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/lit/ - Literature

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15696839 No.15696839 [Reply] [Original]

Which books will be the first to be purged or edited /lit?

>> No.15696861

My diary desu

>> No.15696930

Unironically Harry Potter

>> No.15696980

>In the 1960s and 1970s, especially during the period of the Cultural Revolution, the books which were allowed to be published were very limited. They only included classic works by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, and Joseph Stalin, books written by Mao Zedong and Lu Xun, a few political readings, and Revolutionary opera books.[5][6] Books beyond this scope were all banned from selling and borrowing.[6] In 1971, there were only 46 state-owned publishing houses.[6] Students who wanted to see these censored books circulated handwritten, string-bound copies among their classmates

considering where it seems this is heading only
a few books discussing white privilege and white fragility will be gubment-sanctioned (allowed) desu

>> No.15698104

You guys are schizo if you think there's gonna be another cultural revolution but in America.

>> No.15698121
File: 168 KB, 349x427, Retards Ahead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger it's literally going on right now. I don't even know how ignorant someone could be of what's going on outside.

>> No.15698170

Most statues coming down are the city taking them temporarily down lol. There aren't any museums being sacked, bookstores being burned, etc.
Go back to /x/

>> No.15698175

"A Confederacy of Dunces." Oo-wee.

>> No.15698184

age of high youth unemployment, faltering education, and moral degeneracy

>> No.15698185

nah m8. When people are pulling down statues that means something, just take a glance at history.

>> No.15698192
File: 96 KB, 650x488, unclehugos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There aren't any museums being sacked, bookstores being burned, etc.
But there are.

>> No.15698203

Wow a few retards are taking statues down without context in rage all American culture will literally be gone by 2021

>> No.15698220

Idk if you genuinely don't get it, or you don't want to get it because the implications are frightening, but it is happening.

>> No.15698245
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Leftists don't actually read books that aren't YA fiction, so they won't come after any worthwhile books. No worries.

>> No.15698265

Yeah, if only people on the Other Side were as smart and well-red as people on Your Side.

>> No.15698285
File: 102 KB, 612x612, 1593067371735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My side doesn't hold up posters quoting Harry Potter and Hunger Games at protests with complete sincerity.

>> No.15698287

>Wow a few retards are taking statues down without context in rage all American culture will literally be gone by 2021
is this supposed to be a coherent sentence?

>> No.15698298

>one side is cringe
>one side wants to ethnically cleanse a country

Dave hates your guts fuckface

>> No.15698328
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None because once a book reaches the internet it is near impossible to erase its existence. We have 1000’s of resources to aid the free expression through literature such as the internet archive, gutenberg, dozens of usernet applications. If you want whatever book, you will find it, you just might have to look a bit harder.

>> No.15698347

All they need to do is remove the servers and it's ogre

If you try to download mein kampf or Anarchist cookbook your name is on an fbi watch list and will be used in a case against you

>> No.15698352

Kek, leftists hate harry potter though. They literally started the “read another book” meme, because brain rotted liberals won’t stop comparing every aspect of American politics to it.
This kind of reminds me of the Chris Rock, “Nigger vs Black Person” bit.
Where halfway through the bit one day he realized that a lot of white people use it to completely justify racial hatred, so he got incredibly uncomfortable with it and stopped. It is unfortunate because its legacy lives on.

>> No.15698357
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>people really think these protests are like the cultural revolution

>> No.15698359
File: 93 KB, 955x978, 1593031838383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dave hates your guts fuckface
Dave prefers to associate with white culture, or Asian culture, over black culture. So I'm not so sure about that. Also you're not on a first name basis with the guy, so don't refer to him on a first name basis. It's kind of presumptuous and rude.

>one side wants to ethnically cleanse a country
Yes, the blacks want to genocide the whites, but we have to be forgiving and understanding. They don't know any better. They are easily led by propaganda and act upon their emotions with violence, but this needs to be met with understanding by the white culture. It is white man's burden to civilize the African.

>> No.15698369

In 1776 American revolutionaries pulled down a statue of King George III. America's founding mythos sets a precedent for violent revolution against tyranny. This time, however, the revolutionaries arent slave owning aristocrats.

>> No.15698374

>Kek, leftists hate harry potter though.
As of several weeks ago, sure. The call went out that JK Rowling was a "transphobe", and in true leftist fashion, you HAD to denounce her books, otherwise you weren't "leftist enough". Isn't it strange how cultish the left is? Either you believe 100% of what the left believes, or they try to ruin your life. Weird how anyone could get behind that madness.

>> No.15698410


>> No.15698421

OP posted a picture of an English statue getting dunked into the sea for such a popular reason that the right wing themselves agreed that it should be taken down, they just wanted it done by the government rather than by the locals.

>> No.15698431

No, leftists hate Harry Potter and have for a long time. You just have no sense of nuance and your dopamine golem boomer brain groups anyone who disagrees with you as a leftist.

>> No.15698438

You're so far gone you don't realise you're far gone at all. Anon, you NEED to stop using 4chan as your only source of political news. Every side has their own fucking purity tests. The reason you don't know about the right-wing ones is because 4chan never posts them. If you find lefty places you'll find all the right-wing purity tests getting made fun of. Non-4chan right-wingers are just normalfaggot as fuck which is why they never come into your radar.

>> No.15698440

I think this has more to do with the high unemployment rate combined with the incoming depression than some type of genuine cultural revolution.

>> No.15698441

When there is absolutely no way to tell if the person cancelling you for being le racist is a leftist or a liberal nobody cares which one you are

>> No.15698451

What boils my blood is 4chan is now using the exact same rhetoric the CCP used against the protests in HK. Oh? You think HK protesters didn't pull this exact shit? But you niggers loved it then, didn't you!

>> No.15698458

>No, leftists hate Harry Potter and have for a long time.
Yes, historical revisionism, yet another leftist trait.

>> No.15698466

I'll just wait for the coming race war. See you there!

>> No.15698480

...you you know anon, most revolutions happen after or durring an economic crisis. Not that i think this is one necissarily, but still.

>> No.15698483

>he thinks liberals and leftists are separate entities in any meaningful way
Haha, what a retard.

>> No.15698484

what do you think is going on?
a guy is harrassed because his hair is considered "cultural appropriation":

does that look healthy to you?

>> No.15698492

>against tyranny

Which tyranny is being revolted against in the US?

>> No.15698507

No, I'm Jewish. I'm immune.

>> No.15698513

I want to go back to old /lit/ before the election

>> No.15698530

Okay =]

>> No.15698531

yeah the Jews have famously been left out of racial conflicts historically

>> No.15698536

the internet can't be changed?

>> No.15698539

Good luck, I'm behind six million vengeful ghosts

>> No.15698627

More like 100,000 Russian peasants with long noses

>> No.15698636

nah trump couldve quashed it but wants to get his voters nice and afraid, all the power is still held by big business/govt who like or tolerate the protests for various reasons

>> No.15698651

Refute what he said.

>> No.15698708

Six million nigger, I've personally spoken to every one of them with my kaballah magic. It's true that two million are currently at war with the Gypsy ghosts though.

>> No.15698764

You're just asleep.

It's already started with that lanky antisemite guy getting kicked off amazon for no particular reason.

>> No.15698787

You are a liar

>> No.15698800

You're daft as fuck and need to take just one look around.

>> No.15698808

You ight jew boy you ight

>> No.15698895

This is actually a good opportunity to remove some K-12 literature staples that give the impression that people are naturally selfish, rather than cooperative. In particular, “Lord of the Flies” could be removed from the curriculum and maybe replaced with something from the under-appreciated Elizabeth Gaskell, an author who stressed the value of social relationships and was sympathetic to Britain’s working class. And “Animal Farm”—which has as its subtext that all revolutions degenerate from high idealism into tyranny, so it’s pointless to have a revolution in the first place—could be replaced by “Homage to Catalonia”.

>> No.15698960

The point is that it always changes

>> No.15699019

You are a nigger

>> No.15699067

>At war
More like dying even deeper(heh). Jews are the biggest pussies in history.

>> No.15699076

I dont get it. what's written is that currently it's nearly impossible to erase something's existence (from the internet, presumably)

I ask, can political will change that feature or not?

>> No.15699096

What are you talking about? We've always been at war with Oceania!

>> No.15699119

It's true, our books and scientific discoveries aren't much use against their crude ironworks and vast oceans of homebrewed alcohol.

>> No.15699129

The entire canon will be reduced to James Baldwin and Toni Morrison. You will be forced to acknowledge their works as the platonic ideal of literature, as perfect in the manner Muslims view the Quran.

>> No.15699134

He's right. The kinda lefties who'd post on /lit/ have hated HP for a long time, not just for its shitty writing but also for the hierarchical narratives it unconsiously reinforces blah blah. They hate the Cho Chang thing and the house elf thing too.

>> No.15699136

I agree with the other anon

>> No.15699180

It's only natural they'd do so, seeing as they're high-minded intellectuals who indulge only in Maoist and Marxist writings. On the other hand, their less intellectually-endowed comrades, that is, the ones you are more likely to see actually doing something in real life, probably loved Harry Potter (as well as other popular book series such as A Song of Ice and Fire). They'll love anything until it becomes problematic, which it always becomes. For our brand of leftist sicko, it's always been problematic; they're more sincere, but more sickly for it.

>> No.15699200

>For our brand of leftist sicko, it's always been problematic; they're more sincere, but more sickly for it.
I've noticed e/lit/ists talk like pretentious shitters for no reason. Like what the FUCK did you mean by "they're more sincere, but more sickly for it". You'd never type like that on /d/ or wherever else you get your jollies off. We're on 4chan, nigger. Me think you sound big stupid.

>> No.15699202

there's a movie quite critical about jewish cowardice, 1999 Sunshine
there's a scene where 500 jews are humiliated and lead to the slaughter by a couple of german guards with machine guns, when it's obvious if they revolt, maybe 10 would die but they would eventually overpower the guards and escape.

always wondered, does that reflect reality or the author is being too harsh on the jews?

>> No.15699211

And they can always steal your weapons, they are the best thieves ever