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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 286 KB, 1020x732, the monarch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15745770 No.15745770[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does that former 8ch anarchist butterfly girl post here? Always shitposting butterfly ascii art.. I was told this was the place to find her.

Anyways, long ago she posted a video on 8ch /b/ regarding the role women played in religion in the early development of humanity. It was a lecture and it was long.

I'd love to see that video again. It was enlightening.

>> No.15745780

lurking because i anticipate that this thread will be a shitshow

>> No.15745781

Butterfly girl had posted it in a thread on 8/b/ entitled something to the effect of "Caveman Theory" or "Hunter-Gatherer Theory" where the OP had a long diatribe about men during caveman days and throughout history having spent most of their time socializing in a nonverbal manner. Whereas females evolved as more social creatures always spending time together cooking and foraging.

The video was an older male speaker giving a lecture about how historically, women have always been the religious leaders of our society and thus, ruled early societies. Then at some point in history men created religions always blaming women for mankinds woes (EX. Adam and Eve).

>> No.15745800

>inb4 simps flood this worthless thread

>> No.15745803

Why would you want to watch a video of Butterfly?

>> No.15745806

I take it she does post here then?

>> No.15745822

To stimulate my penis. One day I wish to use butterfly’s tongue and taint for this purpose.

>> No.15745837

I recall the points made ITT, but sadly I can’t recall the lecturer

>> No.15745842

If this thread sticks around I'm sure she'll see it. I'm not sure if she's the same person but I'm interested in what she has to say.

>> No.15745850

Why would you want to read anything written by a cunt and by a tripfag?

>> No.15745854
File: 136 KB, 663x1000, B5CA0663-B592-4F57-B3BC-CB6C5C22E88A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still can’t think of a video, but I read this book which has similar ideas at its beginning

>> No.15745857


You haven't changed a bit. Always useless. I've been around several chans looking for you and this is the bullshit answer you give me?


I'm kidding. So you remember the video though right? Maybe with some more info... I've searched YT for "women in early religon" in different variations, filtered for +20mins. Might you recall the title of the video? Maybe it said female instead of women, or early civilization rather than early history.

>> No.15745861

looks interesting buttbaby

>> No.15745872

I think the real butters has a trip that starts with ol or someshit, not an x

>> No.15745884

Don't tell me what I do.

>> No.15745911

That's me.

>> No.15745918

Super stellar work there. I'm sorry for all the disrespect I gave you on 8/b/. I met a really amazing woman thats opened my mind and heart more than I could have ever foreseen. She's into this kind of stuff, did you like the book? I wanna gift it to her.

I think this is the video BTW https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASXjQc9FI8s

>> No.15745919

i only lurk occasionally but i see plenty of butterposts and i can't for the life of me figure out what her angle is

>> No.15745937

How does Butterfly's vagina taste like? Im so curious bros

>> No.15745939

My tongue will glide from your ankles to your ass, wetting it for the following act: my cock. I will plunge into your spongy hole with the thrusting power of an intercontinental ballistic missile straight into your pussy bitch. I will fuck your mind and body until you snap completely losing all rational thought; you will be my fuckslave butterbitch, presenting your box to me like a goodwill present.

>> No.15745954

Pure attention and not being unique enough to be known for her posts. Her excuse is that she used to use a trip back when there were a lot of other tripfags, as if that explains why she still feels the need to use it. In all reality she is a janitor and for months users were getting banned for using her symbol in their names until she went crazy one day an anon tore into her and she got him banned for no reason.

>> No.15745960

If i recall from her 8/b/ days.

She's not physically attractive but mentally... whoa.

she doesnt like cats.

She enjoys a fine wine a good book above all else.

>> No.15745973

what does her pussy smell like????

>> No.15745974

>In all reality she is a janitor and for months users were getting banned for using her symbol in their names until she went crazy one day an anon tore into her and she got him banned for no reason.
>In all reality she is a janitor

Wait a second... So what you're saying is that she does all this... for free??!?

>> No.15745976

>mentally... woah
She gets btfo in every thread.

>> No.15745980
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, 1593566042108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't tripfags just use reddit and stay there?

>> No.15745981

is she vegan? does her farts smell good?

>> No.15745995

>thats why nothing ever gets deleted
imagine the smell of her vagina. anrachist ho doesnt even clean down there, yumm y

>> No.15746004


>> No.15746010

sounds like an escort i know in the next town over

>> No.15746013

describe the scent of her vagina in detail please

>> No.15746025

Man butterfly is just insufferable

>> No.15746028

This is the trip.

Oh neat. I liked the book. For a brain surgeon he’s not bad at historiography. A very interesting theory

>> No.15746030

only one way to find out

>> No.15746055

That's wishful thinking, lmfao

>> No.15746059

what do your farts smell like?

>> No.15746060

Hey horsefly these newfags think you're a female. Post dick with timestamp unless someone can find that pic where you have the five o'clock shadow.

>> No.15746070

also please decribe in detail scent of vagina after vigorous exercise

>> No.15746080
File: 72 KB, 539x609, 10d2f86814dc44f5a36540acb3d1fec65d45b3dbba3a64716c48a0b68c72b21a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15746081

>She's not physically attractive
are there pics? if there were i assume i would have seen at least one
>but mentally... whoa.
again maybe i've missed something but what i've seen of her output has been pretty anodyne, including in this thread

>> No.15746083


No, I love cats

You wish

Why don’t NPCs stick to /b/ where they belong?

No. Cheese is too good

I’ve never had a penis between my legs


>> No.15746112
File: 107 KB, 847x698, F1D0B792-A6F7-45C1-BDBA-1D6B32CF6580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’ve never had a penis between my legs
I will $50k to take your virginity - you are a paragon of beauty.

>> No.15746153

>entire thread devoted to one annoying dumb trip fag
Why hath the jannies forsaken us

>> No.15746161

>forehead wrinkles
2/10 would still savor the totality of your juices

>> No.15746163

Fucker. Watch the video.

>> No.15746164

care to elaborate?

>> No.15746173

Watch the video >>15745918
it’s good stuff

James Herod.info Getting Free.pdf

>> No.15746181

Butterfly, would you date a feminine looking man that can appear female in some such cases? Please respond.

>> No.15746190
File: 44 KB, 641x480, 470D3FD5-C9B2-4AC8-AB7F-E345C34C1B51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you

>> No.15746209


>> No.15746244
File: 2.90 MB, 1920x1280, 1592282317662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but i find myself wanting to talk to her and plough my dick inside her barren pussy so as to show her the beauty of a virile young male's animal passion. She is not your typical f*m*le and deserves more
ve fapped to this image too many times to count already. but alas Madam Fly only seeks young females

>> No.15746246

what exactly do you want

>> No.15746248
File: 147 KB, 500x337, 1526571702035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not the original tripcode. Ive seen that bitch too many times and know she hasnt been here in a long while.

>> No.15746254

Her. Her voice. Her scent. Her body. Her love.

>> No.15746257

The male is a biological accident: the Y (male) gene is an incomplete X (female) gene, that is, has an incomplete set of chromosomes. In other words, the male is an incomplete female, a walking abortion, aborted at the gene stage. To be male is to be deficient, emotionally limited; maleness is a deficiency disease and males are emotional cripples.

>> No.15746268

This. Whatever the past's new posting pattern, it seems different now.

>> No.15746272

With the whole of my heart, from the deepest-spring of my soul, the Alpha and Omega of my entire being.

>> No.15746284

Don't be silly.

If nature thought one gender were better than the other it would've gotten rid of it. Nature is no stranger to asexual reproduction. We need each other and to think otherwise damages humankind. Your mindset is unhealthy.

>> No.15746286

When was the last time she was here?

>> No.15746293

OP here. You are all insane misogynist.

It's the same butterfly. She fucking remembered the fucking post I was talking about from years ago.

You people are as mentally challenged as you are interesting.

>> No.15746296

Are you sure?

>> No.15746297

Someone cracked it. I got another one.

Don’t be so hard on yourself. You are capable of all the emotions. There’s just social patterns turning out maladjusted people

>> No.15746304

oI3er5KKetj Is the new trip


>> No.15746305

Just got off the phone with Mother Nature. She confirmed she will exterminate all males starting today and ending at the end of the month. Best you can hope for is to survive to see the fireworks in a few days. Sucks to be you.

>> No.15746317

Thanks for the pep talk, m'comrade.

>> No.15746322


>> No.15746324

>James Herod.info Getting Free.pdf
>I hate weather forecasters; they are alarmists, and not one of them seems to like rain (if their on-air attitudes are anything to go by).
i don't know what this bit has to do with anarchism but holy fuck do i hate weather""""""people""""""

>> No.15746340

How do we know you aren't the trip double-posting to trick us into believing you're the real butterfly?

>> No.15746346

uhh which is the real one

>> No.15746365
File: 92 KB, 820x509, CAC5A87D-4CCB-4A80-A169-225CF81C703B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15746371

why do you use two trips?

>> No.15746386
File: 155 KB, 572x831, 7D258A86-640C-4D1C-974A-AED1DA5B2A7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP. Has your girl heard of Sadie Plant’s Zeroes and Ones? Makes for a wiggy sequel to Shlain’s book

>> No.15746403
File: 749 KB, 1613x2559, B7254983-BCB4-4407-BCEC-CEFFD28F0244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insecure one got hacked a bit ago

>> No.15746413

A containment thread for butterfly. Clever.

>> No.15746552

And yes it's true I was on hormone treatment, yes it's true that I did have regrets for a while and posted about it on /lgbt/. Im sure you'll see the screenshot posted here from time to time, it makes the rounds every once in a while. Eventually I came to embrace the thick jawline and prominant brow. It's true I wear "granny panties" but it's because it's easier to sleep in them than having a thong up your ass. I don't know how most girls are able to do that. There's rumors I gave a blowjob to a rottweiler when I was younger but that's a flat out lie. I fingered one once and made the mistake of admitting that on /b/ not realizing people would drag my old posts out later on in life when I came to /lit/. Any other questions you have feel free to ask, I'm an open book.

>> No.15746562

what do you do for work? what did you study and what did you want to be as a little girl?

>> No.15746567

Oh I remember you. You used to be in the /lgbt/ skype groups.

>> No.15746590

will you ever consider selling your used panties to us?

>> No.15746591

A white butterfly hit my hand yesterday, I hope it's okay.
Got anything you think I should read? Not OP.

>> No.15746625

I want to use Butterfly's granny panties as a bookmark.

>> No.15746644
File: 360 KB, 3040x1440, Screenshot_20200701-012821_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch, you're famous. Time to make money selling your used granny panties to incels for use as bookmarks.

>> No.15746667

Most girls sleep completely naked

>> No.15746676
File: 36 KB, 641x482, 1402028103941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These milkers will never be held by a virile young male's hands.

>> No.15746781


>> No.15746783


>> No.15746789


>> No.15746861
File: 17 KB, 333x499, epicurus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you do for work?
Right now I'm working at The Habit. I was even doing DoorDash for a little while. The pandemic has everyone uncertain though, so it's always subject to change at any minute.
>what did you study and what did you want to be as a little girl
I liked biology when I was younger but grew an interest in philosophy and literature around 17, and as a little girl I always wanted to be a little boy.
/lit/cels may wish, but depending on how work continues through Covid-19 it's may be an extreme possibility. I just dont want to do the whole "CashApp" thing but we'll see.
>Got anything you think I should read?
The Unique and Its Property by Stirner
Vatican Sayings of Epicurus
Culture of Critique by Kevin Macdonald
Currently about to finish The Israel Lobby by John Mearsheimer, was memed into reading it and I'm actually pretty well blown away by it.
This is true, and I do sometimes as well but I also have a roomate to keep in mind.

>> No.15747043

>imagine begin so hungry for attention that you would start a thread about yourself and then leaving it up it for hours
was it ape that you whored yourself to? disgusting mentally ill attention deprived empty fucking whore

>> No.15747078

Wtf this thread has been up for 4 hours without getting pruned.

>> No.15747137

holy based

>> No.15747151

Butterfly our guardian angel <3

>> No.15747225

>was it ape
WHAT the fuck did you just say about Hominoidea?

>> No.15747225,1 [INTERNAL] 

^Filthy liar, just for the record.

Oh no, a thread about a book. On a literature board no less.

>> No.15747225,2 [INTERNAL] 

Love u