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15702874 No.15702874 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I get humiliated every step of the way? Why do I make an embarrassment out of myself everywhere I go?
You guys read a lot, can you tell me this?

>> No.15702889
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I don't know about you anon, but come here, have a hug. Remember that you will never be alone as long as you have us, things will get better man.

>> No.15702896

You don't need to read a book, you need to stop being a little bitch. Books are about more serious topics.

>> No.15702901
File: 312 KB, 1379x689, E38EC058-3819-4E57-BA52-C13363DA18FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the feeling. It’s paralyzing. Try to get over it as it comes

>> No.15702921

You may not fit in anywhere right now anon, but if you pick up a book you'll fit in here. This board is a shitshow but it's a shitshow I call home. one day I hope you will too

>> No.15702923
File: 114 KB, 735x601, 34E0DAD0-7117-493E-A8AB-B5407C15A635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you are weak and easy to humiliate. Stop being weak and easily humiliated. Become strong. Lift heavy things and eat healthy food. Read hard books. Remember you’re a space monkey living in the worlds worst society. Nothings supposed to be as it is, but you’ll make it through, but you’re gonna have to try, and try hard.

>> No.15702928

I think maybe you just need to accept your mistakes and not constantly hold onto them.

>> No.15702938

This is why I continue to browse here

>> No.15702959

Why does this post make me sad? I rarely feel saddened by anything outside of great books so what about this random sadpost strikes a chord with me? it's certainly not the first time I've seen someone here complain about their social woes.

>> No.15703016

For me, it’s that I had a constant feeling of embarrassment for a long time (maybe until I was 19-20). Also it’s kind of an odd thing that I never heard many people talk about when I was growing up. They’d talk about being shy, but mostly about being depressed as a teen. I understood sadness and depression, but not why I felt so stuck inside myself and afraid to try expressing myself. Or if I did express myself, I’d immediately be embarrassed and feel regret. I’m sure some psychologists have studied this but I largely overcame it by just accepting my fuckups and realizing that yeah, I can be dumb sometimes.

>> No.15703020

>>15702896 this is why I still browse here

>> No.15703021

Imagine needing to be reassured that your real self being a pathetic loser is okay as long as you have you panamanian loli doujin forum to browse and tell you to stop being so harsh and just keep escaping into fantasy land. You fucks will be the first to fall in the revolution simply out of pissing and shitting your pants from the trauma that is being ripped from your primordial psychosis.

>> No.15703022

Stop caring. Everyone else is a fag.

>> No.15703096
