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15689395 No.15689395 [Reply] [Original]

Books that btfo capitalism?

>> No.15689413
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Anything by a Catholic Social Theorist before the 1964.

>> No.15689547

Any book written under capitalism

>> No.15689751

For example?

>> No.15689756

The Big Book of Reddit

>> No.15689797


>> No.15689802

My diary desu

>> No.15689818
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>> No.15690048

i dont understand why religion has been set up in opposition to many left and right wing political beleifs, since religion in its core is not political or about this world really at all; yet people seem intent on forcing it into the category of politics in order to seek excuses to get rid of it (wont work btw)

>> No.15690057

>i dont understand why religion has been set up in opposition to many left and right wing political beleifs
political philophy comes from theology.

>> No.15690060


>> No.15690217


>> No.15690229

too bad America was founded as a secular state which has never had a clergy.

>> No.15690245

Don't forget the church sided with a literal fascist during the Spanish civil war

>> No.15690248

And that’s a good thing.

>> No.15690255

>too bad America was founded as a secular state which has never had a clergy.

>> No.15690271

let me guess: your special snowflake definitions of religion meas pastor billy bob is somehow a cleric?

>> No.15690288

Francoism and fascism aren't capitalist lmao. Franco opened the markets in the 50’s but it was a pragmatic move.

>> No.15690298

You should look into the Protestant roots of American academia and it's evolution into Liberal Progressivism

>> No.15690303

Then don't bitch about how anarchists killed the heckin preisterinoos

>> No.15690314

You got any good literature on that

>> No.15690325

non sequitur

>> No.15690342

Revenge isn't based on logic

>> No.15690348

If you want a basic gestalt I'd read over a Gentle Introduction to Unqualified Reservation by Moldbug plus Moldbug namedrops other sources.

Aside from that the book Albion's Seed: Four British Folkways in America goes over the formulation of different American ideas and institutions as a result of competition between 4 Religio-Ethnic groups that made up the vast majority of early Americans in a lot of depth.

>> No.15690352

The white terror wasn’t revenge, it was pesticide.

>> No.15690357
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Fascism is capitalism in decay - Lenin

>> No.15690381

Thanks Anon

>> No.15690387

Damn if he said it it must be true.

>> No.15690388

>noo, we got the monopoly on anti-capitalism, our way is the only true way

>> No.15690458

It's good to be familiar with this

>> No.15690493

protestants are not christians. the entire point of protestantism is the rejection of christian dogma. Protestantism is liberalism.

>> No.15690517

Doesn't mean they're not a clergy. You could also call it Satanism since it's created a world where pretty much every sin other than Murder is socially acceptable.

>> No.15690534
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>> No.15690541

many US states had State Churches up until the Civil War or so and the creation of the Incorporation Doctrine.

>> No.15690550

Congrats on BTFOing yourself.

>> No.15690555


>> No.15690563
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Not fat enough to pass for Marx

>> No.15690589

Marxist Works ie Adorno (Good where descriptive of flaws, horrible for solutions)
Fascist and National Socialist Works ie Gottfried Feder
Classic Cyberpunk works

>> No.15690609
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>> No.15690673

*slams comically large copy of Kapital onto the table*
here :)

>> No.15690694

A lot of marxists believe that the church in medival europe was oppressive, and a tool to keep people docile.

>> No.15690709

The ancien regime of Europe was associated with the Church, so because lefties fetishize the French Revolution, of course they want to destroy religion.

>> No.15690777

>since religion in its core is not political or about this world really at all
Protip: everything is about this world, the only world that exists

>> No.15690778
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>> No.15690792

>When your revolution is so disastrous that you re-elect a monarch a decade later.

>> No.15690986 [DELETED] 

The values of the revolution far outlived the monarchy that followed

>> No.15691026


>> No.15691057

Why do i need to cope the revolution was successful in in long run and literally changed the course of world history.

>> No.15691097
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>> No.15691110


>> No.15691164

Nice cope

>> No.15691217
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Why did what he posted get deleted?

>> No.15691226

It was too damn cringe.

>> No.15691471

Something about the french revolution

>> No.15691550

mein kampf

>> No.15691646


>> No.15692284

Open an American history book. Much of the Constitution originally applied only to the Federal government. Incorporation was a massive centralization.

>> No.15692389

None. There are none.
Might I recommend some works by Smith, Friedman, Rand or Sowell?

>> No.15692436

"I do not see in religion the mystery of the incarnation, but the mystery of the social order; religion attaches to heaven an idea of equality that stops the rich from being massacred by the poor." - Napoleon Bonaparte

>> No.15692459

Capitalism isn't real. Only selection pressures are real. You can "not do capitalism" but what really matters is your selection pressures. Do you select for the ability to innovate technology? Do you select for compliance? Do you select for violence? The problem with leftists is that they think they can improve upon religion, a system that asks for mental hygiene on the most fundamental level, instead they ask people to do well for "the good of the party" or for "the good of humanity"

>> No.15692469

The Jungle - Upton Sinclair

>> No.15692492

Look man, you're never gonna convince me the reinvigoration of a people is capitalism, especially if capitalism itself debases said people in the name of Mammon.

>> No.15692494
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>> No.15692588

No Anarchists and Feudal Conservatives can also be anti capital.

>> No.15692956

Internal contradictions of capital accumulation

>> No.15693785

Waste of blessed trips

>> No.15693839

Like leftism, catholicism is slave morality that gets in the way of the hyperfascsist state a. Total work of art sculpted out of well toned human bodies. If you dont have the courage to cull the unworty what good are you even for?

>> No.15693928

>the church in medival europe was oppressive, and a tool to keep people docile
Have they spent any time at all reading about the vast number of wars waged in those centuries? Because if the church was supposed to keep people docile then they clearly failed.

>> No.15693987

Based and truthpilled.

>> No.15695642

Docile against rising up against their own rulers not killing fellow peasants

>> No.15695699

soiboys hate christianity

>> No.15695805

>Docile against rising up against their own rulers
Peasant rebellions were rare, but not entirely unheard of. Disputes involving the peasantry were typically solved by economic changes rather than force of arms. Peasants were not skilled at warfare, peasants were not soldiers and did not pretend to be. Trying to fight was always their last resort so they used it sparingly. Contrary to popular belief the nobility and upper and middle classes were not overly eager to slaughter their own peasants either.

Meanwhile, virtually every monarch of every major country ignored or abused the pope at their convenience. Churches were frequent targets for plunder. Rome was even sacked on more than one occasion. The church was not a very effective organization.

>> No.15695813
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>> No.15695819

>tfw this is actually a good selling book on Amazon
>this guy made more money writing than you ever will
In a way it is a critique of capitalism.

>> No.15695825

>facism is not slave morality
oooh am I laffin

>> No.15695847

There are none, that's why it is sad to see pseuds shill lefty economics

>> No.15695868
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>> No.15695944

>Like leftism, catholicism is slave morality
Fascism is basically wanting a big strong man to be the daddy of the whole nation. Fascist are just sissys who want to be dominated

>> No.15695978

>tfw you realize commies do the same but with anti-heros
>the world is a struggle between heros and anti-heroes
>heroes are non-existant
>anti heroes are hipocrites
>we are doomed

>> No.15696007

I remember reading this during holidays at my grandparents house.

>> No.15696018

What did you think of it? Personally one of my favourites in the series

>> No.15696034

It's also a critique of your wit

>> No.15696090

Lol cope

>> No.15696375
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lol not an argument leftard

>> No.15696582

It was in the serfs interest to revolt against their rulers (for obvious reasons)
The rulers needed to keep them quiet; through violence at times, or through bullshitting them by the church, telling them that if they don't revolt they'll go to heaven, and that it's god who spreads wealth so if they work hard enough they might one day become like the nobility.
Sure, revolts did happen at times, but if not for the church they would have happened much more often

>> No.15696596

True chads are liberation theologists

>> No.15697168

How can you btfo an ideology that has no stated goals, only one principle, and is always correct by its own premises?

>> No.15697356


>> No.15697403


>> No.15697412

>wojakposting to cope

>> No.15697875

Lenin never really said that platitude, you braindead mongoloid

>> No.15698746

If you'd have mentioned Hayek instead of Rand i would have taken you seriously

>> No.15698841

t. tradcath who was a fedora two weeks ago (and will be one again in another two weeks)

>> No.15698913

>t. never knew his father

>> No.15699498

Lol looks like i hit a nerve there

>> No.15699549
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>Lol looks like i hit a nerve there

>> No.15700157

It's honestly better literature than all the intersectional crap that is spun out by LA schools.

>> No.15700253

Why is wojak just a formless lump on Marx' shoulder?

>> No.15700288

what is the point of posts like this. The guy's entirely right, lefties do suck off Stalin and Che and whoever in exactly the same way.

>> No.15700792

Lol owned

>> No.15700809

Marxism is a religion

>> No.15702185

idk about capitalism, but adam smith completely btfos landlords and other parasites in the wealth of nations

>> No.15703760

The Communist Manifesto

>> No.15703880

I don't understand why castrated millennials hate le capitalism so much.
The door is wide open for them to fuck off to a non-capitalist country.
Yet everyone is desperate to move to le evil capitalist Amerikkka.

Is the youth that retarded to fall for poser teen trends?>>15689395

>> No.15704472

no such a thing exist