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/lit/ - Literature

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15737355 No.15737355 [Reply] [Original]

“a escravatura é lógica e legítima; um zulu ou um landim não representa coisa alguma de útil neste mundo.”

>Slavery is logical and legitimate; a zulu or a landim does not represent anything of use in this world.

"“a escravidão é lei da vida, e não há outra lei, porque esta tem que cumprir-se, sem revolta possível. Uns nascem escravos, e a outros a escravidão é dada.”

>Slavery is the rule of life, and there is no other law, because this one must needs be followed, with no possible violation. Some men are born slaves, and unto others slavery is given.

"Ninguém ainda provou, por exemplo, que a abolição da escravatura fosse um bem social. Ninguém o provou, porque ninguém o pode provar. Quem nos diz que a escravatura não seja uma lei natural da vida das sociedades sãs? Ninguém o pode dizer, porque ninguém sabe quais são as leis naturais da vida das sociedades e essa pode portanto ser uma delas."

>No one has yet proved, for instance, that the abolition of slavery is a social good. No one has proved it, because it cannot be proved. Who is to say that slavery is not a natural law of sane societies? No one can say it, because no one knows what the natural laws of societies are, and therefore this could as well be one of them.

"Em relação ao homem, o espírito feminino é mutilado e inferior. O verdadeiro pecado original, ingênito nos homens, é nascer de uma mulher"

>Compared to the male, the feminine spirit is mutilated and inferior. The true original sin, innate in men, is to be born from a woman.

>> No.15737365

He's pretty clear, which part don't you understand?

>> No.15737385

yikes want an incel

>> No.15737392

not an argument

>> No.15737396
File: 129 KB, 1024x768, ypw4x589ruu21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but, fellow Redditor, can Pessoa really have been a r-r-racist?


>> No.15737418

I like Pessoa but that is pretty embarrassing. I hope he wrote that at a young age at the very least.

>> No.15737422

He wrote nothing but the truth. What's your argument against it?

>> No.15737431

All those lines show is that he was a poor thinker. Poor him.

>> No.15737441

He was apparently 28. Already a great poet.

>> No.15737592

What i like about TBOD is that you can clearly see the improvement from post 1917 pessoa to before, Give me hope that my writing will improve.

>> No.15737671

He wrote great poetry even before that.

"O Opiário" is from 1914, and there are already many unforgettable lines in that poem.


>> No.15737766

Resentment of a virgin lonely autistic faggot

>> No.15737791

History prove him right.

>> No.15737800

What is your comment, then?

>> No.15738410

Resentful liberals

>> No.15738424

you can have me

>> No.15738491

First time I found that letter about slavery I immediately showed it to my ultra-liberal friend who is an enormous Pessoa fan. The look on her face was priceless.

>> No.15738496
File: 134 KB, 542x737, TobaccoShop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your favorite Pessoa poems. Heteronyms are fine too.

>> No.15738806

That's by a heteronym.

>> No.15738808

Yes, I know. His best heteronym.

>> No.15738846

I am glad i can read in the original, translations dont show this poem it's true greatness. "If you want to kill yourself" is a great poem

>> No.15738870

What do you think of this one?


Um dia, num restaurante, fora do espaço e do tempo,
Serviram-me o amor como dobrada fria.
Disse delicadamente ao missionário da cozinha
Que a preferia quente,
Que a dobrada (e era à moda do Porto) nunca se come fria.

Impacientaram-se comigo.
Nunca se pode ter razão, nem num restaurante.
Não comi, não pedi outra coisa, paguei a conta,
E vim passear para toda a rua.

Quem sabe o que isto quer dizer?
Eu não sei, e foi comigo...

(Sei muito bem que na infância de toda a gente houve um jardim,
Particular ou público, ou do vizinho.
Sei muito bem que brincarmos era o dono dele.
E que a tristeza é de hoje).

Sei isso muitas vezes,
Mas, se eu pedi amor, porque é que me trouxeram
Dobrada à moda do Porto fria?
Não é prato que se possa comer frio,
Mas trouxeram-mo frio.
Não me queixei, mas estava frio,
Nunca se pode comer frio, mas veio frio.

>> No.15738879

>Slavery is the rule of life
>Nobody knows what the natural laws of society are

Pick one Fernando

>> No.15738881

The Portuguese are natural slave drivers

>> No.15739277

Dunno, anon. He was kinda crazy desu, sounds like some Aristotle bs. He had his other pen names and probably this had some correlation with Ricardo Reis' creation. I don't think he was enough of a genius to have spontaneously come up with his pen names. They were probably constructed over time.

>> No.15739349


he did have a split personality..
you don't know if those writings are his or one of his heteronyms, or just dumb shit he wrote and threw into his trunk having in mind a potential racist/esclavagist heteronym.

in fact the pessoa scholars seriously doubt the accusations have foundation: the argument is if you pick up randomly fragments of Pessoa's trunk you will find contradictions everywhere.

>> No.15739383

>Translated poetry
The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.15739390

Yes, not the same. He is my favorite but I'm a native Portuguese speaker.

>> No.15739392

Portuguese is my first language, but I imagine most here don't know it, which is why I posted the translated version. What's your favorite of Pessoa's poems?

>> No.15739393

based schizo

>> No.15739397

translated poetry is still better than nothing

>> No.15739439

Seems like it, freeing them and just making them wageslaves and thinking their resentment will ever go away is being naive

>> No.15739484

O guardador de rebanhos. Alberto Caeiro is my favorite heteronym.

>> No.15739633
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dat saudade da infancia hitting me like a brick

>> No.15739658


>> No.15739666

>Não sei se é sonho, se realidade,
>Se uma mistura de sonho e vida,
>Aquela terra de suavidade
>Que na ilha extrema do sul se olvida.
>É a que ansiamos. Ali, ali
>A vida é jovem e o amor sorri
>Talvez palmares inexistentes,
>Áleas longínquas sem poder ser,
>Sombra ou sossego dêem aos crentes
>De que essa terra se pode ter
>Felizes, nós? Ali, talvez, talvez,
>Naquela terra, daquela vez,
>Mas já sonhada se desvirtua,
>Só de pensá-la cansou pensar;
>Sob os palmares, à luz da lua,
>Sente-se o frio de haver luar
>Ah, nesta terra também, também
>O mal não cessa, não dura o bem.
>Não é com ilhas do fim do mundo,
>Nem com palmares de sonho ou não,
>Que cura a alma seu mal profundo,
>Que o bem nos entra no coração.
>É em nós que é tudo. É ali, ali,
>Que a vida é jovem e o amor sorri.


>> No.15739675

It takes one look at Mensagem to know that Pessoa would be considered a reactionary today.

>> No.15739686

Portuguese is my first language too (glad to see the language of Camões here in /lit/). It's hard to tell what does he means out of context. Are these from letters? I can not believe he was sympathetic to slavery...

>> No.15739691

Temos que "cancelar" essa Pessoa!

>> No.15739695

bro you don't understand bro it's about a spiritual dream empire not a real one bro

>> No.15739701

>I can not believe he was sympathetic to slavery...
Why? If I remember correctly most of his heteronyms were right-wing and he himself was a nationalist.

>> No.15739705

>>No one has yet proved, for instance, that the abolition of slavery is a social good. No one has proved it, because it cannot be proved. Who is to say that slavery is not a natural law of sane societies?
Based and greekpilled.

>> No.15739717

>not alvaro de campos
don't you wanna fuck a train or something like a normal person

>> No.15739718

>ninguém ainda provou, por exemplo, que a abolição da escravatura fosse um bem social
I didn't know that Pessoa was a brainlet. I want to go back in time and show him some utilitarian literature.

>> No.15739729

Could you reasonably sneak in wrongthink in contemporary literature by presenting it as if you were just pulling a Kierkegaard/Pessoa?

>> No.15739731
File: 104 KB, 436x440, fernando-pessoa-jovem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porque é que eu vou ao teu encontro
Se nem me vês
Porque é que me arranjo e me apronto
Fico a teus pés
Vou fingindo que até nem percebo
Que te sou indiferente
E apenas por uma palavra que tu dirijas
Eu fico contente
Porque é que eu prometo a mim mesmo
Não mais te ver
E no dia seguinte procuro
Me convencer
Que ainda é possível quem sabe
Voltar a ter carinho
Nessa esperança procuro falar-te
Mas acabo sózinho

Estupidamente apaixonado
Quem me manda ser assim
A culpa é minha por sofrer
Com a mania de viver
À espera que tu gostes de mim
Estupidamente apaixonado
É mais forte do que eu
Tenho a certeza, vou deixar
A vida inteira p'ra te amar
Porque o meu coração é teu

I always get choked up.

>> No.15739733

The boner for machinery is the least interesting thing about ADC

>> No.15739745

Actually, I take it back. It's interesting, but I hate it when people flanderize that heteronym with that specific trait.

>> No.15739748

he wasn't.
if you read JL Borges concept of Library of Babel, Pessoa might be the best fit, in the sense he could have written every possible book, given his issues with sticking with a personality/character

>> No.15739766

Impressionante como Pessoa é o avatar do paumolismo.

>> No.15739769

Source, thing is that he never did publish that, seems like excerpts of like a draft for his very early work the Anarchist banker

So what is the source?

>> No.15739787

Que zucalhada vem a ser esta?

>> No.15739955

Pessoa's correspondence with Marinetti

Pessoa shitting on socialism

>> No.15740135

But he barelly published anything besides "Mensagem".