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15735810 No.15735810[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I read the whole thing today. I feel more conscious of my position within a race based society and want to better myself by identifying and discarding racist actions and beliefs. I have identified past instances in which I have displayed white fragility when confronted with my racism. I have figured out that the phrase "Make America Great Again" is racist because there has never been a time when America was great for people of color.

>> No.15735822

When did you figure out that the author is white.

>> No.15735844

Hollow lib shit that ignores a material analysis of power. The promise of 50 acres and mule was significant because agriculture was the predominant mode of production at the time of the end of slavery. To try and tackle racism without addressing economics, like in this book, is idiotic and self-serving for the "fragile whites" the book pretends to lament. Go read writings by the black panthers if you want real lit on dealing with racism in the US

>> No.15735864

>Go read writings by the black panthers if you want real lit on dealing with racism in the US
Essentially, "kill all them crackas!"

>> No.15735867

She discusses the identities of herself and her readership at the beginning of the book.
It's not about racism, per se, it's literally about what the title says it is about. Not why racism is bad, but why white people freak out when confronted with their own racism.

>> No.15735872

Alexa, look up robin diangelo early life

>> No.15735876

t. someone who hasn't actually read anything by the panthers and just believes everything they're told

>> No.15735880

what was your favourite chapter?

>> No.15735888

Their sample is literally people in a work environment under the scrutiny of their bosses. They completely ignore the power dynamics at play here and makes this book worthless

>> No.15735890

>libshits are turning into race essentialists

I never would have believed it if I hadn't seen it. The World Spirit is fucking with us these days, what a ride.

>> No.15735901

So, what is it about, wise guy? Don't dumb it down for me or give me this "you just have to read them to understand it" or I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!

>> No.15735910


The panthers sucked lmao. It was based when the cops rolled up and blasted Hampton while he was sleeping. nighty night haha

>> No.15735913
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Good goy.

>> No.15735916

>Go read writings by the black panthers if you want real lit on dealing with racism in the US
socialist criticisms of liberals' approach race to hilarious is hilarious when they just believe the exact same thing, just needs to be delivered by a POC rather than a white woman.

>> No.15735921

The author has the same surname as the Golden State Killer. Coincidence?

>> No.15735934

Let's discuss the proposition that white people do not exist outside of white supremacy. That there was no concept of a white race until people needed a reason to justify enslavement of Africans. I would appreciate a book on this subject.

>> No.15735935
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The panthers use a Maoist analysis that recognizes the black and indigenous experience in America as that of the colonized population and that the only path to justice and freedom is a revolutionary overthrowing of the economic system that created their colonization. Read a book bitch

>> No.15735967

>fascist antifascists

>> No.15736031

So why is it that white people (Americans I’m guessing or does it include non US material) are so fragile with accusations of racism compared to other ethnic groups?

>> No.15736032


>> No.15736056

sounds gay as shit. Hampton died like a bitch.

>> No.15736057

Virgin black maoist is probably not even relevant enough to get murked by the feds. Brazil india and african countries forsaking revolution and electing right wing populism who are all cucks for multinational capital anyways.
Chad neoliberal karen from HR well versed in woke race science and advanced foucaultian power knowledge technologies deployed against proletarian solidarity

>> No.15736085

Your post literally put me in a bad mood. Thanks bro.

>> No.15736091

i hate you and everything you hold dear. what do you think about that?

>> No.15736093

Getting assassinated by the state is a much cooler death than the one you'll experience alone, keeled over from a heart attack while whacking it to anime thighs

>> No.15736196


He was killed by the cops like every other jig lmao

>> No.15736200

Can advertisers stop making threads about this fucking book? NO ONE HERE WILL READ IT

>> No.15736211

What do I hold dear?

>> No.15736214

Stop with the spam already

>> No.15736216

George Floyd was a 46 year old man from Texas with six felonies including armed robbery where he pointed a gun at the stomach of a pregnant black woman.

He had been arrested for cocaine possession and also narcotics distribution, spent several years in prison and then moved to Minnesota “to clean up his life.”

He was in a low budget pornographic movie, had pre-existing heart problems, had drugs on him at the time of arrest for trying to pass a fake $20 bill, while clearly intoxicated and that was the reason the police were phoned on him.

Gets arrested for driving under the influence, resists arrest, and dies from a heart attack, tests positive for fentanyl and meth.

This causes celebrities, antifa, and self-hating white people to go on a tirade about social injustice, even though white people are killed more frequently than black people by police. Furthermore, black people kill more white people despite being only a fraction of the population. Both black people and police officers kill on average more than 1 white person per day.

White liberals are the only demographic that don't have in-group preference, making white people provably scientifically the least prejudice out of all races.

My conclusion:

The average person is so fucking braindead and brainwashed by social media that society is completely irredeemable. We live in an age of anti-intellectualism and the mob is a bunch of frothy mouthed retards that should be put in an insane asylum, including the celebrities.

>> No.15736228

If only the police exterminated criminal whites as well

>> No.15736247

>material analysis
That ultimately breaks down to the truth of it. It will never be admitted by the democrats that racist slavery was embraced because in terms of capitalist economics it makes perfect sense. The second you acknowledge these objective contradictions the moment you bring disgusting cowards such as the Democrats to a state of paralytic oblivion.

America's life desperately depends on the abolition of the two party system. A shift to a proportional voting system is a structural necessity. Otherwise you will keep getting heinous cowards like Diangelo preaching morality in order to distract from the objective relations

>> No.15736264

Police kill more whites than niggers. Regardless of what your gender studies teacher is telling you

>> No.15736279

My statistics teacher told me it's not proportional. We should fix that

>> No.15736319

i second this.

>> No.15736443

>develop and perpetuate a culture that results in single-parent families
>glorify hatred of authority
>place emphasis on base and often criminal activity rather than education and upward mobility
>glorify anti-social behavior
>encourage uniformity of appearance
>get shot
Must be racist cops.

>> No.15736456

I too hate the poor

>> No.15736461

Imagine taking this seriously.

>> No.15736468

True dey need more money for dem programs

>> No.15736488

true pseud shit. imagine feeling kindred with the wretched just because some of them share your skin color. scum

>> No.15736540

Shill harder tranny.
If you're so antiracists why don't you fuck off to south Susan or Somalia?

Or are you an hypocrite piece of trash you prefer to live in a white superior country?

>> No.15736552

white people are literally the least racist people on the face of the earth. the dominant religion/ideology in the west (certainly the anglosphere) is anti-racism, it's endorsed by every government, religious body, corporation, educational institution, etc. literally every other culture glorifies their past conquests and dominance over other people, it is normal to do so. millions of white people feel intense guilt about old conquests, do you think any vietnamese or chinese lose sleep over the settler colonialism they have perpetuated and are still doing to this day? no, they don't. if you're a self-hating white person, you can kill yourself and leave your money to non-whites if you feel so guilty, jeez. just don't bullshit the rest of us with how the blue eyed devils are uniquely bad when we're actually uniquely good.

>> No.15736574

No offense, but you sound like a total pantywaist.

>> No.15736581

Because Susan filed a restraining order.

>> No.15736615

Excellent/pol/ pasta

>> No.15736620

Made me realize that people of different colors can't stay together and we all need separate safe spaces. African Americans need to be given a separate land with one time reparations. While they're here, they must have separate institutions, restaurants and other public spaces. Their art should also be for them and not be consumed by white audiences or any other race be subjected to it.

>> No.15736645

LOL anyone who goes for a completely non-biological explanation for the "oppressions" of the Negroid is a moron or at worst, a liar.

>> No.15736654

/Based and very redpilled

Bill Maher has a good segement on white liberals called "Wokemon Go". highly recommended

>> No.15736658

Christ, you zoomers and your "space spaces".

>> No.15736671

Yes. Any intellectually honest white person would want this.

>> No.15736684

Reparations won't solve anything. At best it will be one less thing for niggers to bitch about. These people are so discontented that they will never be happy. The bottom line is, they are resentful of the fact that white people are the oppressors and not them, and if they were, they wouldn't hesitate to have every white person bound in chains or outright slaughtered, which thankfully, they aren't. The only solution I see is to have every black person to go back to Africa with the alternative being an all out violent race war.

>> No.15736691

>black Americans have anything in common with Africans
Damn anon you sound like a real faggot here

>> No.15736692

they killed him in his sleep. they were scared!

>> No.15736701

Send all whites back to Europe immediately.

>> No.15736704

t. the unbiased source that calls black people by a slur
smelly bait is smelly

>> No.15736724

Thomas Sowell discusses this in several of his books. I think Race and Culture is the most specific.

>> No.15736732

They have been conditioned to consider it a great dishonor.

>> No.15736735

so essentially, "kill all them crackas"

>> No.15736736
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Race does not matter. At all. You’re brainwashed. If we can’t start waking people up to this soon I don’t think we are going to have much longer as a civilization.

>> No.15736741

Race does matter, it just isn't the only thing that matters.

>> No.15736744

It's as the other anon said. Conquest is a natural part of human history and there is no shame in it. White people won the Americas fair and square. Considering everything that has happened since slavery ended in America, shipping Africans over there however, is regrettable. You're just mad that your ancestors were iliterate inept retards who didn't know they were playing Risk and got so BTFO'd because they didn't read the fucking rulebook, and now you are demanding white people should throw round 2.

>> No.15736748

Why does race matter.

>> No.15736749

Why is my black neighbor sitting in his car blasting music literally right outside my window in our otherwise quiet neighborhood? This is happening at this very moment at 11:28PM on a Monday night. How can a person be this unaware/self-centered? Am I fragile for wanting to get a good night's sleep before I go to work tomorrow morning?