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File: 40 KB, 331x500, 9B37FE22-82A5-4FD3-A431-802E5B6AED12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15687500 No.15687500 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for?

>> No.15687731

The ultimate white pill

>> No.15687891

When you get to the new testament the pages will be 2-5 verses each

>> No.15688028


>> No.15689231
File: 103 KB, 575x813, 783241_1_ftc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get this instead.

>> No.15689253

Based. Orthoids are just coping that their religion was never as great.

>> No.15690144

Why not both? I'm trying to learn more about Religion and heard Orthodoxy is the least altered form of Christianity. Eventually I'd like to branch out to Hinduism and maybe Islam as well, to see how they compare.

>> No.15690177
File: 925 KB, 996x3150, Prot vs Cath vs Orth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>least altered form of Christianity.
you're looking at it wrong. With a lens of historicity. Orthodoxy is the most Traditional (capital T) form of Christianity. Maybe, by extension, the least altered. But it's not like Orthodoxy is the same as it was even 100 years ago.

>> No.15690187

I was about to buy this version as well. Looking into orthodoxy and trying to find the right denomination.

>> No.15690258

>All a person needs is to say 'Jesus is lord' in order to be saved. Repentance is unnecessary

Interesting, so Protestantism is the Pure Land of Christianity?

>> No.15690600

Who are you quoting?

>> No.15690729

It's at the bottom of >>15690177

>> No.15690752

That image also says orthodox christians think Stalin was a saint kek, you're not supposed to take it seriously

>> No.15690794
File: 360 KB, 846x1036, russian-orthodox-icon-of-stalin-with-scene-of-st-matrona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't get the joke

>> No.15690850

If you were familiar with the format you'd get the joke.

>> No.15690987


>> No.15691098

When the trad-religion reawakening larp happened on this board a couple years ago all the people who were genuinely interested in Orthodox Christianity said that that specific version of the Orthodox Bible contained errors and that actual practicing Orthodox Christians didn't like it and didn't use it. Unfortunately those conversations never brought up any alternate suggestions or what was supposed to be wrong with it in the first place.

>> No.15691924

The Bible with cool pictures

>> No.15692271

Yeah I remember this. It was "bad" and not recommended but when you asked why they disappeared.

>> No.15692786

Yah sure, i was just being polemic for fun and the (you)s

>> No.15692813

Did people have anything substantial to add in either direction in those thread? I need to get a study Bible at some point, or at least decide on a translation.

>> No.15692822

*those threads

>> No.15692851


>> No.15693003

>anything substantial to add in either direction in those thread
well no, not really...

>> No.15693078

Get the leather bound version if you can, it's aesthetic as fuck

>> No.15693141

If you want Christianity it a nutshell, read the gospel of John chapter 1.

>> No.15693235

>Despite positive endorsements2 by such prominent bishops as Metropolitan Maximos of Pittsburgh (a general editor) and Metropolitan Philip of New York (Chairman of the Board of Directors), most scholars and commentators have criticized both the translation (not so much a LXX translation as a Masoretic / LXX hybrid) and quality of the study notes of the OSB. Representative of most reviews are the following excerpts:

>"If my comments seem harsh it is because the OSB could have been better, and should have been better. As I've mentioned before, if the OSB had managed to package an Orthodox approach to Scripture within the limits of a Protestant-style study bible, I'd be much more gentle in my criticism. That the OSB should prove to be so deeply foreign not only to the ethos of Orthodox Christianity, but to its doctrine and teaching as well is simply unforgivable." [1]

>”The notes to the New Testament are on the whole straightforward and some readers will find them a help in understanding many of the words and ideas in the text. Most of them though are dull and many of them jejune in the extreme. As a friend put it to me, they remind one of the notes to some school editions of Shakespeare. ‘King Lear plans to divide his kingdom between his daughters’, or ‘Hamlet wonders if it would be a good idea to commit suicide.’ In this book we find similar notes all too often, such as that on Luke 16:11: ‘True riches signify spiritual treasures’, or that on Luke 16:25 ‘This conversation is not between God and the rich man, but between Abraham and the rich man.’ The level is that of a not very bright Sunday School class. Critical questions are avoided by simply not being discussed at all. This is unsatisfactory, since many readers will be seeking help on just these questions. What should have been provided is an article setting out clearly how an Orthodox reader of the Bible should approach these problems. The solution adopted here is a further instance of what I call the attitude of the double-headed Byzantine ostrich." [2]


>> No.15693242

>"The tragedy of the OSB is that, as Kevin Edgecomb once put it privately to me, it should have been better, and in fact was once better. Kevin has recently sent me a number of early drafts of the OSB that were once available online for all to see; these show that the OSB was once an honest-to-goodness translation of the Septuagint, and a rather satisfactory one, at that. However, somewhere along the line (and in all likelihood on account of Thomas Nelson's–the same company headed by an Orthodox deacon, I might add–overriding pressure to market the NKJV by making this an 'Orthodox NKJV' or some such beast), the project became the dubious, embarrassing 'translation' that we all have seen. One only need ask Father Patrick Reardon what happened to his translation of the Psalms; other contributors have simple become too jaded by it all and prefer not to speak of the subject. I think your observation that the people responsible for the OSB have simply ignored most of the criticism of the OSB is very important. One only needs to re-read Fr Ephrem's review to realize that nearly nothing that he rightly criticized in the earlier volume has changed in that later one. This inability to take constructive criticism, which smacks of the hubris of the Americanist brand of convertitis, is surely a major cause that the OSB isn't better that it is." [3]


>> No.15693358

nkjv shit
get a real orthodox translation

>> No.15693374

Thanks guy.

>> No.15693433

Any recs?

>> No.15693490

You do know why English speaking Orthodox use NKJV right?
I bet you also don't know that English speaking Orthodox quote the KJV in their liturgy.

>> No.15693502
File: 287 KB, 360x519, Divine Ladder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A long arduous adventure with a greatly worthwhile & fulfilling reward.

>> No.15693556

oh no this doesnt sound good at all. why does /lit/ like it so much?

>> No.15693574

>Why not both?
At the New Testament of the OSB it's just the NKJV with some pictures

>> No.15693579

Get the Oxford Annotated Bible if you actually want to see the Bible for what it really is and aren’t scared of learning how it was very logically inconsistent and how Christianity stole all their ideas from other religions.

>> No.15693778

Probably because it doesn't cut out a ton of books like prot or RC ones do.

>> No.15693808

I like that Orthodox is less bugman/anti-reason/God cannot be defined rationally/pro-mysticism/pro The Trinity is meant to be a paradox you nitwit.. etc.

>> No.15693895

Here's another review on the OSB.

>> No.15693925

I've been to several Orthodox churches and have seen it in use and one even recommended it

>> No.15693961

So do the Orthodox really follow the bible down to the letter T? I believe in Christ but there's some super weird stuff in the OT. And do they venerate all of the same catholic saints? I'm baptized catholic, went to church as a small child, became an atheist in my teenage years and then after reading about Christ historically I started to rediscover him. But the whole protestant reformation and splitting of the church and seeing how enlightenment ideas led to much of the grossly terrible shit we have now leaves me confused and I forget where I'm going with this but are there any books that might help me?

>> No.15695139


>> No.15695197

How "American" were those churches, if you catch my drift.

>> No.15695838

I shat my pants. Kino meme.

>> No.15695861

another kind of larping and blasphemy

>> No.15695870
File: 1.37 MB, 264x264, imploring.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15695882

> See these Jews killing Stalin, just like they killed Christ!

>> No.15695920

>But it's not like Orthodoxy is the same as it was even 100 years ago.
well the liturgy is the same as it was by John Chrysostom days. and on a few days even back to the days of the liturgy of Mathew

>> No.15696149
File: 1.25 MB, 2048x1878, Чаепитие_в_Мытищах,_близ_Москвы.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all are just trying to be most hip Christians, and turn to the East following an Western tradition. But the East is not that different from the West (that what is really different always feels alien and raises little interest).

By the way, modern Orthodoxy has been reformed in XVII century, you might want to switch to Old Believers. Then you would realize that their point is to follow certain Eastern European developments in scriptures, their interpretation, and liturgical books. So, you'd focus on its roots, and, step by step, inevitably come to Christ's own teachings. Who would've thought!

>> No.15696192

That's if you unquestionably believe in what tradition says about everything. But liturgies are fluid and can be changed.

>> No.15696243

>So do the Orthodox really follow the bible down to the letter T? I believe in Christ but there's some super weird stuff in the OT. And do they venerate all of the same catholic saints? I'm baptized catholic, went to church as a small child, became an atheist in my teenage years and then after reading about Christ historically I started to rediscover him. But the whole protestant reformation and splitting of the church and seeing how enlightenment ideas led to much of the grossly terrible shit we have now leaves me confused and I forget where I'm going with this but are there any books that might help me?

Read an old version of Kallistos Ware's The Orthodox Church.

Short answers: Yes, but not judaizing. No, besides like 5 (not exaggerating how low, it's pretty down there) we venerate our saints and the saints that existed in the pre-schism church. Otherwise, there are exceptionally rare examples but these, to my knowledge, were all on the cusp of the schism anyways.

>> No.15696615

a cum stain on western history?

>> No.15697309

>You do know why English speaking Orthodox use NKJV right?
No why

>> No.15697313

And extensive commentary

>> No.15697321

*tips fedora*

>> No.15697398
File: 11 KB, 251x242, 1395430870100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>excited to finally read a study bible because i want to learn more and understand at a deeper level
>reading psalms
>The Lord is my shepherd*
>this should be fascinating i think to myself
>*Here, the Lord is compared to a shepherd.

>> No.15699008


>> No.15699059 [DELETED] 

Is this Greek autism? Or Russian?

>> No.15699983
File: 27 KB, 600x750, 1521855472055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15700070

>that watermark
Do remember it's 8kun now. That 8chDOTmoe is some cuck site.

>> No.15700235

>modern Orthodoxy has been reformed in XVII century
Not true.
The mass and the interpretations of scripture is still that of the early church fathers.

>> No.15700265

>well the liturgy is the same as it was by John Chrysostom days
fair point, Orthodoxy is certainly the closest to an original liturgy but the substance of my point stands. I suppose if you are looking for least altered liturgy orthodoxy would be the answer,

>> No.15700290

>but the substance of my point stands
how does it still stand? You gave no argument to support it.

>> No.15700329

>ou gave no argument to support it.
everything about life changed in 100 years, obviously current realities reflect how the church functions. when most people were peasants in small towns, before mass communication, church politics, philosophy and ideology accommodated that. Now, it accommodates contemporary lifestyles. I’m not saying the EOC hasn’t stayed true to it’s roots, but you’re naive if you think it’s a perfect time machine to even 1920, let alone 1520.

>> No.15700381

>but you’re naive if you think it’s a perfect time machine to even 1920, let alone 1520.
And again, why would that be? I mean sure, people wear different clothes in church, and there is electricity and speakers, but that is not relevant to the faith.

>> No.15700429

True, but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Orthodox church has its corrupt priests, and while they embezzle money, the teachings are not being corrupted, far as I know. Protestants largely have ditched the bible, and go by "what would Jesus do." Catholicism has been corrupt for centuries. Orthodoxy seems somewhat better in comparison, with all its flaws.

>> No.15700473

What philosophy and ideology changed? You're not giving any examples. Sure American Greek Orthodox churches tend to be pretty modernized/westernized and have a lot of problems but that doesn't mean their theology changed.

>> No.15700557

>Protestants largely have ditched the bible, and go by "what would Jesus do."
That’s an oxymoron. Protestants do what Jesus did and said, or at least try to make any effort to they end, because it’s written in the Bible what he did and said. You can’t have one without the other.

>> No.15700675

>Protestants do what Jesus did and said
Most of them do not. Here in Finland the Lutheran church disavowed a politician who posted a page from the bible. Said page had stuff about homosexuality. When your average prottie speaks about Jesus, its usually the cool bro Jesus who has your back and dosen't punish sinners. Unless its the sin of not being with the times.

>> No.15700820

The manuscripts it is translated from are of the manuscript tradition that the Orthodox use.