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/lit/ - Literature

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15689150 No.15689150 [Reply] [Original]

fuck yes they finally arrived! its time to become redpilled, pedes

>> No.15689167

What the fuck is Tucker Carlson doing there

>> No.15689171

don't bump the thread idiot

>> No.15689173

What is pedes? Is that a reddit thing?

>> No.15689177

I count 4 based books

>> No.15689181

Bro you just bumped it too bro

>> No.15689184

>very based

>> No.15689187

it's Latin for a 'walker'

>> No.15689197

it's a subtle way to refer to a fellow pedophile ("pede", compare "hebe" or "ephebe")

>> No.15689202

sage isn't visible

>> No.15689239

Those are all actually decent books

He's okay lately, he's like babby's first paleocon.

"MAGApedes" was a third-order emanation of alt right culture shit on reddit Trump boards, I believe, so the joke is that conservatives are part of that reddit "Lady 'pede here ;)" cringe milieu

>> No.15690051


>> No.15690880


>> No.15690950

>reading books with the format title: subtitle
Is there anything more midwit?

>> No.15691514

fuck off this is a leftist board retard

>> No.15691525

So you cheering on the fact that you wasted $100+

>> No.15691526

For My Legionnares is the only worthwhile text

>> No.15691528


>> No.15691617
File: 315 KB, 414x410, 1589382095428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP faggotry aside, is Evola worth reading? I keep hearing mixed opinions

Specifically Ride the Tiger

>> No.15691631

>FBIanon gets his study materials

>> No.15691633
File: 366 KB, 1518x2326, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot this, fellow pede :)

>> No.15691647

Bro, you're crazy. There is such a thing as knowing too much, you know.

>> No.15691673

Jokes aside, do I have to read Marx and Freud to get into this, or is common knowledge of Marxism and psychoanalysis enough to understand it?
Also, why are philosophers still supporting Freud when most of his theories have been discredited by psychologist?

>> No.15691683

That book aint supporting freud

>> No.15691858

Marx you are likely already familiar with by osmosis. But for a book called Anti-Oedipus you should read some Freud

>> No.15691861

Scruton, Buchanan, Heinlein, and Codreanu can stay. The rest of you have to go.

>> No.15691873

You're not going to understand Revolt if you have it in a pile with Tucker Carlson based off of what r/thedonald told you to buy

>> No.15691887

did you actually buy all the books on a pol reading list?
you won't read evola properly...

>> No.15691900

yes he is but not from the perspective of a racist incel

>> No.15691933

The book is similar to 'My Struggle' if you watered it down to the point of being unrecognizable to anyone who has already read the previously mentioned book.

>> No.15691947

What the fuck is this? The shittiest stack I’ve ever seen. I’m fucking laughing right now

>> No.15691964


>> No.15691999

With what mindset should I approach the book?

>> No.15692002

Save them for the cold winter. I've heard conservative books burn slowly.

>> No.15692016

Skip 'Revolt Against the Modern World's unless you want to take a deep dive into the philosophy itself. 'Men Among the Ruins' is much more readable and enjoyable, as the text isn't clogged with nearly as much jargon.

>> No.15692076

He's memeing you, to a degree. Evola isn't as ardent a proponent of race being the foundation of a society, unlike what is more popular among the more far right groups. Though, that's not to say that he ignores it entirely. In fact, he speaks of several kinds of racial elements, like that of the body and the soul. I'd tackle moreso as a critique of modernity, but there's a lot of be gleamed outside of just his critique.

>> No.15692101

You have like 30 good years left of life at best. Why would you waste it filling your head with this nonsense?

>> No.15692118

The alt right is such a gay autistic subculture

>> No.15692143

Have fun lobotomizing yourself.

>> No.15692158

open mind. not attempting to reinforce a world view.
though this applies to all literature I guess.

>> No.15692195

Evola accounting for three?

>> No.15692407

you're right

i should read harry potter to better understand drumpff

>> No.15692424

produced by a society

>> No.15692517
File: 280 KB, 711x700, MIGA_Zoomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An old 2016 meme about Trump being likened to a centipede. There are a bunch of old "trump owns the libs" compilations that begin with a nature documentary style voice talking about the centipede like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKH6PAoUuD0..

>> No.15692526

> his theories have been discredited by psychologist
They've not been discredited as much as rejected due to their lack of scientific rigor. Much of his clinical work was based on a small pool of patients which is why it's not well regarded anymore by modern psychologists.