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/lit/ - Literature

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15743312 No.15743312 [Reply] [Original]

Does not contain Ulysses but so far it's pretty good. I'm probably going to read The Dead a second time through.

>> No.15743338

>Does not contain Ulysses
Funny that. I bet the cheap bastards didn't include Finnegans Wake either

>> No.15743346

>Does not contain Ulysses
Why would it? It says "Dubliners"... although Ulysses did start out as a short story to be included in Dubliners but obviously it grew far to large for that.
lol imagine if Dubliners came out and it had all the same stories but also had the entirety of Ulysses in it

>> No.15743350

>huge complete Joyce collection with tiniest font is cheaper than Dubliners

>> No.15743353

Why would it contain Ulysses, retard?

>> No.15743358

Dubliners is very comfortable and well paced, it contains a germ of the labyrinthine style in the longer novels. If you're "reading Joyce" it's nice, but not entirely necessary, to get a feel for his short stories. More than anything it's just a charming - or not so much - picture of the city lol

>> No.15743361

Plus the fart letters in an appendix

>> No.15743380

it's a good starter if you haven't read joyce before

>> No.15743381


I don't know, I just got the thing.

>> No.15743385


I don't know, I just got the thing.

>> No.15743394

I have not read Joyce before.

>> No.15743410

Read Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man next.

>> No.15743419

What do you like most about it?

>> No.15743583

I love this book. shame about Ulysses though

>> No.15743613

Are you telling he didn't contain that one either??

>> No.15743640

Can't tell, but I did dislike the fact that it didn't contain Ulysses though

>> No.15743642

It didn't contain A Portrait of the Artist as Young Man

>> No.15743719

Yes I'm a retard I didn't know.

>> No.15744090


He doesn't know, he just got the thing

>> No.15744402

The best short stories ever written by a country mile. Disturbing, heady, poignant, immense attention to detail and a real tapestry, as opposed to a collection of threads.

>> No.15744414

The Dead was the worst in the collection

>> No.15744428

Give him a break, he doesn't know, he just got the thing

>> No.15744571

>why yes im a contrarian for attention, how did you know?

>> No.15744578
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>Does not contain Ulysses
/lit in a nutshell

>> No.15744585

Araby and The Dead are up there with the best short stories I've ever read. The rest are solid as well, though none of them stuck with me like those two.

>> No.15744608

>tfw my favorite book is dubliners
what does this sentence make you guys think of me

>> No.15744626

you probably havent read a lot of other books, but if you had, then whatever, its your favorite book. are you so insecure you need us to validate it?

>> No.15744641

nope, just curious. haven't been on /lit/ for around 5 years

>> No.15744902

Do you have autism?

>> No.15744905

is it true it was better back then?

>> No.15744924

same soup just reheated

>> No.15745032

Containing Ulysses or without it?

>> No.15745053

I thought it was normal for dubliners to contain ulysses? that's initially why I clicked on the thread, to see what version OP got.

>> No.15745139

It was the same. DFW, Pynchon, Nietzsche, no sign of slowing down.

>> No.15745415

He's only now gotten the thing, give him a minute to check, he doesn't know

>> No.15745424

Yeah this sucks / would recommend that OP maybe plays for a discount? Possible that the chapter was ripped out? Or it's a misprint? Definitely return to the store and make a fool of yourself