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15707237 No.15707237 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the most futuristic book?

>> No.15707374
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bump.need some hard sci-fi.no pussy shit please

>> No.15707449


>> No.15707477

The Rediscovery of Man, by Cordwainer Smith

>> No.15707510

Doesn’t the Time Machine go to the end of time? That one.

>> No.15707528
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The future isn't known yet so it could be any but it probably ain't no nerd sci-fi shit

>> No.15707638


>> No.15707640

You can't have a "most futuristic book", retard. What the fuck do you even mean by that? A book with a futuristic aesthetic? How many years into the future are we talking about? How would I even know which one excels at that if the future is virtually unpredictable? Did you even take a minute to think before asking such a vague, stupid question? Fucking coprophagic idiot

>> No.15707651

A Mac book?

>> No.15707671

Anything futuristic must be overwhelmingly based in the past, just like Blade Runner (which emulates the long-gone genre of noir) and Do Androids (same with pulp fiction).

>> No.15707673

Last and First Men

>> No.15707674

The Fortunate Fall by Raphael Carter. Award winning post-cyberpunk that's unknown because it's too sci fi for the literary crowd and too literary for the sci fi crowd. Written in the 90s it feels like it could be written 10 years from now even today.

>> No.15707686

The Night Land, it's so futuristic that the sun is dead.

>> No.15707701

>24th-century after the fall of a US world empire, where every nation is a third-rate power except hypertechnological Africa, which requires a blood test of aspiring immigrants.

well I'm sold on it

>> No.15707730

This really stands out as a rec and makes my infrequent visits to lit worth it

other good recs

>> No.15707926

Complete works of Kruchyonykh

>> No.15708110

you just sent me down a wonderful rabbit-hole of new poets to read. Thanks. Maybe try "My Tired Father" by Gellu Naum. He seems similar to Kruchyonykh

>> No.15710169

Wow its quite rare to see this masterpiece repped online. Highly recommended

>> No.15710261
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you're welcome
will check out your suggestion too

>> No.15710349

The future is hermaphroditic inuits, so left hand of darkness.

>> No.15710377

The one I'm writing

>> No.15710399

a canticle for leibowitz

>> No.15710401


I don't know the 3 Body Problem series probably
The first one is kinda tame but by the second it starts ramping up then the third gets to a pretty wacky level of futuristic-ness

>> No.15710411

The "Solar Cycle" books.

>> No.15710701

I can't think of a book where a small, tight knit group managed to convince an entire race of people to destroy their own countries by bringing in destructive groups and allowing existing minority groups to walk all over them. The plot would be too unbelievable because why would the most productive, inventive, and charitable people the world has ever seen come to hate itself and its progeny?

>> No.15712258


>> No.15712286
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Chapter One (or Zero. Not sure yet) Entanglement

>> No.15712293

I'm about 1/3 through this and somewhat bored. Does it get better?

>> No.15712349

what does this face convey?

>> No.15712486
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>> No.15712601

Quantum Thief for some wack ass shit I suppose

>> No.15712660

If you don't like it now you probably wont later although there are A LOT of crazy plot twists. But yea you should be enjoying the general vibe by now if it's your cuppa tea

>> No.15713385

She has an oddly weird shaped face.
In any case, to be the most futuristic book it needs to be a book permanently set in the future, so I'd say Revelation would probably be the best bet, aside from possibly any works explicitly and solely about the afterlife.