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/lit/ - Literature

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15690425 No.15690425[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What causes such illiteracy?
I fear for the future generations

>> No.15690430

What do you think?

>> No.15690434

The internet has absolutely fried people's brains

>> No.15690441

The rank and file have never liked reading. Now with the internet, they have voices.

>> No.15690446

because humanity is getting more and more based. reading is for bitchbois, cucks and effeminate limpwrists. the sooner people abandon those silly literary pursuits and focus their efforts on engineering and physicality, the better.

>> No.15690460

they always blame it on school "I don't like reading because the books my teachers made me read were SO boring!!!!"

What they fail to realize that the books that their teachers made them read provide 1000x more wisdom and knowledge than the YA garbage that they would rather read instead does. It's like these people don't understand that all books are not created equal.

>> No.15690463

low-effort bait

>> No.15690472

You replied it

>> No.15690483

You fag it

>> No.15690496

They would never pick up a real book regardless of school, fuck em

>> No.15690500

It’s just complications from narcissism: there are loads of things people aren’t interested in because they are hard, only the truly naive and self-obsessed think their own feelings are an excuse. a non narcissist would simply accept “I don’t like reading because I don’t care about gaining intelligence/wisdom/insight/etc.”
the cunt in OPs post is saying instead that she is essentially a victim of books

>> No.15690543

i'm not baiting, though. most of the problems of the modern day stem almost exclusively from the fact that future leaders are trained in the "humanities", a field that as of the 20th century became infested with navelgazers and so-called thinkers who haven't been trained to act, but to speculate on questions that by definition cannot be acted on. the real genius is the fact that academics in these rotten fields have tricked the populace into believing what they do is high-brow or reflective of refined culture. we could have been a tough, practical species - using our extraordinary mental faculties for the purpose of advancement and tangible production. but no, here we are, thinking and thinking.

can't wait to see the low-effort "bait" and "cringe" posts by the brainfried limpwrists who've bought into this feeble intellectual culture. your ancestors would weep if they found that the sum total of their hardship led to you. go lift weights and study something useful

>> No.15690546

What causes such illiteracy? Memes. Screens and memes.

>> No.15690556

>he thinks I'll read his subsequent shitposts
the joke's on you anon

>> No.15690559

> proves me right

>> No.15690569


>> No.15690570


>> No.15690577

>such illiteracy
such as?

>> No.15690586

figure it out you invertebrate

>> No.15690590


>> No.15690591

gg limpwrist

>> No.15690595

They're right. Reading isn't enjoyable. I read because I want to learn things.

>> No.15690614
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>Humanities bad! Production and accumulation good!
I'm always amazed at people like you. Your inner life must be so incredibly dull. Are you even a person?

>> No.15690623

It's bait.

>> No.15690626

Right back to ya pillow biter

>> No.15690636

On one hand I'd like to believe you, on the other hand my job is filled with people who trot out similar lines and regularly talk about how good it is to remove the arts from youth education.

>> No.15690655


>> No.15690658

If the topic really interests you, I would suggest to engage your coworkers instead of internet trolls.

>> No.15690661

>Reading isn't enjoyable.
telling on yourself there

>> No.15690690

can you hunt? how would you rate yourself as a carpenter? know anything about electronics? can you fix your own car? what about chemistry, are you aware of the possibilities? have you bothered to cultivate a practical knowlege of biology? if i set you in the middle of the woods, how would you fare? and more importantly, how much would your philosophy and high brow literature help you when you are cold, hungry and desperate to escape within your own mind as you've been trained to do?

look around you, watch the news. A world built by intelligentsia, torn apart because thinking is easy and the tower is built in a way that every lower floor is designed to hold up the single one on top. when thought is so divorced from action (and when this is considered high brow and intellectual), what hope does anybody have?

friends, that's enough from me. i don't want to fall back on my old ways of feeble thought. i hope some of you will realise that you could be so much better, so much more capable than what you are - this isn't the way you're supposed to be.

>> No.15690691

I can't call my coworkers faggots tho anon, I need to have a job.

>> No.15690698

> ...based?

>> No.15690708

If you can't argue your point without calling someone a fag, you aren't that smart

>> No.15690716

>if i set you in the middle of the woods, how would you fare?
Jokes on you faggot, my hobbies are long range hiking and orienteering, I've done 2 week long camps with nothing more than things I can fit in my pocket. You're a faggot larper, kill yourself. And, get this, I read Deleuze and related topics for fun. You're an idiot.

>> No.15690723

My point is that I like calling fags fag, fag.

>> No.15690727

Why not have both a developed set of practical skills and knowledge on the humanitites?

>> No.15690741

Because that retard can't comprehend an idea as complex as that. His lack of training in the humanities prevents him from entertaining abstractions.

>> No.15690747

Yes, average, yes, don't have a car, yes, yes, fairly well, and your last question is just bait. Thought and action are not mutually exclusive. You can and should read philosophy and literature and also develop more practical skills. Intelligent and capable people will do both.

>> No.15690762

You stupid cunt, philosophy and literature are responsible for more than just "muh science".
> Why do you think humanity isn't fucking eating each other anymore?
> Why don't we sacrifice children to sun gods anymore?
> Why are you allowed to say what you want to say without fear of being tracked down and killed by someone who disagrees?
Literature and philosophy serve to refine society: it is, singlehandedly, the driving force behind our escape from savagery. If you're so dull as to believe that the benefits that you enjoy in modern life somehow sprang fully formed from "muh science", you're just another shallow twat.

Read a book and you won't be spewing so much shit, so confidently.

>> No.15690767
File: 33 KB, 400x400, duuuuuuuuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way we can meddle with the brains of STEM people to turn them into the philosophical zombies they so obviously want to be. I am absolutely one hundred and ten percent serious about this. It really is worth considering that we should look into some method of removing all the functions of the brain which allow STEMfags to do anything other than whatever they need for their autistic little field. Honestly. Give me a mathematician and an ice cream scoop and half an hour. Love and passion, nope not using it, you don't need it (*SCOOOP*). Desire for meaning and authenticity, don't think you even knew you had this (*SCOOOOOOP*). Basic ethical and aesthetic sensibilities, well known to any well-adjusted three your old, you certainly won't miss this (*SCOOOOOOOOOOP*). Then we screw the top of his head back on and marvel at our creation: the ideal STEMfag, reduced to his essential part, a human calculator in the case of our mathematician. And I genuinely believe that he would thank me if he could. This is all STEMfags want to be, this is all they're really capable of being.

Give them all to me and with an ice cream scoop I'll fix all their problems. They won't have to worry about any of the dastardly, irritating aspects of life, such as beauty, or religious hope, or virtue, or even sensuality (which will be merely sense-data once I'm done with my scoop).

You really do have to understand, noble reader, that this isn't even in the slightest a cruel thing to do. It's removing from them those things which would do nothing but bother and irritate them till the end of their days. They don't want these things which are so valuable to you and I, noble reader. In fact, their every utterance is a plea to the universe to "reduce" and "eliminate" and simplify and I, and my trusted associates at the clinic, with our scoops would do nothing more than give them that freedom from unnecessaries that they so desire.

It's a perfect solution, which frees us from having to listen to their opinions on things outside of objectively measurable phenomena pertaining to their field and their field alone, and it frees them from the distractions, such as moral intuitions and human consciousness, which they are so disturbed by that they need to deny the very existence of these things.

Just picture it, thousands upon thousands of STEMfags walking out the clinic back towards their test tubes or whatever they do. Imagine the grotesque rictus smiles on their chinless anglo faces. "I'm finally free", they would think, were they not indeed finally free from that thing which they felt most keenly to be a burden on them, qualia, human consciousness, and all the beauty, passion, love, emotion, all the duty, the sense of virtues, the religious hunger, the ups and downs and bends and curves of being *human*, all that aesthetic, moral, spiritual... noise, which plagued them like tinnitus until my act of kindness.

To do anything else, would be utterly inhumane.

>> No.15690800

>can you hunt? how would you rate yourself as a carpenter? know anything about electronics? can you fix your own car? what about chemistry, are you aware of the possibilities? have you bothered to cultivate a practical knowlege of biology?

Youd have those skills if you payed attention in high school.

>> No.15690807

What is the value of 'advancement and tangible production'? Think about it hard. What's its end goal? Isn't it to make our lives better? Better how? By eliminating unnecessary labor, and amplifying leisure. And what the hell do we consider leisure again? Pursuing things we consider valuable ends in themselves, that in themselves don't 'help' anything further, not necessarily. Your very idea that the practical is worth more than the theoretical actually ends up subverting itself. Everything ultimately boils down to things worth value in-themselves, not as means to ends. Every means to an end culminates in final ends. Those ends happen to be precisely the ones people in the humanities are focused on. If you got the society you dream of, we would reach some sort of post-scarcity automated luxury utopia where, ironically, the humanities would flourish because that's what people would do with their free time, the better people anyway (the ones not being mindless low-quality consumers).

>> No.15690810

sure, you're also a navy SEAL, am I right?

you're the stupid cunt. your weak musings on philosophy won't change the fact that you have no practical skills or knowledge. all you have to do is open a chemistry book to see exactly what you're missing out on, what you could be learning and using. but no, you can't do that. you're probably not smart or disciplined enough.

yeah, but you'd need a mathematician for that as you yourself said. mathematicians do STEM, you retarded motherfucker. the irony that you need a mathematician even in your fantasies. you really can't make this up!

>> No.15690823

For someone who apparently cares so much about the humanities, you are pretty callous and inhuman. Have you learned nothing?

>> No.15690828

you sound like a great dude, keep it up/

>> No.15690833

you write like a fifth grader desu

>> No.15690835

fucking kek

>> No.15690844

>can't into humor

>> No.15690849

ty for opening me up to a new field of masochistic media. These anti reading videos really kill me

>> No.15690855

That was reddit-tier humor

>> No.15690865

and the mind of a fifth grader

>> No.15690910

> open a chemistry book
Don't cite science to me, cringelord. I do science for a living. People like you give people like me a bad name and most of the time, you don't know a single thing about the very thing you so obnoxiously defend.

You want to talk science? Okay, let's talk. First, solve this problem:
> The thermodynamic properties of surfaces can be described with a state function S, called the surface tension, which is affected by a change in surface area A. Given a spherical drop of radius R, what is the air pressure inside it?

A chemist should be able to solve this in a heartbeat.

>> No.15690934

Why are CS Majors always so insufferable

>> No.15691041


>> No.15691083

are you retarded? you can read philosophy and high brow literature and have practical skills. i repair my own motorcycle and have carpentry skills, and i read philosophy and nonfiction most days.
you don't have to cope so hard stemfag, both stem and literature are meaningful pursuits
>thinking is easy
your posts refute this

>> No.15691199

Thanks man, I really appreciate it.

>> No.15691222

did any of you dumbfucks watch the video? negative association with reading from early childhood/school combined with zoomer media corrupting the brain and attention span. it's a damn shame but if a kid has those combined with a shitty unenthusiastic english teacher it's over for them

>> No.15691266

>Waah memes and computers cause illiteracy
This is a meme and a dumb one. The simple fact is that most people just don't like reading and would find something else to do if computers weren't around, like a sport.

>> No.15691737

sure, you're also a chemist, am I right?