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1570370 No.1570370 [Reply] [Original]

Why do American children have a hard time pronouncing certain words?

On /v/ there's the whole "cowa dooty" thing making fun of how 12 year olds and stuff (call of duty players) pronounce call of duty. But it's not like they're really making fun of them, that's just how they pronounce it.

Are american parents just lazy or what

>> No.1570386

I think you might be mixing up "raised in America" with "has a speech impediment".

>> No.1570389

I think it has something to do with colloquialism and a mixture of word shortening. It's not really trouble pronouncing it's just like taking the G off of the end of words when said aloud. Like doin' or goin'. It's like verbal internet lingo.

>> No.1570403

Because they're fucking young.

Speech development takes time. Ever heard of Piaget?

>> No.1570412

I have heard pf Piaget, but I fail to see the relevance of a range of luxury wristwatch in connection with early childhood speech development.
Given your previous statement, would you please expand your argument on this fascinating and topical subject, taking special care to cover who might possibly give a flying fuck.

>> No.1570779

>Ever heard of Piaget?
no what is it

>> No.1571872

clearly you have not heard of Piaget that relates to child development, and if you can't use Wiki to alleviate your painful condition of ignorance, then you're beyond all help
however, the question of "Why can't the English teach their children to speak properly?" - or something similar - was raised back in the musical of "My Fair Lady" (based on "Pygmalion"); other than that, English is a bitch to learn, either in reading, or writing, or speaking - all you can do is make sure that those kids don't hear YOU mispronounce those words and get some stupid idea that its right to mispronounce things.

>> No.1571880

ITT: No one can into accents or dialects.

>> No.1571884

Do you know what a dialect is?

>> No.1571887

Hey, fuck that, I can into accents and dialects all day. I'm canning into right now.

>> No.1571886

American English is just ghetto version of British English.

>> No.1571930

Americans are inherently lazy. A culture of self righteousness and vanity has left modern Americans with a severe condition where they believe themselves entitled to everything, at zero cost to themselves. They do not bother to learn correct english pronounciations, instead they corrupt english words to fit their increasingly limited vocabulary. Sounds like 'zed' take marginally more mental effort to enounciate compared to 'zee', thus Americans have an inbred tendency to shorten harder sounds into more 'managable' ones.

>> No.1571964

So basically instead of learning to talk properly you just call it a dialect and leave it at that?

The English cant talk though, at least most Americans are understandable unlike lower class poms.

>> No.1571974

>So basically instead of learning to talk properly you just call it a dialect and leave it at that?
Proper is subjective, etc, etc, who gives a shit because people can communicate within dialect and you can communicate with them, etc, etc, you can communicate any thought you can in BBC English in Ebonics, etc, etc

>> No.1571981


liquids like /l/ and the retroflex r are often pretty hard. Not just for American children, but in general.

>> No.1571982

>you can communicate with them

No I can't, and that's the problem.

seriously, fix your education system.

>> No.1571987

>can't communicate
I'm gonna bet that the most difficult accents of my country are as undecipherable as the most difficult of yours. That's universal, and doesn't reflect education.

>fix your education system
Yeah, it's in shambles. I can't say what's wrong. I've heard a lot of theories, and maybe it's everything. If you've got guesses, I wouldn't mind hearing them

>> No.1571992

1. Point taken, but back in the day they used to teach enunciation so education might be able to help

2. I read somewhere that some public schools in America don't "fail" students out of political correctness, just make them retake the test until they pass.

If that is the case I think you guys need a complete overhaul in the field of education.

>> No.1572013

> I read somewhere that some public schools in America don't "fail" students out of political correctness, just make them retake the test until they pass.
I don't think that's the problem. I really don't know what it is. You'd think something easy, like spending, but google it what do you find?
We're #4 in education spending per capita at just over $6k (annually?), which is a thousand dollars more than Japan. The whole thing is pretty fucked, and I'm from California, which ranks (last I heard) like 48th or something.