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15684713 No.15684713 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books that made you a better person

>> No.15684770
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>> No.15684783

Tolstoy vs Dostoevsky anon ?

>> No.15684826
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>> No.15684982

How did Anna K make you a better person?

>> No.15685178

I would also like to know.

>> No.15685420

crime and punishment

>> No.15685536

Dostoevsky - artist of the abyss and heights, a man who saw hell, an astronaut, angelically pure, weightless. his "diary" contains merciless mercy, brought to the cold war.

Tolstoy - artist of earthiness, he stands firmly on his feet, he's the prince with peasant thinking. homer of 1812. bearded (a)theistic lu(ci)ther. his "confession" struck with lightning in the body of the tsarist leviathan.

>> No.15687382

Don quixote

>> No.15687401

I and thou

>> No.15687419

I would also like to know. So far I'm calling that OP is full of shit.

>> No.15687428

Not OP, but it's full of realistic examples of how not to act

>> No.15687463

AK is the most soulful and authentic book ever written. You get to understand and empathise with every character in a more intimate way than even they themselves can. It teaches you to love and be forgiving.

>> No.15687465

The real question is Tolstoy vs Pushkin. Dosto is not on the same level.

>> No.15687474
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>> No.15687487


>> No.15687488

this is coming in the mail. what am i in for?

>> No.15687490

>self-improvement books written by guys that don't have a steady marriage and 3+ kids

>> No.15688503

lmfao people still buying ebooks from grifters huh

>> No.15688511

take this L lmfao

>> No.15688516

Moby Dick and Brothers Karamazov

>> No.15688529
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>> No.15688530
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>> No.15688540

That quote by that satanic bitch eliminated all my interest in the book.

>> No.15688618

haha funny!

>> No.15688746

De Sade books

>> No.15688917

Crime and Punishment
New Testament

>> No.15688936

Meme Kampf

>> No.15689114

Why’s that?

>> No.15689266

i was kidding lol
that guy was a psycopath

>> No.15689291

This but unironically

>> No.15690336

maybe if you think live love laugh looks good on your wall and/or tattooed on you

>> No.15691811

best translation?

>> No.15691849

I've been reading his short stories. I planned to read them for a flavour of Tolstoy and then move onto his longer works (want to read Anna Kareina and W&P at some point). How do works like AK and W&P compare to The Death of Ivan Ilych (and its collection of short stories).

As keen as I am, I'm not sure I want to marathon 2500 pages of Tolstoy. I'd grow weary. I like something light in the mix too.

>> No.15691863

why is 18th and 19th russian lit so fucking good bros?

>> No.15692247

>self-help American authors
Just end your life, honestly.

>> No.15692545


>> No.15692606

I've only read Dosto and a few short Checkov stories. What puts Tolstoy and Pushkin above them ?

>> No.15693159

Book of Disquiet

>> No.15693399

same here.

>> No.15694890

It triggered a profound change in me, but I can't say whether it was for the better. Re-reading it in spanish to find out.

>> No.15695420

Anna Karenina is genuinely one of the best pieces of feminist literature while also giving extraordinary insight into the human condition itself. The feminist part isn't even necessary to enjoy the text as Levin's story is so invigorating and joyful. One of my favourite books.

>> No.15695429
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All of Plato. I should live a kinder and gentler life as in accordance with the justice of the soul.

>> No.15695458
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>Levin and Kitty at the dinner table

>> No.15695512
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>Levin and Kitty on the porch at the end

>> No.15695526


I had trouble empathizing with Anna. What does that say about me?

>> No.15695555

what did you have trouble with?

>> No.15695623


All of her actions appear to me primarily selfish in nature.

>> No.15695673

The Harry Potter series

>> No.15695685

As opposed to her husband, whom she was trying to leave? And Vronsky who loves her merely for selfish/lustful reasons?
Anna IS selfish and this is what leads to her doom but she cannot escape this nature. Levin struggles with this same thing problem: he cannot find meaning outside of his subjective - it isn't until the end during his Kierkegaard monologue that even though he cannot 'reason' meaning outside himself it is necessary all the same (just as Tolstoy experienced in his own life).

>> No.15695702

What about Vronsky, Alexis and Levin? Specifically Vronsky do you think his actions were primarily selfish? >>15695685
It's like this anon said but consider instead of nature her societal position. Compared to Vronsky who committed the same immoral act how well can she resume her old life or pursue anything else she wants compared to him?

>> No.15695704

just pick whatever you can buy and re-read paragrahps since most translations are shit. Unironically a good book, readed it in spanish and its worth it

>> No.15695713

Unironically the Bible
new testament only

>> No.15696561

The whole time reading the book I had the impression that Levin is such a child with barely any self regulation. Maybe I'm just cynical and bitter though. Tell me /lit/, is Levin as naive and overemotional as I thought, or are his responses to the given situations authentic and normal human condition?

>> No.15696576
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>> No.15696577

He is indeed a bit infantile, as far as I remember that was explicitly pointed out by Tolstoy himself throughout the book. But, on the other hand, that is also what makes him more sincere, as opposed to Anna.

>> No.15696947

He is so serious about his life and actions that he becomes infantile and petty. But then, by the end he accepts his own ignorance as a part of who he his. Becoming a more well rounded person.

>> No.15697320

They were living under the Tsar, that's why.

>> No.15697762
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