> No.15747041

I don’t understand

>> No.15747229

he was so handsome..... transgenderism is a disease

>> No.15747254

>he was so handsome
Not really. He makes a surprisingly good woman

>> No.15747292

>transgenderism is a disease
It's actually a fetish, in this case autogynophilia.

>> No.15747543
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>tfw too manly and powerful to be a tranny

>> No.15747595

this guy is eternally based. I think they kicked him out though

>> No.15747611
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I like to think he just keeps finding different sports in which to physically dominate women

>> No.15747665

Releasing your inner trauma through breathwork

>> No.15747708

lmao he was already a pro male player the women stood no chance.

>> No.15747716

>What works of literary merit make you stop wanting to be the one on the right and instead want to become a man and want a wife?
That's from reddit. I go there and take the shame, you don't. Die.

>> No.15747920

thats hilarious
these dont even look like the same person. face shape is different, eyebrows are completely different

>> No.15747929
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>> No.15747933

Watch less porn

>> No.15747995

>not really

lol post selfie w timestamp if you're better looking than him (you wont cuz ur fugly)

>> No.15748004

You want a book to convince you to transition from female to male?

>> No.15748024

Maybe Stoicism, anon. Check it out but I don't know if it is worth it. I wouldn't do something like that desu.

>> No.15748034

>the trans women is still more attractive than the ugly rat girl on the left


>> No.15748047
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Hope a gym pic suffices

>> No.15748057

You can add some religion to it too. I think it is a decent idea. Get into some church or whatever.

>> No.15748802

You're a blind cunt

>> No.15748821

middle bottom a best

>> No.15748847

This is fucking life denying.

>> No.15749098

>life denying.
Can you post your thoughts?

>> No.15749118

Read Nietzsche. Those are his thoughts, not mine.

>> No.15749159

How is it life denying? Nietzsche obviously never addressed the concept of transgenderism.

>> No.15749224

His transgender form looks like a girl I dated in high school
I thought they were differently gendered siblings/twins at first. They do look similar but it does seem hard to believe maybe the image is doctored to make him look better
Not the anon you were responding to but in the act of transitioning you are basically brutalizing your body and destroying the natural potential to realize yourself as a true person in order to pretend to be a different person. Usually either as a huge cope or so that you can use your protected status to force yourself on others. Most transgenders are abusers with zero empathy

>> No.15749228

i stand corrected
sorry. not as used to analyzing trannies as you are

>> No.15749242

what if I want to be a cute femboy but also have a gf (biological, XX chromosomes female) at the same time?

>> No.15749248

>but also have a gf
give me your fucking gf you disgusting ungrateful faggot

>> No.15749253

KEK ofc not, he addressed the concept of the self though.

>> No.15749261

anon you misread. I WANT to have a gf, especially a gf who likes cute guys.

>> No.15749269

Most lesbians are terrified of non-gay Transgenders

>> No.15749359

He was so handsome, I'd totally let him use me as a cum dumpster. Why do men want to be inferior femoids?

>> No.15749366

Because women are automatically valued by our society while men are more or less disposable.

>> No.15749373

yeah but do trans get that automatic woman value? Im thinking they probably don't

>> No.15749389

Not in practice but they're told that they will at some point and the sooner you transition the more likely you will be to pass. A lot of people who do that (especially younger people) are pushed into it by activists some of whom happen to be their psychiatrists.

>> No.15749390

I thought they were a couple before I read your OP. JUST WTF.

>> No.15749400

KEK trans are "sub-women" on our society. There are even TERFs. Are you anons blind?

>> No.15749412

TERFs are a super tiny (and mostly aging) minority that are used as a boogeyman more than anything else

>> No.15749424

Sort of like the Jews?

>> No.15749426

But still a lot of men certainly don't feel like dating a transgender and probably even more don't want to marry one. It is hard, anon. Definitely not an easy thing to be.

>> No.15749430

Being unnatural is hard, yes. As it should be.

>> No.15749434

not trans and I could keep it in the bedroom to attract straight girls, but the amount of girls who are ok with a crossdressing fethish is surely extremely low. I can only hope that my feminine looks even as a boy will attract the right type of people, but so far I mostly attract ugly shallow fatties.

>> No.15749436

Dunno, but it is definitely not as easy as some people might think. That you suddenly "turn into a woman".

>> No.15749445
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>non-gay Transgenders

>> No.15749447

I don't think anyone says TERFs control the world but in way yeah. People argue that the right of TERFs to exist is inherently violence against Transpeople because the narrative is "Disagreeing with the Transcommunity will nullify their existence and make them kill themselves" or some variation on that (Transpeople in women sports, etc.). But in reality the Transpeople have a lot more power to abuse the TERFs than the other way around.

>> No.15749460

That's what happens you try to do the physically impossible.

>> No.15749466

post face and spread open boipussy

>> No.15749470

Yes, anon. But some people still feel like doing it and they are happier that way.

>> No.15749475

I'm not saying it's easy to be Transgender. I'm saying that a lot of people use the category of Transgender to facilitate abusing other people. I do believe that some people are genuinely transgender and that sucks for them but that doesn't change the fact that the way the community functions is extremely toxic.

>> No.15749478

>Not the anon you were responding to but in the act of transitioning you are basically brutalizing your body and destroying the natural potential to realize yourself as a true person in order to pretend to be a different person
Most trannies consider transition as a way of becoming their "true person" and it often makes them much happier and more content with their life and often times more confident overall. So in that way wouldn't it be more life affirming?

>> No.15749484

I don't think that is correct

>> No.15749496

Transphobia is literally a disease. The majority of terfs are sociopaths, and the most psychopathic of them are praised the most. Waiting for the day TERFs start reading Evola

>> No.15749498

I don't know how it works. But I read that J. K. Rowling post about it.

>> No.15749505

no, i don't post myself. i just like to talk about how girly I am because it tickles my autogynephiliac tendencies.

>> No.15749507

Being repulsed by unnatural monstrosities is only natural. The disease is having a mental disorder like believing you're a woman.

>> No.15749508

Becoming-trans is literally becoming the Overman

>> No.15749512

Trannies are textbook untermensch.

>> No.15749515

I lurk on lgbt a lot and pretty much all trannies there say they're much happier after transition than before.

>> No.15749529

Doesn't mean the rest of the population has to take part in their game, and possible mental illness.

>> No.15749536

I'm going to trust my real life experience more than some anon who probably has a femboy conversion fetish.

>> No.15749542
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>> No.15749543

How to be a successful TERF:
1) Argue against made up strawmans
2) Appeal to emotion with children and "nature" arguments
3) Tell everyone how you're the victim and transgenderers are actually the ones in power ( bonus if you're in the UK)

>> No.15749552

I dunno, anon. People made me take part on their game of religion.

>> No.15749553

>I'm going to trust my real life experience
Which is?

>> No.15749559

Why do people think TERFs have any power? Is there a single government organization or major corporation in the west with TERF sympathies?

>> No.15749571

Knowing Transpeople before and after transition

>> No.15749572

Now look at that statistic after transition in an accepting society, Mr correlation equals causation

>> No.15749573

That's your problem.

>> No.15749578

Why do you keep making this thread and why do the jannies do nothing about it. What a load of faggotry.

>> No.15749584

Most of them don't pass as woman. They will never be accepted as true woman. Maybe tolerated from far away but that's all you can aspire to.

>> No.15749588

I knew from the start that the tranny thing would be the ultimate litmus test of how far you can push a society into accepting anything. If people accepted trannies, it would be proof of the leftist "discourse" fags who think that every community and worldview in history is just an arbitrary bundle of beliefs that can be reshaped by will or circumstance. If people rejected the tranny nonsense, it would be proof that certain anthropological constants exist, like the one against eating shit.

Trannies are "eating shit" tier in terms of social engineering projects. If you can accept trannies, you'll literally eat a piece of shit too, given enough time. There is no depth to which you will not sink.

I knew men would naturally resist the tranny thing but that's because men have natural resistances to being socially engineered by groupthink, and a culture of masculinity built up over thousands of years. It would therefore be no statement about hard-wired anthropological constants if men resisted the tranny phenomenon, because of course men would. Women though, women are retarded little fucking monkeys who exist to do whatever the rest of the group is doing to maintain their privileged status in it, and they particularly love "charity cases" like demented trannies to treat like their surrogate children and broadcast how nurturing and maternal they are. So the test really came down to how women would react.

Fortunately for the human species, women very quickly became TERFs. There was plenty of initial "give," as literally retarded, stupid, dumbass fucking college women who didn't have to deal with trannies on a daily basis forced themselves to think they approved of trannies because they saw other women doing it and immediately did what the rest of the group was doing. But that was to be expected. What really mattered is when trannies began to colonize female spaces for real. As soon as that happened, ordinary women, not even particularly intelligent or "conservative" women (no such thing) but average dumbass fucking stupid women who work in offices and tweet about their haircuts, practically formed a religious movement against trannies and began venting vitriolic hatred of them overnight.

As soon as that happened, the fix was in. Trannies are fucked. You could theoretically social engineer men into being degenerates who are afraid enough of public censure and ostracism that they pander to trannies, because modern men are already perpetually confused and suppressing their instincts for fear of being called retarded shit like "ableist" anyway. But if you wanted trannies to become a normal fixture of future society, you needed the women on board. Women, the dumbest, stupidest, most retarded group of people, who have ruined democracy since they got suffrage because they'll vote for fucking anything. But the women have decided: no trannies. Trannies are beyond the pale.

>> No.15749591

Exactly, it is my problem if I want to participate on society.

>> No.15749596

How many have you known? How close are/were you to them? Were they personal friends or simply acquaintances?

>> No.15749598

Umm hello, UK just banned transition for anyone under 18. There are probs no terfs in power(except the UK), but conservatives, fascists and normies with no prior knowledge are sympathetic and transphobic to varying degrees

>> No.15749602

No, it's your problem that you took part in a game in 2020. You should be put in an asylum. You're mentally ill.

>> No.15749605

Personal friends with 3 (2 before and after transition). Acquaintances with multiple others through them.

>> No.15749606

Literally not if they transition early, you won't be able to differentiate. Also, that's not really an argument against anything, there are cis women who look like men.

>> No.15749615

>UK just banned transition for anyone under 18
Children have no ability to understand the repercussions of transitioning and should not be allowed to do so.

>> No.15749617

What are you talking about? I'm not trans, anon. Anyway, you are acting like a retard.

>> No.15749619

1. How can I believe you?
2. Why does the experience of the people you know override the dozens of trannies posting on /lgbt/ who say they're happier after transition? I mean the board is literally one click away. You can go see for yourself.

>> No.15749624

Most early transitioners regret it later in life. The grass will always be greener on the other side for people with mental disorders.

>> No.15749633

Nothing, go outside, exercise, get a job, have someone who depends on you

>> No.15749638

>There are dozens of us, dozens!
Hint: unhappy and mentally unstable trannies are not going to hang out with people who they think are "successful" transitions, if they're even still alive.

>> No.15749640

>How can I believe you?
You have no way to verify what I'm saying and can choose to disregard it.
>the dozens of trannies posting on /lgbt/ who say they're happier after transition
You have no way to verify what they're saying and can choose to disregard it.

Both me and them are equally likely of having ulterior motives. People lie on the internet.

>> No.15749647

There is no early transition you retard. They're put on androgen blockers until they grow up and then decide whether they want to pursue it or not. Those who do, in the vast majority of the cases, do not regret it.

>> No.15749655



>> No.15749659

Did you know 50% of transgender youths attempt suicide?

>> No.15749660

Why do imbiciles like you think they have any authority to speak on the subject if you don't understand how any of it works?

>> No.15749666

Do you really think that there are feminists, let alone radical on /lit/?

>> No.15749670
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>Literally not if they transition early
>There is no early transition you retard

>> No.15749675

quiet, tranny. don’t you have some fantasy to write about ten-year-olds asking you for tampons in the bathroom? on your bike now. go wax your toes.

>> No.15749677

I appreciate this kind of approach. No conern trolling or dog whistles, just pure hatred, a lot easier to make you look bad in the eyes of public

>> No.15749684
File: 47 KB, 678x377, drag-queen-hour-stories-children-678x377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the eyes of the public

>> No.15749689

Trannies are already successfully used to bash feminists or not-so-radical homos. Soon some otherkin stuff will be popularized to bash trannies. Revolution eats its own children after all.

>> No.15749695

Because you want to sexualize Children. I care don't what you do to yourself but you have to stay away from kids.

>> No.15749704

>look bad
next to what? a man in a a diaper with breast buds screaming, “IT’S MA’AM?” bold.

>> No.15749716

>"It's good to let children to have a doctor cut off their penis and drill a hole in its place, nothing could be wrong with this"
>Actually, children aren't developed enough to evaluate the consequences of such a traumatic procedure
>"You imbicile! Shut your mouth!"

>> No.15749717

I'll explain it in simple terms: they're put on androgen blockers until they're old enough to transition. It's reversable. What I implied was that, what you implied was hormones. Hope this clears things out for you :)

>> No.15749718

Drag queens are usually just gay dudes who think it's fun to do that shit, not trannies.

>> No.15749734

>Hint: unhappy and mentally unstable trannies are not going to hang out with people who they think are "successful" transitions, if they're even still alive.
I don't know what you're talking about but there's lots of trannies over there who pass decently well to really well.

>> No.15749736
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>Drag queens are usually just trannies, not trannies.


>> No.15749738

I'm a cis male, compadre

>> No.15749743

i bet it hurt you to write that one

>> No.15749746

>It's reversible
There's no such thing as a reversible procedure anon. It's a medical myth. ALL surgical or chemical procedures have long lasting consequences, physical or psychological. You cannot "undo" being chemically castrated for your youth and never undergoing your full biological development. Androgen blockers aren't a fucking fountain of youth that just delays your development until you come off them. They have permanent and severe neurological and physiological consequences, including PERMANENT underdevelopment of the brain, and severely impaired function of most other parts of the body that integrate tightly with the endocrine system.

>> No.15749755

They do feel like having sex, anon. Come on. Don't tell me you never had any "impure thoughts" before 18. Read Freud's wikipedia page, anon.

>> No.15749761

this is a literature board



>> No.15749763

Trannies cut off their dicks. Drag queens just dress up.

>> No.15749765

Nobody's doing surgeries on children. They're all made between 16 and 18, quick google search. The ignorance shows in that you think that children are given hormones and surgeries, which they're not. I'm simply amazed at the sheer amount of confidence these people have while knowing so little about it

>> No.15749766

Yes, that's my point. It's survivorship bias. The trannies who look more or less like women are going to post tons of pictures of themselves. The ones who look like men with strapped on breasts are not. Your analyzing a process by evaluating the trannies you see. But the distribution of visible trannies is a function of the quality of their transition. Just looking at photos online will bias upwards in terms of quality.

>> No.15749775

>16-18 isn't literally a child
Ask me how I know you're in college. Brain development doesn't even finish until 25.

>> No.15749784

>In modern times, drag queens are associated with gay men and gay culture

>> No.15749786

>The ignorance shows in that you think that children are given hormones
>thinking children aren't being given hormones

You're lying to yourself.

>> No.15749788

Sure buddy, there are no people who do research before making claims

>> No.15749796

she's cute

>> No.15749802

>The ones who look like men with strapped on breasts are not
You should see some of the abominations that post on reddit sometime.

>> No.15749807
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correct, a transexual is a gay man with a fetish for being a woman who gets penis surgery

marked down for only giving partially correct answer, trannies and drag queens are both gay men but trannies get penis surgery

>> No.15749808

This is true.

>> No.15749809

Your view of a "true" legal age means jack shit. Vast majority of those who transition are happy with the results it has on their body and mental health. It's people like you making it difficult for them every step of the way

>> No.15749815

the joke was that you’re a tranny, tranny. this buddy compadre shit is highly trans identified male of you. “TERF BAD TERF SUCK TERF DUMB, PROFIT” such well researched claims! i’m going to go back to square one and advise you to wax those toes, hon.

>> No.15749821


>> No.15749830

It literally says it's primarily done by gay men.
Go back there you disgusting manchild.

>> No.15749841

This statement would also justify pedophilia. I'm not willing to ignore that.

>> No.15749850

>Vast majority of those who transition are happy with the results it has on their body and mental health. It's people like you making it difficult for them every step of the way
>The ignorance shows in that you think that children are given hormones and surgeries, which they're not.

Those are my arguments. Maybe if you learnt to read a bit better you wouldn't go on this ad hominem triad

>> No.15749854

>Vast majority of those who transition are happy with the results
How do you evaluate that when the suicide rate is still almost 30 times higher than the average population, and the rates of substance abuse and crime are also significantly higher by large factors. Are the dead also responding to your surveys?

>> No.15749862

insults aren't ad hominem, brainlet

>> No.15749870
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Trannies are gay men. What aren't you understanding?

>> No.15749883

I dunno bro, it seemed like you tried to belittle my arguments by calling me a tranny

>> No.15749885

okay, i’ll ignore the fact that you’re being retarded in one way in order to focus on the fact that you’re being retarded in another way.
the tranny’s favorite defense is the elevated suicide rate—they love to throw that out for both pity sex and forced indulgence of their fetish/delusion
>blahblah ignorance surgery
no i know that they are given puberty blockers, which are STILL not well researched and could very well be harmful later so regardless i would not throw them at depressed and confused children like candy at a parade

>> No.15749896

>Trannies are gay men
They literally aren't though. Most gay men would be horrified at the thought of transitioning.

>> No.15749904

that guy was not me. i’m resorting to ad hominem to call you a retard in a different post. cheers.

>> No.15749905

Most gay men are horrified at the thought of getting AIDS, but a subset of gay men has a fetish for it. Most gay men are horrified by the thought of dressing up like a woman, but a subset has a fetish for it.

Trannies are gay men + transvestites.

>> No.15749907

No, he belittled YOU by calling you a tranny. Not your arguments.

>> No.15749909

how did he change forehead shape?

>> No.15749913

iran has the right idea when it comes to homosexual males
those that are bisexual probably escape the dragnet but their own families probably grass them up if they tuck their peepee into their sisters underwear when they're like 6

>> No.15749921

>Trannies are gay men + transvestites
Most gay men don't have gender dysphoria and neither do many transvestites.

>> No.15749924

Could be a different hair style or a scalp reduction

>> No.15749936

“facial feminization surgery” where trannies throw tons of money at doctors so that they can shave their caveman moid skulls into domething vaguely resembling a feminine skull

>> No.15749943

*something, pardon

>> No.15749946

is this what I think it is? lol

>> No.15749949

Glad we agree.
>Most gay men do y, but a subset does y + x.

Trannies are gay men + transvestites.

>> No.15749963

Puberty blockers have been in practice for children with early onset of puberty for a long time, and the benefit they provide is immeasurably more important than the side effects they have. There aren't that many people who take it, so it's only logical that they aren't super well researched, but the data there is, shows that the side effects aren't that bad at all.

Btw your first argument isn't even an argument, you're laughable.

>> No.15749971

Dude in the pic looks like Richard Spencer in drag lol

>> No.15749976

idk, but i have a problem with the epistomoloy of transgenderism. wether its real or not is besides the point, doesnt the culture around it simply perpetuate it to people who otherwise wouldnt do it and be fine? i know that people can be psyoped into having specific fetishes and cant the same be done with trans? seeing as there is no “trans gene” as of yet known, could it by and large be a mental plasticity thing rather than a hard reality? at least in a lot of cases. I dont have a problem of trans as an exception to the rule being a thing, like autism is or something, but its normalization seems to be synthetic.

from what i know its not simply liking things traditionally liked by the opisite gender, but a base apondictic certanty that you are the other gender.

im not unsympathetic to the concept, but how it is portrayed and trying to be normalized conceals the essence of the topic matter and i believe is less than optimized at adressing it to begin with.

seems like an ofd mix of a philosophical quandary and a biological one that is vaguely defined.

>> No.15749985

I wish i had the ability to see this clear cut difference in his intentions like you do. Thanks for clarifying

>> No.15749987

don’t call me laughable, that’s belittling my argument!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anyways “they may be safe or they may be unsafe who knows but they help indulge children’s mental illnesses so they’re GOOD and if they’re BAD they’re not THAT BAD” is hardly worth reading.

>> No.15749986

but the problem is that impacts the very fundements of society to the benifit of like less than 1 percent of people. its cattering to the exception rather than the rule. its not even a particular culture, but pretty much every one.

>> No.15750003

oh no they've taken back the slur! I'm having a heartag/acc

>> No.15750214

he was good looking, but as a girl hes pretty hot desu

>> No.15750227

so you'd have sex with his neovagina?

>> No.15750292

Just imagine the amount of self hatred that GUY has, from being a handsome species of the superior sex to a ugly degenerate who pretends to be an inferior and filthy woman. Ugh. The amount of disgust I'm feeling right now is gargantuan.

>> No.15750307

From STAT, an industrial newspaper for Biotech:
>In the interviews with women who took Lupron to delay puberty or grow taller, most described depression and anxiety. Several recounted their struggles, or a daughter’s, with suicidal urges. One mother of a Lupron patient described seizures
>“We are currently conducting a specific review of nervous system and psychiatric events in association with the use of GnRH agonists, [a class of drugs] including Lupron, in pediatric patients,” the FDA said in a statement in response to questions from Kaiser Health News and Reveal from the Center for Investigative Reporting.
>[a drugmaker study] reported that seven of 55 kids had suffered serious side effects, but said the only serious side effects possibly related to Lupron were the growth of a preexisting tumor, deteriorating vision, and severe asthma exacerbation
>[of >1000 patients] 30 percent cited severe joint pain, 29 percent, severe body aches; 26 percent, cracking teeth; and 20 percent reported osteoporosis. More than half reported moderate to life-threatening depression. Fifteen percent of the women rated their suicidal thoughts as life-threatening to severe.

But it's okay, these side effects of a completely unresearched drug, from a family of drugs that are similarly unresearched, to treat a vague psychiatric disorder that is poorly-understood, in a cohort of literal children who can barely conceive of their sexual identity let alone understand what dysphoria is, are totally minor.

>> No.15750522

Why is it that every single time you see a picture like this it's of some stocky 6'5 Chad tranny joining a freshman highschool girls team? This shit is just so fucking odd, the gigachad pumped with testosterone just HAS to be a girl while the skinny 5'6 kid is content with his gender.