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15736246 No.15736246 [Reply] [Original]

>there is no word in French for "death", they use "mort" which also means "dead"
>there is no word in French for "nobody", they use "personne" which also means "person"
>there is no word in French for "eighty", they use "quatre-vingt-dix" which means "four [times] twenty [plus] ten"
>they add "pas" to every negative sentence for whatever reason, it's like a nervous tic that got out of hand

>> No.15736254

I wouldn't worry about it, frogposter.

>> No.15736258

>there is no word in French for "eighty", they use "quatre-vingt-dix" which means "four [times] twenty [plus] ten"
haha epic fail moment! sucks to suck huh?

>> No.15736268

Sure, it's better to focus on superior languages which do have basic words. Shit like this doesn't even happen in Italian or Spanish.

>> No.15736276

And how's all that a bad thing? Elaborate or go whatever the fuck you came from.

>> No.15736283

Meant 90*.

>> No.15736285

that's why German is unironically the superior language.

>> No.15736295

Stick to English, you silly a*glo

>> No.15736301

What about the language of the soul? Where does that rank?

>> No.15736302

>the word for person and nobody is the same
>how's that bad?

>> No.15736310

Name a language that adds useless faggot shit every time they have to say a negative.

>> No.15736316

Above them all.

>> No.15736331

Indeed. A much better language. And unlike French, it does have a unique word for "death." Imagine not having a unique word for the thing that defines a life. Lame.

>> No.15736341

They are easily distinguishable by a position in a sentence. Reckon you don't have any problem differentiating 'nobody' as a negative pronoun from 'nobody' as a noun. Personne n'a voulu offenser cette personne.
You know you don't even have to say 'pas' in spoken language, right?

>> No.15736354

Unless it has. "La mort" is a legit word nonetheless. It just happens to coincide with the past participle of mourir.
>(Noms communs) (XIe siècle) Du latin mortem, accusatif de mors, lui-même sens issu de l’indo-européen commun *mer- (« mourir ») qui a donné meurtre, moribond, marasme, etc. Le substantif est attesté depuis 1080.

>> No.15736378
File: 40 KB, 450x560, basedbragg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this your first time learning a language, frog poster? this happens with every language

>> No.15736381

English: dead, death
Spanish: muerto, muerte
Italian: morto, morte
German: Tod, tot

French: mort, mort

>> No.15736382

Isn't there a literal government institution in France dedicated to making sure it never gets fixed or changed in any way?

>> No.15736421 [DELETED] 

And? Seriously though, gotta ask myself, am I going to defend an old european language before some monolingual angloid nigger? Go fuck yourself, dimwit, you can't even produce a solid argument. Like you never heard of homonymy or smth.

>> No.15736438

It's the ne that you drop, anon

>> No.15736451

All these offshoots of Latin are so inferior to the original. Sad to think about.

>> No.15736455

Without any apologies, I can't respect such a pusillanimous language that doesn't respect death. I'm better off continuing my learning of the other languages I listed, all of which are superior in every way to Frogspeak. Also you sound like a nog and you have a disgusting English style.

>> No.15736458

Some more than others. French is an abomination but Italian and Spanish are great languages overall.

>> No.15736459
File: 51 KB, 719x720, 1593426098510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't a native french speaker

>> No.15736473

You do have to say "pas", the "ne" is what's omitted in spoken language.

>> No.15736476

Mais c'est vrais que francais c'est tres difficile. Meme plus a taper parce-que j'ne peux pas taper les accents
Holy crap that was some disgusting French

>> No.15736490
File: 2.18 MB, 640x360, modern france.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's a good thing.

>> No.15736505

the fruits of colonization kek

>> No.15736511

yep, made a mistake with this one
>that doesn't respect death.
How come the coincidence of a noun and of a past participle makes this language disrespectful for death?
I have a feeling your rant on french has its source somewhere else. Did a french guy beat you up or smth?
> j'ne peux pas taper les accents
ceci est la peine réelle

>> No.15736554

>How come the coincidence of a noun and of a past participle makes this language disrespectful for death?
It's lame and lazy. Other languages handled it better.
>I have a feeling your rant on french has its source somewhere else. Did a french guy beat you up or
Thank God I have never met a frog in my life. I actually encountered this shit aspect of French while reading French.

>> No.15736614

>a language is bad if it's not a cipher of english
and french is pretty fucking close to english. can't imagine what you'd do if you ever tried learning a language even slightly distant from english. not that you'll ever learn another language if we're honest.

>> No.15736627

>and french is pretty fucking close to english
It isn't. They share a decent amount of vocabulary but that's it. They're fundamentally different in every other aspect.
>can't imagine what you'd do if you ever tried learning a language even slightly distant from english.
I'm learning Italian, Spanish and German. All better than French in just about every way.
>not that you'll ever learn another language if we're honest.
I'm not even a native English speaker if that's what you're saying.

>> No.15736641

Actually, death is "la mort", not just "mort".

Pretty much every language has words that can mean several things depending on the context. Same for "personne", if you know the context you'd know which meaning it is.

>> No.15736651

>a language is bad if it's not a cipher of english
and italian, spanish, and german are pretty fucking close to english. can't imagine what you'd do if you ever tried learning a language even slightly distant from english.

>> No.15736678

>Pretty much every language has words that can mean several things depending on the context.
I know, but these words are so basic that it is dumbfounding that a supposedly prestigious language like French doesn't have unique words for such things.
Everything truly worth reading is written in a European language. I wouldn't waste my time reading an Oriental language or some Negroid tongue. Maybe a Middle Eastern language or Japanese for fun later in life, but that's about it. And like I said, for better or worse, I'm not an Anglo.

>> No.15736683

>complaining about having to rely on sentence/context in a language while writing in English
lmao. you'll live

>> No.15736738

>I'm learning Italian, Spanish and German.
All at the same time? Good luck, pseud.

>> No.15737086

You really seem to have weird hangups OP.
Now remember that "oversight" in English means both "act of watching, surveillance, responsibility to watch" and "a failure to properly watch". It's a word that is its own antonym. It's also harder to tell which sense you use than it is with "personne".

Also remember than most verbs are used identically in different tenses and are often indistinguishable from their corresponding noun.

Watch = verb for observing, but also noun for a device that keeps track of time
Live = verb for being alive, but also adjective for something a show that is being broadcasted at the same time it's being recorded
See = verb for looking or witnessing, but also name of the council of Cardinals in Rome
Ass = noun for an animal but also a part of the human body
Melancholy = name of a certain kind of dark mood or humor, but also name of the person afflicted by that mood
Shot = preterit of the verb "to shoot", but also noun for the action of shooting and for a person who performs a shooting

This is off the top of my head, but I could go on and on. English is much more guilty of that kind of thing than French. It's also how human languages work, deal with it faggot.

>> No.15737106

Tbh if you want a nice and boring perfectly regular language with no quirks whatsoever then learn esperanto you whiney fag.

>> No.15737121

>It's also how human languages work, deal with it faggot.
Isn't the French Academy supposed to save French from not sucking? They created all these meme rules but not a word for
"nobody" lmao

>> No.15737163

>Isn't the French Academy supposed to save French from not sucking?
The French academy doesn't have much more power over the French language than the people who maintain the Oxford dictionary have over the English language. They both issues recommendations that are only followed by school teachers (which is significant, but it doesn't go much beyond that).

People are too fixated on this idea that the academy controls the French language.

> They created all these meme rules but not a word for
"nobody" lmao
The world for nobody already exists, you just don't like it because you're a pissycunt FSL. It's not up to the academy to create new words anyway.

Nice failure to answer the points raised in my above post btw.

>> No.15737208

>The world for nobody already exists, you just don't like it because you're a pissycunt FSL. It's not up to the academy to create new words anyway.
There seriously isn't an actual word for "nobody"? Come on. Italian has "nessuno", Spanish has "nadie", German has "Niemand". All of those besides their word for "person." It's absurd and laughable that French doesn't have such a basic word.
>Nice failure to answer the points raised in my above post btw.
English is not even my native language, so I don't see why should I defend it. It's inconsistent in many ways. Particularly in terms of phonenetics.

>> No.15737251

Finnish doesn't have a word for "nobody" either. It's expressed differently depending on the exact grammatical situation. And it is never derived from the word for "person" either. Languages are like this and it doesn't make a language better or worse if it doesn't have a word or a concept.

>> No.15737273

>There seriously isn't an actual word for "nobody"?
There is, and you mentioned it in your own OP. Again, see my comment for both senses of "live" and "oversight" in English. Two closely related words being written and pronounced the same way doesn't mean they're not different words.

>English is not even my native language
I don't care, I was pointing out that the kind of "flaws" you're worried about also exists in other languages, for instance English. You're being bothered by a common feature of many languages.

> It's inconsistent in many ways. Particularly in terms of phonenetics.
There are not many phonetically consistent languages and they tend to be very weird in other respect. Again, that's the reality of languages, some LARPing as a linguistic formalist and grow up.

>> No.15737283

*stop LARPing

>> No.15737288

>Finnish doesn't have a word for "nobody" either.
Yea, but French is part of the same Romance family as Italian and Spanish. How come they do have this very basic word and French doesn't? Really makes you think.
> Languages are like this and it doesn't make a language better or worse if it doesn't have a word or a concept.
It makes French a bit disappointing for me, but that's just subjective. It's not this amazing and rich language I always thought it was. Italian seems very underrated, on the other hand. Surprising language.

>> No.15737329

>ceci est la peine réelle
is very awkward phrasing, i would probably go more with "telle est la vraie peine/douleur"

>> No.15737353

>There is, and you mentioned it in your own OP. Again, see my comment for both senses of "live" and "oversight" in English. Two closely related words being written and pronounced the same way doesn't mean they're not different words.
Who gives a shit about English, though. The topic is French. We all know is bad at many things.
>I don't care, I was pointing out that the kind of "flaws" you're worried about also exists in other languages, for instance English. You're being bothered by a common feature of many languages.
It's just disappointing that there's no word unique word for mort or for nobody. They seem quite basic concepts. I thought French was richer. Having a unique word for "nobody" would allow us to have a freer sentence structure because we wouldn't be thinking of the position or walking on eggshells.
>There are not many phonetically consistent languages and they tend to be very weird in other respect
Italian and Spanish are very phonetically consistent and not really weird in other respects. French is both phonetically inconsistent and weird in many respects (pretty much every rule as an exception). Llike the quatre-vingt-dix = 90 shit that "person" has mentioned yet. How come quatre-vingt-dix is still in used in this century? Do what the Belgians did and use a civilized word for 90.

>> No.15737360

We all know English is bad at many things*

>> No.15737371

Not really. English is otherwise needlessly specific. It doesn't add anything, just synonyms from other languages differentiated in special uses. But French is fine too.

>> No.15737417

Unthinkable. They should deactivate the problematic non-useful parts of their language at once.

>> No.15737429


>> No.15737430

Learn Russian, Chinese, Greek (choose dialect/type), or Latin. If you are not interested in that, don’t learn at all and focus on refining your English speech.

>> No.15737438

>>there is no word in French for "nobody", they use "personne" which also means "person"

There is nobody -> Il n'y a personne

Il n'y a personne --> There is no person

Nothing unlogical here.

>> No.15737454

"Mort" and "mort" aren't the same.

For death you say "la mort", while for dead people you can use other articles.

>> No.15737462
File: 119 KB, 399x559, 1593486024841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Je n'ai compris

>> No.15737463

Qui t’accompagne? - Personne.

Who’s going with you? - Person.

>> No.15737464

French has very little in common with latin though.

>> No.15737469

that's like saying 1 + 1 is a word for 2

>> No.15737477

kek you'd probably go crazy with a language like latin. The real meme here is you. Written French is fine, spoken French is absolutely disgusting though.

>> No.15737489
File: 229 KB, 1280x657, 1280px-New-Map-Francophone_World.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French is for nigs and niglovers.

>> No.15737493

They are pronounced different and spelled different, someone that knows French wouldn't have a problem with it.

>> No.15737496

I love Latin, though.

>> No.15737501

"Personne" meaning "nobody" and "Personne" meaning "person" are pronounced differently?

>> No.15737502

He's not saying they are the same, but that they mean the same so there's no logical problem there.

>> No.15737515

You wouldn't just say personne, you would say une personne or la personne.

>> No.15737527

"Aucune personne n'a le droit de maltraiter les animaux."

Which one are they using there: personne (nobody) or personne (person)?

>> No.15737531

So you have no problem with many word endings being the same like genitive singular and nominative plural and many others? That's a much bigger problem than personne or mort.

>> No.15737540

Latin is a hot milf you can't help but love.
French is an annoying post-wall ugly cunt.

>> No.15737571

That's a specific phrase meaning no person, a French speaker would have no problem understanding it.

>> No.15737581

Because they bathe in their own filth so much that they can't see the absurdity of their "language."

>> No.15737590

I can agree with that. It's interesting how such an ugly language became a synomym of being refined and aritocratic. I will that many monumental works have been produced in that language, even more than other more beautiful languages.

>> No.15737602

Every language has single words for different meanings. Unless you are a retard, the meaning is obvious in context.

>> No.15737605

Aucune personne = no person
personne = nobody
la/une personne = person


>> No.15737618

I understand the meaning. It's the logic that's nonsensical.

>> No.15738539

absolute state of frogs

>> No.15738544
File: 938 KB, 2104x3156, 1471186630910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>there is no word in French for "eighty", they use "quatre-vingt-dix" which means "four [times] twenty [plus] ten"
>>they add "pas" to every negative sentence for whatever reason, it's like a nervous tic that got out of hand


>> No.15738550

she looks evil, like she has abortions for fun

>> No.15738567

Imagine being as retarded as a cyclope

>> No.15738577

>It's just disappointing that there's no word unique word for mort or for nobody.
What do you mean, unique words? "Mort" only applies to death or dead things. You're really splitting hairs over this. The "personne" thing is odd, but it's nothing more than odd. Your concern about the death words is pure memery. I'm more than half convinced you're trolling right now but there are such retards on this site, one can never know for sure.

>we wouldn't be thinking of the position or walking on eggshells.
Now this is getting retarded. Just try to think of a single not absolutely contrived sentence where the confusion between the two meaning of "personne" would be a problem. You're making up nonexistent issues.

> Do what the Belgians did and use a civilized word for 90.
Well the Belgians also speak French, also some of them. So their word for 90 is also a French word.

Grammatically it's simpler but it gets most of its word from Latin.

The sentence only makes sense with one use of the word.
There's nothing logical or illogical about it, it's just vocabulary. Sentences can be illogical, words cannot.
She's a Catholic far-right politician, but who knows what she actually does in her spare time.

>> No.15738580

>smooth philtrum
>thin upper lip
>mongoloid features
>small eye opening
>skin folds at corner of eyes
>flat midface

I worked with retarded children when I was a teenager, and this is the first time in my life that I see what fetal alcohol syndrome looks like in an adult. It is clear as day in the face of Marion Maréchal. The only sign not present in her face is the weak lower jaw, but looking at her family, that symptom was beaten by genetics - the women of that family have hypermasculine jaws.
Someone should have told her mother to lay off the bottle of red every night when she was carrying a child.

>> No.15738596

I had never noticed but now that you mention it, she does give a closet greta vibe.

>> No.15738602

>smooth philtrum
that's the only alcohol syndrom feature. the reast is racist garbage.

>> No.15738627

>What do you mean, unique words? "Mort" only applies to death or dead things.
Mort means both death and dead. It's not unique like in other languages.
>You're really splitting hairs over this.
I'm not. I'm being reasonable.
>. The "personne" thing is odd, but it's nothing more than odd.
That's an understatement. It's simply a retarded word. Personne comes from Latin "persona", meaning person. Makes no sense that it means nobody.
>You're making up nonexistent issues.
That's how the French language does it.
>Well the Belgians also speak French, also some of them. So their word for 90 is also a French word.
Belgians are smart. Frogs are retarded. They deserve credit for being elegant in this respect.
>The sentence only makes sense with one use of the word.
Aucune personne is meaningless if personne already means nobody. I know it uses personne as person but it simply could use personne as nobody.

>> No.15738648

daily reminder that anglos say "gauge" as "gaydge"
bone apple tea

>> No.15738652

>Mort means both death and dead. It's not unique like in other languages.
The difference is very slight and entirely given by context. Other languages also have common words who general sense is clear and whose specific sense is given by context.

>I'm not. I'm being reasonable.
Seeing how you're complaining about a feature of a language that has never bothered anyone, even though it is the language of a people known for their habit of complaining about anything, I think it's safe to say you're making up issues where there are none.

>That's an understatement.
It's a fair statement. Just like oversight, it's only confusing in theory, and even then, not that much. People notice it but I've never seen a native speaker, or even non native, being genuinely bugged over it. And I've met people from all over Europe who had to learn French. Also persona means mask, so some of the ambiguity is already there in the latin.

>That's how the French language does it.
No it's entirely you coping with your inability to grasp simple irregularities. Wait until you discover declensions and actance structures.

>Belgians are smart. Frogs are retarded.
I take it you've never been to Belgium?

>Aucune personne is meaningless if personne already means nobody. I know it uses personne as person but it simply could use personne as nobody.

Let me rephrase: if you use it in one sense of the word, the sentence is clear, and when you use it in the other sense, the sentence becomes meaningless, therefore you conclude you're free to use it in the sense that makes the sentence meaningless? Small wonder you get troubled over the simplest things.
Just admit you're either trolling or retarded and get it over with.

>> No.15738666
File: 136 KB, 820x791, 6970006_preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>changing the last letter with a homophone and capitalizing it makes it a unique word

>> No.15738671

Dutch: dood, dood

>> No.15738675


>> No.15738686

>The difference is very slight and entirely given by context. Other languages also have common words who general sense is clear and whose specific sense is given by context.
Death is more than just a common wort. It's one of the most, if not the most fundamental concept in life.
>Seeing how you're complaining about a feature of a language that has never bothered anyone
Because they're sheep and have no taste nor aesthetic sense.
>even though it is the language of a people known for their habit of complaining about anything, I think it's safe to say you're making up issues where there are none.
Frogs complaing about vaccus things like sex. They don't care about language.
>I take it you've never been to Belgium?
I don't care about the people. I care about the Belgian invention/useage of the word for 90, used to substitute a retarded French concept.
>Just admit you're either trolling or retarded and get it over with.
It's French that it's retarded. Other Romance languages don't have this stupid problem. They're also superior in other respects.

>> No.15738692


>> No.15738700

>what is dégun?

>> No.15738717

Basé et soutenu

>> No.15738742

>It's also harder to tell which sense you use than it is with "personne"

The first is an uncountable noun so cannot take a definite article while the second can. 'Oversight' alone means the first while 'an oversight' means the second (I suppose 'the oversight' can technically be either but I've never seen it used.)

>> No.15738743

persona comes from Greek prosopon and means mask.

>> No.15738750


>> No.15738755

what about "to overlook"?

>> No.15738783

The absolute fucking STATE

>> No.15738804

In German, "Tod" and "tot" might be spelled differently but pronunciation is the same and therefore, same as in French, you'd always say "der Tod" when referring to the noun.

>> No.15738824

Petition to cancel dutch. Fucking disgrace of a language, it makes me so angry. Kill yourselves.

>> No.15739211

Fuck off retard

>> No.15739274

L'académie française but they're pretty good guys to be honest, they rejected "l'écriture inclusive" for example, even though some french universities use this aberration for their official communications.

>> No.15739281

c'est ce que c'est

>> No.15739299

>In German, "Tod" and "tot" might be spelled differently but pronunciation is the same

...uh, is that so? I'm not a kraut myself but I do speak the language, and even if t's and d's often get mushed together in languages after a while it didn't seem like that was the case with German.

>> No.15739308

It's probably a dialect aka not real german

>> No.15739550

They are different in general but not at the end of words. This is called Auslautverhärtung.

>> No.15739562

>they add "pas" to every negative sentence for whatever reason, it's like a nervous tic that got out of hand
tfw no cute neurotic polyglot gf

>> No.15739585
File: 361 KB, 485x409, dfgdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commit suicide you bumbling faggot. Learn the language properly before you make retarded statements.

>> No.15739607

t con

>> No.15739623
File: 210 KB, 610x613, CE8B5FBD-0FA6-470B-98EB-ECD3C5E7BCE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15739625
File: 125 KB, 1139x1080, EJ7T3U6WkAAxp8j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Mort" is the word for death.
"Mort" is the past participle of the verb "mourir" (to die).

>> No.15739629

It's 90, four score and ten.
Pas literally means step. It comes from "don't walk", "don't move": ne fait pas !
Nobody is "ne... personne". As in "there is no person".

>> No.15739651

don't you mean même language?

>> No.15739843

Final d's are like t's, final b's like p's, final g's like k's (unless it's an -ig adjective)

>> No.15740098

Latin itself is an inferior offshot of Ancient Greek.

>> No.15740118

70 = septante
80 = octante
90 = nonante

>> No.15740205

>Be German.
>Try to say "eighty".
>Eight [times] ten.
>Say "fifty-five".
>Five and five [times] ten.
>Ok enough with numbers
>Say airplane.
>"What is that shit?"
>Loosely translates to ""flight thing"".

Languages, man.

>> No.15740961

You have that shit in France as well? lmao progressive faggots have been trying and failing to promote that shit in the Spanish-speaking world.

>> No.15740972

That's Belgian French, not France's French.

>> No.15740976

still a better language than French.

>> No.15740987

Yes, that's what's retarded.

>> No.15740991


>> No.15741007

not really true, far more complex in terms of grammatical constructions, only a vague cultural influence and limited word borrowing at best

>> No.15741203
File: 51 KB, 365x512, 62394F5C-B882-4230-B8FA-32E9AC6380A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romance speakers are incapable of thinking impartially and always default to emotional terrorism to derail any conversation that gets too close to first principles so I don't know why you'd expect them to have worked out their own language in such a rational way back when they were shitting themselves and playing lute for breadcrumbs while other people invented civilization for them. These people just started dressing fancy basically yesterday and want to LARP as cultured even though their entire intellectual infrastructure is just a circle jerk about how great their own shit is. Only the true White Man is built to conceive of the world outside of his own personal mating strategy and that is why his mind is the only mind of humanity.

t. wife's family are Frogs from Frogistan

>> No.15741272

i stopped learning italian when i learned that sono means both i am and they are. it made me so mad. every other romance language kept the sum/sunt distinction except for italian.

>> No.15741328

All contemporary romance languages are memes. They let barbarians corrupt latim and this is the result now.

>> No.15741336

I'm a Romance speaker, though. This has nothing to do with /pol/ shit.
t. OP

>> No.15741348

Italian and Spanish are very consistent. It's mostly just French that sucks.

>> No.15741518

My shit squirts sound better than the French language.

>> No.15741529

Brown hands filmed this

>> No.15741563


>> No.15741806

>Je n'entends goutte.

>> No.15742104

Nonsense. They're on completely unrelated branches of IE.

>> No.15742151 [DELETED] 

I don't understand what you meant with ur "pas" shit and I'm french

>> No.15742168

Why do you use it? Why is it even necessary?

>> No.15742184


Death = Gestorven
Dead = Dood

Even though common Dutch would just use dood for both.

>> No.15742264

One can communicate most things without difficulty in french, and it sounds nice.

>> No.15742336
File: 297 KB, 960x1445, 543DD317-6A52-4413-8FFD-317467A052F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Je pense que c’est très littéraire, d’écrire comme ça. Mais je suis américain et je ne sais du coup rien du tout.

>> No.15742385

And now they are adding inclusive language

for example: un.e ami.e thanks to the sjw. This is becoming fucking ridiculous.

>> No.15742411

how serious is it? In the Spanish-speaking world it is just a meme for now

>> No.15742672


It was a meme before, but it has been spreading like covid for sometimes now. Every universities and such use inclusive language. I hope we are able to stop this disease before it's too late.

>> No.15742717

And faggots here claim it's not universities the ones officializing the death of tradition and everything good.