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15731700 No.15731700 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you reading 4chan instead of a book?

>> No.15731701

i can't read

>> No.15731718

i only have 1 book and i have read it already

>> No.15731780

4chan sparkes a lot of philosophical thought and I love to have discussions with like-minded peopleeople when not reading

>> No.15731796

because it takes too much time and i want an easy dopamine hit

>> No.15731809

This happens to me when the book I'm reading isn't that good. A terrible habit. However I could have a much worse habit.

>> No.15731817

My to read list is over 1000 books long at this point. I’ll get around to it eventually

>> No.15731836
File: 223 KB, 1730x1000, 1583896509434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15731877

that's it I'm leaving

>> No.15731878
File: 241 KB, 1444x1000, John_Smith_VA_day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because ive already read way above 10k Books in my life and sometimes you need this special mixture combining autism, science, chadism, profane perv-porn with hitlerizing just everything to cope with the fact that in reality and dont have many problems with niggers, snackbarians and utter beta fags.

>> No.15731891

same. Saw this and i'm closing the tab now, this is too accurate

>> No.15731910

>10 posts
>no mention of a job or employment

too many trust fund bitches and neets on this board. most of you suck

>> No.15731925

Because I don’t want to? I barely read these days, why would I entertain myself in a way I find boring. Or are you under the illusion that reading makes you smurter and you wanted to come here to brag because you are superior to everyone else here. Kind’ve pathetic man

>> No.15731964

Nobody has written about what 4chan writes about, they're paywalled, and not easily searchable nor queryable for what you're interested in learning about.

>> No.15732063


>> No.15732078
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>> No.15732294

see you tomorrow.

a big part of the whole thing is thinking you can actually change it yourself, but you never do. your only hope is to enrole in some sort of camp while you are in your fleeting moments of self awareness. so that there is an outside force MAKING YOU commit to improving yourself instead of continually trying (and failling) to di it yourself. somewhere where there is no wifi or they take your phone. maybe

>> No.15732302

hey, im reading arent I?



>> No.15732353

>going outside and getting infected by the viral jew

>> No.15732354


>> No.15732365

I come home from my wageslave, and I just sit here. I feel so empty.

>> No.15732407

why are you here ?

>> No.15732429

why not?

>> No.15732491

>apply to 100+ jobs
>10 interviews
>2 callbacks
>0 job offers
at this point it's not even my fault i'm a neet and i don't feel the least bit bad about sucking as much money out of the system as possible. if no one will give me the chance to stack shelves for minimum wage then you're paying for my rent, food and vidya, wagie. hope your taxes go up.

>> No.15732549

The problem is you don't have 15 years experience stacking shelves and that you don't have a contact at the company you're applying to.

>> No.15733135

I feel too tired to read. In fact i usually feel exhausted throughout most of the day

>> No.15733170

Based Christfag.

>> No.15733178

For a recommendation on a book

>> No.15733184

prove it. lets see a pic of your private library, faggot.

>> No.15733509

>be me and be literally me and reading recognitions at work while me on my kindle
>I’m ME
>I’m also reading
good thread friendos