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/lit/ - Literature

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15722079 No.15722079 [Reply] [Original]

What's your most strongly held belief?

>> No.15722085

women peak at age 14

>> No.15722091

Conviction is the greatest gift a person can have.

>> No.15722092

duels should be legal

>> No.15722100

This is so goddamn unbelievably based that I take back my post.

>> No.15722106

I can't think of any, maybe that all jews and non whites have to die, I would even sacrifice my life for this.

>> No.15722110

The Sun is the most beautiful thing in existence, both aesthetically and conceptually.

>> No.15722112


>> No.15722119

What is aesthetically appealing in a flaming ball of Hydrogen gas?

>> No.15722121

here is famous sun quote for you:

He stepped down, trying not to look long at her, as if she were the sun, yet he saw her, like the sun, even without looking

>> No.15722125

Anaxagoras was right that the Sun is made of rock. We have been lied to.

>> No.15722127

and you should be able to duel a woman

>> No.15722131

Strongly held beliefs should be mutable.

>> No.15722137 [DELETED] 

It never die.

>> No.15722144

If that’s not progressive thinking then idk what is.

>> No.15722152

It's centrality suggests stability, elegant support and comfort. The radiance and magnitude of it clash with this elegance by displaying a destructive, imposing nature. The fact that it's spherical points to a never-ending sense of finitude. It mirrors mankind perfectly.

Thank you!

>> No.15722159

I dont have strongly held believes as it would make me fanatic

>> No.15722160

Not having them makes you an NPC

>> No.15722170
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God has died and his death was the life of the world.

>> No.15722199

The search for truth is itself worth it even if the ultimate truth of reality and God is incomprehensible
Very cringe, pedos get the rope, women don’t physically mature until at least 16 usually and don’t begin decline until early twenties. Attraction to the sexually immature is a mental illness

>> No.15722269

Its the opposite

>> No.15722293

>t. NPC

>> No.15722298

Sexuality is a problem

>> No.15722334

Ignorant people are disgusting.

>> No.15722347
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Dialectical materialism

>> No.15722348

>Very cringe, pedos get the rope, women don’t physically mature until at least 16 usually and don’t begin decline until early twenties. Attraction to the sexually immature is a mental illness
I sincerely hope you’re baiting. You can’t possibly be this stupid

>> No.15722349

Being is the Good is the One

>> No.15722353

life must be painfully dull for you

>> No.15722376

t. horseshoe

>> No.15722403
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That people who shill for individual responsibility live in a fantasy world and that most political issues can only be solved (or at least tackled) by collective spirit

>> No.15722416

Hatred is the strongest and most contagious human emotion

>> No.15722423

>most political issues can only be solved (or at least tackled) by collective spirit

>people who shill for individual responsibility live in a fantasy world
What the fuck

>> No.15722433

J--s are evil.
I'd still strike her if she insulted me.

>> No.15722475

>t. Ignatius Riley

>> No.15722508
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Amen brother

>> No.15722509

This is quite a strong belief by itself, but a based one

>> No.15722511

Freedom is your willingness to die. Power is your willingness to die and kill.

>> No.15722612

Comies in 2020 are the cringiest thing.
>The cringest

>> No.15722621

Jesus rose from the dead.

>> No.15722631

Nicene Creed

>> No.15722632

no nigger will ever discover a physical law

>> No.15722642

and she can get out of it by offering to fuck you.

>> No.15722648

I exist

>> No.15722650

Western civilization peaked at the end of the 20thC and we are hurtling down into the shit.
It'll be far worse than the end of the Roman Empire
I hope I'm dead before it gets really bad (I'm quite old so that is a possibility)

>> No.15722653


>> No.15722663

Commies have to be some of the most disingenuous pseuds of all time. Albania isn't anywhere remotely close to communism.

>> No.15722680

Prove it.

>> No.15722691

Everything can modeled with game theory and evolutionary thinking but flourishing can only be achieved with fiction and storytelling

>> No.15722739

Both parties have to agree to a duel.
So if one of the parties doesn't want to duel, they just say "no" to the offer and suffer a massive prestige hit.

>> No.15722745

To put it more succinctly: treat your enemies with the scalpel of rationality, treat your friends with the nourishment of a story

>> No.15722755

I'm a strict determinist (not causal determinist/mechanist). I don't believe in God or anything like that, I just don't see how there is any rational room to believe in alternate universes

>> No.15722762

you mean the end of the 19th Century right?

>> No.15722764

>population growth
>something to be admired

Oh, my.

>> No.15722778

Based half-hearted sacrificial genocider

>> No.15722818
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There is something like generational guilt or worthiness. There is nothing to worry about, you will reap what you sow. If something happens it was deserved.

>> No.15722828

Men are not monogamous

>> No.15722845

If it only were that easy.

>> No.15722867

sleep tight steeler

Human beings are chaotic, entropic and cruel. Many are by nature violent. Civilizations must uphold consistent and strict moral codes and standards of conduct, whatever they may be, if they want any hope to survive. Societies that abandon those principles die, usually catastrophically.

>> No.15722873

Holy based

>> No.15722885

> determinist
> causal determinist/mechanist
they are the same thing anon

>> No.15722914

Both good and bad feelings are equally valid, life can ultimately be reduced to time and how you endure it

>> No.15722925

labor theory of value

>> No.15722935

I thought

>> No.15722946

Polytheism. I believe that it’s the defining value of civilization and that rejection of it in favor of monotheism will inevitably result in a devolved state of society wherein the most intolerant puritanicals eventually hate and kill each other and completely tear society apart

>> No.15722960

So you literally believe in a group of metaphysical entities that have different attributes that rule the universe?

>> No.15722972

Yes, and in the qualities they embody, and the fate that gave birth to them and that will eventually destroy them, to give birth to them once more

>> No.15722988

Schizophrenia incarnate

>> No.15723006

>makes an instant diagnosis
>based on two text messages

You must be the best mental health professional in the world

>> No.15723007

Thanks anon I do try

>> No.15723021

I’m pretty sure it’s illegal in America for people to dole out unsolicited mental health diagnoses, especially whilst being uncertified

>> No.15723028

This is why we need to ban faith healing

>> No.15723130

Being unspooked

>> No.15723140
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>> No.15723145
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Fite me IRL faggot

>> No.15723173

There is nothing transcendental or supernatural, religion is a cope and metaphysics are useless. I'm 24 and racist btw.

>> No.15723186

Chance is the strongest force in the universe.

>> No.15723203

God died for our sins

>> No.15723223

Racism is transcendental. I'm trans BTW

>> No.15723244

Working for someone else is a con.

>> No.15723406

So separation from God is a sin?

>> No.15723702

this. fucking retard thinks the stage-setting of today was the peak. the fucking 90s and 70s LMAO. it was over by 1920.

>> No.15723712

It's a good point. Religious plurality stops the eventual black and white thinking.

>> No.15723743

Based and Atenpilled

>> No.15723772

Likewise, I seriously hope you’re baiting, pedo

>> No.15723818

Nigger here

What's a physical law?

>> No.15723996
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They will succeed in turning us all in to obedient comsoomer mutts

>> No.15724009

Nobody really believes in anything.

>> No.15724040

Mathematicism is the truth but it's also way too dangerous of a truth which is why it has remained dormant in the western philosophical tradition.

>> No.15724081

Based and Pythagoraspilled

>> No.15724124

And they will have done nothing wrong. Gen Z sits around playing video games and watching cartoons and all day, living a life more leisurely than an Egyptian pharaoh, and then complains as if some terrible crime has been perpetrated against them. Absurd.

>> No.15724142

mbempa effect

>> No.15724175
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Dude, I listened to so much fucking rap music through the entire 90s and I still never heard of that shit. Certified obscure.

>> No.15724610

Numbers do not exist, nor do sets.

>> No.15724625

Terrible. A fucking fish brain is more beautiful than your inanimate nuclear reaction.

>> No.15724662

All meaningful rights stem from property rights, which in turn stem from individuals willing and able to use violence to protect them

>> No.15724668

Couldn't you say they exist as thoughts in our brains?

>> No.15724688
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Reality exists in my mind. It is my choice whether I will let it determine itself for me.

>> No.15724712
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The sanctity of the consciousness is the only important liberty -- as long as you can think you are free

>> No.15724726

What is a right?

>> No.15724782

if everyone on earth followed the golden rule always life would be far more bearable. no one can, but we should strive to always be kind and not be so presumptuous to assume our judgements of others are always correct. everyone is working off of bad data, emotion, their past trauma, stupid beliefs they've never questioned.
if you believe your opinions are uniformly right and that you're able to divine others intentions you're a fucking idiot.
jesus christ was right, we should be kind to one another

>> No.15724855

Cool beans.

>> No.15724896

terry was suicided by cia niggers

>> No.15724908
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I am sentient

>> No.15724936

Mankind needs to regain the notion of merit and shun the notion of desire.

>> No.15724953

art without god is not art at all

>> No.15724974

Anything good can be bad and anything bad can be good

>> No.15724981

Based and Ahab Pilled

>> No.15724998

Right-wingers will never be right

>> No.15725018
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I believe that death should be really painful. If I were to choose how I would die I would pick self immolation. A lot of people think this is a weird stance but dying is potentially the last thing you'll ever feel so it may as well be intense. A painful death also would serve as a sort of penance that might help to absolve your sins. If you buy into that kind of thing.

>> No.15725024

Even if I am a nobody, my existence and my suffering means something. It is only more painful to live in denial of this

>> No.15725035

Law of irony.
Every human life has a thick strand of irony woven in its fate.
God is funny that way, figuratively speaking.

>> No.15725084

Choke your dick hard when you wanted to cum..and then you can do it again without waiting for cooldowns :) greatest hack ever learned and practiced ever since.

>> No.15725087

When people talk about "individual responsibility" they do it when they don't want to concede that they do not have a solution to a big issue.

>> No.15725091

Of course it does. For you.

>> No.15725172

That’s anybody though, it’s easier with some people than others to be mixable with other people, but to be removed from Anon’s truth is to be removed from existence, sometimes existence is more available or bearable than other times but it’s always the preferred situation whenever it’s something palpable

>> No.15725238

I've been fantasizing about this as well. Public suicide in general, if I'm being honest. That, and the removal of the tongue, which is odd, because both are motivated by inherently different end goals. The former to forcefully push myself into the public eye and immortalize my being through the buzz that would inevitably follow. The latter to further sink into the foreground.

>> No.15725268

>when you wanted to cum
do you cum or not tho

>> No.15725272

This, but the opposite

>> No.15725344

>jesus christ was right, we should be kind to one another
Approximately right, but yea. Sure. Unfortunately, most Christians follow a heavily politicized and bastardized version of what Christianity once was. The same goes for any other fundamentalist religion for that matter.

>> No.15725382

what isn't?

>> No.15725401

I’m not good enough and neither is anybody else, therefore everyone is good enough (I believe this in principle but this is a spectrum of a thought where I lie too much towards the former)

>> No.15725418

i'm not christian. i think it's idiotic to worship a book you've never read. but i went to a catholic high school and had to read a lot of the gospels. jesus had a lot of good teachings, i would not be ashamed to live a christ-like life.

>> No.15725430

free will is a myth

>> No.15725437

>The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
>Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.
>There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after.
(Ecclesiastes 1:9-11, KJV)
I believe in the eternal return as the nature of reality.

>> No.15725448

There is nothing more beautiful than the raw unstoppable excess that is the violence of the sun. Denial of this is emasculate.

>> No.15725457

Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't.

Now what?

Any discussion surrounding free will is nothing more than mental masturbation, no more productive than actual masturbation.

>> No.15725492

Free will is true, and so is predetermination.
We are predetermined to freely choose certain actions.
We make choices, but they were inevitable from the moment that the universe began.
They are still choices we make though, freely.

>> No.15725504

Any honest discussion about it ends very quickly because everyone realizes it's an incoherent concept. The only implications it has are (maybe) making you feel more empathetic for people you'd otherwise hate, but it doesn't change anything practically speaking.

it is nevertheless annoying when people deny it and try to obfuscate and weasel about

>> No.15725519

Cultures are not equals.

>> No.15725541

cringe nigga

>> No.15725591

>t. free will is an illusion

>The only implications it has are (maybe) making you feel more empathetic for people you'd otherwise hate,
Aye. We are victims of circumstance.

Regardless, I've concluded that, whether or not we are truly agentic, it's important to act as if we are, as >>15725492 seems to be implying.

>> No.15725605


>> No.15725621

Existence is really just a grand cosmic play where Shiva experiences itself.

>> No.15725628

Not that I don't believe in evolution, but I'm curious to know why it would be your strongest held belief

>> No.15725724

It is just rational, when you look how animal breeding and genes works. Evolution can also be social or on market.

>> No.15725780

I take it you're quite laissez-faire then?

>> No.15725810

not really, I believe in competition on market first and without government we risk creating cartels or even monopolies.

>> No.15725879

If you were to live every life of man or woman on earth it would not equal a single millisecond in hell or heaven.

>> No.15726486

I saw this exact same post a couple of months ago. What the fuck?

>> No.15726775

I don't need to kill myself
it will get better
some day

>> No.15726793 [DELETED] 


>> No.15727432

i feel i would always be happy on at least some level as long as I could see the sun

>> No.15727643

The right to bear arms.

>> No.15727650

Holy shit

>> No.15727705

It is our duty to procreate as we owe our life to procreation. Not trying to procreate would declare our lives worthless. And those who can't are chosen for a higher purpose.

>> No.15727720

> *BURP* Love is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed, Morty.
You can reduce anything down to its chemistry and make it seem unappealing or artificial.

>> No.15727724

I am alive

>> No.15727762

Do you hold people like octomum and people like her in high regard?

>> No.15727797
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>> No.15727805

Ignorance is a sin

>> No.15727812

but no offence has been done to his honor.

>> No.15727824

but what are we talking here like ten paces and turn and magdump into eachother or everyone gets a katana or what

>> No.15727832

The internet is not real life but just characters on a screen that represent objects

>> No.15727859

Intersectional progressivism and classical Christian dogma are both unappealing in their basis in the righteousness of the victim. Freedom is the fruit of of the labour of brutality. He who keeps freedom for himself shall have the most of it. Ironically, those who prove this to be true are those who oppose this idea the most, aside from China.

>> No.15727863

Dino egg is the best kind of instant oatmeal.

>> No.15727905

I believe the terms of the duel would be a matter resolved at the duelling parties pleasure.

>> No.15727937
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You hold the most contemptible opinion I think I can possibly imagine. If I could trade every member of our society who thinks and feels this way with actual child molesters, I'd consider it a bargain. A collective is not some magical concept with no parts to it. A collective is a collection of individuals. Even when the "collective spirit" you're talking about is center stage, in almost every single case it is ignited and steered by specific individuals and the course/success of the collective relies on the merit and intent of those individuals. No, relying solely on individualism isn't smart and it's not going to move mountains by itself, but the attitude that individual responsibility isn't worth a shit is inevitably only going to produce a collective made up of pieces that aren't worth a shit. Preaching the collective without emphasizing individual responsibility isn't putting the cart ahead of the horse, it's selling your horse to buy another fucking cart. At least with two horses you can handle some stuff, but with two carts you've just got assholes sitting around making excuses and talking about theory. If I felt like your opinion were just a miscalculation it'd be one thing, but this kind of will to powerlessness is itself just deluded escapism built by weak and stupid people trying to justify their own laziness and cowardice. Take responsibility or roll over and die.

>> No.15727977

i fucking hate pseudofags that use long and rarely used words to sound intellectual and superior, its the same thing lawyers do to use and control the masses. If you cant share an idea and have the average dude understand you then fucking kill yourself

>> No.15728060
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Everyone has a little bit of good and evil within themselves. You shouldn't judge people by their worst mistakes.
Most people can change for the better given the right circumstances.
You can't save everyone, but you should be able to influence the people closest to you for the better.

Of course, none of those mean you have to be a sheep. Don't be fooled, don't be exploited. That goes without saying.

>> No.15728061

all things are inherently without worth

>> No.15728074

around blacks never relax

>> No.15728214

get your hand out of your pocket when you're talking to me.

>> No.15728217

>I hate that the the English language hasn't been dumbed down enough for me to understand it I wish everything was just ebonics and pidgin
Expand your vocabulary you fucking stupid retard.

>> No.15728223

>billions of stars in the universe
>the only one you can see up close happens to be the most beautiful one of all

Sure thing

>> No.15728231

>>billions of stars in the universe
They will never matter to any of the billions of humans on this planet, that is why they are not beautiful.

>> No.15728234

they matter to me

>> No.15728240

Individualism is extremely cringe but is still the only sign of a living, thinking human being.

>> No.15728248

Why exactly?

>> No.15728274

Still based.

>> No.15728292

A man chooses, a slave obeys.

>> No.15728309

Would you kindly take the call? >>15727797

>> No.15728329

Nickelback is a really good band.

>> No.15728334

It's not for him.

>> No.15728377

The 'natural way to live' isn't real because of our unnatural consciousness
We should all contribute to humanity so that we may both conquer death and then find a way to leave this universe

>> No.15728386

so what you're saying is that you should be allowed to threaten to kill (duel) a woman, and she should be allowed to fuck you in order to not die (get out of the duel)? How unbelievably muy basado

>> No.15728389

Me and my brother turned out to be God.

>> No.15728421

Why are there so many goddamn schizos on this board?

>> No.15728500

Because to see the Truth, you must be unreal.

>> No.15728515
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The apocalypse is a very real event that will happen someday in the future. Whether it's a nuclear holocaust, giant meteor, runaway global warming, supervolcano-induced new ice age, or whatever else, our species survival is not within our control. Humanity will be brought to (the brink of) extinction, and all worshipers of evil (da Jewz) will be judged for their crimes. Hopefully their souls will burn for eternity in an unquenchable fire.

Gaia will regenerate intelligent life after a unbearably long time, and this life will be closer to the embodiment of Good. (Man diverged and became intelligent in a surprisingly short amount of time--Stone Ape theory, Terrence McKenna, etc.)

Rinse and Repeat for the 4 billion years our Sun will power life on the planet.

>> No.15728529

Jesus is the one and only son of God and that in order to receive eternal life you must repent and put your faith in Him.

>> No.15728643
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>women don’t physically mature until at least 16 usually and don’t begin decline until early twenties

women don't decline in their early 20s if they aren't slags who eat like shit and smoke and drink 24/7
same shit for men
a woman who takes care of herself and doesn't drink and works out can look amazing well into her 40s and 50s and give some 18yr thot a run for her money

picrel applies to men and women

>> No.15728648

That which can be asserted and enforced without violent institutional resistance

>> No.15728724
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Traps are gay

>> No.15728927

I should not take me meds

>> No.15729027

free will surrendered de-occludes, allowing the physical body to be a karma burning conduit, creating a path for the aligned eye thru the veil.

>> No.15729084


>> No.15729110

I agree. Flaunting your vocabulary for the sake of feeding your ego is pseud. Nothing wrong with having your way with words, but guys, humility is important!

>> No.15729114

He loves science and browses reddit

>> No.15729117

White countries should remain 100% white.

>> No.15729261

What a lovely thought. Thanks anon.

>> No.15729265

Your brain is poisoned anon

>> No.15729337


>> No.15729525

Polytheistic religions never had the same educational attainment that monotheistic religions introduced though. Before discussing hypotheticals as to how a pagan belief could (emphasis) have developed a university, or medical institutions, etc.- monotheistic religions have led to the development of many well known and established institutions that benefit society as a whole. I see monotheism as a step in the development of religion

>> No.15729728

Something is intrinsically wrong and bad about the modern condition.

>> No.15729821

Holy shit if I drank three Steel Reserves I would be under the table in my own vomit.

>> No.15729849

>billions of parents in the world
>you like yours best

>> No.15729876

Yes, population growth is a good thing. The state should give out rewards for having lots of children.
>inb4 poverty creates overpopulation
Who cares. Go ahead, let your birth rates go down while the 3rd world populations shoots up into the billions.

>> No.15730067

Better a world without suns than a world without men

>> No.15730076

Wrong. The sun is more of a man than you'll ever be.

>> No.15730095

that pretty much everything can be literature if you pull it of properly

>> No.15730166


>> No.15730175

I greatly enjoy the Hobbit and think Lord of the Rings is tedious and uninteresting.

>> No.15730298

users with names are cringe

>> No.15730327

Chance percentages are made up. If you flip a coin you have a 100% chance of landing heads and 0% chance of landing tails, or vice-versa. It's not 50/50.

>> No.15730339

newfags who don't know sage goes in all fields are cringe

>> No.15730356
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>> No.15730903
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you cannot kill yourself

>> No.15730926

/lit/ is so pretentious holy shit.

>> No.15730949

Now this? This is cringe.

>> No.15730957

well put

>> No.15730959


>> No.15730968

Bible 100% true.

>> No.15731057

Academics are all pseuds, philosophy started with the Greeks and should have ended there.

>> No.15731134

what is that
fisticuffs for minor disagreements and their resolution. might makes right.
10 paces or advancing towards each other when an insult to my name or my honor bears serious weight. example - think if some fag hussar sleeps with my slutty wife while i’m LARPing with the boys in my basement about how we’re gonna start the next illuminati

>> No.15731158
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>t. this guy again

>> No.15731199

even better:
>solipsism/vulgar idealism is real and you can not die. Knowledge about death is only empirical. You literally are the universe because your knowledge of the universe, thus the idea of the existence and rules of the universe live and die with you.

>> No.15731222
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fuck sun cultists. ya ruined our beautiful pastoral existence. state cucks

>> No.15731263
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gays and lesbians have become more based with time and should be encouraged to be productive contributors of the community like you would to anyone else. trannies are kinda cringe and only few of them look good enough, but as long as they don't do anything degenerate and they look presentable enough and not like a monstrosity then they're fine too.

>> No.15731284


>> No.15731289

Women should never be allowed to vote.

>> No.15731303


>> No.15731381

Communists are human and should be shot on sight.

>> No.15731391


>> No.15731458

A painful death will take away your senses and ability to think at the last moments of your life.
I believe dying should be an act one is self aware of it happening, I'm against the "let me die sleeping" but also against a painful death that overshadows your thought process.
I want to be aware in my last moments that I am about to die, because I want to know what my last coherent thoughts will be at the limits of my existence.

>> No.15731540

the world will end with me.

>> No.15731662
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>lesbians no

>> No.15731996


One does only know exactly two fundamental truths, birth and death.

>> No.15732053

The most important thing in the world is having a good pair of shoes

>> No.15732062

I agree with you

>> No.15732074

I sure is hard to be a human. Sticking to the golden rule imperative is actualy not a human trait

>> No.15732101

I disagree. Most of the people are stupid. They have no idea what individual responibility is and never will. Elite should provide some restrictive measure

>> No.15732122

please don't. You are one of us

>> No.15732132
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>> No.15732155

>women don’t physically mature until at least 16 usually and don’t begin decline until early twenties
Litterally only wh*toid women asian women sexually mature at 30

>> No.15732162


>> No.15732191

Women aren't either. That's why women now have affairs at an equal rate as men

>> No.15732202

I am also stupid. So is my neighbour. However, I was successfully taught what individual responsibility is but my neighbour was not.

>> No.15732203

The fact that he posted Kaiji makes his post even more baffling. One of the aspects of the show is that Kaiji is in the situation he's in because of his own laziness, greed and stupidity.

>> No.15732485

I don't completely disagree with you on that, but I also don't see how that justifies abandoning individual responsibility and hoping the sum magically winds up several times greater than its parts. If 10% of people can be taught to be twice as good (however you'd chose measure that), then how that not worth it and not going to change the effectiveness of the collective?

>> No.15732497

I fucking hate trannies.

>> No.15732510

and people who detract from socialist politicians are equally disingenuous

>> No.15732527

That humans that are already alive are more sacred than those who haven’t been born yet.

>> No.15732547

Shit had to be outlawed because it got out of control. The death toll was just staggering. But I guess muh honour is worth dying over, right.

>> No.15733760

Was more based before the correction kek

>> No.15734238

That blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is an unforgivable sin must be taken literally. It's not allegorical, it just means that you're not allowed to speak badly about the Holy Spirit. To treat it like a metaphor is itself blasphemy against the Holy Spirit as it amounts to denying his personhood. For this reason, Thomas Aquinas burns in hell as I'm typing this post.

>> No.15734277

only because guns got better

the older pistol duels had a very low odds of actually hitting each other so it kind of worked. likely why the spacing rule was added, and over took more dangerous sword fights. (still deadly by modern standards, but way safer then other duels)
With old guns that rarely hit the person, both parties could claim they fought over their beliefs and risked their life for it, but statistically had good odds nothing world happen. It worked to like a game of chicken, in that it resolved the argument without actually commenting on what was right or wrong, but simply who had a stronger will.

If both fired and didn't die, then the argument would have a chance to be dropped with both sides having grounds to claim they were the winner, as they walked away alive with the crowd often jumping it to deescalate. If some jerk kept resorting to such a final move, then they would eventually get shot and everyone would be happy the guy who always argued got what he deserved for picking fights. While people who were less confrontational often lives as many only had a few real duels in their lifetime, given how much of a big deal it was.

It wouldn't be hard to build a modern duel rule set that gave such benefits.

>> No.15734315


There are no people with an IQ above 180 who does not realize that there is objective truth

>> No.15734316

duels should be to the death or to the admitted defeat of one party, rules should be agreed upon by both parties and anything should be allowed for rules so long as both parties agree on it

>> No.15734330

>This is your brain on reductionism

>> No.15734431

>Entropy = immorality
>Homogenization = entropy
>Homogenization = immorality
The most relevant consequence of this is that monocultural global Brazil is literally the most immoral possible thing that could happen

>> No.15734449

What we call love is just the desire to use another person as a source of pleasure, so that we feel less lonely

>> No.15734470


>> No.15734482

Free people decide what their own lives are worth.

>> No.15734558

>being this attached to our sun

>> No.15734856

20-30 y/o modern retards have no idea what to do with their lives, let alone what a life is worth. Giving them the right to kill each other over small bits of nonsense is silly.

>> No.15734878

>Dialectical materialism (swt) by saints Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (pbut).

>> No.15735255

For fags who value honour over life, yes it is. That's why duelling should be legal, to weed out society's failures.

>> No.15735271

Give me an example.
Although I disagree with this post on a fundamental, charitable level, I have literally never heard anyone make this complaint and not simply be retarded and lacking in vocabulary.

>> No.15735951
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It's good to be da King.

>> No.15735971

hehe oh boy
that guy got STEELED
good stuff OP, good stuff

>> No.15736467

Immigration and racemixing are the greatest crimes of humanity.

>> No.15736495

You can't suffer without happiness, and you can't be happy without suffering.

>> No.15736669

Humans should never kill other humans, with very few exceptions such as putting one out of their misery. No killing as punishment.

>> No.15737087

I like this one, cheers

>> No.15737096

Whitlam sacking was a cia backed inside job

>> No.15737132

beliefs aren't held they are had

>> No.15737192
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We are a resource planet for an interstellar/intergalactic empire. My personal theory is carbon based life may be kinda rare and something that we make in life or death is being sold by an aristocratic class to enrich themselves and eventually fund their departure from our planet after destroying our ecosystems.

>> No.15738389

It's better to embrace minimalism and frugality than to waste your life working full time.

>> No.15738427

everything is nothing and God is a lie

>> No.15738435
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>The search for truth is itself worth it even if the ultimate truth of reality
The attempt at the redemption of sufferings is its self the redemption of suffering

>> No.15738485

Why would I not be attached to what is most close to me? Especially when it's so devoid of vanity?

>> No.15738578

dhamma is pervasive and nirvana can be achieved

>> No.15738581

muh dick

>> No.15738968

If you have to ask, there's no hope for you

>> No.15739179
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>> No.15739263

At the core of all well-founded belief lies belief that is unfounded.

>> No.15739360

You only love once, non virgins can never experience love unless it's with their original partner.

>> No.15739792

Same to you. Now go worship some more flaming hot balls.

>> No.15740112

evola is shit

>> No.15740287
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I'd duel a woman with my pork sword

>> No.15740298


Albania was successful because they killed half of their population

>> No.15740364

>Jews are evil
They really are, every single one of them. And the ones who come across as nice also have a hidden motive. My father was a UN peacekeeper from 1968-1980 in the Lebanon and would often have to cross into Israel and he said the Jews were the worst people he had ever met and they were pure evil.

>> No.15740433

Antinatalism is the answer

>> No.15740513


hanlon's razor my dude, but yeah what you are describing is modern liberalism

>> No.15740600

We need to fund cat-girl research asap

>> No.15740866 [DELETED] 

You realize you're not saying something exceptional here, right?

>> No.15740922

and keep the corpse

>> No.15740933

I am my own, and it is my right to end my own life whenever the time comes, if it comes.

>> No.15740977

So, basically, Jupiter Ascending? Of all the possibilities, earth being a farm for higher beings sounds like one of the saddest.

>> No.15741693

Communism will win

>> No.15741765

that, all things considered, this life isn't so bad compared to what might be, so i'm better off trying to live as long as i can, lest hell or some really shitty reincarnation awaits

>> No.15742247


>> No.15742510

And I said hell is the sun, burning forever at the center of things, a ball on fire at the center of things, a brain on fire at the center of things

>> No.15742651
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Dying over? No. Killing over? Absolutely.

>> No.15742706

Just because you've read books doesn't mean you should be a writer

>> No.15742715

I would argue that a person who reads too much, makes for a shit author. Hemingway thought so as well.

>> No.15742729

I've never heard that, is there any reasoning behind it? something to do with one writer being influenced by too many?

>> No.15742742

Yea, the argument made is that a person who reads too much is "polluting" their own unique voice with the voice of other authors.

>> No.15742761

imitation vs authenticity

>> No.15743130
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>> No.15743141

The internet is killing anons and people.

>> No.15743305

language is a parasite from outer space and we'd be better off without it or with it but it having a RADICALLY different structure.

>> No.15743387

>local retard decides it is his right to let others do what they want with their lives

Let me guess. Liberal. Skinny. White.

>> No.15743503
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Every political system, no matter what its intentions are, no matter whether it begins on the left or right, will eventually gravitate towards fascism and become fascism, although they will never call themselves that. There is no escaping fascism, unless we replace the entire human species with something else.

>> No.15743515

You only "die over honour" when youre a weak pussy.,

>> No.15743556

that God is the only thing that truely exists

>> No.15743578

So I am God huh?

>> No.15743588

human being are animals. we're products of evolution. our self awareness, our ability to reason, love, altruism, morality, our need for meaning in our lives; are all products of evolution. assuming evolution is true.

>> No.15743656

only the unchanging attributeless awareness which observes your thoughts and senses is, but not your mind or personality or body

>> No.15743688

The sun is hot (in temperature).

>> No.15743690

How does my mind differ from the unchanging attributeless awareness which observes my thoughts and senses?

>> No.15743752


The mind engages in thought, recalls memories, speculates, anticipates, ruminates, analyzes etc. There is a continuum of awareness which is separate from these activities of the mind, the activities of the mind appear in this continuum of awareness or conciousness, which allows them to be witnessed by that awareness through its intrinsic power of illumination. There is a subject-object distinction taking place with the mind and its contents being the object and the awareness observing the mind being the transcendental ungraspable awareness to which everything including the mind is manifested. There has to be an awareness separate from the mind because otherwise each thought has to witness the previous one but then that one requires another thought observing it to make it known and so on and so on which results in an infinite regress which would make knowledge of anything impossible.

>> No.15743757

*with the awareness being the etc subject (of the subject-object relation)

>> No.15743930

>assuming x is true, everything that is entailed by x is true

>> No.15743974

The experience of every living thing is significant

>> No.15744179


There is no creator, supernatural power standing in judgement of humanity. Basically "existence before essence". Life is what we make of it, because there is no ordained meaning. We're all just dumb anmals trying to make the best of a bad situation. So, let's go ahead and build ultratech, go transhiman and colonize our local group of galaxies. We might as well cause we don't have anything better to do.

>> No.15744586
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There is some sort of predisposition to personality to everyone, an 'origin', but not everyone achieves it, instead getting over-influenced by their surrounding or never reaching 'that moment' that would awoke their nature. This is theorized on the idea that if I was born as you, and you were born as me, that I lived through what happened to you, and you lived through what happened to me, you wouldn't be making this post right now. I have no way to confirm this, yet it's the one thing I believe in the most, and quite truthfully I'm past the point where I held beliefs out of satisfaction or to convince myself of anything.

>> No.15744661

People only hear what they want to hear, and now (with the rise of technology) have the opporturnity choose what to watch and which articles to read. They overlook other believes than their own, when the enemy is not getting humiliated by their allies.
I believe this will be the end of all peace and the society as we know it.

>> No.15744887
