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File: 170 KB, 600x400, gnosticism-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15713114 No.15713114 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a thread on this going? Currently reading Hoeller's introduction and it seems pretty interesting. If I understood correctly, gnosis is knowledge derived from direct experience, that later becomes knowledge of the divine (in us). It's a faith in ourselves before a faith in an other's belief, like Christianity, without exluding the divine. What are your thoughts on gnosticism?

>> No.15713142

for faggots, pls be gay on /x

>> No.15713143


>> No.15713150

Reminder that Gnosticism is the true doctrine of Christ before it was corrupted and eradicated. """Christianity""" as is known today is the result of corrupted powermongering that as it is expected thrives against pure hearts and great souls.

>> No.15713190

Gnosticism is not one thing can you at least learn that before posting.

>> No.15713197

I said I've just began to read the introduction, don't bust my balls

>> No.15713708

Gnosis is the search for enlightenment through knowledge. The idea that man can become 'god'. Basically its the oldest scam in the history of humanity. Upon deeper analysis of where exactly these beliefs come from, you'll find yourself at a crossroads with secret societies, the ancient mystery schools, and bloodlines that go back to Nimrod and the Egyptian pharaohs. So at least a basic understanding of gnosis is absolutely required to understand how the world really operates, why it is the way it is, and who's in control of it. Gnosis is full of barriers and filters and exoteric explanations that will lead you astray. Even becoming superficially acquainted with it can be very dangerous.

so basically

>> No.15713730

Gnosticism is too sad, is there a similar, more materialist ideology where the world is offensive instead of depressing?

>> No.15713737


>> No.15713750

I think I misread your question, offensive? wot

>> No.15713765

Capable of inducing offense, ugly, repulsive, hate-inspiring, etc

>> No.15714039

Oh fuck off you alarmist retard.

>> No.15714195
File: 62 KB, 607x801, 1592537822486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

knowledge IS direct experience, moron. what you have been told, what you have read is not knowledge. I can teach a parrot to say clever things, yet it will remain parrot. stupid pederast who starts to larp some rituals and to call himself a christian, remains stupid pederast.

jesus, buddha, castaneda were Men Of Knowledge. knowledge is fucking silent, direct experience not darkened by words, labels, internal monologue.

and to understand this obvious thing one does not need a book, does not need Gnosticism or any other larpism, but just to be fucking sane honest man, honest with himself. apparently, honesty with oneself and honesty with God is technically the same thing.

these enlightened men of knowledge know themselves, know their body, discover it as a complex machine, as biorobot, understand psychosomatics, understand chakras, understand kundalini and understand what human habits make humans live in darkness, and teach fucking humans to be happy, teach God, reality, teach themselves. whatever human experiences in this 3D reality is experienced by his body, body is a costume of virtual reality and an instrument of cognition, better healthier body better quality of experience.

you regular people are stupid pederast that instead of simplicity crave for complexity, fetishize any -ism because it's cool, mainstream or otherwise.

to reach God you have to be absolutely naked befor Him.

>> No.15714219

>knowledge IS direct experience

yea how is different from what I've said? Is it said in the introduction even. Nothing new. You wasted words for nothing man. You are not as smart as you think.

>> No.15714756
File: 70 KB, 726x960, 1588443553980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasted words??? you think you were the only target audience? you think it is all about you? you are not smart as you think lol. I bet you are center of your moms basement.

>> No.15714832

just be an edgy scat faggot and do what you will.. the second worst protestant reversal religion after satanism

>> No.15715048

>>15713 114
It is neoplatonism wrapped in dense mythologies.

>> No.15715435

you called me moron. Isn't it singular? Or you forgot a "s"? Fucking retard

>> No.15715595
File: 47 KB, 528x700, The-Return-of-Persephone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's disingenuous to claim to be a Gnostic as it was always an umbrella term for various Christian sects that existed shortly after the death of the Christ that persisted into the middle ages yet was almost entirely purged by the Catholic Church. We have nothing even resembling a reconstruction of a Gnostic tradition and, baring some new discovery, never will.
Gnosticism was a product of the intermingling of Neoplatonism and Christanity. It's oldest known incarnation would probably be the works of the Alexandrian alchemist Zosimos, who incorporated Christ into his system of pagan alchemical theurgy. The Bible clearly states that God called his Son forth from Egypt, and a plausible theory that Jesus spent those 30 odd missing years as an initiate in the Egyptian mystery schools is just as plausible as implausible.
Gnosticism did midwife two heretical points into Neoplatonic and Christian doctrine, namely that the Demiurge was an evil entity as opposed to the creative principle of Plato's Timeaus, and that matter is inherently evil as opposed to creation being a beautiful manifestation of the One. I posit that matter is not intrinsically evil, just one's view thereof or entanglement in earthly wealth and possessions. This is more in line with the teachings of Christ anyways.
Tldr: Gnosticism as a religion is a larp, study the Greeks and early Christians and understand that Christ was the physical manifestation of the Logos.

>> No.15716429


>> No.15716711

seethe, faggot, that is how you turn your brain on

>> No.15716759

All religion is a "larp".

>> No.15717527

Gnosticism is neither a religion, nor a syncretism of any sort, as you seem to erroneously believe; Gnosticism is a theological modality which is intrinsic to Christianity; if you have any doubts beyond what is obvious, or apparent, you can always verify the etymology of the word.

>> No.15717546
File: 57 KB, 657x527, apucrusader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>What are your thoughts on gnosticism?
it's a proven heresy. try studying real shit instead of fake shit thanks.

>> No.15717555

t. has never read the Bible

>> No.15717561

God can only enter the material world through our consciousness. This solves the problem of evil and the problem of free will in one go.

>> No.15717799
File: 83 KB, 406x620, Hand-of-the-mysteries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a lot of big words to say you don't know anything and your attempt at refutation is at best running parallel to my exposition and at worst fails to address any of my points at all.

>> No.15718013

>it's a proven heresy
How do you prove that?
Also the same could be said about Christianity post Nicaea

>> No.15718990
File: 46 KB, 500x713, 6725ca057683a7cb2111ebd0e8063c0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing to refute, because your post selfrefutes itself by ignoring what Gnosticism consists in; Gnosticism pertains to the practice of leading a noble (derived from root: "gno-") lifestyle, actualized in the mediatory motion of optimization of: oneself, the world, and this kosmos --through reception of God's grace, with direction toward God's plenitude; gnosis consists in the total --physical, mental, spiritual-- synthesis of knowledge, that is: the motion of Wisdom; this can only be done with a root in Nobility, hence the reflected/common etymological root.

Gnosticism is as essential to Christianity as Neoplatonism is antithetical to it.

>...namely that the Demiurge was an evil entity as opposed to the creative principle of Plato's Timeaus...
The Demiourgos fashioned the kosmos in concord to the pattern of God, due to the remnant Sofian essence that it had inherited upon being expired, which manifested itself autogenetically; the Demiourgos itself is the source of all evil.

>...and that matter is inherently evil as opposed to creation being a beautiful manifestation of the One.
Christian doctrine does not hold that matter is evil; matter was created by Sofia as a means for order & stability after finding herself in the outer darkness; you are conflating, either: Christianity with judeochristianity, or matter with lust.

>> No.15719058

Good post minus the “moron”

>> No.15719650
File: 93 KB, 632x635, MM-2-paul-christian-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your twisted definitions fail to materialize a coherent vision, caught between the epistemological analysis and the ontological application your failure to demonstrate understanding becomes readily apparent. Describing Wisdom as a synthesis of knowledge betrays your lack thereof; spend some time at the feet of Diotima. A root in nobility you say, where is this nobility rooted? Or is arete the ideal one who is a lover of wisdom should strive for? You claim Neoplatonism is antithetical to Christianity and therefore Gnosticism yet it plowed the field where the Christian seed was planted. As far back as the Pythagoreans Greek philosophers heralded the coming of the Logos in the Christ. The Christ was manifest in the fire of Heraclitus. Evil itself is a state of distance from the One, beyond his light in a metaphorical sense, not the inverse mirror creation of a Demiurge.

>> No.15720325

>Your twisted definitions...
My definitions that are relevant to the topic of this thread stem directly from their etymological root/s, therefore, they are, by definition, straight.

>Describing Wisdom as a synthesis of knowledge...
Improve your reading comprehension.

>A root in nobility you say, where is this nobility rooted?
Nobility subsists within Holy Spirit, and persists within healthy Soul.

> Or is arete the ideal one who is a lover of wisdom should strive for?
No; one should strive with it; Wisdom is realized in/through Nobility, and actualized via Virtue.

Why are you asking questions/seeking clarification if you are certain that I have failed to "demonstrate understanding"?

>Evil itself is a state of distance from the One, beyond his light in a metaphorical sense, not the inverse mirror creation of a Demiurge.
1. Evil is rooted in the Dark, which is a thing in itself, not a mere absence of the Light; A nonentity cannot be evil.

2. Evil is not created, but, rather, creation may be conditioned by evil.

>> No.15720403

> As far back as the Pythagoreans Greek philosophers heralded the coming of the Logos in the Christ. The Christ was manifest in the fire of Heraclitus.
All of these ideas were added 1-2 centuries later by intellectuals ensconced in Greek philosophy
>Evil itself is a state of distance from the One

>> No.15720990

moron is essential. you see, life is a school. whatever men do, they learn. in order to progress, to strive for another hight, level, one needs to realize that he is low. that's why teachers in school give bad marks, because they know many levels. if you start giving pupils only good marks in order not to offend and trigger them, they will remain still, stupid, delusionary, will become narcissists. apparently this is what happens in modern western schools now.

>> No.15721105

>As far back as the Pythagoreans Greek philosophers heralded the coming of the Logos in the Christ.
No they fucking didn't.
This thread is so bad, nobody in it even understands where gnosis comes from because you never read Plato and it shows.