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15721216 No.15721216 [Reply] [Original]

What's your thoughts on For My Legionaries?

>> No.15721233

I got this weird print of it that's got massive font and the whole thing is bigger than my laptop by like a couple inches both ways.

>> No.15721234

junk food for drooling paranoid nincompoops
can't you just fuck off?

>> No.15721253
File: 634 KB, 2000x750, codreanu_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing, you should also read about him from unbiased authors

>Codreanu’s most effective propaganda in these years was to be work, action, and the example. Hundreds of voluntary labor camps of the Legion, then called the TPT Party, dotted the map of Romania, repairing village bridges, roads, and churches, building dams, digging wells and working “for the collective and national solidarity.” In these camps, the boyar son worked side by side with the son of the laborer and the peasant, creating a powerful feeling of national unity and renovation. If the new intellectuals who graduated (or failed to graduate) in creasing numbers from the universities and joined the ranks of the Legion were strongly anti-Semitic because of the Jewish middle classes blocking their way, the lower classes came to the Legion because they hoped to fulfill their desires for a social justice on a national rather than a Russian Bolshevik platform.

>As the Legion increased in importance, it had to take a certain number of stands on practical issues of the day despite its acute revulsion to dealing with the problems of the sordid twentieth-century industrial age. These stands and attitudes were taken on an ad hoc basis when the Legion had to face them, and the result was a curious mixture of their ideology and more realistic considerations. Although it concentrated its activities in the villages, the Legion formed the Corps of Legionary Workers in 1936 and in addition to the dozens of labor camps, Codreanu ordered the Legion to enter a very new field for Romanians, commerce. He wanted to prove that not only Jews could be successful in this area.” In less than a year, the Battalion of Legionary Commerce founded a chain of Legionary restaurants, groceries, and repair shops covering Bucharest and the provincial towns. The income from these establishments financed vacations for underprivileged children and provided funds for the movement.” Besides the commercial establishments, there was a Legionary welfare organization, and steps were taken to organize Legionary cooperatives. At the opening of the Legionary sanatorium in Predeal, different payment rates were established. Everybody was to pay according to his conscience; the poor were not to pay at all.

>> No.15721266

quick rundown?

>> No.15721276

It's interesting enough if you're interested in fascist history, but isn't very good outside of that.

>> No.15721283

tldr is fuck Jews and communists, Romania stronk. I would only bother with it if you have an interest in the Iron Guard, it's mostly a biography.

>> No.15721310

>romania is a new nation with no middle class
>all industries dominated by urban jews and other foreigners
>media mostly foreign owned
>suddenly gets flooded by bolsheviks after russian revolution
>universities filled with pro bolshevik commies, foreigners, a lot like today's university kids who don't even identify with their nation
>joking about and planning to open the gates for the bolsheviks when they reach the old russian border to the east
>could happen any day
>practically inviting the bolsheviks to invade
>bunch of romanian youths form leagues to fight the pro bolshevik leagues
>single handedly kick them out of the universities
>form new leagues based on romanian patriotism
>create political parties and get parliamentary representation
>demand expropriation of foreign and non-romanian nationals owning half of the country
>demand creation of strong romanian middle class defended by protectionist government, not dominated by urban business elites and landlords
>almost become greatest fascist nation in europe
>about to be legally elected majority coalition in parliament
>corrupt monarch suspends parliament, illegally executes leaders of the peaceful revolution without trial
>country becomes irrelevant communist shitheap for 50 years
>now enslaved to globalist neoliberalism

>> No.15721338

I found it really boring and couldn’t finish it

>> No.15721387

Which books would you recommend?

>> No.15721689

>can't you just fuck off?

>> No.15722047

Friendly reminder that /lit/ is a fascist board

>> No.15722410

Brainlet incel rant lacking any actual political or economic theory

>> No.15722551
File: 59 KB, 666x500, 163nja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is incel even an insult anymore?
"Hurr he doesn't glow with STDS what a loser"
I'd rather have sex and marry with One Person if we have an emotional corrispondence then rather shag a thousands whores.
Whats the point evalueting pussy and putting It on a pedestal?
If something you are enpowering sluts and their way of life

>> No.15722554

why are edgelord rightoids so shit at graphic design

>> No.15722557


>> No.15722567

>almost become greatest fascist nation in europe

>almost won the special olympics

>> No.15722698

That Word Is so overused that It has Lost its original Power,come to think of It alot of words,of repeated enough times lose their original strenght.
Honestly I see this buzzwords as somenthing to decorate my chest with

>> No.15722793

Gay catholic priest

>> No.15722810

He got married in church while wearing traditional Romanian dress

>> No.15722868

Fuck off Orthodog,go pay your Money to the russian mafia

>> No.15722883

Rather have some corruption than rampant pedophilia built upon pagan heresy and prelest, desu senpai

>> No.15722986

>Falling for the pedophila meme
Face It,99.9% of orthodox "christians" are basedboys hippies like Matthew Heimbach

>> No.15723119

So many asshurt leftists in this thread because none of their """theory""" has any veridical basis in reality or vitality. No wonder leftist faggots make heroes out of midget faggots like Gramsci and disgusting fatasses like Bordiga.

>> No.15723123

more like for my incels

>> No.15723196


>> No.15723296

He got married,what are you on about

>> No.15723310

Can actually bring up some sort of argument that isn't a buzzword

>> No.15723323

He's a joke, why would anyone bother making an argument when you can just make fun of the retard

>> No.15723336

How Is he a joke?

>> No.15723351

kek this is why this board just gets more right wing every year

>> No.15723434

If you actually look at current tends on 4chan it's quite the opposite, the right peaked in 2016 and has been on a downward spiral since

>> No.15723438

the legionaries are the incels not him

>> No.15723465

That doesn't make any sense but okay...

>> No.15723478

lol no

>> No.15723494

Mainstream right,yes
Actual rightwinger are florishing,free of wignat and magatards influences

>> No.15723645

you're a joke, retard

>Looks like I've won this one

>> No.15724114

U mad

>> No.15724176

Yeah because I actually produced an actual argument rather than repeating the same words over and over like a dementia ridden patient

>> No.15724201

Why are you missing the part when the Iron guard got dabben on by Antonescu who led it throughout WW2? Are you an amerimutt like the vast majority of people obsessed with them?

>> No.15724208

Incels don't have sex with one person. Incels have no sex with anybody.

>> No.15724215

stil vooting trump xD

>> No.15724219

Because that wasn't the Guard, that was just remnants of it allowed to exist by the government after its best and brightest were assassinated. Mostly thugs and easily manipulated people who only wanted violence.

>> No.15724221

Far rightists are literally seething the same way they were seething in the 2000s and 90s, nobody actually cares about your narrative, on top of that it's all a russian psyop forced meme

>> No.15724226

black people being dumb is not a russian psyop, im sorry youve been lied to

>> No.15724229
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Don't respond to trannies. Post Codreanu.

>> No.15724251

>Because that wasn't the Guard, that was just remnants of it allowed to exist by the government after its best and brightest were assassinated.
Only extemely small percentage of legionaries perished during that time, their power peaked during the subsequent National Legionary State. So what you are really saying is that vast majority of them were "thugs and easily manipulated people who only wanted violence" from the very beggining.

>> No.15724258

There's always a few spam threads and low effort race baiting going on in waves, the same few people have made it their life mission to annoy people off /lit/ and claim this board as an extension to /pol/.

>> No.15724280

The way he was killed was based

>> No.15724292

Not sure if the post was made by a leftist or orthodox monarchist.

>> No.15724310
File: 187 KB, 1200x627, co.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Legionary life is beautiful, not because of riches, partying or the acquisition of luxury, but because of the noble comradeship which binds all Legionaries in a sacred brotherhood of struggle.

>A people becomes aware of its existence when it becomes aware of its entirety, not only of its component parts and their individual interests.

>We will kill in ourselves a world in order to build another, a higher one reaching to the heavens.

>The Legionaries have been called by God to sound the trumpet for the resurrection of Romania after centuries of darkness and oppression.

>It is a new form of leadership of states, never encountered yet. I don't know what designation it will be given, but it is a new form. I think that it is based on this state of mind, this state of high national consciousness which, sooner or later, spreads to the periphery of the national organism. It is a state of inner light. What previously slept in the souls of the people, as racial instinct, is in these moments reflected in their consciousness, creating a state of unanimous illumination, as found only in great religious experiences. A people as a whole reach self-consciousness, consciousness of its meaning and its destiny in the world. In history, we have met in peoples nothing else than sparks, whereas, from this point of view, we have today permanent national phenomena. In this case, the leader is no longer a 'boss' who 'does what he wants', who rules according to 'his own good pleasure': he is the expression of this invisible state of mind, the symbol of this state of consciousness. He does not do what he wants, he does what he has to do. And he is guided, not by individual interests, nor by collective ones, but instead by the interests of the eternal nation, to the consciousness of which the people have attained. In the framework of these interests and only in their framework, personal interests as well as collective ones find the highest degree of normal satisfaction.

Any movement without its heart and its head can degenerate, especially when its members need to be tough to resist communists and corrupt officials who want to sell out the country for personal gain.

Most "supporters of the Legion" were the legal voters and ordinary Romanians who supported its bid for legal election before an illegal reactionary regime assassinated him and dissolved the democracy. Most were demoralized after their nation and its potential were destroyed with Codreanu's death.

Go peddle your pilpul elsewhere. You already got what you wanted, Romania was ruled by a communist Jewish foreigner woman, and turned into an economic satellite first of the USSR and now of EU capitalism. You already won. No need to keep spreading your lame propaganda half a century later.

>> No.15724323
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Monarcho-Socialism the ultimate synthesis, return to nature.

>> No.15724351
File: 25 KB, 340x485, 1582496561302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We have studied the Jewish problem scientifically. Essentially it is an abnormal situation that the Jews should live among other races, whereby they violate the great natural law that every race shall live in its own country.

>Those who think that the Jews are poor unfortunates, arrived here by chance, carried by the wind, led by fate, and so on, are mistaken. All the Jews who exist on the face of the earth form a great community, bound by blood and Talmudic religion. They are parts of a truly implacable state, which has laws, plans and leaders who formulate these plans and carry them through. The whole thing is organised in the form of a so-called 'Kehillah'. This is why we are faced, not with isolated Jews, but with a constituted force, the Jewish community. In any of our cities or countries where a given number of Jews are gathered, a Kehillah is immediately set up, that is to say the Jewish community. This Kehillah has its leaders, its own judiciary, and so on. And it is in this small Kehillah, whether at the city or at the national level, that all the plans are formed: how to win the local politicians, the authorities ; how to work one's way into circles where it would be useful to get admitted, for example, among the magistrates, the state employees, the senior officials ; these plans must be carried out to take a certain economic sector away from a Romanian's hands; how an honest representative of an authority opposed to the Jewish interests could be eliminated ; what plans to apply, when, oppressed, the population rebels and bursts in anti-Semitic movements.

>We have political parties led by Romanians, through which Judaism speaks; Romanian papers, written by Romanians, through which the Jew and his interests speak; Romanian lecturers, thinking, writing and speaking Hebraically, but in the Romanian language.

>Besides, large-scale general plans: 1) they will seek to break the bonds between earth and heaven, doing their best to spread, on a large scale, atheistic and materialistic theories, degrading the Romanian people, or even just its leaders, to a people separated from God and its dead, they will kill them, not with the spear, but by cutting the roots of their spiritual life; 2) they will then break the links of the race with the soil, material spring of its wealth, attacking nationalism and any idea of Fatherland and homeland; 3) determined to succeed, they will seek to seize the press; 4) they will use any pretext, since in the Romanian people there are dissensions, misunderstandings, and quarrels, to divide them into as many antagonistic parties as possible; 5) they will seek to monopolise more and more the means of existence of Romanians; 6) they will systematically drive them to dissoluteness, annihilating family and moral force without forgetting to degrade and daze them through alcoholic drinks and other poisons.

>A country has the Jews it deserves.

>> No.15724436

also known as a ’gimp suit’

>> No.15724492

>Most were demoralized
They literally seized power in 1940, so much for "demoralization". If all it takes for a movement to "degenerate" in less than two years is death of single person, then your movement was fragile shit from the start.

Fucking amerimutts, I swear...

>> No.15724517

t. Never read the book

>> No.15724592
File: 100 KB, 640x844, g.gheorghiu-dej.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go peddle your pilpul elsewhere. You already got what you wanted, Romania was ruled by a communist Jewish foreigner woman, and turned into an economic satellite first of the USSR and now of EU capitalism. You already won. No need to keep spreading your lame propaganda half a century later.

Not that guy, but Pauker was an high in the politburo for only a few years before she was liquidated from her post as well. The Romanian spirit lives on, even to this day.

>> No.15724886

>Far rightists are literally seething the same way they were seething in the 2000s and 90s
As if you were alive doing that period

>> No.15724948

He was a great man who loved God and country and founded a spirtual/political movement to combat the Jewish/communist takeover of his country. The book includes a lot of newspaper clippings and you'll see a lot of the exact same tactics and smears used against him that's still used today against any opposition to the left.

>> No.15725112

Fascism is the true left, "leftists" are totalitarians either as liberal tranny chaos worshipers or bolshevik destruction of all nations and religions.

>> No.15725125
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Jung would have classified him as a mystic or shaman, as he did with Hitler.

>> No.15725133
File: 25 KB, 300x162, Corneliu_Zelea_Codreanu_archive_Legionary_Movement_Romanian_Christian_Nationalists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There seems to be a pureness to him of possible enlightenment.

>> No.15725143
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He acted in his life as a divine king of millennia past, instructing morality with his presence alone.

>> No.15725151
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Every nation hopes for one such as him to awaken and charge towards the light with a rage of ten thousand suns.

>> No.15725169

The word "left" comes from the French revolutionary politics and it designated and still designates liberals of all types. It's common to hear in US politics that both Republicans and Democrats are the same or that the Republicans are just Democrats with brakes and there's a lot of truth to this because the mainstream of both these parties are of the liberal tradition. Now of course they have different conceptions of liberty and freedom and this results in different policy preferences but they are both firmly of the left.

Fascism is a rejection of liberalism. Codreanu was a monarchist. To call them left wing is ridiculous and historically and politically inept.

>> No.15725880

Is there a reading list for legionaries?

>> No.15725984

The left includes totalitarian Stalinists. If you're going to be a pedant at least don't be a retard at the same time.

>> No.15726179

Sure dude, you know better.

>> No.15726198

Stalin literally referred to himself as right wing socialist.

>> No.15726211


>> No.15726222

>unbiased authors
You mean people who are biased towards fascism?

>> No.15726239

the quoted source isn't

>> No.15726266

>why would anyone bother making an argument when you can just make fun of the retard
And there we have it. The reason threads like this go to shit

>> No.15726297
File: 81 KB, 670x676, European's Law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you an amerimutt like the vast majority of people obsessed with them?
You might want to have less salt anon.

>> No.15726411

>Fucking amerimutts, I swear...

>> No.15726605

>probability EXPONENTIALLY increases
Fucking amerimutts...those subhumans really should be exterminated.

>> No.15726621

lmao, imagine fucking up something so simple as copying an already existing meme. mutts truly are subhuman

>> No.15726719
File: 32 KB, 499x364, 51A9Mq-Ik5L._SY362_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start with this

>> No.15726789


>> No.15726870

>you're against us or with us
Case in point

>> No.15726892

Matthew is an American, he doesn't even have blood ties to Orthodox countries. He's welcome, but don't generalize

>> No.15726908

That's BLM starter material.

>> No.15726947
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>> No.15727084

You're so funny

>> No.15727488

And you didn't disprove the point either

>> No.15728531

>economic theory

This is what leftist and liberal types will never understand about extreme right-wing or 'transcendent' right-wing political philosophy.
The economy is secondary to the 'matter of life' which animates and drives the politics in the first place.

>> No.15729243

Fascism is esoteric hive mind retardation. It is a return to the pre Enlightenment era, an era where inequality, anti-intelectualism, oppression, constant war and authoritarianism were the norm.
The one time Fascism was at its peak, it started the bloodiest conflict in human history.
Wake the fuck up. There's absolutely no rationality behind fascist theory, it is fundamentally feelings based and no amount of coping will ever change that fact.

>> No.15729252

tranny is upset

>> No.15729270

>Feelings based reply
Like clockwork.

>> No.15729271

>Real things are subject to vague poetic concepts

>> No.15729273


>> No.15729297
File: 5 KB, 179x170, 8463583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>money is real

>> No.15729305

Believe in money right now! I have several charts full of numbers and percentage signs that say you owe me money and you have to borrow more money to pay off that money and that's the only way you can make your crops grow! That's how the world works!

>> No.15730042

as apposed to people who are biased towards democracy?

>> No.15730529
File: 79 KB, 1200x630, heimbach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heimbach Is an Orthodog,cope more