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File: 51 KB, 400x383, wendig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15742477 No.15742477 [Reply] [Original]


>Penmonkeys Don’t Have Time, They Make Time

>I have 24 hours in my day.

>You have 24 hours in your day.

>That guy? Twenty-four hours. That lady? She has 25 hours, but she sucked the Devil’s hell-wang and cut herself a deal. You don’t want that deal. It involves Justin Bieber.

>Life fills idle time. It’s like water moving to empty spaces. It’s why the phrase “free time” is a fucking joke. Adults don’t have free time. Because when you’re an adult, shit gets real. It’s all mortgages and diapers and spreadsheets and shopping lists and cake recipes and suburban methamphetamine dealers just so you can have the energy to vacuum one more room, just one, just one.

>Nobody “has” time. We don’t bank it like cell phone minutes. You can’t buy a gift card from Target. Writers are ever under the assumption that the rest of their lives comes first. Which it will, if you let it. And that’s true of anything. If you wait for the time to magically free itself, then you’ll be 80 and will have forgotten what you wanted to do anyway. Time must be managed. Time must be carved off, separated, crafted and shaped. You don’t have time. You make it. You pull a little bit from here and a little bit from there and you lump them together until you have a glorious hour of writing time.

>You don’t wait for it to happen. Because if you do, you’re going to be waiting a long time. Because here’s the other secret? Time? It flows like a river, friend. Unless you dam it up, it moves on into the ocean.

>And there you are raped and eaten by sharks.

>True story.

>> No.15742487


>Penmonkeys Have Heads Like Concrete Drain Boxes

>Writing is a career that is endlessly reiterative. Talent matters, but it matters only in equal proportion to how much patience and perseverance you possess. You gotta be stubborn as a brain-damaged mule. Said for the many-th time: writing is about putting a bucket on your head and trying to knock down a brick wall. It’s either you or the wall. You’re either stubborn and pissed off enough to break on through, or eventually, the wall puts you on your ass. Up to you to conjure the fortitude.

>The successful writers, the ones who work day in and day out, are usually ones who can tell you about beating down the brick wall. And the long road to get to that brick wall. It won’t happen overnight. It won’t happen over the course of a single year. Took me over 12 years to get where I am, and I’m not even anywhere all that special, yet. A penmonkey career is a long con, not a short swindle.

>You’re either in for the long haul or you’ll be hauled out before long.

>> No.15742503

>Penmonkeys Are Not Stopped By Your Earthly “Writer’s Block”

>“Writer’s Block.”

>“The Muse.”

>Two sides of the same coin. A coin made of lies. And sadness. And babies.

>Yes, yes, writers get blocked. And writers can be inspired. The first: a sad state. The second: a glorious boon. But neither have power beyond what you give them. You don’t need inspiration to work. Same as you don’t need to give in to whatever’s blocking you. Neither are made of anything real. They’re just imaginary. Hallucinatory. Best of all: transitory.

>What, you’re sad? Of course you’re sad. You’re a writer. Bad day at the day job? Painful bunion? Kid won’t stop crying? Besieged by ninjas? Mind a gray gruel-like mush?

>You have to move past it. You have to shut that out. Even just writing down a string of pages-long nonsense may help jar loose the scree and debris. If you can’t get shut of it, can’t tune out the nega-frequency, then I’m truly sorry. But know that the working penmonkeys out there hammering away in the word mines don’t want to hear about your writer’s block. They’ve got shit to do. And if you’re a tough cookie, you’ll join ’em.

>Your mental state cannot stop you. If it does, know that it has a better name than “writer’s block.”

>You might want to call it “self-sabotage.”

>> No.15742516

sounds like a guy who needed a few more beatings when he was a child

>> No.15742626

>Penmonkeys, Like Honey Badgers, Don’t Give A Shit

>Three words. Practice them with me now: “I don’t care.”

>Or, even better: “It’s all good.”

>Bad review? Hard rejection? Someone tells you your “dream” of being a writer is bullshit? Mean person on the Internet? Self-doubt? Plague of uncertainty nibbling at your brain-stem like a passel of vampire hamsters? Fear of failure? Fear of success? Is your idea original? Will your book get published? What will the cover look like? Will anybody read it? Are you just a fraud? When will they discover you? When will they see that you’re just wearing the costume of a writer?

>Fuck it! Fuck all of it. Fuck it all right in the galactic dickhole.

>No, I don’t know what a galactic dickhole is. I’ve been drinking. Just, shhh. Shhhh.

>Find clarity in what you do. Remove noise and zero in on pure signal. All that matters is what you do. Put differently: don’t care so much. I know that runs counter to what you think, which is to care deeply, care strongly, care without reservation or reason. Note that I’m not saying to lose your passion, but eventually you need to throw up your hands (er, not puke them up because, ew — why did you eat your hands?) and say, “Fuck it.” You should care only about the thing that you’re doing, which is writing the perfect novel, script, manifesto, whatever. Any outside noise? Shut it out. At least until you finish.

>> No.15742638

>Penmonkeys Do Not Find Better Things To Do

>You always have the option to do something other than write. Clean your office. Run some errands. Walk the dog. See a movie. Hang out on Twitter. Digest porn. Sacrifice albino mammals to dark gods.

>Life presents you with an endless menu of options. Writing is merely one choice amongst an infinity.

>And penmonkeys make that choice every time.

>> No.15742675

onions man supreme

>> No.15742695

>Penmonkeys Know Their Craft

>Being a writer actually features two primary tiers of craft (with lots of niggling little sub-tiers and micro-strata): writing, and storytelling. Storytelling is the larger scope, the idea of conveying a narrative and making it count. Writing is the smaller, more technical craft: you must find a way to convey the story you hope to tell. You need both of these skills.

>My father was a great storyteller. And yet, I have a strong feeling he wasn’t a capable writer. Now, to be clear, he didn’t need to be: he was an engineer, a plant facilities manager, a gunsmith, at no point did he need to sit down and be a writer. Meaning, he didn’t want to be a penmonkey.

>You do. So learn how to write. And learn how to tell stories.

>And keep learning, too. You don’t stop just because you’ve written one thing. This isn’t a simple discipline. It doesn’t have easy margins. Penmonkeys always have more they can learn.

>> No.15742724

>But Also, Penmonkeys Have Permission To Suck

>You are not born a writer. Penmonkeys are made. Challenged by and forged within the fires of their own self-doubt, and pickled in a brine of gin, vinegar, salt, bourbon, and straight-up word sauce.

>(For the record, word sauce is actually just steak sauce. Don’t tell anybody.)

>Sometimes, what you do isn’t going to be great. Don’t get mopey. Don’t succumb to the Penmonkey Blues. You need to leave yourself that margin-of-error, that force field of occasional suckitude. Not everything you do is going to have that new car, new baby smell. Some of what you do is going to smell like the ruptured bile-sac of a sick possum. Penmonkeys don’t let this get them down. They move on. They fix what they fucked up or they write something new, something better, something that takes the lessons learned and puts them fast into play. Learn this phrase: “That’s okay, I can fix it in post.”

>> No.15742734

>Penmonkeys Write Till It’s Right

>You don’t write till it’s “Ehh, shrug, pbbt, poop noise,” you write till it’s right. Too many authors go off half-cocked. They jump in and jump out too fast — “Here’s my completed work!” — and then they submit a “final product” that has the shape and definition of a quivering blob of Ambrosia Salad.

>With raisins in it.

>With raisins.

>Once, while in a bathroom in college, I saw that someone had written on the wall in black marker:


>Not bad advice in general, and for penmonkeys, this is good as metaphor. You gotta work the clit till the cookies pop. Work the story until it’s right. Not until it’s done. It’s easy to finish something. It’s hard to finish something and do it well. You need to bring that story to climax. Until it explodes its juices all over your chin, over your cordoruys, over that weird apparatus you’re wearing. Work the clit. Write till it’s right.

>> No.15742777

>Penmonkeys Love To Write, Not To Get Published

>This is easy enough: the writer’s goal should be to get published, but the writer’s love should be of writing. Too many writers are in love with the idea of writing-to-be-published and too few are in love with the act of writing. But tried-and-true penmonkeys love the craft, the act, the actual telling-of-stories.

>They care about publishing. But they love to be writing.

>> No.15742782

>Penmonkeys Do Work — And Don’t Quit

>Penmonkeys work. Penmonkeys don’t fuck around.

>Write every day. And finish what you started. And with each day of writing, learn something new about who you are and what you do. Penmonkeys don’t merely talk about writing (though, plainly, they do that quite a lot — I can’t tell you how many times I see writers pooh-pooh on writing advice and then lo and behold they leap to their own blogs to do what now? Offer writing advice). They actually also do the writing.

>They aren’t hamstrung by fear. They don’t find better things to do. They don’t watch day in and day out as time fritters away. They don’t let others dissuade them from this path.

>They write. Endlessly anon.

>They don’t write because they “have to” — that’s an endearing writer’s myth, but a myth just the same. Penmonkeys write because they want to. They write because if they don’t, drum roll please, then nothing gets written. Writing is a difficult act of mountain climbing or cave spelunking: it’s work, hombre. But climb to the top or crawl down into the deepest dark and you’d be amazed at what you find there: rolling clouds, glowing bacteria, the cleanest air, the cleanest water, the Buddha under the Bodhi tree, cave crickets with human faces, gods and monsters and goblins and unicorns and Lady Gaga.

>On the worst day of writing, the work is instructive. On the best day, the act is transcendent.

>The work is purifying and perfect even when it’s not.

>This is a beautiful, if you let it be beautiful.

>Above all else: writers write.

>> No.15742813

>You don’t want that deal. It involves Justin Bieber.
I seriously hope he gets added to the civil case for this dumbass remark, it'd be so fucking tasty.

>> No.15742915

Sounds like his father abused him as a child and he will have a stroke at any second because he has undiagnosed coronary heart disease.

>> No.15742926

wtf is a Chuck Wendig?

>> No.15742960

>Chuck "count how many times I say poopy HA HA" Wendig is a professional writer and you're still writing butterfly shitporn for /lit/faggots
go figger

>> No.15742967

>this isn't a parody

oh my god

>> No.15743221

A writer

>> No.15743248

Chuck Wendig is a fag. I initially liked his advice pieces, until they all started sounding the same, and his exaggerated "lol randunb" humor started to get really irritating.

All he writes is sci-fi shit anyway.

>> No.15743313

He needed just one word to convey a huge raft of meaning. I was repulsed and stopped reading, but he's clearly an effective writer.

>> No.15743911

Have you seen his other work?

>> No.15744543

Chuck Wendig is one of those redditor type people that think it is cool to say stuff in a "badass" way full of pauses, emphasis, and random nasty/sexual things. He isnt a very good writer, at least going off of everything Ive read from him. Too trapped in that awful writing style.

>> No.15744597

no, god, I hope I never have to

>> No.15744605

Why people can't get into stream of consciousness?

>> No.15744643

It's when a Native American spirit possesses a human driven to cannibalism by starvation and driven mad by loneliness. But also it throws things.

>> No.15744701


>> No.15744705

Wendig is illiterate. His prose is shocking. The well connected corporate hack grifter incarnate.

>> No.15744823

"It zigzags herkily-jerkily out of sight."

>> No.15744886
File: 155 KB, 1200x1144, chuckwendig2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do not like this man.

>> No.15744922

stream of consciousness is the biggest pleb filter in all of fiction

>> No.15744927

This is the greedy retard who is going to get the internet archive shut down.

>> No.15745091


>> No.15745164

I tried reading this but while doing so I was overcome with one of the strongest and deepest feelings of revulsion I have ever experienced, I almost fainted from sheer disgust and horror not only at what was written but especially at the thought that there is a man out there who writes and thinks like this and that there is a world that is capable of spawning such a specimen.

>> No.15745182

This shit goes so far past cringe it starts touching based.

>> No.15745352
File: 17 KB, 410x229, 1548772032293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhhh hello, based department?

>> No.15745366

this man is more frightening than "cringy"

>> No.15745588

who in gods name would choose to read this guy after seeing sample of this work. Incredibly unpopular teenagers?

>> No.15746087


>> No.15746178


>> No.15746183

People who need a firmware upgrade in the form of "coffee".

>> No.15746216

I've follow Chuck's advice religiously ever since I saw this thread this afternoon. It's been working for me. Mostly because he wasn't actually telling me to do anything in the immediate and just issuing vague commandments that I could comfortably ignore at present. But now I am at a crossroads as Chuck is suggesting that I drink coffee and I don't drink coffee. What should I do?

>> No.15746236

>razza frazza wuzza wooza
never before has the english language seen such eloquence

>> No.15746318

Imagine Blackwood's The Wendigo, but written in the style of Chuck Wendig

>> No.15746319

>All he writes is sci-fi shit anyway.

That should be immediately obvious from how he writes this.

>> No.15746323
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>> No.15746331



>> No.15746582


>> No.15746602

This man molests children

>> No.15746607

Do people buy this shit? I wouldn't read more of it even if you paid me

>> No.15746646
File: 1.08 MB, 1524x666, wendig star wars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wendig is also the author of this magnum opus.

>> No.15746677

Aside from the physical-cringe inducing content it flows like procrastinating 16 year old's history essay

>> No.15746690

No he isn't, that one was Star Wars: Join the Resistance: Escape from Vodran by Ben Acker and Ben Blacker. A lot of people keep thinking Wendig wrote that, though.

>> No.15746698

People will buy almost anything that has Star Wars on the cover and the only people I've seen IRL with this book are 12 year olds, who probably don't have the reading experience to tell they're reading dogshit.

>> No.15746704

>Chuck Wendig, comic book writer, screenwriter, and blogger, is best known for his popular website Terribleminds.com, as well as for his 2015 novel Star Wars: Aftermath, which debuted at #4 on The New York Times Best Seller list, and #4 on USA Today's best seller list. In 2013, he was a finalist for the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer.

I don't know how many people really bought it to have it end up #4 on those lists. Maybe it was people who were starved for explanations of what happened in Force Awakens or something.

>> No.15746722

I won't ask how you know this, anon.

It actually makes it worse: rather than Star Wars hiring one terrible writer to turn out crap worse than fan fiction, they have at least three.

>> No.15746725

I'd enjoy his prose more if it wasn't dominated with weird sexual metaphors and nonsensical pauses. It has the right amount of spastic to rival a dollar-store Pynchon.

>> No.15746849

> I'm so quirky and special because it drink COFFEE
> It's like doing hard drugs except not for real, tee hee hee
When I'd dictator these people will be some of the first sent to the mines.

>> No.15746856
File: 91 KB, 2047x996, 55C1482D-61B9-4369-AEE1-FD54FCB33CBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are these people real

>> No.15747019
File: 857 KB, 860x1545, 1593593849743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're wondering who "Bones" is, it's this character, created by Wendig for that novel:


>> No.15748050

it is truly Joycean

>> No.15748056

>Ben Acker and Ben Blacker
You are shitting me

>> No.15748105

I read a couple chapters of one of his novels - every time he'd introduce a character, he'd invariably state (outright - no subtle hints here) the character's ethnicity, sexual orientation, and inevitable disability. I'm pretty sure he had a checklist.

>> No.15748109

Those lists don't actually represent sales.

>> No.15748217

Only if by touching based you mean shitting itself.

>> No.15748223

>>And there you are raped and eaten by sharks.
Oh no yall he just made a rape joke, let's cancel him

>> No.15749708

Nope. that's their names


>> No.15750128

The world is a crazy place sometimes.

>> No.15750141
File: 134 KB, 1000x750, mattis143g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its funnier if you assume Mattis is General Mattis

>> No.15750157

Chuck Wendig is the single shittiest cuck faggot comic writer in history and that's saying something......

>> No.15750864
File: 1.14 MB, 638x6104, Wendig critiques Franzen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15750919
File: 50 KB, 638x414, Chuck Wendig 10 Rules For Writing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15750932


neglect your chores / bills / kids and focus on your passion

Based, I agree

>> No.15750942

>characters poop plot

what did he mean by this?

>> No.15750953

Whoa nigga, you expect me to read All That Shit
by Chuck Wendig?

>> No.15750955

Most of Franzen's rules are just digs at DFW. It could only have been more clear if he'd had started with "STOP BEING SO FUCKING SINCERE WHO EVEN CARES IF SOMETHING'S WATER DAVID YOU FUCK?"

>> No.15750963

>tl;dr: don't make up words, drink coffee

>> No.15750967

Reading Wuck Chendig is like imagining what a pop figure would sound like if it could speak. You can hear the sudden rises and falls in tone with each sentence, imagine him getting excited then loud, laughing to himself, 'sharks that will rape you and eat you!' He flaps his hands and then says it again to himself, fingering the keys on his mac. Then I imagine him getting quiet as he tries to think of something else witty and Reddit tier random to say. Perhaps he has a little booklet, a Wendig's Wordings if you will. Each page has three columns. Around a hundred words per column. Each word a pop culture reference or animal of some kind, that he then combines for his articles. He reads pulp proudly, considers himself a great writer because he's made some coin shitting onions into Word. He doesn't care about craft, or form, or anything other than himself. He's probably killed someone. And eaten them. Like one of his sharks. Penmonkey-pseud-psychopath.

>> No.15751099
File: 212 KB, 638x1523, wendig lotr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15751110
File: 117 KB, 828x719, chuck wendig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name one person with a worse personality on the planet than chuck wendig. protip: you can't. even a methhead is more charming.

>> No.15751118

...How is LotR chosen one?

>> No.15751135

It's all so tiresome

>> No.15751139

chuck-your-lunch wendigo has a thread with over 80 pages of straight relentless dabbing on him on kiwifarms if you want to be entertained for a week.

>> No.15751309

> It’s all mortgages and diapers and spreadsheets and shopping lists and cake recipes and suburban methamphetamine dealers
Based anti-marriage fag.

Also it's ironic that he wastes so much time telling people to "write instead of making excuses and wasting your time."

>> No.15751323

He does it on twitter so it counts as writing, especially because he's HaD hIs cOFfEe

>> No.15751447

I don't even like LOTR or Tolkien and find both insanely overrated; and this post still triggers me.

Although I bet the dude knows what he's doing and does it for attention.

>> No.15751715

This isn't even really that bad. Chuck is a spastic retard despite this

>> No.15751753

All these years later, and I'm really glad someone finally made a Chuck Wendig thread.

>> No.15751796
File: 81 KB, 516x440, 1588533043617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do normies meme coffee so fucking much? Sure, it's good and arguably better for you than drinking booze, but they treat it as if it makes good writing skills bloom at the base of your fucking dick so that you can cum your magnum opus sometime during the brief caffeine buzz.

I fucking hate le leddit xddd writers, fuck.

>> No.15751823

I used to drink it throughout the day. Now I can only have one or two cups in the morning and that's it, or my chest starts to feel tight. And I'm already an alcoholic, so any time my body feels different it freaks me out.

>> No.15751850

It's an addiction like any other. Once you're used to it, it's less about the buzz and more about not feeling like shit because you didn't get your hit yet.

It's just socially more acceptable to go coFEEE instead of talking about your morning cig/joint.

>> No.15751879

Pretty much any distinct part of one’s identity is rife for constant boasting these days. Whether it’s being addicted to coffee, going to the gym, playing video games, or being half a fag, you’re liable to hear about it because that’s the only way people can build character these days.

>> No.15751974

At least Chuck is also a writer.

>> No.15751996

don’t flatter yourself chuck

>> No.15752490
File: 285 KB, 1000x800, 1501857994160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never heard of this retard but apparently the rest of /lit/ has. That being said if you boil his advice down and rid it of the retarded edgy non sequiturs it's pretty much
>you have to make time to write
>you have to actually write
>sometimes you're going to write garbage, that's okay
>keep working on what you're writing until it's good
which is really not that bad advice
/lit/ always gives franzen shit but he's honestly pretty good and certainly levels above somebody who apparently writes post-disney purchase starwars fan fiction
>The bigger the series, the likelier it is that it unspools into minutiae and footnotes and chaos.
>Killing characters is a cheap way of building emotional effect.
Both of these are generally true
>Read THE EXPANSE instead
I've never heard of it but it's probably fucking gay

>> No.15752653

There's a mass grave that's 587 people short of where it needs to be.

>> No.15753025


>> No.15753039

Why would I take advice from this guy? I want to be a good writer, not a hack.

>> No.15753121

You know sometimes “men” like Chuck can come up with some good fanfiction, or at least some decent pulp characters.
That fucking abomination you just posted is neither

>> No.15753178

Chuck Wendig or as I like to call him 'Why book burnings are right and necessary'

>> No.15753709
File: 913 KB, 1370x749, 2E3760F7-B473-4630-9EDE-638407F94C56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean, okay. I don’t hate this. (...) so. sure.
>Ennh, I mean, I get it —

>> No.15753742

I’m somewhat addicted to both coffee and tobacco and coffee is definitely harder to stop

>> No.15754013
File: 254 KB, 458x588, 1593620354277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those jokes

>> No.15754553

Has this man ever written a complete sentence in his life?

>> No.15754606
File: 2.91 MB, 640x360, puppetwuxia.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He reminds me of those inoffensive, childlike middle-aged guys at a summer camp, school, or some religious club. I didn't like guys like that then, I sure as fuck don't like them now

>> No.15754640

I drank coffee starting when I was 6 and by the time my peers had started to as well caffeine had literally no effect on me. I can drink a whole pot and feel only vaguely more alert. Caffeine is a weaker, shittier alternative to nicotine.

>> No.15754649


>> No.15754684

This is basedcore

>> No.15754685

I always like when people say that your fantasy world doesn't have to adhere to reality, and that apparently means it needs to be constructed with an affirmative action checklist.

>> No.15754725


Haha just write a lot. Is it good? Who cares.

Literally who is this?

>> No.15754750

cringe. literally cracked 2007-tier

>> No.15754861

Chuck Wendig is Rick and Morty, the person

>> No.15754875

exactly. this is spot-on the "Cracked voice" of the early 2010s

>> No.15755054

The mongrel who took down the internet archive. The cuck who'll mourn the death of his 3 bitches (2 dogs, 1 "wife") in the near future

>> No.15755073

>which is really not that bad advice
Yeah, but it's because it's the most generic but foundational advice for any given craft.
>You have to make time to craft wood
>you have to actually craft wood
>sometimes you're going to sculpt garbage and that's OK
>keep working on your sculpting until it's good
Pretty applicable. I read and heard the same stuff from different people and websites in high school, and most people here have.

>> No.15755137

>another faggot who treats liking coffee as a personality trait
Why do they do this?

>> No.15755182
File: 73 KB, 635x478, 9872737D-94E6-4637-879C-98545966C975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking top kek
the modern world is like watching the circus

>> No.15755213

Retarded idiot whose campaigning to get the most useful public resource and archival tool on the planet taken down because someone uploaded his shitty book to it once.

>> No.15756419
File: 1.02 MB, 925x2000, chuck wendig aids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15756449
File: 2.24 MB, 1562x1248, 1537561683304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does this fag get work?

>> No.15756504

bother are leftwing faggits.

>> No.15756758

>Darnell Brown
kek no way

>> No.15756825

>Wendig’s current legacy is a handful of mediocre novels, fan-fictions, and a nauseating linguistic pattern, but if the Internet Archive permanently closes, all of that will be a footnote compared with the material impact of his Twitter account. As an author, he should be cognizant the power of the pen better than anybody — and as the huge nerd in him should know, “With great power, comes great responsibility.”

Fuck this bastard. Im waiting on pins and needles for the day when he finally gets cancelled and (hopefully) MeToo’d so hard he can’t so much as attend a local star wars fanfiction club meeting

>> No.15757036

>work the clit til the cookies pop

wow I am thoroughly nauseated imagining this man attempt such a thing

>> No.15757066

>literally the soi face in every picture
Oh wow

>> No.15757071

This is so fucking cringe
What is it with coffeefags? Hunter S Thompson was so much more likeable and he was blasting cocaine all day, and the psychedelics are interesting.
But coffee really is the nigger of drugs.

>> No.15757109

What? This motherfucker took down archive?

>> No.15757715


>> No.15759246

I cringed physically for the first time in my life, thanks.

>> No.15759295

Sneed Wendig

>> No.15759357

Chukily-suckily sneedily-feedily

>> No.15759380

What Chuck Wendig writes is not stream of consciousness, it's just normal linear writing filled with lots of juvenile humor, and not even good juvenile humor. Anyway some of this advice is actually pretty solid, but no one should ever take writing advice from someone who puts out trash like this.

>> No.15759396

Literally who?
>star wars
>pen monkeys

>> No.15759634

kek you have to admit that is terrible "advice" from Franzen.

>> No.15759683

Wasn't this guy cancelled for something? Being a rapist or a pedo or whatever? I remember seeing threads about on /tv/ a while ago.

>> No.15759694

isnt this the crustafuckable day guy or whatever it was

>> No.15760084

They have a hole where there personality should be.

>> No.15760345

that was a different indiscriminable s0isucker. i understand your confusion, they all look the same.

>> No.15760389
File: 4.00 MB, 1242x2208, 1537044052701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not jus white privilege

abusive white privilege

Say it with me

and don't forget to capitalize Blacks

>> No.15760640

Cuck Mandingo? Butt why?

>> No.15761329

Does anybody else not get noticeably buzzed from drinking coffee? Do I have some kind of deficiency or is the effect just really subtle?

>> No.15761340


>> No.15761344

why are we listening to the faggot who got the internet archive taken down?

>> No.15761347

He writes like a fucking CRPG character.

>> No.15761392
File: 146 KB, 600x974, OH HECK LOOK AT ALL THESE PRODUCTS I MUST CONSOOM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First, writing for money is a FUCKING WIN shut up

>> No.15761569

I don't think so but it's only a matter of time, all these fucking guys always turn up being rapists or pedos, just look at the guy from Mythbusters who looks exactly like these Chuck Wendig cuck.

>> No.15761855
File: 164 KB, 450x479, 1593042994028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coffee really is the nigger of drugs

>> No.15762645


Fuck you Chuck Wendig. You suck and your writing sucks. Nobody likes you and you are friends with Sam Sykes which means you support gropings and weird rapiness. And nobody on the planet other than you thinks "penmonkeys" conveys a huge raft of meaning. Close your fucking mouth you piece of shit whore.

>> No.15762908

This man’s twitter feed reads like a woman’s. I don’t even mean that like a cheap insult, I mean that sincerely; his prose has a feminine air of passive-aggression and aversion to authenticity in favor of adherence to what he perceives as the social norm.

Also, his criticisms of LOTR are genuinely brain-dead. Frodo isn’t more of a “chosen one” than the previous ring-bearers, and his importance is that he, as a hobbit, does not possess the same avarice and greed that a man or elf would have to misuse the Ring. Besides that point, LOTR was literally written to be a new myth for the Anglo-Saxon (who are, by modern standards, “white”) culture.

>> No.15762959

This man has śóy flowing through his veins, not blood.

>> No.15763657

where'dol da cringe mfs come from, lately

>> No.15764207

>Besides that point, LOTR was literally written to be a new myth for the Anglo-Saxon (who are, by modern standards, “white”) culture.
Then why would the Jackson estate zealously guard against disseminating it? Can I get a source on your claim?