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/lit/ - Literature

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[SPOILER] No.15711918[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

proposition: /lit/ should be a text only board.

>> No.15711939

Uhh wtf?? Pic related isn’t opening bros uhm hellooooi????? Hellp???,

>> No.15711944

Wtf it isn't working for me either

>> No.15711948


>> No.15711987


>> No.15711993

That’s not gonna stop the incels

>> No.15712111

It'll slow them down considerably, especially the zoomer ones.

>> No.15712133

/lit/ should be an image-only board

>> No.15712145

I'm down with this tbf

>> No.15712148

This would help my nofap

>> No.15712189

I don't think text only is necessary, I think it would be better if you could add images to replies, just not the start of the thread. I think it would help the culture a lot

>> No.15712196

You'd just get OPs putting their images in the first reply.

>> No.15712272

That's fine, you wouldn't be distracted by it while scrolling. Most threads don't need a picture anyway people just find something to post, >pic unrel, and if a picture would help the thread there is nothing wrong with it

>> No.15712279

By that logic, you might as well keep it as an image board.

>> No.15712285

No, because images are required when that is unnecessary

>> No.15712307

An image is a good way to quickly see what threads are about if you're browsing in catalog mode and essentially staring at a bunch of small boxes. The only problem is the /v/ syndrome of
>Picture of some provocative culture war BS
>"Games for this feel?"

>> No.15712308


>> No.15712320
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There is literally no elaborate scheme needed to fix /lit/. We just need mods and janitors that DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS. It's easy as hell to identify blatantly off-topic threads on /lit/. So delete them. Wipe them out. Do it within an hour, ideally within half an hour. Regularly, consistently, efficiently clean up blatant off-topic shit and the idiots and shitposters will quickly realize they can't pull their old games and they'll go somewhere else.

/a/ is moderately efficiently. /co/ is moderated pretty efficiently. Why aren't we? Fucking /sp/ is moderated better than we are.

>> No.15712326

Wouldn't really solve anything substantial. You'd still get twitterposting, you'd still get jezebelposting, you'd still get retarded memes hiding the posters lack of argument. All this stuff and more sucks the air out of any discussion and just shunting it later on in the thread (i.e. potentially just one post later) is pointless.
I would hope /lit/'s ability to read the actual content of the post would solve this issue.

>> No.15712336

>Fucking /sp/ is moderated better than we are.
That's because one particularly autistic janny got pissed that it had essentially become /b/. The only way to solve this is one of you autists sucks it up and becomes a janny the next time applications come round.

>> No.15712339

There should be a separate philosophy board considering how much of /lit/ is taken up by that.

>> No.15712342

because mods don't care and the janitor is an illiterate frogposter

>> No.15712345
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That's gay. I propose a far better idea: /lit/ posts should have the ability to use italics -- it's a very important tool in writing. Sure, we COULD continue using caps as a substitute but that's ugly and lame.

>> No.15712746

I've applied in the past, so I've been doing MY part. More regular posters here should apply for janitor positions.

>> No.15713307

We wouldn't have the paint thread if that was the case.
Otherwise, generally good idea.

>> No.15713359

>There is literally no elaborate scheme needed to fix /lit/. We just need mods and janitors that DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS. It's easy as hell to identify blatantly off-topic threads on /lit/. So delete them.
They can't be trusted, if /tv/ is any indication. It's Karen tendy lords enforcing their arbitrary tastes or the velvet glove

>> No.15713365

pay those guys maybe ?

>> No.15713563

Fuck no that will make it worse

>> No.15713577

just ban right wingers

>> No.15713580

just ban left wingers

>> No.15713594

I would be ok with that, but I do like the ladies.

just ban /pol/

>> No.15713678

yes please

>> No.15713877

Only if they add tags or something, I'm not going to read mystical nazi bs when I can just filter using the photo.

>> No.15713971
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>text only image board

>> No.15714009

that's retarded + despite what hiro said all meta threads still belong to /qa/, when will you niggers fucking learn
text boards used to be a thing, dumb newfaggot

>> No.15714036

I was thinking about this yesterday. We are heading towards a /tv-/like /lit/. I thought that it would be more productive if there was a kind of threshold for a minimum of characters, therefore getting most low-effort posts out of the way and making this board a slow board instead of the shitposting machine we have today. And if they just write nonsense instead, the post could be easily recognized and reported. I think that this measure would increase the creativity as well.
This rule would be best applied only for OPs, if the OPs make quality posts, more people will have an impulse to keep the bar high for the responses.
Those are also good ideas.
Can't we make like a "just one image" thread in the whole catalog? That would keep the paint threads.

>> No.15714045
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>4chan is a txt board

>> No.15714053

yes, there used to be text boards on 4chan, and there's still one upload board. Wtf is your point?

>> No.15714060

>threshold for a minimum of characters in the OP
That's a good idea, OPs would at least need to quote from actual fucking books.

>> No.15714074
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>4chan was never initially an image board

>> No.15714081

literally who the fuck are you quoting? I didn't say that. I said there were text boards on 4chan. Stop embarrassing yourself, retarded tourist

>> No.15714107
File: 550 KB, 600x600, 1578402926052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan was never initially an image board
>it was a txt board
>moot made a txt board website, based off of jap txt board websites

>> No.15714128

You have computer virus.

>> No.15714145

you seriously need to fix your reading comprehension + "image board" can both be used to refer to anonymous BBS and particular boards on one that support image upload, wtf are you even arguing about

>> No.15714152

/book/ was the text version. I say bring back /book/

>> No.15714184
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>> No.15714207

>"image board" can both be used to refer to anonymous BBS and particular boards on one that support image upload
really, what the fuck are you trying to say? that /book/ /tele/ etc. didn't exist lol?

>> No.15714211


>> No.15714234

This. The only problem with current /lit/ is shit threads stay up for a long long time, sometimes they hit bump limit before janny shows up

>> No.15714238
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All I'm saying is that 4chan is not just meant to be imageboard, it is the embodiment of imageboard culture. The day it stops being an imageboard, is the day 4chan will die.

>> No.15714245

Yeah, newfag, 2channel was a text board originally. You've clearly realised this when looking it up so now you're doubling down like a pathetic weasel.

>> No.15714249

What is actually holding you from hiding these threads?

>> No.15714252
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*ahem* >>15714184

>> No.15714254
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If you had suggested this around 2015 or before, I would have said no. Now? Yeah, sure. The benefits outweigh the downsides.

>> No.15714255

When a thread that has nothing to do with literature stays up and gets archived it makes retards who don't want to talk about literature feel at home

>> No.15714260

So how does that preclude an imageboard from having text-only boards, something that we had plentifully in the past and still have now?

>> No.15714261

Do they bother you? I mean, the anons who want to talk about literature are still here.

>> No.15714265

oh, wrong reply
goes to>>15714255

>> No.15714269
File: 217 KB, 600x596, 1570370534365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you start a thread without posting an image?

>> No.15714274

>it is the embodiment of imageboard culture
that'd be futaba
>The day it stops being an imageboard, is the day 4chan will die
lol nigger I'm seriously starting to doubt if you are literate. nobody fucking suggests that 4chan should become text-only, OP says that only /lit/ should, and while I disagree, that's not something new, text boards on 4chan have already existed before. wtf is so difficult to comprehend here?

>> No.15714278

what would this improve? it would remove potentially high-level discussion and leave the board with murakami discussions

>> No.15714280

you can on /news/ lol
really just lurk more dumb frogshitter

>> No.15714300
File: 212 KB, 413x382, 1592372566738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol and where are they now? Same place /lgbqt/ and several other similar boards belong at. In the trash.

abomination! I disapprove.

>> No.15714301

>Do they bother you?
Yes, the same way you'd bothered if your neighborhood suddenly turned into a ghetto. They derail a lot of potentially fruitful discussions by bringing up politics, social issues, /r9k/-tier self-loathing blogposts etc. and take quality of the board down. A lot of people who want to talk about literature just leave because of that, I myself only come here like twice a year now.

>> No.15714304

>where are they now
deleted by hiro

>> No.15714313

Vote for me as janny. My first act will be a ban on all frogposting redditors.

>> No.15714321

Agree with this idea.

>> No.15714326
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>> No.15714329

How'd they get that cat to do that

>> No.15714332

Well, maybe we should be more active then? Report those who don't want to discuss literature and bring up off-topic threads?

>> No.15714335
File: 126 KB, 399x388, 1567387225043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>das rite! fuck free speech!
>that is not what 4chan is about

>> No.15714350

>/r9k/-tier self-loathing blogposts
A lot of that would be solved by fixing /r9k/ or creating an official /lonelyandhorny/ board for them to flock to.

>> No.15714352


>> No.15714355

If the extent of what you do with your free speech is low quality posts, like the ones that you've done here, then you don't deserve it.

>> No.15714362

We already have one.

>> No.15714361

That place is failed normie central.

>> No.15714365

And what's that?

>> No.15714366
File: 27 KB, 1311x422, 1483839592469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>das rite! fuck free speech!
>>that is not what 4chan is about
yes lol
to this day mods ban people for absolutely random shit and nobody can do anything about it
you just have representation of 4chan of a dumb redditor

>> No.15714373

>failed normie
i keep seeing this phrase and i can't tell if it refers to normies who use this board and then proceed to text their irl girlfriends or if it's some stupid self-pitying doomershit

>> No.15714379

best lurk more newfag

>> No.15714382

no lole people there are genuine complete normalfags who think of 4chan as an alternative to instagram or something

>> No.15714383

4chan was originally a mix of both 2chan/futaba (which is what's left today) and 2ch/2channel (the text boards). The text boards barely got used. /book/ was founded way way before /lit/ but it was like it maybe got a handful of posts a year, and that was mostly from people trolling by sending people to >>>/book/ for asking stupid questions.

>> No.15714386
File: 26 KB, 255x254, 1583063808609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>siding with mods

>> No.15714388

By posting their mugs on /soc/ for attention they have, by definition, failed.

>> No.15714397

>Well, maybe we should be more active then?
I don't want to appear immodest, but I try, even though I doubt there's any use of it.
>Report those who don't want to discuss literature and bring up off-topic threads?
Does nothing, as far as I've figured the board isn't monitored at all during European hours, so even GR-breaking content can possibly stay up. Might test it some time out of curiosity.

>> No.15714400

ah okay so it's a redditshit term. fuck off back to r/4chan

>> No.15714405

you did too in >>15714326, and for the record they were deleted not because they were bas but because nobody used them

>> No.15714407

4chan isn't some underground site. never has been.
they're not popular normies but they act just like normies would, just for the aim of destroying this site

>> No.15714417

I just want /pol/tards to leave.

>> No.15714427

a quick search on desuarchive suggests that "failed normalfag" has existed as a term since at least 2012-13, you really should lurk more, dumb newnigger

>> No.15714429

most of philosophy is political in some way. the culture war-bait is where the problem is. posting a bait thread with trump's face isn't the same as discussing the republic or whatever

>> No.15714441

yeah and kek is old too, that doesn't make it a good term

>> No.15714443
File: 7 KB, 252x240, 1587696923954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fresh off the boat redditor tells someone else to return to reddit
It is to laugh

>> No.15714448

>newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag
please samefag somewhere else

>> No.15714453

the difference is that failed normalfag actually has some meaning to it and not just a lol alternative replacement

>> No.15714455

I'm not talking about political discussion, I'm talking about /pol/ shitposting, which is become more and more rampart with each passing day, and it's making this board unusable.

>> No.15714456
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>he doesn't know

>> No.15714463

i misread, my bad

>> No.15714476
File: 55 KB, 480x372, IMG_20200627_141520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, anon...

>> No.15714477

>>newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag newfag
the other post didn't even call you a newfag lol
failed normalfag is just such a popular term that not knowing it says a whole lot about you

>> No.15714487

the point of my original reply is that it's absolutely meaningless because it gets used to describe summer tourists, the faggots who just browse /fit/ and /biz/, and then every inkwell on the planet

>> No.15714529

No, not at all. Failed normalfags now make up quite a big amount of regular posters on 4chan now, and summerfags are just underaged retards and outsiders who come and go.

>> No.15714555

OK the conversation derailed so here are most proposals.
>/lit/ should be a text only board.
>Only if they add tags or something.
>add images to replies, just not the start of the thread.
>Can't we make like a "just one image" thread in the whole catalog? That would keep the paint threads.
>janitors that DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS.
>There should be a separate philosophy board.
>threshold for a minimum of characters for OPs.

>> No.15714576
File: 180 KB, 2048x1131, roll safe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime image board
then it would just bee an anime board

>> No.15714583

go fuck yourself no

>> No.15714584

>>/lit/ should be a text only board.
boring and unfunny
>>Only if they add tags or something.
>>add images to replies, just not the start of the thread.
>>Can't we make like a "just one image" thread in the whole catalog? That would keep the paint threads.
>>janitors that DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS.
>>There should be a separate philosophy board.
maybe. or a fiction and non-fiction divide.
>>threshold for a minimum of characters for OPs.
useless and dumb

>> No.15714589

I second all of this. Also checked.

>> No.15714618

I agree with the threshold and and the text only board thing.
Why are those dumb? For instance, the threshold would be perfect to get rid of shitposters. And I do think that posters would feel more compelled to write good responses.

>> No.15714628

>>janitors that DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS.
>>There should be a separate philosophy board.
>>threshold for a minimum of characters for OPs
neat trips and yes to these
>useless and dumb
that'd prevent people from posting a twitter screenshot along with something like "Well?" etc., and in the case people will try to evade post filters they would get banned for breaking GR10, considering the part about mods finally doing their job instead of hoarding hotpockets will be realised, of course

>> No.15714654

too many rules for the good anons just annoy the userbase. and trolls may troll with or without minimum characters. they'd just find new ways. it's really a question of feeding the troll or not.

>> No.15714664

most people who productively post subconsciously follow those rules anyway

>> No.15714667

Taking food away from the trolls won't make them any bigger. I'm not saying it would be perfect, but it would improve a lot.

>> No.15714679

damn sauce for the image in the OP? hardest I've been all quarantine

>> No.15714715

>/lit/ should be a text only board.
Not sure, maybe
>janitors that DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS.
Yes, please.
>There should be a separate philosophy board.
>threshold for a minimum of characters for OPs.
Not sure, maybe.

>> No.15714762
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>needing jannies
>not posting gore and disturbing shit until the normies leave

>> No.15715975

Agree with general sentiment. How do we get mods to notice?

>> No.15716290

I've never done so, I suppose @Rizon

>> No.15716292

I'm with it.

>> No.15716302


>> No.15716317

/lit/ is a safespace to talk with literate people, if someone starts an "offtopic" thread, its in order to discuss that topic with people who've read a book or two rather than whatever plebs you find outside

>> No.15716329

This is the exact mindset that killed on-topic discussion on /lit/. If you really think that most people here are intelligent, you are part of the problem.

>> No.15716332
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>talk with literate people,
>he doesn't know

>> No.15716334

They're more intelligent than any of those other god awful boards you listed.

>> No.15716353

Which boards? I didn't list anything.

>> No.15716595

the QT philosopher posts are unironically the best thing to happen to this board in a while. i've even cum to a few them.

>> No.15716619


>> No.15716636

i want a wittgenstein gf now

>> No.15716650

>high-level discussion
A lot of the "philosophy" discussions here belong on /x/.

>> No.15716712

what are some good ones to fap to? ive seen the threads but never clicked on them

>> No.15716763

just check the archives ritardando

>> No.15717353

The LARPing religious threads need to go too, probably off to /x/. They rarely fit on /his/ either, but for whatever reason /lit/ and /his/ would rather just have autistic meltdowns over Christians disagreeing every day.

>> No.15717367

actually never understood why the fuck can't they just fuck off to their designated board on 8cuck

>> No.15717398

This. It'd be fine if it were people who seriously wanted to discuss specific theological works or movements, but they can't even pretend to do that much, it's just
>Baptists are cooler
>No, Catholics are cooler
>No, Baptists are
>[picture of Catholic stats on homosexuality]
>shitposting about Mainliners
>tfw Orthodox [smug Ortho Pepe]

>> No.15717412

People these days choose their ideology in the same manner that they choose their race/class in Warcraft.

>> No.15717419

did you somehow miss 8penis being taken down because of the point and shooty event in NZ? all they have now is a sad replacement with no userbase

>> No.15717438

I know, just as an unironic Christian on 4chan it's absolutely infuriating, I take the bait 10/10 times on the Christian threads and I don't know why, anon

>> No.15717442

Just fuckin have the mods do their jobs and redirect half the threads to /his/ and /pol/ where they belong.

>> No.15717450

you're forgetting the KJV onlyist

>> No.15717473

>all they have now is a sad replacement with no userbase
yeah, I was talking about it
even though it's nothing compared to the old one it's still far more populous than any other reddit-in-disguise altchan

>> No.15717488

they used to have text only boards but it looks like i cant find it in frames anymore. i agree, keep /lit/ all text aside from maybe the op to pull posters in

>> No.15718076
File: 55 KB, 255x255, 1516747027850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jerking off to syphilitic old men who died 100 years ago while talking to a bunch of zoomer incels about women having the audacity to write books

can't make this shit up

>> No.15718610

What must I do to fix this quandary?

>> No.15718712

Where to contact the mods for this? Feedback? IRC?
Any oldfags here remember a community driven feedback that actually made a change? Doesn't have to be this board, and if it did make a change how was it achieved? Spamming mods with it or constantly making threads about it or?

>> No.15718760

HOW AM I GOING TO GET MY CHARTS??????????????????????????????????????????

>> No.15718829

/lit/ is shit because no one here reads. it will never be good even if we only have literature threads up. if you want actual literary discussion, start a book club.

>> No.15718836

italics are for redditors.

>> No.15718881

Can post it on /qa/ and have mods ignore you directly.

>> No.15719279

But then how am i supposed to get funny lit memes and good porn recs.

>> No.15719402

there are plenty of thread slots for on-topic discussion. if you faggots talked about books as much as you complained, then the off-topic problem wouldn't even be visible. furthermore, if you don't even think intelligent people browse this board, then why do you care about whether the discussion is relevant? go somewhere else or kys

>> No.15719434

just read the archive faggot
>go somewhere else or kys
no u

>> No.15719506

maybe not everyone is afraid of getting a boner from a cute girl just because she doesn't exist you fucking caveman

>> No.15719519

Images are fine but anyone posting a screenshot of a tweet should be permabanned without warning.

>> No.15719526

counter-proposition: /lit/ should be abandoned, no one here actually reads

>> No.15719561

I read every day, faggot

>> No.15719572

Hiding the thread is a temporary personal fix, but it is neither a communal nor long-term fix.

>> No.15719601

comics don't count

>> No.15719606

I enjoy semen at all times of day

>> No.15719700

post pic

>> No.15719729

Dont tell my ass what to do, I like the images. Just hide, that's why the feature exists. With evangelizing like this you belong on /pol/ more than the posters you criticize

>> No.15719768

why the fuck does EVERY board devolve into a porn board? this is supposed to be for literature. why can't you go somewhere else?

>> No.15719784

perma-ban anyone who posts coomer images. they derail otherwise good threads and you horny incel faggots need to screw off back to /s/ /gif/ or /b/ where you belong.

>> No.15719785

Hate Jung and Freud. I don't have any point I just wanted to say that.

>> No.15719827

you hot headed puritans love whining about the state of the board but the truth is that it would be so stagnant with nothing but autistic paragraphs about monads that it would be a waste of resources and get deleted from the site anyway. also has it occurred to you how many posters you complain about actully do contribute to your discussions? not everyone is constantly cumming all the time.

>> No.15719835


>> No.15719863

>/a/ is moderately efficiently.
/a/ is a shithole. naruto threads used to get an insta-ban. now there's no fewer than 4 on the catalog at any given time. tons of /c/posting or /e/posting that gets 3 replies but knocks a thread with 300 off the catalog. decent threads for decent series archive with few to no replies, while shounenshit, bait, and coomerist retardation get endless replies. the catalog is so garbage it hurts me to even browse that place anymore.

>> No.15719876

Counter-argument: No
>Addendum: , fag.

>> No.15719930
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>to this day mods ban people for absolutely random shit and nobody can do anything about it
this is correct. other posters have noticed this as well on various boards. i've been banned more times in the past few months than the entire 11 years i've browsed put together. other people have had the same experience. jannies are out of control, redditors came and took jannie positions as infiltrators to undermine the site.

we have more bans than ever before, but the place just gets worse and worse. so who are they banning? not the people who need it. they ban anyone whose opinion they disagree with.
to some degree because the board culture here is unique, this is fine with me, but there's an argument of moderation on the extent before it devolves to a complete off topic shithole that divorces its original mentality. allowing off topic posts will devolve into a tragedy of the commons situation, but simultaneously, being no fun allowed is no fun. that's a judgement call to be made collectively. and the way things are now, the userbase lacks that faculty.
coomers need the rope
last time we complained, janny came to take a look at what we were bitching about, and he said it looked just fine to him and he didn't get what our issue is. these jannies are not even representative members of the boards they signed on for, they're outsiders.

>> No.15720048

You are so butthurt that some dude posted the white fragility book, or a pic of Hitler. Just fucking relax, and if you get so triggered (((go back))). Just stop posting in those threads and they go away, or dont let your anus clench when you see something you don't like. An image board is about posting images, and there's a lot you can get out of pics here. I am so sick of people who want to cancel anything they disagree with.

>> No.15720058


>> No.15720418

stacks and shelves are cancer

>> No.15720567

>Naruto threads get wiped off the board
>One Piece threads are okay because the mods enjoy One Piece
>/a/ has this narrative that One Piece is accepted on the board even though that wasn't by choice
I love that board's double standards.

>> No.15720715

>/a/ is a shithole
What would /lit/ be then in comparison? On /a/ at least frogposters, /pol/fags, off-topic posts, request threads all get pruned or banned. Here it's become the norm.

>> No.15720724
File: 35 KB, 460x295, realife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh? Can you elaborate? I don't go on reddit.

>> No.15720732

How about a fiction board for you fucks to go to so you stop whining?

>> No.15720775

/a/ is a cesspool.

>> No.15720819

That would be the same as making a new board for everything /tv/ related outside of documentaries so people who want to talk about documentaries can usurp the original board. Most people who come to a literature board are probably going to want to talk about fiction, not philosophical debates. Nonfiction outside of philosophy exists too but usually you can talk about those on a board more about the topic of the nonfiction book rather than on a board for books in general.

>> No.15720932

If documentaries are a small part of /tv/, then there is no issue, if most tvers are documentarists, then such a solution is pretty reasonable.

>> No.15721076

>request threads all get pruned or banned. Here it's become the norm.
That's good, no one ever visits that wsr board.

>> No.15721089

Maybe if half of request threads weren't /pol/ bait.
>books for this feel
>Twitter screenshot in OP

>> No.15721096

blatant spoonfeeding is never good
more than a half of all requests here can be solved with a single glance at charts and checking through the archive for two minutes

>> No.15721157

"recommend some books of a specific genre" or "recommend some anime of a specific genre" is essentially an invitation to discuss that genre without focusing on a specific title (and that's true for other requests vague enough). If you wipe it, then enjoy the board full of generals (and stuff worse than generals). Also if "spoonfeeding is never good" means "let's make the board insufferable to spite the normalfags", then don't complain when the board becomes a bit too insufferable for even non-normalfags.

>> No.15721380

I don't think that there's something inherently wrong with recommendations, especially when it comes to literature, but most people who ask for them are just lazy niggers who can't be bothered to look anything up on their own, and as a result we either get recommendation threads about a topic too vague for people to do anything other than namedrop three books and close the tab or something a-la "books for this feel?", which usually don't end up being a gateway to fruitful discussions either. And, most importantly, a lot of stuff that people request really can be easily found on one's own in a matter of minutes, we don't need one more "where do I start with philosophy/poetry/Joyce/etc." just do get the very same replies and commonly agreed takes again. I don't think that /lit/ should get /a/ treatment in that regard but getting rid of these kinds of threads would be helpful.

>> No.15721398

This guy gets it.

>> No.15721431
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fuck that

>> No.15721863

Read the thread. The main changes that we agree on:
>Only images available for the responses not for the OP
>Philosophy-/lit/ board divide
>Minimum threshold of characters for OPs.
>janitors that DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS

>> No.15722448


>> No.15722644
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>> No.15722858

Or we could keep /lit/ and bring /book/ back. Text-only is a big pleb filter, and I'd love to see some decent, low discussions and ASCII Art pussy.

>> No.15722872

Why not make /lit/ a text-only board for the time being, like two weeks? Just to see what happens.

>> No.15722898

1. ban pol shit
2. ban Twitter shit
3. ban frogposters
There. Solved.

>> No.15722913

I want them to leave too buddy, I also use biz and it's just fucking infested now. It's really sad.

Luckily most poltards are too dumb to actually read so they don't show up here as much

>> No.15723126

if phil gets split from lit i will just go there and fap instead AND SO WILL A LOT OF OTHERS. have fun with your dead board pseuds

>> No.15723386

Slow board>>>>>>/tv/-tier board. Don't worry, you won't be missed.

>> No.15724038

hiro did not approve this thread
t. hiro's friend

>> No.15724051
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ban taleb

>> No.15724095

No, that's a stupid idea. Furthermore, fuck Hiro, everybody has noticed how downhill 4chan has went since he came into a position of power over it.

Nobody agreed to any of this.
The board being text only won't improve quality of posts. Telling jannies to "do their fucking jobs" is like entering parliament and telling politicians "stop fucking lying". Banning [insert random thing you dislike] isn't going to fix this diseased board. Minimum character thresholds won't either, autism knows no bounds.

>> No.15724147
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>> No.15724318


I actually do think this would help.

>> No.15724360

What is an imageboard

>> No.15724366


Yes, you should NEVER expose yourself to new ideas.

>> No.15724521

>is essentially an invitation to discuss that genre without focusing on a specific title
No its not. Nobody ever requests a specific genre or even setting or time period for fiction.
Requests are always just “recommend a philosopher that will reinforce this viewpoint”

Janitors being too rigid will just kill the board like the old /sp/, it happens every time.
Worse because it’s not even possible for them to do anymore, since you’ll just get discords organized out of spite who’ll flood the board faster than jannies can keep up

>> No.15724656

There is absolutely no reason to have a philosophy board when /his/ exists. It wouldn't be explicitly about philosophy literature, either, because Hiro doesn't give enough of a shit, so the entire board would be trolley problems, /pol/, and "philosophically speaking, look at this tweet."
It would be even worse at being about philosophy than /sci/ is at being about science because every retard on earth thinks they can "do" philosophy.

>> No.15724719
File: 2.94 MB, 1920x1080, no more mr nice geist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting really fucking tired of deafeatists, coomers and shitposters in this thread who want this board to stay the same. Also if you haven't read the proposals refrain from posting until you've done so:
>Minimum threshold of characters for OPs.
>Only images available for the responses not for the OP
>Philosophy-/lit/ board divide
At the very least the first proposal should be done.

>> No.15724733

This board is way too slow to make any of those changes, it’s never gonna happen

>> No.15724789
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>> No.15724859

>>Minimum threshold of characters for OPs.
I'd change this to all posts.

>> No.15724868

your post is like 15 characters you fag

>> No.15724870

Co-signed. Jezebel posting zoomer cunts can go to hell

>> No.15725005
File: 32 KB, 340x340, F5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f48531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've applied to be a janny for several boards on a few occasions; I never get responses back. Being here for 13 years doesn't help you, nor does having a genuine interest in the quality of the site. It's ok, this site runs as intended, and it runs itself. It is a cesspool by design.

>> No.15725027

If the desire for moderation was strong enough from posters, you'd have more active jannies. This isn't the case.
If site administrators wanted more moderation enforced to control the quality or content of posts, you'd have more active jannies. This isn't the case.

>> No.15725037

His post isn't an OP, brainlet

>> No.15725042

>I'd change this to all posts.

>> No.15725058

All of these replies are sub-50 characters.

>> No.15725069

I don't know if you're just retarded or what is wrong with you, I pointed out that the guy's post was itself extremely short and he was advocating for banning all short posts.

>> No.15725078

they'd have to at least get creative and write lewd descriptions of women instead of just posting random thots and asking if drinking coffee is good for reading

>> No.15725082

I'm shitposting intentionally to make a point - mods and jannies don't give a fuck about post quality. Your anger is a secondary byproduct.

>> No.15725088

We are starting a revolution, my brothers. Help us state them in the catalog. This are our demands:
>Minimum threshold of 2000 characters for OPs.
>Only images available for the responses not for the OP

>> No.15725099

No, and no.

>> No.15725299

ban all faggots like this.

>> No.15725328

Sadly the natural ways of deterring normies have long been forbidden and abandoned in favor of god-damned jannies.

>> No.15725371

Really no reason to not have text boards like we used to, they couldn't be bothered to mod them but it's so low traffick it should be really easy.
There is an archive of them on dis.tinychan it goes back to 2004

>> No.15725392

Its an imageboard

>> No.15725417

dis.tinychan isnt

>> No.15725460

I don't understand why any of you would come to an anonymous imageboard for quality lit discussion. The very concepts are antithetical. You don't go to the circus for intelligent discourse, you go to laugh at the clowns and freaks.

>> No.15725463

/lit/ is technically a creative board. I believe the posters should put in a creative writing effort. But that's a board culture project, more than quality control.
I do think /lit/ does have more quality replies than most boards. For one, a post is less likely to be shamed on some filter of a trillion kinds of irony. It's obvious that at least a dozen or two regular posters can write academically.
However, I think two types of posts should be deleted at this point.
1. Twittercap cunts
2. le STEM vs Humanities, and any physicalism troll posts that day "philosophy/literature is just bullshit smugpepe.jpg"
#2 is saturated to shit, and I don't see why this board should be some faggot's outlet for his impotent frustrations, at least as an OP. We've had these same arguments over and over, and though many users have been inspired to make good and insightful posts by them, it's overdone.

>> No.15725481

It used to be better, it was funny but there were nice discussions. What do you recommend?

>> No.15725487

Multiple people have replied to you and your specific "proposals" calling them all bullshit. This thread absolutely did not agree with your dumbass ideas.

>> No.15725498

"4chan is for le shitposting" is probably the most tourist stance there is, or do you think /b/tards used to be universally despised for no reason?

>> No.15725506

Old /lit/ was fine. /lit/ from not that long ago wasn't that bad, in my opinion. /lit/ now is going down the drain. It's mainly happened within the span of a year.

>> No.15725509

1.ban nigger lover threads
2.ban faggot lover threads
There. Solved.
Commies = Nazis

>> No.15725530

Because people on here are allowed more freedom than on other websites, this comes with its ups and downs.
I've seen really great posts on here, and people having genuine discussion.
I've also seen dishonest, bitter, irony-fueled shitposting and bait threads that have no honesty to them from the start.
I can find time to enjoy both, though the quality of the shitposting has been on constant decline for some time now.
Twitter screencaps should result in global bans, they're a symbol of everything wrong with this site nowadays.

>> No.15725557


>> No.15725594

Except that didn't. Go look at the archives if you don't believe me. Coomer threads stretch back to its inception. Bait threads have been around since beginningless time. There's always been one or two decent threads that pop up from time to time but it's always been predominantly shitposting. It's simply endemic to the medium.

I recommend not trying to change this website into something it isn't and cannot be. If you want intelligent literary discourse, as another anon recommended: start a book club. One where you actually meet X times per month, face-to-face (or its electronic equivalent) to discuss literature. One where there's some sort of selection process to get in.

One thing you could do is cold email grad students in classics programs and see if they'd be interested in such a group. But that would require you to demonstrate your own chops so you don't come off as a complete pseud. Which would in turn require a few months of focused study (impossible for the coombrained zoomers that roam this board). It would also require you to discard the "outcast" identity you've built for yourself as a result of some previous hurt or rejection and create a new one in its place.

That's what I recommend. But if you want to stay in 4chan, bring popcorn and lower your expectations.

>> No.15725609

Down with Jezabel posters! Down with Race baiting! Long live the autistic rambling textposters!

>> No.15725620

this but unironically

>> No.15725634

There’s literally nothing more distracting to the purpose of any board than talking about a distorted view of how much better 4chan used to be three years ago

>> No.15725699

>Coomer threads stretch back to its inception. Bait threads have been around since beginningless time
I'm not the same guy, but I believe that the main difference was that these threads didn't use to make up the board entirely, and they almost do now. It may seem that it's a bit too early to be concerned about that but we have /v/ and /tv/ as examples of boards where such tendencies weren't dealt with and I suppose there's no need to elaborate on their depressing fate. I don't think that all we should do is just sniff our own farts and write 2000 characters OPs, but the shit part is way too heavily emphasised in the low-effort shitposting that we usually see now. So, I think some action should definitely be taken.

>> No.15725739

Peak /lit/ was when everything literary and antique was deemed "patrician" and everything commercial and light-weight was deemed "plebeian". Those were the best years. I read tons of shit back then.

>> No.15725745

How did we go to /s4s/ levels of shitposting just in 3 hours.

>> No.15725755


>> No.15725759

Why do fags want this? It's very useful to share your book or author as a picture. Or whatever. Something relating to it.

>> No.15725779

there's no shitposting on [s4s] anone, only funposting

>> No.15725783
File: 776 KB, 1817x673, 37139ec9becbaaa3a7bc9dced80ab4d7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are doing your part, right anon?

>> No.15725804

Thing is /v/ and /tv/ are so high velocity that coomer stuff actually crowds out discussion. /lit/ is so slow that no actual literature discussion that picks up a little traction ever gets knocked out of the catalogue by off-topic stuff.
The board is not populated enough for there to be enough jannies or ones that are dilligent enough to remove shitposts at the rate of /tv/ as well, so they stay around longer and get a lot more visibility.
But increased moderation isn’t going to increase literature discussion on the board, it will just allow the same dead James Joyce or Infinite Jest thread to stay 36 hours without a response before being archived instead of 18.
The only actual way to increase lit discussion is to wait for more midwits from the pop culture boards and literal redditors to show up which will also increase off-topic posting by an equal proportion

>> No.15726007

>The board is not populated enough
I think it's actually the opposite. Most of the traffic the board gets nowadays comes from these very same off-topic and borderline off-topic threads, and getting rid of them would create more space for on-topic discussion, as well as encourage people to think twice before making a stupid thread. And influx of the userbase will only worsen this condition because retarded newfags who aren't told to fuck off are never going to behave themselves on their own. Once again, I think /tv/ is a good example: there barely has been any on-topic discussion since gamergate and with the time passing it has been dying out even further.

>> No.15726122

On /tv/ you can count the number of replies on one hand in an on-topic thread before it devolves
into dabbing on liberals with epic redpills about race and politics. Then it takes off and hits the bump limit in like 90 minutes. That’s the difference. The complaining about /lit/ is literally just people getting annoyed at the look of the catalogue. Actual discussion about specific authors and books are never hindered, there’s just not enough people looking to have them. The board won’t change because bans won’t cause a rise in people talking about literary fiction (or philosophy for that matter). It just leads to new, creative ways to racebait and raids by discordfags flooding the board for the lolz

>> No.15726142

Man that shit pisses me off.
It's very much a reddit attitude, implanted in them because every reddit board needs to be an itemized community circlejerk, to which their faggot mods will demand endless splits.
4chan boards are clearly lasting and dynamic communities. But the le shitpost crowd sees just a small bit of shitposting and assume "this whole thing is for shitposting!" It's fucking RUINED /tv/

>> No.15726269
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I agree.

>> No.15726279

I do think that your point is fair but I think you misunderstood mine a bit. I certainly do not believe that enforcing restrictions on off-topic discussion will suddenly make everyone here want to read late Romanticist German poetry and getting into literary theory, but that would certainly decrease presence of people who are uninterested in this board's topic, which means we would have to deal with much lesser amount of obnoxious retards, and help /lit/ at least partially regain its slow board status, which is good on its own. That would mean that there would be lower chances of some thread getting suddenly derailed and discussion wouldn't die off or turn into ghostposting (which only few people here engage in anyway) just because one anon went to sleep, and that all goes without mentioning how cozier and stuff the board would be. And, what is also important, less people mean stronger community, and in my opinion that's one of the most essential parts of 4chan as a whole. So, to make it as clear as possible, I don't think that some measures on the mods' behalf would magically turn the board into Eden of 4chan, but they would definitely improve it at least in a couple of ways.

>> No.15726310

You mean filtering that shit? Yes.

>> No.15726370

Add insecure /tv/ tourists coming in here and making threads about why film is the superior medium.

>> No.15726376

How about the mods and jannies just enforce what's on the sticky? >>11931854

>> No.15726391

so basically do their job as has been suggested itt

>> No.15726459

Posting pictures of women should be forbidden. This alone would increase the quality of this board.

>> No.15726472
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>> No.15727444

This thread was moved to >>>/qa/3281134