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1569109 No.1569109 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm reading J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit, and it got me thinking about all the races. There's elves, dwarves, hobbits, wizards, and humans. AND HUMANS! I wonder, was there some giant ethnic cleansing that the humans did way back when that killed everything else, or what? Why don't we see any elves or wizards nowadays?
>inb4 World of Warcraft

>> No.1569110
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Humans killed wizards with an atomic bomb. Science > magic.

>> No.1569112

Are you an idiot OP?
We learn that in like... 3rd grade history.

>> No.1569114

Because at the end of the Lord of the Rings the elves leave Middle Earth, and magic leaves with them

More broadly, the Third Age is synonymous with the days of our forefathers when magic was in the world and men could do mighty deeds. But it's not because humans slaughtered the elves, no.

>> No.1570711


The wizards (of whom there are five: Gandalf, Saruman, Radagast, and two Blue wizards who went into the East and do not feature further) aren't a people of Middle-Earth: they were sent into M-E by the Valar, and Gandalf (who is a Maia called Olorin) goes back into the West at the end of LotR. The peoples we know of are Elves (whose being is tied to the world, and who never leave it, nor ever really die), Men (whose being is not necessarily tied to the world - nobody knows what happens when they die), Dwarves (who are tied to Middle-Earth specifically: Gimli is a very rare exception if he did indeed go with Legolas into the West), Hobbits (more like Men, it seems), Eagles and Ents (who seem, like the Dwarves, to be bound to M-E), and Orcs (likewise).


This, but a bit more complicated. The three ages in Tolkien's narratives are marked by the ascendency of the Elves (First Age), a more or less equal part for Elves and Men (Second Age), and the ascendency of Men while Elves are waning (Third Age). He began at least one story of the Fourth Age ("The New Shadow"), which would be almost wholly concerned with men - and this depressed him, because as he saw it (and as we see in the stories of Numenor, Rohan, Gondor and Arnor) Men always tend to fall from their former glory (whereas Elves and Dwarves at least are pretty constant). That is, over time, Men become more significant and eventually dominate, and this all took place a very long time ago, so that "now" humans have taken over completely.

>> No.1570715

Are you talking about a fictional world or the real world?

>> No.1570934


In Tolkien's conception, there's not necessarily a hard and fast distinction. Among his manuscripts are, for instance, Old English versions of chronicles of Middle-Earth, ascribed to a fictional mediaeval writer - that implies seeing the major published works as, in some sense, an alternative history / mythology of ancient times, featuring legendary peoples and creatures that no longer exist (just as Beowulf does, for example, or Greek mythological works).

>> No.1570943

Between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities, and the years of the rise of the Sons of Aryas...

>> No.1570945

Know O Prince...

>> No.1570950

Wow, Drow are seriously tiny.

>> No.1570953

You know, in some ways, I don't think fantasy ever got better than that. I don't mean Conan - I mean specifically that bit, with the Age undreamed of, and Zingara with its chivalry, and Stygia with its shadow-guarded tombs, and Aquilonia in the dreaming west, and Conan the Cimmerian to tread the jeweled thrones of Europe beneath his sandaled feet. Did it ever get better than that? More perfect?

>> No.1570961

Suddenly you made me think about how hilarious would be read a fan fiction which puts Conan and Elric series in the same world of the Middle Earth.
Black numenoreans=Melniboneses.

>> No.1570963

Muse make the man thy theme, for shrewdness famed
And genius versatile, who far and wide
A Wand’rer, after Ilium overthrown,
Discover’d various cities, and the mind
And manners learn’d of men, in lands remote.

>> No.1571768

hobbits cannot into space T_T