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15721566 No.15721566[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books that women like?

>> No.15721584

Young adult fiction that feeds into their sense of narcissism as it allows them to self insert as the unflawed female protagonist.

>> No.15721592

Oh the ironing

>> No.15721616

Not the attractive ones.

>> No.15721624
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Yeah that's what you should be doing bitch

>> No.15721629
File: 236 KB, 2048x1152, EalpoW_XgAAm9ys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying that attractive women are stupid?

>> No.15721651

No, just that they don't read books.

>> No.15721659

>posts a photo of a woman reading an incoherent rant rather than something actually good

>> No.15721664

I bet she was payed for this picture.

>> No.15721665

Women like books about labor economics and animals going on adventures.

Shut it buttershit.

>> No.15721677

>>>Thot posts pictures on Instagram covering her face with a book her fuckboi had on the coffee table

It's hilarious to me that you think she's actually reading that and not just using it as prop to hide her face with.

>> No.15721683
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She made 8 frat boys read it, too

>> No.15721686

Anonymous likes posting in advertisement threads.

>> No.15721688

One pictured here is

>> No.15721705
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how will the butterdyke ever recover???

bitch in 20 years you will have wished you had taken my Alpha Seed into your frigid womb. Your little doggos won't take of you once you are old.

>> No.15721888

Women don't read, and if they do it's shitty fantasy books like harry potter and sorcerer's balls

>> No.15721911

haha I am an incel too bro

>> No.15721919
File: 107 KB, 735x635, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine buttercunt ironing your clothes

>> No.15721927

All that newage race and gender theory shit thats mandatory in college these days

>> No.15721937


>> No.15721977

I’m pretty sure she is being ironic. Somehow I feel like women don’t word their phrases the same way a 19 year old male virgin would.

>> No.15721991

you aren't cool enough. Fuck off sexhaver & gb2reddit

>> No.15721992

How would a 20 yo virgin such as yourself know?

>> No.15722010

It’s an educated guess based on many years of observing women who pull this sort of shit on social media.

>> No.15722015


How is her diction virgin tier?

"Convinced no less than"? Fuck off

ayy yo yo yo yippee yay yah yuh i got deez muthafucka to read bap BRAP swag yolo swerve

>> No.15722023
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>> No.15722034

She’s being ironic you dumbfuck. Only a stupid teenage dickhead would brag about doing something as ludicrous as convincing the most sexually alluring people of that age group to read a fucking book.

>> No.15722041


Frat boys are usually very mediocre people. None of the frats at my school are filled with visible Chads. Some of them are clearly spergs taking advantage of the contrived status and connections many frats offer

>> No.15722043


btw my 1st reply was a tangent, but I never claimed she wasn't being ironic

>> No.15722050

you're right anon
it should be
convinced no fewer than

>> No.15722063

Right, but that’s a detail that only well-informed people are aware of. 90% of people browsing this chick’s Twitter page probably associate “frat boys” with the traditional concept of hyper sexual chads.

>> No.15722072
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good work

>> No.15722099

Cosmopolitan, Elle, Vogue...the list goes on. And before anyone makes the predictable "argument" that they're not books, I shall refer you to the dictionary definition of a book.

>a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in coversa written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers

Also, as an addendum to my previous statement: all women are whores. Can I get a based?

>> No.15722151
File: 124 KB, 800x1001, fragonard-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is a thinly veiled incel thread, but I'll bite. Books, I and other women I know likes:
>classics like:
>The Illiad and the Odyssey
>Wuthering Heights
>The Picture of Dorian Gray
>The Master and Margarita
>Jane Eyre
>The Great Gatsby
>Les Miserables
>Edgar Allan Poe
>Jane Austen
>Historical fiction
>horror related stuff, fiction and reality

but that's just general stuff I've seen and heard, this might sound crazy, but personal taste is also a thing

>> No.15722243

this and only this
or maybe I think that because I only date girls in the 16-19 range

>> No.15722249

have you even read the book?

>> No.15722299

What does me reading the book have to do with women liking the book, clown?

>> No.15722307

how did you know Im a clown