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15702532 No.15702532 [Reply] [Original]

The boy crisis is real. The evidence is clear. The school system is designed in a way that disadvantages boys, as a result their grades are far lower and they are less interested in academics. Young boys barely read in general now. Boys raised by single mothers are more likely to have a number of negative factors (suicide, criminality, poverty), and the rate of single motherhood has swelled to around half of kids born in the usa.

Warren Farrell was one of the advisers in Obama's creation for a White House Council for Women and Girls. He's said that he's made contact with the republican administration and they were interested and motivated in creating a white house council for boys and men. They asked him to make a presentation for Donald Trump to give on fathers day but it got cancelled because of all the shit that went down, also because Trump worried it would make people attack him for his ex wives.

Point being, it is likely that within the next or one of the next republican administrations this is going to become a major discussion topic and possibly a major right vs left issue.

>> No.15702540

The real crisis is w*men acting as if they are men.

>> No.15702544

i'm a gen z boy that grew up in the modern ed system; other than not being able to go to coding club (i was into software engineering before data science became more lucrative) not much felt different. is it actually that bad, anon?

>> No.15702561
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Who cares
That is better to me, that means more boypussy ready to slay on the coming years.

>> No.15702564

I try to recommend this book to mothers of boys. I think Farrell's analysis of the problems are pretty spot on I don't agree that his solutions are total and complete dissolution of gener roles. That being said, in the most traditional societies (Paleolithic) both parents were with their children pretty much constantly and learned their roles through them. So I do think Father's definitely need to be spending more time with children.

>> No.15702581
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Classic faggot.

>> No.15702632

Boys adrift by leonard sax is a better parenting book
Yes, it is. Imagine if 30% of young men have no motivation and just work the minimal amount and stay at home watching porn and video games all day. In 1996 70% of prisoners were raised by single mothers, at the current the single motherhood rate has swelled to 40% overall (70% black). This dysfunction is going to show itself in many forms. No doubt the current social phenomenon like incels, mass shooters, and rising nationalism are partly because of this trend.

>> No.15702662

In 1975 there were 4 billion people. Today there are almost twice that many. The world today is barely any different than the world then, maybe a little faster here or there. But the overwhelming conclusion from that fact is that at least half of all people are completely disposable, probably more. Not everyone in this world can be Elon Musk. In fact only a handful will be. And the rest, the BILLIONS, will just kill off their deadend genetics.

>> No.15702685

interesting. i've found most of the victims of this system (unconvinced as of yet, but i see it somewhat) tend to be systematically marginalized and antagonized by that very system, but i think it must be two historical traditions combatting rather than some emergent social entity.

>> No.15702695

They are a victim of themselves not being able to navigate and outwit the system everyone else is also subjected too.

>> No.15702696

I don't understand your point. No not everyone will be Elon Musk but having a huge portion of your population having such bad standing will cause severe social issues.

>> No.15702701

crisis is deeper than that. womens autism gonna pay off.

>> No.15702706

Hey look, something my parents’ read and talked about when I was in elementary school during the early 00s.

But really, doesn’t everyone already know all of this?

>> No.15702708

>within the next or one of the next republican administrations this is going to become a major discussion topic and possibly a major right vs left issue.
There will never be another republican administration again

>> No.15702711
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>that face

>> No.15702717

How on earth should A child from a single mother, actually learn how to raise kids?
It seems like a hard task.

>> No.15703828

Awful face but when pounding bussy you don't see it anyway so whatever

>> No.15703841

Reminder that most problems stem from capitalism and this is undeniably one of them.

>> No.15703847
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honestly i don't really care about what happens to boys or men. everything they get is payback for subjugating women for all of history.

>> No.15703877

>Boys raised by single mothers are more likely to have a number of negative factors (suicide, criminality, poverty)
Probably more likely to be black.

>> No.15703902

I think I know that guy.

>> No.15703906

It's no surprise that you don't care, hardly anyone seems to care unless you're a minority but it's going to be a problem.

>> No.15703919
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how is it a problem if they all kill themselves? seems like a tidy solution. sherri s. tepper conceived a great use for stupid, aggressive men in "the gate to women's country," in which the men were allowed to wage wars on each other to keep them busy while the women ran culture and society. i'm for it.

>> No.15703925

>dies in a mass shooting

>> No.15703930

Those men would team up and kill/rape the women and that's how civilization began.

>> No.15703936

lol, i don't go outside. i work from home. i go to the grocery store maybe once every two weeks. my recreation time is hiking. people who die in mass shooting are animals who go to live concerts, bars, clubs, and parades.

>> No.15703944

women should just be less weak if they want to win
this is what would likely happen

>> No.15703958
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Thought about it for a bit and I realized how I hate "boys". I say this as a grown man. Aesthetically, there is nothing more noxious; they retain some "cuteness" similar to girls yet it is corrupted into garish greens, oranges, and camouflage. They have the assertive attitude of a man with nothing to back it up, like a growling chihuahua. I have never interacted with a boy I didn't want to strangle at least a little bit. I even hate the word "boy". I find it hard to be sympathetic with a current "boy crisis" even if it would have affected me had I been born more recently.
Be an armchair psychologist and diagnose me with latent trannyism or some meme mental illness all you want.

>> No.15703963

I didn’t do shit to women. The amount of people who unironically believe in this sins of the fathers bullshit (with race, gender) is more than zero and that’s a problem

>> No.15703965

Absolutely agreed. When I was in high school I tried dating older men, boys need to be locked up.

>> No.15703975

Yea yea fuck men for literally building civilization because they love their women enough to want to protect them and their children. What a bunch of oppressive cunts, keeping you from being a rape slave in some other mans tribes.

>> No.15703976

Why are all cat posters faggots?

>> No.15703981
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men never stop being boys

>thinking physical strength matters at all when guns exist

>> No.15703982

>is isolated from the real world
>has unrealistic fantasies
checks out

>> No.15703996

Not only so many boys are raised by single mothers, but most teachers are women also. In my experience the best teachers were always male. They were more supportive and sympathetic. Liberals are a literal brain disease. They will push for "diversity" everywhere, but when it comes to there being too many women working as teacher they don't care at all.

>> No.15704000

The capacity to pull the trigger is reliant on a certain psychological profile that women just do not have. Not to mention, men on average have better hand eye coordination

>> No.15704005
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>concerts and parades are the "real world"

>> No.15704011

STFU already stupid tranny. You're shiting what could be a good thread.
People should learn to avoid replying to low effort bait.

>> No.15704016

>thinking physical strength matters at all when guns exist
Warfare isn't just about shooting guns. Most of the time you'll be walking with 20kg of gear on you, or setting up defenses. That requires strength.

>> No.15704018
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Silence, whore.
Faggots love little boys though, which is partially the reason why I find faggots repulsive.
Men don't grow up these days because of culture, but the potential is there. Women do not mentally grow beyond adolescence. The concept of a "grown woman" is a psyop.

>> No.15704023

>The capacity to pull the trigger is reliant on a certain psychological profile that women just do not have

is that why men are so good at shooting themselves? :^)

>Not to mention, men on average have better hand eye coordination

this nigga thinks women are out here sniping men from the rooftops

>> No.15704025

Men invented guns

>> No.15704029
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>> No.15704030
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impossibly based

>> No.15704031

Incel rage

>> No.15704034

>physical strength
i was referring to mental strength

>> No.15704035
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>women invented men

>> No.15704039

Fair, I'm still going to do my best help boys overcome these obstacles but I can understand why these obstacles may be seen as punishment for man's arrogance.

>> No.15704043

What really looks like a psyop are the shithead trannies shiting up this thread. You can't have a serious talk with the wanna-be woman baiting all over the it.

>> No.15704044


>> No.15704045

very based and redpilled.

>> No.15704061
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>is that why men are so good at shooting themselves? :^)

Absolutely. Implicit in acts of self destruction is destruction itself. Men are the tragic sex, the fire of civilization.

>> No.15704069
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men are just older boys

>> No.15704072

you're right. men have accomplished so much and still can't seem to master women in the 21st century, which is pretty tragic

>> No.15704080

That leans more toward the ironic.

>> No.15704089

>In 1975 there were 4 billion people. Today there are almost twice that many
The post you responded to was talking percentages.
>The world today is barely any different than the world then, maybe a little faster here or there
There are a number of metrics that you can look at to disprove this, divorce rates, incarceration rates, median household etc. that immediately disproves this, without even going into the obvious jarring cultural differences between then and now.

>> No.15704111

>The concept of a "grown woman" is a psyop.
Holy... based

>> No.15704143
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"Incels" are the only ones who give a shit about boy crises and masculinity being threatened. The fixation seen in this place on manhood and brotherly camaraderie is steeped in homoeroticism and is an aberration of nature. Anon here adore literal faggots like Mishima and take for granted revisionist shit like Grecian pederasty to prop up some image of some hypermasculine tradition. It's faggotry. I hate masculinity for the same reason like repels like; masculinity is ultimately self-hating, a fact partially understood by some like >>15704061 but is usually lost in translation.
The modern woman is a commodity and a cheap one at that.

>> No.15704155
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>The modern woman is a commodity and a cheap one at that.
this logic doesn't jive with the millions of suicidal male virgins and desperate mass shootings carried out by the most pathetic of them

>> No.15704195

Sorry, I should have specified a expensive commodity to own, a cheap one to rent, and a one free to see. Incels are disillusioned, wannabe owners when they can only afford to rent. But why want to be a commodity in the first place? That's basically what you have made yourselves into. Serving God and family was too oppressive so you serve an employer. The sexual revolution was just a gambit to inflate your price, as counter-intuitive as that may seem.

>> No.15704566

But what did males even do wrong? I don't understand the whole feminist narrative of females being subjugated by men throughout history. Females have been wholly occupied in birthing and raising children which consumed ALL of their time. Females simply could not work, and it had nothing to do with the choices of men, their position in the grand scheme of things was prescribed to them by nature. They were constantly pregnant due to there being no contraceptive methods, so they were always encumbered by pregnancy and the subsequent raising and caring of a child. Its not like there was daycare. How were they supposed to work? its very pernicious to suggest that females have been helpless victims against the tyranny of males throughout history. Females should be celebrated for the role that was of equal importance to the role of men of rearing and raising children instead of denigrating it. How is the role that females played ignoble, it is just as significant as what men have done. Its such a depressing lie to impart on young females and males.

>> No.15704572

holy shit, you thots are so stupid. Men did not subjugate women, both genders made sacrifices to survive. It's not like men collapsing is just a man thing and girls get to go on doing whatever. Think mass crime, rape, and mass shootings. Also many women won't have a man to extract resources from.

>> No.15704583

>Point being, it is likely that within the next or one of the next republican administrations this is going to become a major discussion topic
The one starting next year? Nah, this topic won't be discussed by anyone in the next administration.

>> No.15704596

ok, why? If they showed interest now, why do you think they'll abandon it?

>> No.15704599

It's a tranny not a thot

>> No.15704600
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Don't bother, it was debunked long ago. You simply cannot penetrate the roastie victim complex.

>> No.15704611

He's saying the solution to the problem is mass slayings of undesirables.

>> No.15704617

It's far more likely there will never be another democratic one, largely because voter suppression can and will continue.

>> No.15704633

>Not everyone in this world can be Elon Musk.
Apotheosizing this guy is by far the most intense faggotry I know of.

>> No.15704637

They won't abandon it. They've never even considered it. Trump is a "might makes right" president, and will continue to be one. As such, he doesn't care about weak, faggoty boys who can't pull themselves from the muck. Others in his next administration may be more receptive to the crisis, but they're not going to get anywhere, since Trump will never care.

>> No.15704648

Its kinda depressing desu.

>> No.15704671

epic fan theory bro, unfortunately in reality Trump already ordered the author of the boy crisis to write a presentation for him. It was cancelled for other reasons, but the republican admin can still do it at any point.

>> No.15704680


just stop being shitty dumb fucks

>> No.15704683

That's more to placate his base, who absolutely care about the issue.

>> No.15704738

fucking whore silence

>> No.15704759

EXTREMELY underrated post.

>> No.15704777

>Females simply could not work
You're only halfway to being truly redpilled. The final redpill is understanding that women in fact did do all manner of work, but that whether or not this work was done outside the house differed by time and place, and that it was never of such a nature as to disturb the social order and prevent a healthy birth rate. In Qing dynasty China, women would weave part-time inside their homes, for instance. The Great Divergence discusses this issue at some length.

>> No.15704923

There have been like two intel shooting

>> No.15705054

Interesting. It makes you wonder how they are able to sustain such an absurd notion. The stuff I've heard some females say at Uni is actually crazy. Some believe that women were genuinely slaves to men.

>> No.15705090

>It makes you wonder how they are able to sustain such an absurd notion.
Myth, ideology, and propaganda. I myself almost succumbed to their ideas at one point. I'm not done reading him, but Ellul has really helped me get a feel for what is going on around me.
>The stuff I've heard some females say at Uni is actually crazy. Some believe that women were genuinely slaves to men.
There's definitely a lot of that. Stay away from those people. Do not talk to them. Do not reveal yourself to them. If they attempt to involve you in conversation, use whatever mode of taqqiyah you prefer. I have already made the mistake of revealing myself, and I am deathly afraid of what will come next. Do not make the same mistake I did.

>> No.15705135

Because they would feel like slaves if their only possible position was birthing and caring for a family.
Now they also have the option to direct their energies to caring for a corporation instead, which in my mind actually seems like a step backward.
I think the major reasons why men wouldn't want to be the stay-at-home parent is because:
1) The position is inherently unattractive to women.
2) Women will justify their treatment towards someone, based on how they feel towards that person. Being an unattractive man, relying on a woman's financial support is irresponsibly precarious.

It's one of the most successful modern psy-ops. Women do seem to have a stronger belief in career as a pathway to happiness than men do.
Every man I know is existing at work and putting most of his energies towards escaping the rat race. Women seem to feel as if the corporate world has value in and of itself.

>> No.15705154

I am too high inhib to just speak my mind about inane topics let alone extremely contentious talking points, so luckily I will not have problems such as what you are alluding too. Going against it is pretty Sacrilege at this point.

>> No.15705168

>Women seem to feel as if the corporate world has value in and of itself.
At what age to they realise they are wrong? 30? 40?

>> No.15705179

feminism has destroyed western society

>> No.15705223

From what I've seen around the offices I've worked in, it seems to be mid to late 30s.
I guess that's enough time to advance to a position of relative seniority and realise that it's not making you happy and the extra money isn't actually improving your day-to-day life in a tangible way.

>> No.15705314

the democratic party is going to be pulled apart by ethnic interest groups

>> No.15705328

give it another ten years or so when a large chunk of millenial women are unmarried and childless at 40+. we know how men crack, but we don't know what the women do yet

>> No.15705338

Can you imagine the hatred that these childless women in their 50s are going to have towards 25 year old roasties in about 10-20 years time? It'll make male misogyny look tame.

>> No.15705374

you can already observe it if any of your managers are older childless women, watch how they treat the young female hires

>> No.15705391

The true victims throughout history has always been children and animals, "women" are part of the oppressors.

>> No.15705662


>> No.15705674


>> No.15705743

>But what did males even do wrong?
Propagating life which is also the propagation of suffering. The eternal seething is not because "someone" did "something", it's because the world will never be like your animated cartoons. A wildly different social structure wouldn't change the fact that we're cogs in a darwinian machine, constantly pushed to our limits and then disposed of when the time is up. The externalization of everything bad (it's capitalism, it's patriarchy, it's hetero-normativity, it's white privilege) might feel good and probably works fairly well as a psychological defense mechanism but it's simply not the truth.

>> No.15705932

Dude you've been made retarded by anti-natalism. Stop reading bullshit.

>> No.15705957

Okay buddy, I'm sure the abolishing of the patriarchy and racism will stop people from genociding each other, any day now

>> No.15706019
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the incel seethe in this thread is hilarious. go outside, hell, go look at a list of the most popular websites. you guys are impotent

>> No.15706038

The whole idea of gender warfare is so strange to me. How would it start? Why? Men and women have been working in concert for all of human history, in fact, since as long as gender has existed in our predecessors as well. The whole concept reeks of being used by genetic dead-ends and malcontents to justify seethe or societal revolt

>> No.15706053

checked, and yeah that's prob true, tranny's have an inferiority complex regarding themselves vs others and project that into men being bad and woman good.

>> No.15706104

hahaha boy crisis isn´t real. Just ban porn and videogames lol

>> No.15706126

>i barely go outside
>im apart of the real world!

>> No.15706137

>liberals slowly discovering a nation starts with family

>> No.15706145

Karen's are public enemy #1. Schoolmarms process boys as dysfunctional girls- what follows cough Migrants cough is obvious.

>> No.15706154

>everything they get is payback for subjugating women for all of history.
Michelin star bait

>> No.15706157

Woah so that whole family thing was onto something.

>> No.15706273

Female education should be a side effect of male education, never the other way round.

Schools should not be changed for the preference of women in any way, shape, or form. Women have invented nothing, and there isn't as much as a single house anywhere in the modern world that was built by women, let alone a school or stadium or apartment complex. None of the institutions of civilisation were created by women or steered by women at the top level.
Men need education more than women by a mile. Education was created by men, and belongs to men, it is by men for men.

Women work a lot more these days and do contribute to the workforce and society in that way, but even now it's a secondary contribution.
Women stay at home in larger numbers than men still, work part time more often, and have to be given easier jobs in many companies because they physically can't even move boxes of goods around.
There was never any reason to fundamentally shift the nature of schooling towards women to the detriment of males. Gold stars on filler material homework and essays helps no one and achieves nothing.

>> No.15706287

Michael Cera?

>> No.15706294

This is exactly the problem with Industrial Society.

>> No.15706337

Modern society likes to forget how fundamentally important physical labor still is

>> No.15706340

>Point being, it is likely that within the next or one of the next republican administrations this is going to become a major discussion topic and possibly a major right vs left issue.
The Republican party have always been against single motherhood but so what? A political party can't really make families work better. There's no real political answer since it's cultural and individual. One potential answer is easier access to free abortion to decrease the unwanted population and that's an unacceptable answer. The Republican party does good with men which means it won't antagonize men by going after their interests like video games in the future.

>The school system is designed in a way that disadvantages boys, as a result their grades are far lower and they are less interested in academics. Young boys barely read in general now.
What was a school system designed for boys? National Socialist Germany? Look at the state intellectually of Germans who went through that system by the 1940s. Germany collapsed in almost all categories from being one of the leading in all categories to second rate.

A lot of feminists and christian lobbies have tried to criminalize position of pornography. That could occur some time in the future but the videogame lobby is extremely powerful.

Except that's basically right? Masculine traits are good for what? Physical labour (relatively shrinking) and leadership positions (always small amount). Someone ingrained with those traits will end up dysfunctional when they can't get employed or can't work right. A boy that "acts out" in school probably won't follow the rules as an adult.

>> No.15706349

don't be a crybaby like femminists and liberals in general. You are own your destiny

>> No.15706352

The amount of oneb that think if it weren't for femenism their fathers, sons and husband would literally treat them like concubine slaves and would get beat daily is absurd.

>> No.15706355

The share of physical labour in GDP has been declining since the beginning of humanity to today. That's one of the key indicators of civilization. It's a lot less important and will be even less so in the future.

>> No.15706362

>Pathologizing boys being boys
And the answer isn't drug them.
This social engineering is what technocapital desires- but it's not not an injustice.

>> No.15706420

Society is repression. No one naturally will fit in. The problem is as society develops an inversion occurs and what may have been useful once becomes more of a liability. You can't just legislate not being able to sit still to be more functional. It is or isn't. You can allow children to do as they please but that doesn't change the fact they'll become criminals if they can't follow rules. When the drugs become necessary is optional.

>> No.15706435

When you can seriously say that video games are of political interest to men, that indicates this problem runs deep

>> No.15706453

>The Republican party have always been against single motherhood but so what? A political party can't really make families work better. There's no real political answer since it's cultural and individual. One potential answer is easier access to free abortion to decrease the unwanted population and that's an unacceptable answer.
ban divorce and abortion and get rid of single mom welfare, not that hard and a return to what works. of course it's not feasible now as we let women vote

>> No.15706500

Boys as a category have special needs. Compulsory education does not adequately address.

>> No.15706503

Even men don't want to ban divorce, don't be a moron

>> No.15706507

>Look at the state intellectually of Germans who went through that system by the 1940s. Germany collapsed in almost all categories from being one of the leading in all categories to second rate.
Thats an incredibly disingenuous analysis of what happened and you know it. We can't say what the outcome of those programs was because the other conditions germany had, ie losing millions of people, being completely conquered, occupied, broken apart, and demoralized, are anything but ceteris paribus. The allies had policies of outright stealing their greatest thinkers to fuel the cold war and you're sitting here blaming brain drain on their educational policies?

>> No.15706514

Are saying boys are retarded or what?

>> No.15706523

No he's saying that boys cam become greater than women ever could if their needs are catered to but otherwise they'll be worse than women ever could.

>> No.15706526

I'm saying girls are and rearing boys as girls generates disability.

>> No.15706578

>Part of the problem lies on single mothers
Nothing is going to be done about it then, criticizing single mothers is going to generate hugely bad optics, even if everyone knows they're causing tons of problems in our society.
You have to work around and in adjacent problems without actually addressing the problem, that's the only way something like this is going to fly without literally everyone starting a coalition to silence you.

>> No.15706593

We're more 'autistic' which means you have to explain problems the way you would a sperg or else it's lost on us.
The price we pay for our intelligence.

>> No.15706636

Single mothers is only one aspect of the gross refeminization of society that occurred almost entirely in last century... this core issue is what sprouts so many others, and keeps us from solving or even acknowledging problems that would in any way relate to the Wahmen being disadvantaged, seeing a reduction in their options, and not being worshipped 24/7 across all media of socialization. The only hope we have to fix this is to accelerate the collapse and then use might and violence to forge The Next Country and keep women fucking suppressed in it this time

>> No.15706661
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fucking little boys is an ancient European tradition you disgusting barbarian

>> No.15706727

You know which masculine trait is missing? Violence as a means of conflict resolution. Our society became so cucked by the legal jew that settling disputes by combat became impossible. Duels helped keep the faggots in check from gaining positions of power. There is conflict that can only be resolved by violence and modern society has criminalized what was once a respected man-to-man conflict resolution method. The modern world is still violent, but the violence is underhanded and cowardly like mass shootings and gang violence. It is not honorable and atomizing violence utilized to isolate the conflict between only the two willfully agreeing participants. In modern days conflict is rarely about individuals and instead the clash of absurdly large to the point of conceptual coalitions of unthinking ideologues.

>> No.15706775

American things. Bored imbeciles

>> No.15706862


>> No.15706906

will read the book, just listened to the peterson p'cast with mr farrell it was kino as shiet.

>> No.15706909

>What was a school system designed for boys? National Socialist Germany?
lmfao I love how contemporary historical knowledge and imagination begins in WW2. People barely know who Napoleon was.
You're so incredibly fucking stupid that this post is an exercise in futility, but an example of education systems but for boys are literally any and all education systems in place for hundreds if not thousands of years over countless civilizations wherein women were not even allowed to go to school. Classical Greek education.

>> No.15706926

Kys noob boy

>> No.15707006

not that I disagree with you, but you type like a complete faggot. I hope you get bullied more when you resume high school next september.

>> No.15707107

Top b8 m8

>> No.15707185

Why the fuck is the epub 50mb??? Dis sum bullshiet yo

>> No.15707273

>The whole concept reeks of being used by genetic dead-ends and malcontents to justify seethe or societal revolt
I'm not buying that idea mainly because it's men who don't have guaranteed access to reproduction. Only nature and violence can deny a woman her chance to reproduce, in every other case forgoing motherhood is entirely of her own volition. Men, on the other hand, are either capable of attracting a mate or they fail at it, never getting a shot at reproduction. Yet you don't see those men pushing such ideologies (at least not until very recently and not in the mainstream), while trying to paint themselves as perpetual victims of an invisible force exerted by the other sex, that has in their mind enslaved and exploited them for centuries. That would be women.
This whole thing could simply be an unavoidable state of affairs that intelligent sexually dimorphic species inevitably run into and have to deal with throughout their development.

>> No.15707290
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>> No.15707327

Maybe men are doing poorly because they're genetically inferior? Remember that they're getting the same opportunities as women and losing.

>> No.15707341

>while trying to paint themselves as perpetual victims of an invisible force exerted by the other sex, that has in their mind enslaved and exploited them for centuries
Actually tons of men think this way, just read through any of the women-hating shitposts on this board

>> No.15707371

Societies with enormous economic equality always have enormous social problems, this is just a fact.

Just 2000 people own more wealth than the next 4.6 billion people; this kind of inequality has never existed in the history of human civilization. And the more wealth that accrues at the top, the harder the rest have to fight for the meager scraps, which is what causes literally most social problems.

The next 500 years is going to become a cyberpunk novel where Silicon Valley, Amazon and Alibaba literally own the entire world and live in wealthy sheltered neighborhoods and the rest of the world is going to live like Mad Max.

>> No.15707393

Are you purposefully ignoring what was written in brackets, where I clearly acknowledged this? Even so it's a fringe opinion of few, who come here to cope, in comparison to the decades of feminist literature blaming on men what is essentially the unfairness of nature.

>> No.15707396

Economic inequality* I meant to say obviously.

>> No.15707482

The one and only decent parenting book is Particules Elementaires

>> No.15707498

Boy pussy or man pussy?

>> No.15707502

Somebody photoshop a bad haircut on this seal

>> No.15707534

Correlation is not causation

>> No.15707563

Surplus army aged males are a potential fifth column for society. Women can't physically do looting.

>> No.15707662

nice bait, but you are partially right. Men are genetically not designed to handle the current environment they grow up in, and that's why they fail. You could say women are superior for it. But that is only this specific environment, if the environment for boys was more conducive for their growth they would excel. Also it's not like girls aren't hurting either, you can help both.
>What was a school system designed for boys? National Socialist Germany? Look at the state intellectually of Germans who went through that system by the 1940s. Germany collapsed in almost all categories from being one of the leading in all categories to second rate.
Nigger what the fuck are you bringing Nazi's up for. The current problems with the school system for boys:
-no physical activity, boys don't learn sitting down and things like gym or recess are specifically important for them but schools cut it out.
-no tolerance policy makes boys unable to express themselves
-removing competition from studies, for boys this increases their motivation
-female teachers, boys learn better with male teachers but teachers are almost always female
-biased teachers, experiments show that teachers grade the same paper 30% lower if it has a boys name than if it has a girls name on average
-forcing boys to learn with girls from an early age, female brains develop faster than boys, so boys end up doing far worse than girls in early grades, getting an attitude for failure can result in little motivation for the rest of their schooling even after their brains eventually catch up in development.
-porn and videogames are extremely seductive so boys end up sleep deprived from doing them all night

>> No.15707691

That isn't the only data, boys raised by single moms are far more likely to commit suicide, become rapists, the vast majority of school shooters and isis recruits were raised by single moms. It's a pretty simple concept, single moms are stressed so the child is more likely to absorb neruosis and be delinquent, also no masculine presence makes them chaotic.
>Except that's basically right? Masculine traits are good for what? Physical labour (relatively shrinking) and leadership positions (always small amount). Someone ingrained with those traits will end up dysfunctional when they can't get employed or can't work right. A boy that "acts out" in school probably won't follow the rules as an adult.
you have very little understanding of reality and should stop embarrassing yourself trying to make points about things you don't understand.

>> No.15707742

The problem with boys in the education system is wholly about subjugating them for capital. Primary education is conditioning into corporate culture. You are disciplined into sitting and memorizing stupid crap by a baseless authority to inure you into a life of doing the same in the office as an adult. The corporate culture of today selects for docility, conformity, heteronomy, and compliance, traits that girls are inherently better suited for.

Boys are three times more likely to have a diagnoses of ADHD. What that says is that their biology is fighting against being assimilated into the disciplinary regime of corporatized education in which most people are conditioned to accept a highly stratified social order and put in subordinate roles. It's harder for them to just sit there and do what they are told and so it's more likely that they develop a oppositional-defiant mentality or become disengaged.

>> No.15707804

>the genetically "superior" sex needs affirmative action to succeed and that constitutes equal opportunity
What did she mean by this?

>> No.15707884

The irony here is that women literally oppress themselves through their own innate sexual desires. They sexually desire to be a bottom in every regard and for their male partner to be the top. It is only through modern systems of production have women been thrust to a life of possible self determination (because those societies needed more labor to exploit) and it is now causing all types of self contradictory behavior.

>> No.15707901

Literally just let men form their own communities that exclude women, and see what happens.

No group comprised exclusively of women can achieve anything, period. It's sad. There may be advantages to having women in a group of men, but a group of women is just a 100% non-starter.

>> No.15707944

Based and redpilled posts.

>> No.15707961

have they unironically ever done anything alone? Like is there an all woman company out there?

>> No.15707969
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suffer and learn, faggots, suffer and learn.

>> No.15707974

This will be reversed as women’s jobs won’t survive the first few waves of automation. Physical labour is harder to automate because robots are more costly and difficult to produce, so men will remain employed as women have their jobs automated away.

>> No.15707985

Yes. You don't know how to capitalize your sentences. You also probably never killed anything.

>> No.15707997

Are you mentally retarded?

>> No.15708054

Cope. Women will survive automation just fine, because having a job is not a requirement for them to be attractive to the other sex. The job they downgrade to, even if they are stuck in a part time one or can't find one for a prolonged period of time, won't affect their marriage prospects at all, whereas a man in the same position will be seen as being bottom of the barrel from the point of view of potential mates.

>> No.15708068

>remove federal funding for leftist intelligentsia in academia
>crackdown on shitty studies promoting female victim complex
>enact true equal accountability for women (right now they want to live like men without the accountability and responsibility)
>make special funding, quotas, etc. for women to the exclusion of men as legally sexist (this is part of the reason why women receive special treatment in school. Why give the man an A when giving the women an A will also get your school external women-focused special funding for good performance?)
>fix the litigation system heavily favoring women in things like rape, family court, etc.
Problem will solve itself in a decade if these are done.

>> No.15708135

Women hate women

>> No.15708179
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This already is a major topic within Republican circles


This video is two years old.

>> No.15708212

Women have intrinsic existential value (their bodies and the fact they're female) so yes they will mostly be fine and they can always fall back on that. I know one chick IRL that did just that. She tried to larp as a writer for years and claimed she needed no relationship with a man to define who she is (and shes a huge woketard) but recently figured out she has zero talent and is rapidly approaching 30 so she just instantly opened her holes up to the highest earning/best looking dude she knew and leaches off him now. Such will the case for many. Also a tip of advice never take anything a female says beyond face value.

>> No.15708225

You're addressing a bunch of symptoms of the problem without fixing the problem itself, which to be fair might not even have a feasible solution. Why do you think the issues you described exist to begin with? Why do you think people will care enough to fix those issues, when they lack the basic empathy required to not chop off pieces of their newborn son's dick minutes after he has drawn his first breath?

>> No.15708240

Males just don't need a lot to be happy. Women today aren't loyal. It's harder and harder to raise a family. There's no impetus to be a workmule. There's nothing in it for men. Blaming them will get no one anywhere. They need a better deal.

>> No.15708312

You both have autism. Women DOMINATE in the medical field and hold most of the jobs from nurses to shrinks which machines cannot do because they require emotional intelligence. Women dominate people centric careers because they have a natural proclivity for it.

>> No.15708340

GDP is a fucking meme puffed by masturbatory high finance. Try actually working a labor job. Robots cant build houses and wont for a long tine

>> No.15708373

You're the autistic one here. The post you responded to made no claims about whether female dominated fields will be automated or not, but was talking in hypotheticals about the effects automation would have on a person based on their sex.

>emotional intelligence
Oh, it's retarded. Move along.

>> No.15708385

Both of you assumed that female jobs would be automated more than male one's which is a diminished capasity idea.

>> No.15708387

Maybe. But without these avenues to release their self destructive tendencies at the least the entire male population won't be affected as a whole and the problem will be more manageable.

>> No.15708389

women don't have emotional intelligence, they can just get away with more socially. Everyone just kind of allows female autists to sperg out

>> No.15708399

Please cite the part of the post you responded to that made that assumption.

>> No.15708400

Healthcare =/= “medical field”

> In the United States medical error results in 44000-98000 unnecessary deaths each year and 1000000 excess injuries

Doctors will become unemployed as soon as an AI can diagnose health conditions more accurately as people generally prefer to be healthy. Ditto for nursing.

>> No.15708455

Then I will simply penetrate the roastie.

>> No.15708458

This is some unfiltered autism right here. Humans aren't a closed system. The best an automated system could do is extremely simple and good physician intuition from experience is much better than a robodoc. You've read too much scifi.

>> No.15708484

>calls others autistic
>talks about intuition and emotional intelligence

>> No.15708490

> good physician intuition from experience is much better than a robodoc
You have no idea how a doctor makes a diagnosis do you?


>> No.15708491

Actually women are far more likely to quit because of how stressful the medical field is, resulting in the physician shortage we are dealing with now.

>> No.15708496

>Doctors will become unemployed as soon as an AI can diagnose health conditions more accurately
The Internet already diagnoses health conditions more accurately than your average mouthbreather "doctor" who spends all of 15 minutes looking at you and reading from some prefabricated 'health conditions' checklist.

>> No.15708505

ok genius, and where are these magic rich men that women are going to depend on? There aren't going to be enough, precisely because of the boy crisis and automation. That is why pushing women to succeed is ultimately pointless, women unlike men want men who are wealthier and more successful than them, by kicking men down to prop women up women are destroying their own mating prospects to work stressful jobs they don't even really want and screwing themselves over

>> No.15708525

Dunno about elsewhere but In the UK education system at least your final grade for the year is a combination of your homework, 'coursework', and exams.
The final grade is split three ways between these areas.
If you score a perfect 100% on your exams you can still get a D or E mark if you didn't do much homework and coursework over the year.
Coursework is a series of aimless busywork projects you do over 2 to 4 weeks, you do various coursework projects in a year.
Coursework is a way to spread out a small amount of learning over a long time, and it's more about just doing the coursework than actually learning any substantial information. Time spent doing coursework is time that could be spent...actually studying. Actually achieving something.
This is what it was when I was at school, I'm not sure how exactly that pattern is being followed still but I imagine it's similar.
It's a strategy to fast track the dull. You will not be allowed to succeed based on your intelligence, you must jump through hoops and pad out these asinine coursework pages. If you are a mid tier exam performer, you can still get B+ grades despite not having B+ mind.
This whole system is literally just a giant circumnavigation around girls, so that they can appear to be as capable of males.

When actually tested against other countries students the damage has been clear.
>Overall, the global report ranks the UK as 14th for reading, up from 22nd in the previous tests in 2015. The UK has also risen from 27th to 18th in maths and from 15th to 14th in science.
>27th in maths in 2015
>22nd in reading
>We had the 5th largest GDP at the time
ALL other developed countries have been outperforming us in maths and reading for a long time, and even some places like BRAZIL. We have near enough destroyed our education system. The situation is so much worse at degree level that you can't imagine it.

>> No.15708735

Actually, judging from your reply I can see you know nothing about AI or being a doctor, why are you even responding?

>> No.15708908

Agreed. All the scum and detritus of childhood is concentrated on boys. When people dislike children, the majority of them have boys in mind. I'm ashamed of ever being one. Sometimes I wish men were born fully formed and only grew in size.

>> No.15709699

my femboy crisis is the true crisis of the age

>> No.15710226
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>> No.15710247

If you're referring to the Greeks they did it between the thighs.

>> No.15710297

>The school system is designed in a way that disadvantages boys
They know. It's intentional.
>Boys raised by single mothers are more likely to have a number of negative factors
They know. It's intentional.
>the rate of single motherhood has swelled to around half of kids born in the usa
They know. It's intentional.

Why would do-nothing zionist Trump care? He serves the people who deliberately organized this state of affairs to weaken the United States.

>> No.15710303

That is the ugliest manface I’ve ever seen. If you’re going to self-sissify, at least go the full 100

>> No.15710840
