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15680510 No.15680510 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this board like Schopenhauer so much?

>> No.15680623

What's not to love?

>> No.15680644

because we sad

>> No.15680663
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Because they haven't read him and believe his misrepresentation in memes.
Just like with Stirner

>> No.15680668

Because he is on one hand extremely patrician, and on the other he is highly underrepresented in mainstream philosophy. So he satisfies both needs of many anons here. That said, I have only spoken with maybe three or four anons that have actually read his works. Most are just pretending.

>> No.15680678

>That said, I have only spoken with maybe three or four anons that have actually read his works. Most are just pretending
That's accurate for any author who is ever discussed here except for Tolkien and Dostoyevsky

>> No.15680698

there are a lot of discussions about Nabokov and Tolstoy as well

>> No.15680925

i savor schoppy as though mostly wrong, as a scholar his writings will mainly thrill in how it is a paridigm of all abnormal souls.

>> No.15680938

This is essentially the philosophy of Libshits. Being pathetically weak individuals lacking most redeeming qualities, they fall upon their failing ideology in hopes of stirring some sort of deeper meaning in their meager lives. They can’t celebrate themselves. They’re ugly and they know it.

>> No.15680977

We're all ugly. Beautiful and virtuous people don't end up on 4chan in case you haven't noticed

>> No.15680991


>> No.15681066

Have sex.

>> No.15681138

try artful


>> No.15681157

bitch nigga

>> No.15681233


>> No.15681256

cant block anons on lit you tiny insignificant liar :)

>> No.15681270

Nah, he's actually attacking patriotism, not nationalism based on an intrinsic ethnos, which is true nationalism. He's dunking on the average flag waving civnat.

>> No.15681340

That’s what I’m getting at. Liberals wave a flag of faux-identrism based upon some superficial appeal to materialism.

>> No.15681435

Tfw only one translation to finnish. Read nietzsche's book on schopenhauer as well and liked it

>> No.15681455


>> No.15681480

You really are sick in the head friend

>> No.15681677

...what? I dont think you know what filered means in this context.

>> No.15681708
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He was right about a bunch of things and was a precursor to other great philosophers.

>> No.15681724

What was he right about?

>> No.15681748


Basically just confirmation bias central for a certain type of person who is also exclusively male
In that sense he's actually somewhat unique among philosophers most people read philosophy to expand their mind not reinforce what they already believed

>> No.15681783

post bob

>> No.15681956

Schoppy is based but this one matured very badly. He'd be a staunch racist today if he was alive.

>> No.15682176

Because he was an incel, like most of people here.

>> No.15682246

not at all. schop sought to maintain pain at a minimal quantity for all living things, including humans and animals.

>> No.15682279

>schop sought to maintain pain at a minimal quantity for all living things, including humans and animals.
Does not contradict racism, if anything it is its driving force.

>> No.15682568

>muh incels on 4chan

>> No.15682621


>> No.15684109


>> No.15684114

How many levels of cognitive dissonance are you on?

>> No.15684141

He's a dumb pseud

>> No.15684187

For the people that have read him, he provides a compelling metaphysical system that accounts for a lot of the human experience and rest of the world for that matter.

For those who haven’t read him, he provides out of context quotes and shit Wikipedia level takes.

>> No.15684219

Women and genius.

>> No.15684512

>In human freedom in the philosophical sense I am definitely a disbeliever. Everybody acts not only under external compulsion but also in accordance with inner necessity. Schopenhauer's saying, that "a man can do as he will, but not will as he will," has been an inspiration to me since my youth up, and a continual consolation and unfailing well-spring of patience in the face of the hardships of life, my own and others'. This feeling mercifully mitigates the sense of responsibility which so easily becomes paralyzing, and it prevents us from taking ourselves and other people too seriously; it conduces to a view of life in which humor, above all, has its due place.
Albert Einstein in "Mein Weltbild" (1931)

>When I met Borges some time ago and remarked that I was about to embark on writing a book about Schopenhauer, he became excited and started talked volubly about how much Schopenhauer had meant to him. It was the desire to read Schopenhauer in the original, he said, that had made him learn German; and when people asked him, which they often had, why he with his love of intricate structure had never attempted a systematic exposition of the world-view which underlay his writings, his reply was that he did not do it because it had already been done by Schopenhauer.

Bryan Magee, The Philosophy of Schopenhauer, p. 389

>> No.15684676

Schopenhauer is basically the first western Buddhist. in so he prescribes meditation and asceticism to fight against suffering. or the will.

>> No.15684702


Because the right wing worldview is fundamentally pessimistic.

>> No.15684757


>Actually implying this board full of pretentious tramps reads Schopenhauer

>> No.15684810
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>> No.15684828

don't forget nietzsche
>I belong to those readers of Schopenhauer who know perfectly well, after they have turned the first page, that they will read all the others, and listen to every word that he has spoken. My trust in him sprang to life at once, and has been the same for nine years. I understood him as though he had written for me (this is the most intelligible, though a rather foolish and conceited way of expressing it). Hence I never found a paradox in him, though occasionally some small errors
Friedrich Nietzsche 1874

>> No.15684906
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>> No.15684979

after reading the file name, I don't know what level of irony you were operating under while creating that. but that paragraph is describing those exact people you overplayed the text on

>> No.15685017


>> No.15685047

Whats important is that it makes everybody slightly uncomfortable and angry at you for reasons they can't fully articulate when you share it on facebook.

>> No.15685139

Beyond his philosophy, it’s easy to see why your average, regular patron of lit would identify with Schopenhauer the man and not just the philosopher. He was talented and intelligent, but he had trouble with interpersonal relationships and society at large. He’s a symbol of hope for those who perceive themselves as having a similar temperament, that they too will one day be recognized for their greatness despite their deficiencies.

>> No.15685230

nah, what's the point of being recognized after you're dead? I just like that he doesn't decorate anything unpleasant he says, which you have to do if you're to be relevant now. if you notice popular books related to evolutionary biology today for example, there's always a subtext by the author that caters to the beliefs of mass readers

>> No.15685256

Who the fuck even cares what a long dead philosopher would think of todays political climate?

>> No.15685393

Don’t try to spin this so you can disseminate your dumbass right wing propaganda. You’re a hypocrite.

>> No.15685461

I don't consider myself right wing

>> No.15685517

Where do the beautiful and virtuous people go, then?

>> No.15685539

I’m sure you don’t. 4chan is rife with right wing propaganda and I’m not convinced your previous post wasn’t just that.

>> No.15685565

Inside themselves.

>> No.15685576

Was just reading about how sociobiology and evolutionary psychology have been propagandized by "everything is socially determined, man!" leftists for decades and now I notice in hindsight that you're right. Most of the bio books I've read have included that little "I'm a good boy, I only think approved thoughts!" line somewhere.

>> No.15685638

not sure what you're on about. if schopenhauer existed today he would detest intellectuals who believe in evolution yet defend procreation and life as anything other than an unwinnable game. such as Richard Dawkins..
anyways don't @ me. I don't even know what I'm arguing against.

>> No.15685653

This wasn't very helpful.

>> No.15685697

Look! There’s two of em! Or maybe they’re just samefagging

>> No.15685705

Take your meds.

>> No.15685782


>> No.15686616

All of the retards who haven't read Schopenhauer should shut the fuck up about him and stop calling him an """incel""" philosopher.

He isn't a philosopher of the herd, be it a man or a woman or gay or whatever the fuck. This is what he said about women later in his life.
>"I have not yet spoken my last word about women. I believe that if a woman succeeds in withdrawing from the mass, or rather raising herself from above the mass, she grows ceaselessly and more than a man."
~Arthur Schopenhauer

>> No.15686636

I'm actually pretty hot, a solid 7.5/10.

Although to be fair when I came on here originally I was fat and ugly

>> No.15686687 [DELETED] 

Based. Schopenhauer’s goes beyond modern conceptions of sexual relationships between men and women. Even the opening paragraphs of WWR are a testament to this wisdom.

>> No.15686695

>>15686616 #
Based. Schopenhauer’s wisdom goes beyond modern conceptions of sexual relationships between men and women. Even the opening paragraphs of WWR are a testament to this wisdom.

>> No.15686704

too busy having sex

>> No.15686718

I have seen better edit of this

>> No.15687110

because he hates women

>> No.15687131

Schopenhauer has maybe of all modern philosophers the most aesthetically appealing system. It is very clean and comprehensible, and it has intrinsically poetic qualities. He was hugely popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

>> No.15687192

Irredeemable kike who supported communism

>> No.15687370

Don’t sweat it, you actually make sense. Unlike the schizoid pos trolling you.

>> No.15687993

>implying I don’t agree with everything in this quote
Not everyone on 4chan is a flag fucking murica fook ya faggot.

>> No.15688577


>> No.15688696

I had no idea he was so cringe

>> No.15688743

it's because he hated women

>> No.15688861

Where should I start with Schopenhauer and Nietzsche?