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File: 763 KB, 1920x2210, duality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15731440 No.15731440 [Reply] [Original]

Keep abreast of spiritual news and read on for massive tips.

"Being" balanced with "Becoming" leads to two big things: peace of mind and the discovery of one's true self.

Being = eternal consciousness, atman, sustaining, holy spirit, light, Purusha, Shiva, prana

Becoming = nature, matter, Prakriti, evolution, Kali, kundalini

>> No.15731454

Being is not consciousness. Esse cannot be ens.

>> No.15731484
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Geb, the father of snakes on the bottom, represents the Becoming force. Nut, the sky mother, represents the source of the divine spark of conscioussness, pure Being. Both forces are in balance in this picture.

In the other picture, the genders are interestingly reversed, but Shiva represents eternal consciousness that the shakti enegy (Kali) overwhelms. In this picture, the forces are out of balance, Kali (the Becoming, serpent, shakti) is trampling on her counterpart, Shiva (Being, consciousness). Sometimes the shakti overpowers conscioussness (in this case, to destroy evil).

This is the higher aspects of mind and spirit (the connection to source, i.e. holy spirit, the eternal atman) vs. the vitality of matter (the serpent, kundalini, dragon, i.e. the magnetic base that attempts to climb it’s way back to source through the novelty generation);

In other words: the steadfast sustaining life force (Being) vs. the chaotic evolutionary force (Becoming)

This is the reason the Egyptian obelisks are oriented towards the tail of the dragon/serpent, the once-pole star, Thuban.


This is the serpent force thrusting its way back to the firmament, back to the source; vital matter piercing the veil of eternal consciousness.

>> No.15731492


It's an eternal dance where the ratio of Being to Becoming increases in the archetypal spirit space.

Matter evolves into spirit.

Becoming becomes Being.

The Western hemisphere meets the Eastern hemisphere.

So just let it all hang out: activate your kundalini through root chakra stimulation, but always be the master of your snake.

>> No.15731498
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So in the West, this serpent force has been labelled "Satan". Read on:

Satan, the serpent, is the evolving force - the vitality of matter, the drive for change, novelty, profit, and procreation. Pretty much every time you see a snake in world mythology (from Eden to Queztacoatl to the Uraeus to the kundalini), we're talking about this force. It's inside of you, because you are made of matter.

The counterpoint to this is the divine spark, the eternal atman, the holy spirit, the connection to source, the breath of life, whatever you wanna call it - pure being, pure consciousness. You have an eternal soul and what you sow in this world, you reap in the next. We are all connected via this source.

A primary task of man and woman in this realm of duality is to reign in their serpent, become the master of it (and importantly - not suppress it entirely) to achieve balance, harmony, and find love. Jesus himself likened himself to Moses’ snake on a rod (nehushtan) and said “Be ye wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”

The world can be thought as having a "collective serpent" and a "collective consciousness." As above, so below.

So I'll leave you with a question: which force do you think is strongest today on the global stage: our serpent (Becoming) or our consciousness (Being)?

>> No.15731512
File: 114 KB, 1155x648, yoga-pose-downward-dog-1296x728-header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Prana, Chi or Qi is the life force organizing the chemistry of biological processes. It keeps things alive, makes life happen, points living things towards health, for a limited-time.

Kundalini is the (Divine) evolutionary force in that it impinges will upon the life forces, human or non-human, to evolve, to organise into groups, and to play out scenarios which brings learning. It impinges influence on the physical world too. Sometimes it balances towards calm when there's too much chaos, or stirs up things when there's too much stagnation."

This Sustaining / Evolving (prana, kundalini) dynamic correlates to isometric and isotonic exercises in yoga.

i.e. Holding vs. Movement

One must have an intention about one's destination

>> No.15731518
File: 2.34 MB, 6083x3582, breath_2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2020 is the year of prana, or breath:
>2020 is the year of prana, or breath:


>Fire in Australia and the Amazon, symbolically named the lung of the Earth.
Coronavirus, a disease that effects the respiratory tract.
>The mask that filters what we breathe has become the norm.
>A vast anti-racism movement was born out of a dead man screaming that "I can't breathe"
>The hieroglyph meaning 'to unite' is a pair of lungs. Unite, as in, Upper and Lower Egypt.
>Pneumatic (breath, spirit in Gnosticism): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pneumatic_(Gnosticism)
>Age of Aquarius is an Air sign
>Hermes' caduceus represents the breathing in and breathing out of the cosmos and unites all the dual aspects of manifested existence

>> No.15731527
File: 198 KB, 800x1076, Thoout,_Thoth_Deux_fois_Grand,_le_Second_Hermés,_N372.2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One’s spiritual journey is tasked with triumphing over these base temptations that exist in the heart of every man and woman. The “savior-human” and their serpent counterpart are unintelligible without the other. Yin and Yang. Thesis - Antithesis.

So where do we go from here? A BALANCED spiritual enlightenment. Thoth/Hermes/Mercury (i.e. the master of the serpent) hold the answer - the Thoth concept is the god voice all humans can tap into. The word hermaphrodite, which shares the same root, is characterized by having attributes of both sexes – a literal manifestation of a higher level integration of the anima/animus, your spiritual other half, twin flame.

The spiritual journey (i.e. one’s awakening) is symbolically represented on Thoth/Hermes/Mercury's’ staff, the caduceus – the two snakes of the kundalini (representing the male and female - Shakti - energies of earth) wind their way up the spine, activating each chakra, until they ultimately bootstrap the soul and set it free into the astral heavens (represented by the wings at the top of the staff). Shiva and counterpart Parvati/Kali/Shakti were originally a merged entity known as Ardhanarishvara. When rejoined and reconcile, they reside back in the heart center.

Human consciousness is related to the balancing and flow of subtle energy currents. The Shakti of Shiva actively revolves around the Shiva lingham, the neutral rod of the caduceus.

The snake of the kundalini is also represented on the Pharaoh crown as the Uraeus.

”Like the twining serpents, Hermes/Thoth is known as the equilibrator, balancing the pairs of opposites, inspiring the alchemist's belief that without him neither Isis nor Osiris could accomplish the Great Work. The caduceus also symbolizes the fall of spirit into matter from the archetypal world to the creative and formative worlds and finally to the material world. Thus it essentially represents the astral light, the means through which Hermes wields his great power of transformation.”

Mercury/Hermes/Thoth is above the snakes. And he is in you.

He transcends it. He is the master of it.

Balance between Being and Becoming.

>> No.15731534



Start there

>> No.15731551
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>> No.15731567


Based and blessed

>> No.15731592

Imagine if she induced lactation.

>> No.15731684

Also: the massive Saharan sand storm sweeping across the US that will impact breathing

>> No.15731697

True schzo shit

>> No.15731724

How did nobody mention the massive, disgusting tits?

>> No.15731857

this is not spiritual, faggot, this is anti spiritual. go fuck yourself you boring piece of shit.

this is spiritual more than a billion of bibles, gitas and shiet

>> No.15731898

not a bad set of posts. yoga postures are mostly bullshit though

>> No.15731936

Because this is a straight man's board.

>> No.15731971
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>Being / Becoming

"These two types of change correspond to Yin (instantaneous change in the present) and Yang (cumulative change over time) in the most abstract; the fundamental theorem of calculus is the tao in mathematically pure form."

>> No.15732001

Becoming isn’t the opposite force of being though. Pure being is the same as pure nothing, but they are also not the same. Their truth is in their vanishing from one to the other, when you conceive of one it has already passed over into the other. This movement is becoming.

>> No.15732045

>He believes that “being” is opposed to “becoming”

>> No.15732092
File: 758 KB, 3652x1811, D842DA84-C375-4F1B-B8E5-FED8C1F140D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As the snake climbs, consciousness evolves.

The One/All splits into Purusha and Prakriti so that it can experience itself evolving / becoming.

>> No.15732133

Being and becoming as opposed to each other is, admittedly, a simplification. They are dynamics of othogonal dimensions bootstrapping each other into experience, there’s a feedback loop, see pic:



>> No.15732367

this is the first time i realize how empty her stare is

guess i have turned gay

>> No.15732629

>Keep abreast

>> No.15732794

so whats the Word, anon?

what should be the main focus for the 'coming' decline?

how to Be?

>> No.15732810

You forgot
>"Being" balanced with "Becoming" leads to two big things

>> No.15733008

Yes. Seek balance between the two, everyday.

yoga (ease into it),
active imagination (read Jung's Red Book)
synchronicity journal,
dream journal

this will get you to self-actualize. find your hewro's journey. just stay grounded

>> No.15733032

also "massive tips"

>> No.15733038

>process philosophy
>aztec philosophy
a whole other level of based right here

>> No.15733143

ewwwww big yucky fake honkers ewwwwww

>> No.15733173


Recently listened to an episode of the Hermitix podcast with David Beth that lead me to start to thing about these kinds of things.

I think that Being rational consciousness or the godhead is the strongest force today because it is the foundation of western thought and capitalism. The idea that if we work hard enough we can penetrate into the realm of pure spirit or noumena has kind of put blinders on the western subject and cut him off from the phenomenal, natural world. This phenomenal world is the serpent and man seeks to annihilate its volatility and tendency towards change, and he does this through technological means.

This phenomenal world however contains all the enthusing forces, and primordial intelligences which humanity has evolved with, and up until recently had a direct connection to. The malaise, boredom, and purposeless attitude among westerners today is a direct result of being removed from the enthusing forces of the phenomenal world.

There exist people who are still in connection with this world, they are the various shamans of indigenous societies in the global south who possess the ability to literally interface with the intelligence of the natural world and learn things through that process. They've essentially conquered the serpent aspect/unconscious, whereas western technological society had conquered spirit/consciousness.

What i believe is necessary going in to the future, and were seeing the beginnings of this now, is a synthesis between the knowledge systems of western technology, and shamanic understanding. Im not sure what this looks like in practice, but >>15733008 is definitely a good start

>> No.15733270

i d gladly jizz on both her purusha and prakruti if you know what i meditate

>> No.15733300

How Becoming of you

>> No.15733303

Being is a conspiracy and nature is a brutal bitch
So nigga just fuck off with this gay shit

>> No.15733493

You don't need schizo powers to notice that much, I don't know what you're doing on a literature board if you didn't.

>> No.15733594

>balance between Western knowledge & Shamanic Understanding

Well put

>> No.15734143

Nice, I want her to lactate while meditating

>> No.15734163

Become deez nuts

>> No.15734177


>> No.15734824
