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15671598 No.15671598 [Reply] [Original]

Classical Christian education is an approach to learning which emphasizes biblical teachings and incorporates a teaching model from the classical education movement known as the Trivium, consisting of three parts: grammar, logic, and rhetoric. According to Douglas Wilson, this method of instruction was developed by early Christians as part of the Seven Liberal Arts.[1] Wilson's writings and the Logos School he founded have been cited as being influential in reviving the Trivium and fueling a modern educational movement, primarily among American Protestants.[2][3][4]

Classical Christian education is characterized by a reliance on classical works by authors such Homer, Sophocles, Plato, Josephus, Dante, and Shakespeare, and an integration of a Christian worldview into all subjects.[5] In addition, classical Christian education exposes students to Western Civilization's history, art and culture, teaching Latin as early as the second grade and often offering several years of Greek.[3]

>> No.15671636

it's really funny because most of the "conservatives"/christian larpers don't actually want to have kids

>> No.15671642

Nah they'd probably turn out weird and lack the common touch.
For me it's public school, varsity sports, extensive tutoring to solidify and expand on concepts in class. They should be getting all As and thinking about bigger stuff than classes, including philosophy and sex.

>> No.15671646

No I mean I have a kid. We recently became confessional evangelical protestant and I discovered this model. It seems completely amazing so I'm wondering what others thought.

>> No.15671666

Hell no.
Why the fuck would I use Platonic education systems and educate them in great thinkers if I try to brainwash them with some Jewish literature? My kids will treat the Bible like just another book with the caveat that there is something higher out there but you can only find it through searching with your heart. Not in some pedo cult.

>> No.15671667

>Nah they'd probably turn out weird and lack the common touch.
Valid concern, but if not this id just go the prep school route.

>> No.15671673

Bro you just posted cringe

>> No.15671674

Again, that's just setting them up for stunted social skills. As long as most people send their kids to public school that'll be the place I'll send my kid. It's absolutely crucial that they learn to be among and part of the people, while also developing the skills to lead the masses.

>> No.15671680

i think that the religious experience is better when it comes from home and not from a private/state funded school.
Your kids still can have their summer trips with the kids from your church.
If you are interested in what they read you'll (if they read at all) just have to be a better father

>> No.15671690

why would I send a good small healthy human to a school for children of retarded parents?

>> No.15671701

You don't learn to lead in public school. Most Presidents and people in upper government went to schools like Exeter and Andover and Groton. Public schools are for future factory workers.

>> No.15671702

>yfw Lucifer was the good guy all along and just punishes assholes and Jew LARPers who's love for god is insincere

>> No.15671708

I went to a catholic school and it wasn't conservative at all.

>> No.15671710

I'd rather not, but that depends on the public school in the area I guess? I live in a rich people university town so it's not really a problem though.

>> No.15671714

Pretty sure more public school kids have stunted social skills than their private counterparts.

>> No.15671724

No, they'd grow up to be beta nerds. Send them to public school where they'd learn the truth about female hypergamy and where they'd see the results of liberal politics.

>> No.15671746

>Implying presidents and people in upper government are leaders at all
They're inheritors and benefactors of the decaying power structures which haven't been maintained since they were utilized by people who were comfortable among and above the masses.
Yeah, there's more public school kids of every type except rich.

>> No.15671773
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>Would you send you child to a Classical Christian School?
Maybe if I wanted my daughter to turn into a super slut and probable tattoo'd coal burner, or my son to be a drugged out degenerate chasing absolute meaning for the rest of his short life
Because that's how these children turn out when run through christcuck institutions of jew worship. My friend who went to one of these places growing up is unironically a strung out meth head who publishes poems online about his STD's

I assume the best case scenario is you come out more or less intact, but you rant about evolution online like some of the schizos on this board

>> No.15671782

>Yeah, there's more public school kids of every type except rich.
I meant on average private school kids tend to have better social skills.

>> No.15671791

Nah, not true. Insular environments like private schools really fuck with kids social development.

>> No.15671800


>> No.15671801

I would have normally thought raising a girl would be safer because the Christian community leaders generally only try to fuck little boys.

>> No.15671833

Insular? They are pretty much exactly the same.
It's been my experience that private school kids are better at communicating, and are more confident.

>> No.15671853

Sheltered girls, whether they be from religious schools, certain private schools, or home schooling seem to be wildly disproportionate in their slutiness, this is just observed fact
As for why? Just conjecture, but I imagine being sheltered from males who want to pursue them, or are put into highly constrained environments where it is taboo or hush hush to even acknowledge sexuality, leads to their naivete and exploitability. Which due to female conforming behavior, is just the first stop on the runaway train of degeneracy

>> No.15671919

This is protestant and explicitly conservative

>> No.15671931

Doesn't matter how rich the public school is these days. They still teach common core now. The people who invented it send their kids to prep schools that don't use it btw

>> No.15671933

what so they can get molested?

>> No.15671974

Not in my experience.

>> No.15671994

My anecdotal evidence directly refutes yours.

>> No.15671998

I have to disagree with your assertion, because it falls into this sort of trap Liberalism sets up, where Current Year America is just viewed as "the norm", and all of history when it wasn't it was just mean evil bad guys propping something up to cover up the way the world Really Is.

That is to say, sheltered conservative girls don't suddenly slut it up when they leave the nest because conservative lifestyles just make women sluttier (somehow?), but rather that they're raised in an environment of adherence to moral authority and deference to hierarchy, and then when Uncle Sam comes along and tells them what to do, they do it, because they were raised in an environment where a woman does what power and authority tells her to. Uncle Sam just happens to be telling them to be a whore. When their parents inevitably object, they just act the way they were raised and defer to that authority (Uncle Sam), and they do as they were raised, and ignore the non-authoritative bystander (their parents).

If it were as simple as "Jesus makes bitches into whores", then we wouldn't see this phenomenon happen with Muslims, but we would see it with the Amish, and the opposite is true: This phenomenon occurs with Muslimas (to a FAR greater degree and intensity than with White girls) and does not occur with Amish women (Amish women have an almost 100% return rate at Rumschpringa, it's almost solely men that leave the community).

I also have to wonder how much of this is just putting a spotlight on certain whores (those from conservative backgrounds) because "the whorish catholic schoolgirl" is a widely known trope, and seeing That One Girl being a slut just confirms an existing bias.

>> No.15671999

>Sheltered girls, whether they be from religious schools, certain private schools, or home schooling seem to be wildly disproportionate in their slutiness, this is just observed fact
Just fyi although this is a stereotype I don't think there's any evidence for it being true and I doubt that it is.

Sluttiness is caused by poor or absent father figures and molestation and alcoholic behavior from adults. Simple as. That's what actual science says. So if that is in the home, the kind of school won't help that or make it worse.

But feel free to go back to you unscientific liberal knee jerk snark shit

>> No.15672005

No, definitely not. That's not to say I would send them to some new age pozzed atheist school. To be quite honest, I have no kids and don't know much about different types of schools that exist, but I'd prefer something that teaches hard sciences, literature (not new pozzed shit), omits religion altogether and focused on right wing fascism, sadly I don't think school like these exist anymore.

>> No.15672024


"""Social development""". Because rap music is vital to ones psychological well being.

>> No.15672053

>education in the classics
>education in the liberal arts

>> No.15672064

Kinda this. The public school system reflects the public. This was fine 20 years ago. Now it's all chulos and hip hop and tik toks

>> No.15672079

Half of this thread just seems like poor and leftist cope. Private schools are just like public schools but with better funding and programs, and with less retards and delinquents.

>> No.15672120

My statement wasn't about "Conservative girls", it was much more specific than that
As a result, I don't think what you said really has anything to respond to other than perhaps the Amish comment. To that all I have to say is that almost no one on Rumspringa actually even leaves their small rural home town area. Not to mention all the pressures leading up to it. The entire excursion is almost never what people play it up to be. Mormon missionary work would have been a better example to bring up and explore IMO, they are pretty insular but not exactly sheltered, as a result I think they deal with outside world shock much better than most (it's at the heart of their evangelizing after all).

Unironic hurt feelings and pol cope

>> No.15672121

>Private schools are just like public schools but with better funding and programs, and with less retards and delinquents.
Former teacher at both public and private schools here. HAHAHAHA

>> No.15672144

>Unironic hurt feelings and pol cope
Oh so you went the route I predicted. Why can't leftists have discussions, bros?

>> No.15672147
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No. I'd send them to a Catholic School

>> No.15672156

They don't pay the teachers in private schools because you're a fucking prole who needs to know his place. And they're right to do so. Teachers are shitty people who deserve nothing.

>> No.15672173

Red herring makes for poor bait, I recommend something with more substance next time you want to poltroll :)

>> No.15672177

>an environment of adherence to moral authority and deference to hierarchy
Has never been successfully implemented.
You're forgetting about human nature.
IF you expand the group in question beyond the incredibly fringe case of Amish in america, to a more meaningful sample of Amish + fundamentalist christians + hardline evangelicals, you'll see that girls and boys in general want to fuck, and girls without meaningful, unsheltered experience with the opposite gender end up on the train to sluttiness.

>> No.15672191

I'd say it's ultimately the same concept however you formulate it: trying to protect your daughter from the outside world doesn't mean she'll become a slut (or bad in some other way). The systems in place result in that behavior, in their absence other behavior would occur.

The Mormon Missionary comment, however, interests me. Mormon girls don't go on missionary work, I thought? Do we know the rates of Mormon women leaving the LDS cultural-religious milieu?

>> No.15672198

Oh wait are you a schizo poster now it makes sense

>> No.15672210

>LARPing is superior to an education under qualified teachers
This is the real reason civilization is decaying.

>> No.15672227

Op I was raised in strict catholic school during the 2000's. All of those schools right now are in heavy decline, closing, lack of funding, and 99% of them suck. Everyone I keep in contact with from those schools have major problems these days. Public school kids get to have fun, learn how the real world truly is, become a christian later on if they want to. Christian school kids have little to no fun, typically lose faith an end up extremely depressed and distraught with the world. Please, if you're in a good area send them to the public school. The slightly better education just isn't worth it when they shelter the shit out of the kids. Save that money for their future $150k college expense. I can answer any other questions as this is personal

>> No.15672242

Whatever butthurt teacher. You are all leftist subversives. You'll take the private school job at lower pay for the privilege of being around people like me because despite your supposed views you're a wannabe elitist. So say thank you next time.

You'll make 35K at a school like Andover with a billion dollar endowment while the kids mock you for trying to inspire leftist shit in them. Lol

>> No.15672249

Are private schools pozzed? I know someone who taught at an expensive boys only private boarding school which has existed for hundreds of years. From what that person has told me, it was really nice, old buildings, the atmoshere, traditions, all of that but in the end most teachers while competent were lefties and school still had to participate in goverment programs and meet various leftist targets.

>> No.15672250

Catholic school was decades dead already by that time my man. That's why your experience was the way it was. You were just around for the dying gasps. This is what Catholic school was centuries ago.

>> No.15672251

Conservatives are the ONLY people having kids. Progressives just buy Baby Yoda toys and have "furbabies".

>> No.15672266

>I'd say it's ultimately the same concept however you formulate it: trying to protect your daughter from the outside world doesn't mean she'll become a slut (or bad in some other way). The systems in place result in that behavior, in their absence other behavior would occur.
Right, but again, "protect your daughter from the outside world" isn't exactly what I'm describing. There is a difference between teaching your son about bears and giving him a gun, vs. pretending bears don't exist and sending him into the woods. There is quite a bit of denial and fantasy at the heart of a lot of these "conservative" groups you are tying my statements to, and liberal ones for that matter (my statements do not apply any less to elite liberal private schools for subjects other than sexuality, and even on sexuality they are responsible for a whole different kind of distortion).

>The Mormon Missionary comment, however, interests me. Mormon girls don't go on missionary work, I thought? Do we know the rates of Mormon women leaving the LDS cultural-religious milieu?
Traditionally women don't go out evangelizing , but it has been becoming more and more of a thing. Mormons have problems just like every other church in terms of members leaving, but I believe it is in quite a better place statistically than almost any other church (other than tiny pseudo-ethnic insular groups like Amish). I think they have something pretty good figured out with regard to inculcating youth against the outside world even while engaging in it, kinda like Jews.

>> No.15672269

The elite ones are pozzed, because that is what rich people are. Liberals. But they are like that because it is an ideology that let's them perpetuate that power. The real redpill is that this how leftism works and they are not pozzed but self serving

>> No.15672293

The science based ones are usually conservative leaning.
The art based ones usually liberal.

>> No.15672298

But that's just my point: The systems in place lead to this, not some kind of weird idea that if you try to keep your children safe from what you perceive as the dangers of the world then they'll just magically embrace them because FUCK YOU DAD >:(

Evangelical Christians in particular and their weird ideas about sexuality, combined with the open promotion of sexual promiscuity as a good in itself by Liberalism, are just two clearly clashing examples of this. The children are raised in a certain way, and that way interacts with Liberalism in a certain way to produce a certain outcome. This Freudian repression is totally unnecessary, and I'd dare say it's not present at all. The only change that happens is that the individual decides that SEX GOOD instead of SEX BAD, and continues on living as they did before, but with basic assumptions changed. The function is the same, but a variable has changed. They don't stop being Evangelical Christians, they just adopt this weird heretical position of Evangelical Christianity where promiscuity is good. They still act like Evangenical Christians, even in their sexual mores, but have the inverse opinion on one specific thing.

A more obvious case of this (though unrelated to schooling and children) is Hindus living in Liberal societies. They adopt atheism and Liberalism, but still operate under the caste system, they've just reformulated it to a different setting. The rules are the same, but playing field and the teams have changed.

>> No.15672312

Why would elite schools not be pozzed of the elite are pozzed? Mark Zuckerberg isn't sending his kid to a conservative school lol

>> No.15672344

Seethe more. No one even knows your name as it is and know matter how much you dress up and pretend to be elite. You will die, and if you're really lucky, in 20 years everyone will have forgotten your name. At best you'll be an obituary in a decrepit library in the middle of nowhere.

You will never do or say anything of meaning, you will pass no truth or ideas along. Nothing you do will ever matter. You are nothing. Cope harder fag.

>> No.15672353

No since I'm not Christian and don't see any value in any of that (also probably expensive, if you want to teach a foreign language you can probably just get some sort of Chinese indoctrination center to do it for free). I doubt many kids would want it either.

>> No.15672359

Depends on the school. If it's pure money you're after, public schools in wealthy/high property value area are best.

>> No.15672367

To add to this: I went mostly to public schools (some VERY shitty ones too) and a private school
Private school teachers are obviously much more beholden to ideology and bureaucratic pressure, salary protection. But smarter, better educated. Public school teachers are usually dumber and give less of a shit obviously, but the wild variation in quality can lead to some extremely unusual eclectic people teaching at public schools.
The best teacher I had was at a public school, and so were plenty of the worst. I also had a black female teacher rant about jews and AIDS. There is a peculiar sort of education possible at public schools that just isn't possible at private schools

>> No.15672531

Nope they're all liberal. The top 10 wealthiest counties in the US are all liberal. How could they not emphasize this ideology. Is it a coincidence that liberalism is pushed by corporations and corporate media? The elite want it this way because it benefits them and makes them richer. The schools support this.

Leftists are the elites. They push Marxism and corporate liberalism in a weird combo that makes them stronger. And lo and behold the wealth gap keep widening despite every corporation and media outlet pushing socialism. Weird, huh?

>> No.15672567

Religious school will make you less religious.

> the authority figures that kids want to rebel against aren't just their teachers, now its religion as well
> kids will wonder why their school isn't like the others and will be mad they are missing out (whether or not this is justified)
> most teachers aren't very religious themselves and/or aren't well enough prepared to instruct religion well (Apologetics, history, etc)
> when the kid graduates, even if he is virtuous, he will have been in a bubble and won't be able to interact with the world as well.

The true best way to instruct your kid in a religious manner is trying to having a good Sunday school, encouraging his hobbies, reading with him, getting him involved in sports, church, clubs, etc.

>> No.15672593
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there you go retard 2 and 4 are kino

>> No.15672597

The common touch of her male classmate mirite? Anyone that doesn't homeschool is just asking modern society to fuck their shit up.

>> No.15672631

>not homeschooling or hiring private tutors for your children or forming homeschool associations with nearby parents with good genes
Not gonna make it. Look at how much talented kids could achieve in the pre-public school world.

>> No.15672639

They're pushing for an undesirable synthesis of Neo-Feudalism.

>> No.15672640

If the "common touch" is turning your kid into a degenerate, I think its about time to reconsider whether such types of socialization is essential to education.

every school is to be some extent an "insular environment." That term is completely meaningless. A top public school in California or Manhattan is going to be MORE insular than a fair amount of private schools.

I guarantee you haven't actually met people from those schools. They give grants to high achieving low income kids as well, so the background is likely much different than you would expect.

At Ivies, I can attest that, still, the most popular and sociable kids came from top prep schools.

>> No.15672657

>parents literally encourage their sons to fuck around with girls while they're in school
>it never occurs to them what this means for when they send their daughter to school

>> No.15672687

Liberalism and marxism are incompatible

>> No.15672824

No, they're quite compatible, hence why every Marxist state only ever appeared when it had enormous financial backing from a Liberal state. The end goals of Liberalism and Marxism are the same, as are the basic philosophical assumptions, they just disagree on how to get there.

Marxists also tend to have material demands, so the ones that aren't just bourgeoisie academics looking for tenure are easily bought off by Liberalism-But-Better (Social Democracy is this as an explicit ideology). Gonna revolt because your factory doesn't have guardrails? Capital puts up guardrails, and suddenly there's no more threat of revolt.

At the end of the day it comes down to parental involvement, anything else is a dice role. 100 years ago the idea that school was just something you offloaded your kids at and then washed your hands of them via would have been absolutely batty to all but an incredibly privileged upper crust that viewed schooling as an investment, not a luxury.

>> No.15672839

School: the place in which people become copies of eachother, all ironically adhering to the doctrine which indicates itself as that of the public, which in a democratic age of enervation is invincible, since it has the highest count. Hence the dual strategies of indifference and obediance seen from the pupil. Extreme indifference means all passion is foreclosed from the beginning, meaning the school is valueless and therefore their direction is powerless as well. This strategy prompts both the positive reinforcement typical of all advertising, and the negative reinforcement typical of the fascistic. There is also the strategy of complete obediance, which prompts the response of complete fear. You are no longer yourself: you are a student and as such assume the democratic power of the count of all students.

The return of religion is nothing but a sign that we live in an era of indifference and reflection, to the point where advertisers promote the recycled doctrine of enervated metaphysics. The last sign of passion was the elimination of all passion in art, science, and politics. Where religion is stupid yet passionate, civilization is passionless yet intelligent.

>> No.15672840

Marxism is the final stage of gay pride which is the final stage of liberalism.

>> No.15672847

People in Australia get their kids baptized just so they can send them to catholic schools because they are cheaper then the top private schools but just as good education wise.

>> No.15672851

> return to religion
Christian schools have been around forever. In America, there hasn't been a revival of religion in any sense of the term. Quite the opposite. These sorts of schools are closing quite rapidly, for better or worse.

>> No.15672855

Private schools are no longer private, since money has no prejudice. They only offer the indication of distinction.

>> No.15672856
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What did he mean by this?

>> No.15672864

>No, they're quite compatible, hence why every Marxist state only ever appeared when it had enormous financial backing from a Liberal state. The end goals of Liberalism and Marxism are the same, as are the basic philosophical assumptions, they just disagree on how to get there.
This literally makes no sense and reads like paranoiac rambling

>> No.15672866
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>> No.15672886

>"conservatives"/christian larpers
>posts data ending at 1979
What did he mean by this?

>> No.15672890

>there hasn't been a revival of religion in any sense of the term
Do you live under a rock? We're currently in the Fifth Great Awakening, dude.

>> No.15672902

A return doesn't need to be popular. I am speaking of a new subset of people.

>> No.15672917

It is very odd how the term "larper" is now applied to people who believed something their entire life along with their entire extended families.
Is drinking coke and going to McDonalds the only thing that isn't a larp for you?

>> No.15672922

One of my co-workers openly mocks religion and yet sends her kids to a catholic school because she wants them to "be taught good values".

>> No.15672941

>i've played pretend that i am a jewish person all my life so its real

>> No.15672942

The end goal of both Liberalism and Marxism is a perfect utopia by which all hierarchies have been eroded and consumption/production is perfectly efficient because of it. Marx was working within the Liberal framework, saw it was insufficient, and made his own little heresy of it. This is to say nothing of their materialism (which is actually just a dressed up mind-body dualism, albeit a uni-directional one), of which Liberalism and Marxism share an identical view.

The disagreement comes from HOW to surpass that hierarchy, with Liberalism saying that slow market forces will eventually force hierarchy to disappear (and if it doesn't willingly disappear, it will be forcibly nudged), and Marxism saying that that results in temporary hierarchies that are just as blasphemous as any other hierarchy and cannot be tolerated so a structured program must be engaged in to remove them once and for all with no backsliding.

In this sense, Marxism is actually not Illiberal at all as opposed to say, Confucianism or Catholic Feudalism, both of which hold the central moral point of Liberalism and Marxism (that equality is good) as being false, or at the very least not the single highest good to be enforced.

>> No.15672965

there is a difference between an strongfat ginger roofer with 3 kids who watches hannity and a pudgy incel who watches alt hype and attacks people for their fertility rate
you are no different than the marxist trannies living off loans and studying gender while advocating for a blue collar revolt

>> No.15672981

The New Testament epistles are very clear that the Gentiles and the Jews are distinct people but both can be allowed in the faith without either having to be a part of either group. In Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek.

>> No.15673005

how does that apply to what I was saying. I wasn't talking about any of those groups. I was saying how it is weird 4chan has gotten to the point of people calling others larpers who have believed something their entire life (in this case, Christians in the 70s)

>> No.15673007
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>pretending to be a jew can be for everybody

>> No.15673038
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>The end goal of both Liberalism and Marxism is a perfect utopia by which all hierarchies have been eroded and consumption/production is perfectly efficient because of it
this isn't true, and is in fact more true to say of "Christianity and Marxism" which share much more in common
>Marx was working within the Liberal framework, saw it was insufficient, and made his own little heresy of it. This is to say nothing of their materialism (which is actually just a dressed up mind-body dualism, albeit a uni-directional one), of which Liberalism and Marxism share an identical view.
historical materialism is a direct attack on liberalism, as you might notice, you literally just said

>The disagreement comes from HOW to surpass that hierarchy, with Liberalism saying that slow market forces will eventually force hierarchy to disappear (and if it doesn't willingly disappear, it will be forcibly nudged), and Marxism saying that that results in temporary hierarchies that are just as blasphemous as any other hierarchy and cannot be tolerated so a structured program must be engaged in to remove them once and for all with no backsliding.
This entire statement is rendered pointless in light of their common goal already being debunked

>In this sense, Marxism is actually not Illiberal at all as opposed to say, Confucianism or Catholic Feudalism, both of which hold the central moral point of Liberalism and Marxism (that equality is good) as being false, or at the very least not the single highest good to be enforced.
I can't believe I'm talking to an unironic tradcath larper

>> No.15673046

What's more reasonable
>Historically systems change into other systems because of contradictions within those systems, this is fueled by economics and will eventually have a final stage which is distinct from previous ones.
>Everybody should return to feudalism one day for no reason because it's an immutable, perfect system of hierarchy which collapsed for no reason at all.

>> No.15673086

>how does that apply to what I was saying. I wasn't talking about any of those groups
No shit, that is what you are being told you colossal faggot

>> No.15673124

Lol ok dude I don't even know what you are arguing since you aren't explaining yourself.
You are mad at me but you haven't even explained yourself well enough for me to care.

>> No.15673158

No mainstream Christian denomination considers themselves to be Jewish.

>> No.15673198


>> No.15673233

I attended a classical Christian school through middle school. I plan to do the same with my children. It was much better than public school. The children cared about learning. The class sizes were smaller and allowed better student-teacher interaction. Learning Latin helped my reading ability and English immensely. I’m thankful my parents chose to have me attend that school even if it was financially straining and I may not have gotten the “normal” public school experience. It was a net benefit.

>> No.15673248

Christianity is silly, but I'd rather my child go to any kind of religious school than a public school. Even an Islamic school is a preferable option in my opinion.

>> No.15673278

>thinking this is subtle taqiya

>> No.15673292

Their common goal isn't "debunked", they're both trying to achieve the same end goal, they just disagree on how to get there. Did you even read my po-
>I can't believe I'm talking to an unironic tradcath larper
No, you didn't. Go back and read my post.

Did you mean to quote someone else by mistake? This post has nothing to do with what I said.

>> No.15673298
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No, homeschool. Plus tutors or maybe send them there for a specific class that might be difficult (or just messy) to teach at home. Like chemistry lab or ceramics. You can hire several college professors for less than tuition.


>> No.15673308

yeah, in bizarro world

>> No.15673310

>Their common goal isn't "debunked", they're both trying to achieve the same end goal, they just disagree on how to get there.
This is just pure fantasy. Can you name any non-Marxist who thinks the end goal of Liberal economics is the erosion of specialized production/shared production? Did you learn this from a /pol/ infograph or something?

>> No.15673370

Ἰουδαϊσμός in Paul's writing is about a spiritual lineage, not a religio-ethnic group like modern Jews. This is obviously the case, since no Christian identifies himself as a Jew and no secular religious scholar would ever posit such a thing.

> The term "Judaism" derives from Iudaismus, a Latinized form of the Ancient Greek Ioudaismos (Ἰουδαϊσμός) (from the verb ἰουδαΐζειν, "to side with or imitate the [Judeans]").[75] Its ultimate source was the Hebrew יהודה, Yehudah, "Judah",[1][76] which is also the source of the Hebrew term for Judaism: יַהֲדוּת, Yahadut. The term Ἰουδαϊσμός first appears in the Hellenistic Greek book of 2 Maccabees in the 2nd century BCE. In the context of the age and period it meant "seeking or forming part of a cultural entity"[77] and it resembled its antonym hellenismos, a word that signified a people's submission to Hellenic (Greek) cultural norms. The conflict between iudaismos and hellenismos lay behind the Maccabean revolt and hence the invention of the term iudaismos.[77

As I have stated, the concept that paul is writing about has nothing to do with modern "Jewishness." It is a spiritual lineage and there is nothing pretend about considering yourself a part of such a thing if you are serious about belonging to the tradition.

As such, your bizarre statement about "larping" is categorically false. I suspect a frog image or some sort of poltard drivel will follow, however.

>> No.15673392
File: 156 KB, 400x400, 1550932997803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. i went to a faith school for a couple of years. not a fanatical one but it was still fucking weird. it was an experience i can safely exclude from my offspring's education.
pic unrelated

>> No.15673412

You're missing the point. It's pretty noteworthy that you only view Liberalism as something "economic" instead of a religion.

The goal isn't to "eliminate specialized production/shared production" (I'm not sure what you mean by this, but then neither do you). If you're trying to refer to specialization and division of labor, then no, the goal isn't to get rid of it, the goal is to divide it so finely that the inequalities that result from that dissolve. You're not very well read in this subject, so I'll give you an example: Employment produces inequality, and is inefficient for the broader goal of infinitely efficient consumption/production. It is, however, better than the prior, Illiberal, existence of vocations wherein a person's economic output was part of a holistic semi-religious all encompassing pathway of life. To resolve the contradiction of this, a new option is created, the Gig Economy, by which an individual only performs some productive function for a smaller amount of time. This allows someone to do multiple gigs per day. The logical (albeit obviously impossible, but then Liberalism is a religion, it doesn't have to be "logical") result of this is that everyone does an infinitesimally small amount of all economic activity, thereby ending the inequality generated. The fact that it's not a 100% perfect fix for inequality is consistent with Liberalism's tactic of many small changes, a death by a thousand cuts.

If you're noticing that this is impossible and inefficient, as Marx did, then congratulations, you're noticing the exact same problem that Marx did, which is the entire reason "Marxism" as an intellectual program exists (to get around this problem of breaking up inequality into numerous smaller inequalities to reduce the total amount of inequality).

>b-but that's stupid!
Yes, Liberalism is a religion, as I've already said.

>> No.15673423

>Ἰουδαϊσμός in Paul's writing is about a spiritual lineage, not a religio-ethnic group like modern Jews
>As I have stated, the concept that paul is writing about has nothing to do with modern "Jewishness."

Did you really think you can just switch goal posts to your schizo concept of "modern jews" without me noticing? Christians are LARPing jews, Paul is explicit in this. No amount of writhing over what you think of "modern jews" has any bearing on this discussion.

>> No.15673458

>The goal isn't to "eliminate specialized production/shared production" (I'm not sure what you mean by this, but then neither do you).
Marx is explicit that this is his goal. That is what it means to seize the means of production. Marx was bitter about wage cucking and was imagining a life where you weren't defined by the role you were swept into for specialized production. You'd know this if you bothered to study this retard's writings at all.

>If you're trying to refer to specialization and division of labor, then no, the goal isn't to get rid of it, the goal is to divide it so finely that the inequalities that result from that dissolve.
This is in complete opposition to Marxism.
Why should I even bother reading the rest of what you wrote? You clearly have no idea what Marxism is, this is just wasted time bothering to respond.

>> No.15673560

Because I'm talking about Liberalism you idiot. I said so, after you asked about Liberalism.

>> No.15673565

No, it is a matter of defining what the term means. You cannot debate a term unless you agree upon its definition. You clearly have a viewpoint that is not that of Paul, the originator of the phrase you are trying to use as evidence. Notice that you are unable to respond to this, and need to resort of bizarre insults like calling my discussions "schizo"

And once again for the third time, you still do not reply to the fact that Christians, when interviewed or when studied by secular academics, would never be described as "trying to be jewish."
You are clearly just a pol poster that cannot think in any other terms than Jews bad

>> No.15673574

and this tankie wants to make fun of tradcaths lmfao holy shit

>> No.15673614

This. I went to private christian school and only 4 kids in my graduating class of 10 are openly religious now. The rest fell out and left the church, ones even a tranny now

>> No.15673623


>> No.15673630

>No, it is a matter of defining what the term means. You cannot debate a term unless you agree upon its definition.
Am I suppose to take someone seriously who clearly hasn't read Wittgenstein? This is an embarrassing assertion that could have been left out.

>You clearly have a viewpoint that is not that of Paul, the originator of the phrase you are trying to use as evidence. Notice that you are unable to respond to this, and need to resort of bizarre insults like calling my discussions "schizo"
Paul: For a person is not a Jew who is one outwardly, and true circumcision is not something visible in the flesh. On the contrary, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly, and circumcision is of the heart—by the Spirit, not the letter. That man’s praise is not from men but from God

There is no reason to care about anything God has commanded in the Torah, it is spirituality for Jews. This is the context for Paul's statement. This is why Christianity needs to pretend to be Jewish, it is of course, a Jewish offshoot.

>And once again for the third time, you still do not reply to the fact that Christians, when interviewed or when studied by secular academics, would never be described as "trying to be jewish."
This has no bearing on the discussion, yet again. If this counts as evidence you might be surprised how high the percent of U.S. Catholics that don't identify as "Christian" is in some polls. Or how many Buddhists say they aren't religious.

Why are you so sensitive to noticing you are pretending to be a Jew while worshiping a Jewish messiah?

>> No.15673650

Oh ok retard then I guess you should tell Bernie Sanders and CNN and BLM that they can't say liberal and Marxist things at the same time because some random chode online says they can't

>> No.15673693

Did you go to a good college? How did other kids in your class do after finishing up?

>> No.15673751

> This has no bearing on the discussion,
you are making a claim about how people self identify and somehow also saying a survey of how people self identity isn't evidence lol...

Once again you quote the English since you cannot read the Greek and have no cultural context. Never mind Wittgenstein, should I take someone seriously who quotes the New testament in English? Paul is very clearly talking about Ἰουδαϊσμός as a spiritual lineage.
The is nothing "pretend" about considering oneself a part of such a group. Any Christian is as much a part of Ἰουδαϊσμός as Paul.

Also you say Christians worship a Jewish messiah, so even under what you have personally said, this wouldn't be inauthentic, even with your bizarre inversions of linguistic identifiers.

I don't know why you are so unable to believe that people have authentic beliefs. It is rather worrisome. That is the cornerstone of everything I am saying. You accuse people of somehow "playing pretend" when people were born into their religion, practiced it the entire lives, and did it within a community that believed the same. If you dislike it, I don't really care, but to imply it is somehow inauthentic and you know the essence of Christianity is very odd.

>> No.15673843

>They're inheritors and benefactors of the decaying power structures which haven't been maintained since they were utilized by people who were comfortable among and above the masses.
I think you're right in that statesmen should understand and empathise with "the masses" but the idea that the founding fathers or most legislators at any time in history aren't bourgie as fuck is naive to me. I'm also not convinced that going to a private school makes one incapable of understanding the life of someone different than you. If anything it'd help.

>> No.15673876

If you belonged to a social class that could afford sending their kids to private school, you wouldn't even be saying this.

>> No.15673904

> going to a private school makes one incapable of understanding the life of someone different than you
You can say that about any school. A rich public school is just as socially consolidated as any private school. You have this image of private schools that are much different from their reality. they are not some bastions of the elite. The average private school is nothing special. The top ones maybe, but private schools in general are pretty insignificant

>> No.15673907

>you are making a claim about how people self identify and somehow also saying a survey of how people self identity isn't evidence lol...
No, I am making a claim about what someone is doing and saying their rationalizations and ignorance aren't evidence.

>Once again you quote the English since you cannot read the Greek and have no cultural context. Never mind Wittgenstein, should I take someone seriously who quotes the New testament in English? Paul is very clearly talking about Ἰουδαϊσμός as a spiritual lineage.
The is nothing "pretend" about considering oneself a part of such a group. Any Christian is as much a part of Ἰουδαϊσμός as Paul.
Weak comeback for your even weaker assertion on definitions. Are you sure you want to pretend Paul isn't referring to being Jewish? I'll give you an opportunity to take back that claim

>Also you say Christians worship a Jewish messiah, so even under what you have personally said, this wouldn't be inauthentic, even with your bizarre inversions of linguistic identifiers.
What? Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, so laboriously manufactured, even from mistranslations in Isaiah and assorted issues in the Septuagint. Paul bridges the gap for the Gentiles who so desperately didn't wan't to cuck their dick skin. A compromise in the conversion process to Judaism. I'm starting to get the impression you think people can't convert to Judaism, are you really this dense?

>I don't know why you are so unable to believe that people have authentic beliefs.
The belief isn't the larp, it's all these rationalizations you are making to maintain the belief that smacks of larp. You just in this post tried to claim Paul isn't referring to Jews, that's a pretty hilarious inauthentic statement in order to bolster your belief.

>> No.15673978

Eh, you say that, but kids from non-fee paying schools in the UK are comparatively less likely to get into uni and find middle class jobs. I'll grant you there's nice public schools (with some serious competition for placement in the cities), but there's most likely zero "bad" private schools, and some pretty fucking atrocious public schools.

>> No.15674015

> The belief isn't the larp
you explicitly said that earlier in the thread. You are switching your argument now that I've shown you to be incorrect. How a rationalization would cause something to be "larp" is also completely laughable. If a farmer rationalizes why he is a farmer in some absurd way, he is no less a farmer.

Regardless, please just for your own good, read up on Jewish identity the cultural origins of the term. The term "Jew" in the Bible is translated from multiple different words, each with their own origins. Jews in religious contexts would not use Ἰουδαϊσμός. You call me "schizo" when I literally copy a paragraph from the wikipedia article on "Judaism."

> Paul isn't referring to Jews
Yes you are correct. Paul is referring to Ἰουδαϊσμός, a term that should not be translated as "Jewish" since Jewish refers to modern rabbinical Judaism, a movement that has very little to do with Christianity.

I will copy and paste more wikipedia since you show yourself to be so vehemently against reading
> The Ancient Greek term Ioudaismos (Ἰουδαϊσμός; from ἰουδαΐζειν, "to side with or imitate the [Judeans]"),[6] often translated as "Judaism" or "Judeanism",[8] first appears in 2 Maccabees in the 2nd century BCE. In the context of the age and period it held the meaning of seeking or forming part of a cultural entity and resembles its antonym Hellenismos, meaning acceptance of Hellenic (Greek) cultural norms (the conflict between Ioudaismos and Hellenismos lay behind the Maccabean revolt and hence the invention of the term Ioudaismos)

There is once again, nothing to support Ἰουδαϊσμός being a religious identity in the form of modern rabbinical Judaism, what is implied when you say Christianity is "pretending to be Jewish."

>> No.15674104

>you explicitly said that earlier in the thread.
show me

>How a rationalization would cause something to be "larp" is also completely laughable. If a farmer rationalizes why he is a farmer in some absurd way, he is no less a farmer.
Saying Christianity is larping as jews does not make Christianity, not Christianity. It is a statement about the belief structure, you comparison makes no sense

>Regardless, please just for your own good, read up on Jewish identity the cultural origins of the term. The term "Jew" in the Bible is translated from multiple different words, each with their own origins. Jews in religious contexts would not use Ἰουδαϊσμός. You call me "schizo" when I literally copy a paragraph from the wikipedia article on "Judaism."
Because you are trying to invoke a debate on religious vs ethnic identity in a time when people were ALREADY CONVERTING TO PURE JUDAISM. Your statements have no bearing other than in your earlier cope regarding "modern jews" and whatever insinuations you were hoping I would pick up on.

>Yes you are correct. Paul is referring to Ἰουδαϊσμός, a term that should not be translated as "Jewish" since Jewish refers to modern rabbinical Judaism, a movement that has very little to do with Christianity.
Holy shit here you go again about modern jews. You are obsessed. What /pol/ rant are you dying to have a pretext for giving? Just say it right now rather than spend who knows how many more posts trying to fish for the right lead in to your Christian Identity movement or whatever dumb idea you have floating around.

>There is once again, nothing to support Ἰουδαϊσμός being a religious identity in the form of modern rabbinical Judaism, what is implied when you say Christianity is "pretending to be Jewish."
I'll just post the text following your posted text, if that's alright with you ;)
>We are tempted, of course, to translate [Ioudaismos] as "Judaism," but this translation is too narrow, because in this first occurrence of the term, Ioudaismos has not yet be reduced to designation of a religion. It means rather "the aggregate of all those characteristics that makes Judaeans Judaean (or Jews Jewish)." Among these characteristics, to be sure, are practices and beliefs that we would today call "religious," but these practices and beliefs are not the sole content of the term. Thus Ioudaïsmos should be translated not as "Judaism" but as Judaeanness

>> No.15674187
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Pic related was what I presume to be you, responding to my post where I questioned why Christianity practiced by a simple man would be a "larp"

> Christianity is larping as jews does not make Christianity, not Christianity.
It implies that Christiantiy is somehow inauthentic and devoid of an essence beyond Judaism. So yes, that would not make it Christianity in the eyes of any believer.

> What /pol/ rant are you dying to have a pretext for giving?
I should say the same to you. You are the one that in the attached picture reduced Christianity to some sort of "jewish larp." No one outside of pol would do such a thing.

>I'll just post the text following your posted text,
> Ioudaismos has not yet be reduced to designation of a religion.
> Thus Ioudaïsmos should be translated not as "Judaism" but as Judaeanness
> not as "Judaism"
Can you not read? It says it should be translated at Judaenness, not Judaism. You are just supporting my point.

>> No.15674290

>Pic related was what I presume to be you, responding to my post where I questioned why Christianity practiced by a simple man would be a "larp"
not me I entered two posts later

>It implies that Christiantiy is somehow inauthentic and devoid of an essence beyond Judaism. So yes, that would not make it Christianity in the eyes of any believer.
I would say the compromises Paul made to spread his message of the Torah and Christ to Gentiles was inauthentic. Someone can authentically believe anything they want with inauthentic motivations. As far as I'm concerned, that is a suitable definition for rationalization.

>I should say the same to you. You are the one that in the attached picture reduced Christianity to some sort of "jewish larp." No one outside of pol would do such a thing.
There is no substance to address here, even if I was the frogposter I don't see what his post has to do with /pol/, but I don't care to find out how that conversation might spin off.

>Can you not read? It says it should be translated at Judaenness, not Judaism. You are just supporting my point.
Do you think my point changes with the wording "Christians are larping as (possessing Judaenness)"?
I don't see a problem. Again, the inauthentic desire to inherit the Jewish tradition with adhering to it is my main point, secondary to pointing out the tradlarp christian desire to not be associated with jews

>> No.15674324

the numbers have been quite consistent since then. conservative, christian whites currently out-breed even Hispanics.

>> No.15674342

homeschool your children, almost entirely in pre-enlightenment information, and entirely in greek and latin.

>> No.15674357

do we have any data on the fertility rate of incels that posted about jordan peterson 2 years ago?

>> No.15674430

I went to a pretty good engineering school, “better” than where most of my coworkers went (I don’t mean that in a derogatory manner). I haven’t kept up with anyone else from my private school long-term. I think most of them did pretty well for themselves. It was what you’d expect from any private school. There were wealthy families with bratty kids, broke families with well-behaved kids, and families in between.

>> No.15674464

> not me I entered two posts later
Alright, well at least that is resolved.

> I would say the compromises Paul made to spread his message of the Torah and Christ to Gentiles was inauthentic
That is the essence of Christianity as any Christian practices it today : to have a religion beyond an ethnic group that is universal. Also it is much more than just the message of the Torah, as the apostles were very clear that the mosaic law did not apply in matters that would be specific to the tradition of the Judaeans (shellfish, pork, etc.) . With Christ, Ἰουδαϊσμός became expanded in its scope to allow all to have their own traditions, but a common faith, as Paul speaks of in the epistle to the Romans.

> I don't see what his post has to do with /pol/,
I don't see either and I don't know why you brought it up. There is very clearly a distinction in practices between the brethren of Paul and people who identify as Jewish in the modern age. The is no temple, an absence of the priesthood, and sacrifices, etc. There is nothing particularly controversial about such a statement.

> Do you think my point changes with the wording "Christians are larping as (possessing Judaenness)"?
Yes, I do think it does. Paul was within the group of the Ἰουδαϊσμός, and any Christian that he or the other apostles initiated had full validity in thus including themselves into this group, since as Paul said, it was beyond ethnic group. Therefore this is no way a "larp" or something that is inauthentic. It is of direct consequence of the founder's lineage.
I do take issue with the sloppy translation of Jewish cultural identifiers as it obfuscates the reality of the religious practices in the region. despite the fact we predicate both the essences and the pharisees with the term "Jew" nowadays, they were vehemently against each other and had their own identifiers. To assimilate them both into one identity loses all nuance for the reader, just as it would to predicate Christians with the same term as the other two.

As I write more, I do get the sense that perhaps we are arguing different things, but I nonetheless stand firm in this belief that there is nothing inauthentic or "larping" about considering oneself a member of the terms which we have discussed.

>> No.15674608

>That is the essence of Christianity as any Christian practices it today : to have a religion beyond an ethnic group that is universal. Also it is much more than just the message of the Torah, as the apostles were very clear that the mosaic law did not apply in matters that would be specific to the tradition of the Judaeans (shellfish, pork, etc.) . With Christ, Ἰουδαϊσμός became expanded in its scope to allow all to have their own traditions, but a common faith, as Paul speaks of in the epistle to the Romans.
I read this, I agree, and I say that the practice and it's evolution is inauthentic. The circumcision point being the most obvious, it is waived away for convenience with no justification that can't also be used for any other precept of the faith.

>Yes, I do think it does. Paul was within the group of the Ἰουδαϊσμός, and any Christian that he or the other apostles initiated had full validity in thus including themselves into this group, since as Paul said, it was beyond ethnic group. Therefore this is no way a "larp" or something that is inauthentic. It is of direct consequence of the founder's lineage.
Paul was not just saying it was beyond ethnic group, but also beyond specific beliefs and practices that others who would identify as belonging to the same Christ-inspired movement. What you're saying would, for example, fail to explain the existence of Ebionites (who accepted conversion in the traditional Jewish fashion). The tradition of Paul does not get to lay claim to the exclusive progression of Messianic Judaism post-Christ.

>As I write more, I do get the sense that perhaps we are arguing different things, but I nonetheless stand firm in this belief that there is nothing inauthentic or "larping" about considering oneself a member of the terms which we have discussed.
I agree, I'm not even sure anything worthwhile can be progressed in this conversation. In a futile attempt to prove myself wrong, I'll ask you: by what authority did Paul get to make any change to Jewish religion and practice?

>> No.15674657
File: 66 KB, 800x524, 1587682520359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw dumb hick evangelical schools have the highest average SAT scores in the nation, even above prep schools and boarding schools

>> No.15674690

> Paul was not just saying it was beyond ethnic group, but also beyond specific beliefs and practices that others who would identify as belonging to the same Christ-inspired movement.
I agree.

> The tradition of Paul does not get to lay claim to the exclusive progression of Messianic Judaism post-Christ.
We are not debating that though. I have no doubt that others have used the term Ἰουδαϊσμός to signify their own groups after paul.
Rather, we are debating whether Christians should be able to believe that about themselves. Since they believe that the tradition of Paul validly includes Ἰουδαϊσμός and its previous history, I don't think there is any issue with a Christian believing this about himself. A secular scholar, sure, might argue differently. But we are arguing about the validity of the self predication of identity by a Christian.

> by what authority did Paul get to make any change to Jewish religion and practice?
Based on what he wrote himself, it was from Christ and the other Apostles. Obviously, if you are a modern jew committed the preserving Ἰουδαϊσμός as your own group, you will not believe this. But we are discussing Christians and their belief.

Thus, if one believes that Christ is the messiah and the Bible is valid, then Paul was validly his apostle. If this is the case, then he had the authority to change Ἰουδαϊσμός in its scope. If this was the case, then Christians can validly predicate themselves with the term, no matter where or when they are. If this is the case, then they are not "larping" as members of this community since they ARE members.

>> No.15674729

One of the most absurd things I have read on this board in a while.

>> No.15674747

Depends on what denomination of "christian" you mean.
Some are almost completely secular, others are hardcore bible thumpers.

Answer is a hard "it depends".

>> No.15674806

Classical Christian schools have a specific meaning and accrediting body. They are firmly evangelical and conservative. Although Catholics can join if they affirm the infallibility of scripture I believe.

As the other post I quoted shows, they have the most successful outcomes in the country. (The ACCS is the accrediting body)

>> No.15674838

What's with the vitriol about Jordan Peterson?
Why does this man still provoke people?

>> No.15674862

>if one believes that Christ is the messiah and the Bible is valid, then Paul was validly his apostle
Yes, but this is circular. I'm trying to approach this from the perspective of someone either:
A) Who believes in the Torah and Christ and is critically approaching the Bible for information
B) A contemporary of Paul

Both of these thrust at the point I'm inquiring on, which is where do you receive justification for what Paul claims? You cannot fall back on the Bible without being circular, and if you are contemporary with Paul and therefore have no Bible, why do you accept his teaching as opposed to some other Messianic sect that takes the Torah "more seriously"? In terms of authenticity, I am trying to see a reason for assuming what Paul says is authentic without it following naturally from an axiom of Biblical inerrancy.

>> No.15674872


>> No.15674913

It's not vitriol, I'm sorry you missed your chance to get a state issued gf
Peterson's incel alleviation program only had a short run

>> No.15675004

I don't even know what you're talking about.
I remember Peterson for an interesting lecture series on the Bible and psychology, and then the thing about the Canadian bill. I remember being surprised when the political side of him seemed to die down, and then he came out with a best selling book that put him in the mainstream, but at that point I was already zoned out from whatever he was saying.
So basically I was genuinely asking what is still provoking these reactions about him...

>> No.15675015

there was an occasion or two where he said that "state enforced monogamy" was the solution to the incel problem
cue incel jokes

>> No.15675031

From the other Apostles and the Churches they started who trace back their tradition to them. This tradition would be antecedent of the Bible's creation.
Thus, the fact that the other apostles saw Christ in the flesh based on the testimony of the Churches, and eventually agreed upon Paul's principles of accepting gentiles (even though I know there was obviously debate in the acts), would show that authority.

Ultimately, there is no way to ever "prove" a spiritual experience happened, but based on the fact that Paul was accepted by the other apostles (a fact that can be demonstrated historically beyond the bible), and the drastic change in his life that followed, the Christian who believes in good faith has little reason to doubt his authenticity if he believes the narratives given by the Church (which were founded based on tradition even before scripture was written)

>> No.15675033

Why don't you want their sat scores to be high?

>> No.15675134

This is actually so impressive I don't believe it. These schools are like tiny dipshitty things in the back of churches. How could they be this effective?

>> No.15675435

Now control for race.

>> No.15675509

public school is shit, you have no idea how good you had it. You would not be on /lit/ if you had the shit which is public school.

>> No.15675523

Public schools and I am a complete outcast. Some people just tow a different line. What is important is that your children don't become lonely. Do this by giving them good health and hobbies and knowledge. This is how you bloom their introvert/extrovert

>> No.15675578
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wow, the amount of cliches itt is so cringy I gotta wonder if it's poorfag cope or shills. Anyway anon, i'd send my kid to any private school if I could afford it since all private school is better than public school.

Public school has been geared towards the lowest-common denominator for decades and unless your child is a "gifted student" or the sportsball jock he will never be pushed to succeed.

The cool thing about Catholic Schools is they are a little counter-culture of their own. The majority of seminarians went to Catholic school growing up, for example. Being immersed in that environment and learning the ropes at a young age is the best way.

>> No.15675754

SAT is g-loaded and can't be studied for that much really - genetics is what matters. Hardly any Blacks or Mexicans at "hick Evangelical schools".

>> No.15675791

You just have to filter Catholic from "catholic" and (((catholic)))
Honestly, I'd rather homeschool children as a nomad in the deserts of the Sahara or a homestead in East Africa. The west is dead. Africa is the future (and that's a good thing)

>> No.15675821

Catholic schools teach the same shit as mainline pozzed protestants. You're delusional.

>> No.15675912
File: 86 KB, 915x1056, 1592776642696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine this for a moment. You give the children at Classical Christian schools the SAT. Then you give them money to get married at 16 and pay mom a salary every year based on her IQ as long as she has a child every three years or so. White population decline, dysgenics are reversed. Interstellar expansion comes within our grasp once more. Averting decline is really that simple.

>> No.15676232

>AOC tweets about how racist these schools are
>Atlantic writes think piece about the schools
>Dept of Education prohibits discriminating against lgbt students by teaching traditional marriage
>states receive grants to provide vouchers to inner city youths from struggling schools to attend
>new teachers with a suspiciously marxist bent begin apply to teach at these schools
>next year, Mr. Morton Goldberg is elected President of the ACCS

>> No.15676383

>Would you send you child to a Classical Christian School?
And this is what goes for /lit/ these days
It's a literature board, not a support group for your shitty LARP

>> No.15676462

It's about a humanities-based program that is explicitly focused on the Trivium. You know, that thing we talk about all the time you newfag redd*tor?

>> No.15676474

Your whole existence is a LARP.

>> No.15676683

Mark my words, the word LARP is going to become the new fedora for you fucking atheist chodes

>> No.15676756

Based on the current state of things, my kids will be probably be homeschooled at first.

Not sure about high school but I know Catholic high schools tend to corrupt faith rather than strengthen it.

For college, I hope my children will attend Thomas Aquinas College in California. They combine a great books curriculum grounded in faith. I have fallen in love with a woman from this college and have seen the flourishing this college encourages.

>> No.15676762

I have a 2 year old son and he's going to be homeschooled. Once he's old enough, I'll teach him about philosophy. We also don't own a TV.
The only drawback to this could be the social aspect of school, however there are tons of kids his age in our immediate family, he'll never be alienated from people his age.

>> No.15676856

Fool, it's entirely dependent on where you live

>> No.15676864

Have more kids.

>> No.15677227

I need more money first

>> No.15677983
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This is a step in the right direction, but it needs math and science. Wilson complained that students didn't know "how to think". Well, math and science are tools for critical thinking. You just need to focus on proofs and empirical studies instead of memorization.

This is how they used to do it in the Ivy League. Instead of learning factoids, you learn the experiments that were done to arrive at our current understanding.

Conservatives think they don't have to learn math and science, because they're going to learn "leadership". If you don't understand the details of your field, you're not a leader, just a figurehead. Trump knows how to design a building and Bill Gates knows how to write a BASIC interpreter.

Currently, religious schools don't do this because they don't care if the kids are brainwashed, as long as it's the right kind of brainwashing. This is how you end up like Bob Jones University trying to rationalize how dinosaurs could fit on the Ark.

What would really shake things up is a curriculum with absolutely no obfuscation meant to keep the "wrong" people from learning. That means no unnecessary Latin, no pet theories, no special snowflake notation, no redefining the meaning of "is", no pointless layers of abstraction, no words that cannot be found in any dictionary, etc.

The raw materials for this curriculum are all out there, they just need curators.

>Africa is the future (and that's a good thing)
This mosquito plan is so fucking stupid. Just learn to get along with your neighbors.

>> No.15677988

How is the poor guy ever gonna get laid? He's gonna end up hooking up with his cousin

>> No.15678001

imagine believing this info was ever collected or compiled by unbiased people. Look how far back it is. This is ridiculous.

>> No.15678051

to grow up cringe? no

>> No.15678079
File: 8 KB, 688x561, ad277-mccain[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this such a surprise to you?
liberals are not interested in having kids and forming families

>> No.15678095

Classical Christian alumni mog you in every way

>> No.15678170

The appeal of private schools, even the lesser ones, where I live isn't exactly about the quality of education, it is about access to the Old Boys network. You send your kid there so they know the right people and befriend their scions.

>> No.15678593

Based, fuck public and private schools
People were homeschooled for centuries, this new manner of schooling is an experiment still and has displayed many flaws

>> No.15678698

>People were homeschooled for centuries

Yeah probably up until the age of 14 when they started working and had the education of an average 5th grader from today.

>> No.15678714

As it should be, education is a plague, read Laozi.

>> No.15678769

Sorry I can't read, I don't have an education

>> No.15678787
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Catholics have a good 1500 years of tradition on any protestants.

>> No.15678839

Most public-school educated adults probably aren't too far above 5th grade math and reading comprehension.

>> No.15678896

Wrong. Luther and Calvin went to Augustine and brought back the truth that was dead. Catholics have been around since the 1200s. Evangelicals started when Pentecost happened

>> No.15678904

Your criticism seems on point and why I would hesitate to send my kid here instead of a prep school. Then again instead of Bob Jones she could go to Wheaton or Pepperdine. Those schools are amazing. The problem relates to lacking advanced courses. I doubt they have a ton of AP. Then again there's always the local community college

>> No.15678927

What are some good evangelical schools and what are the shitty ones?

The good ones seem to be Wheaton, Pepperdine, Baylor, and maybe Gordon if that has any name recognition.

Stuff like Bob Jones is a joke. What about Liberty? They seem pretty out there but I've actually heard not bad things about grads.

>> No.15678942

If only it were so.

>> No.15679093

>confessional evangelical protestant
Yikes, wtf is even that bullshit? People like you shouldn't have kids

>> No.15679123

It's literally the oldest form of Christianity. Why don't you go back to your pachamama statue

>> No.15679277

The oldest form of Christianity is Judaism and I would rather worship pagan gods from superior cultures than a god from an inferior culture of desert goat herders.

>> No.15679347

>pagan gods from superior cultures
Europeans were worthless treehuggers until they were Christianized by the Roman Empire, and even then the papistry held them back still.
The real driving force in cultural superiority was the reformation, where Catholic boys became Protestant men.
The English Puritans were the biggest chads to ever come from Europe.

>> No.15679382

Can only one of the masses lead the masses?

>> No.15679525

And the Puritans were just LARPing as Jews, so clearly the Jews were the biggest chads in Europe, in which case we're right back where we started where you're arguing that a bunch of inbred S*mites are the ubermensch or whatever.

In which case, who gives a fuck what Yids, think, I'm not Jewish.

>> No.15679649

This is a really pathological post in so many ways. You just have to be a complete schizo irl

>> No.15680540

Having gone through american public education myself, I suspect it's because they likely teach critical thinking through socratic dialogue while everyone is encouraged to regurgitate and parrot formulas and the rhetoric of a certain political party

>> No.15680589

>you're arguing that a bunch of inbred S*mites are the ubermensch
They've had the greatest impact on the history of humanity and continue to hold power today, so yes.
Arguing that they aren't ubermensches is the result of your slave ressentiment, you despise Jews for their power and wisdom, but they don't even look low enough to see you.

>> No.15680685

Schizo posting. Get help.

>> No.15680913

>Classical Christian education is characterized by a reliance on classical works by authors such Homer, Sophocles, Plato, Josephus, Dante, and Shakespeare, and an integration of a Christian worldview into all subjects.[5] In addition, classical Christian education exposes students to Western Civilization's history, art and culture, teaching Latin as early as the second grade and often offering several years of Greek.[3]
where does one go to get such an education these days?
modern /lit/ degree programs are filled with ooga booga / oppression authors

>> No.15680997

I personally went to a public and private Christian school. Both have positives and negatives. I enjoyed both.

Part of the public school system, of course, is living in an area with a good public school. It's unfortunate, but it's how the system is set up.

>> No.15681065

Well you go to one of these schools K to 12. I dunno if colleges like Wheaton and Pepperdine etc continue this tradition in their lit programs or not though

>> No.15681072

Redpill me on Wheaton College. What's it like to go to the "Harvard of Evangelical Colleges"?

>> No.15681161

It depends on what you want them to get out of it.

If, in your heart of hearts, you just want to make money, then just go full balls-to-the-wall globalist, because Mammon WILL reward you if you quit fooling around and get serious about serving him.

If you want an echo chamber, go to the religious school of your choice, because there's no shortage of people who will take your money and tell you you're doing everything right.

If you want a good solid education with a Christian spin on it, then maybe one of the schools you mentioned. But don't be surprised if you have to go to multiple places or do some combination of the above options.

>> No.15681216
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>Arguing that they aren't ubermensches is the result of your slave ressentiment, you despise Jews for their power and wisdom, but they don't even look low enough to see you.

>> No.15681358

Nah, they aren't expensive. Breast milk is cheap, makes your kid smarter and your wife thinner. Elimination communication trades out diaper money for attention. As your relatives will give you clothes and toys. And the baby will be happier sleeping in your bed. So you don't really need much. (Also college is a scam. Look I just saved you $100k.)

Anti-rationalism isn't the solution. Good book though.

Remember the tv show "are you smarter than a 5th grader?"

>> No.15681916

We homeschool our kids. They finish their work quick because it's fairly easy so we assign them extra reading. Usually fiction so they enjoy it rather than it being a chore. They only watch TV or play games on the weekends but weekends are mainly filled up with taking them to their baseball and soccer games. They play quite a few sports for socialization and exercise. Homeschooling isn't for everyone. My wife stays at home while I work and it can get pretty stressful but it's what's best for the kids. We might send them to a private Christian high school when they're old enough but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it

>> No.15682102

Luther and Calvin are so retarded they don't even understand that St. Augustine had Stoic inclination and was using said inclinations against Pelagius by touting a Catholic version of Stoic compatibalism. Instead, they go full retard and become hard determinists. All they managed to do was pervert Augustine's actual words for their own agenda and to make themselves feel good that they sin so often. Also you have people like Justin Martyr talking about theological ideas that Catholics would agree with. Hell, even St. Paul's theology is very much Catholic. Even Jesus made very Catholic statements when he told the Jews about the Eucharist in a very harsh and serious tone based on the Greek. Protetantants trying to LARP as if they are the OG church is just cringe. Just accept that your church is the result of a heretic trying to cope with the fact that he's a heretic. It's not that that hard nor complex.

>> No.15682437

High school is the worst of it. Apprentice them into a trade. They'll learn more self respect from have a real skill. They can still prepare for college of you want while doing it. Also as there is often no point in taking AP classes, as many selective colleges don't accept them.

>> No.15683482

Didn't read go worship pope

>> No.15683495

>Didn't read
Well yeah. You're a Prottie after all. If you faggots could read, then your heresy wouldn't even exist.

>> No.15683935


Reminder that Romans is explicitly anti-Calvinist and when confronted with this Calvinists can only mumble "muh sovereignty muthafucka!" and beg the question.

>> No.15683973

Name one thing incorrect in Presbyterian theology. Hard mode don't quote the fucking pope

>> No.15684011

When Paul is speaking of God electing people in Romans he's literally citing Exodus where Moses convinces God to spare the Hebrews. It's the exact opposite of what Calvinists preach.

>> No.15684111

How is that the opposite? God spares the elect because of the intercession of Jesus, or Moses in the prefiguration.

Also election is based on more theological nuance than that. It's a logical consequence of total depravity. There is literally no other way salvation makes sense unless it's a gift given based on nothing other than gods choice. That includes any sort of potential receptivity to Him.

>> No.15684221

I teach literature at a founding ACCS school, AMA

>> No.15684547

What are the outcomes - Where do the kids go to college? How is the science/math curriculum?

Also, is there an ACCS boarding school? If not they should make one.

>> No.15684562

I attended a private Catholic school.
If it were legal to hit kids I would have been caned 3 hours a day every day.
There was also this time where I threw rubbish on the grass, and my entire year was pulled into the hall during lunch as punishment for the action of one. Pussy ass Catholic kids ratted me out instantly and I was labeled an asshole for not coming forward. Well fuck them they assure dogs for not standing up to the old cunt year advisor who subjected us all to such punishment.

>> No.15684594

imagine if you tuch her pusy

>> No.15684625


The science/math curriculum is really solid from my impression of it. We have a student going to MIT now. However, finding good science/math teachers is a common problem for ACCS schools in general from what I hear.

Almost all graduates go to college. They've gone to different ivy league schools, all kinds of state colleges, as well as classical colleges like Hillsdale and New Saint Andrews.

I don't think there is an ACCS boarding school. I feel like that could get pretty weird. My impression of ACCS is that they try to emphasize the family's involvement in education as much as possible, and I respect that a lot.

>> No.15684836
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Not him, but Evangelical boarding schools do actually exist. Some strike me as kinda dinky, however there are some that are firmly in the elite tradition. They aren't ACCS, but they seem to emphasize classical ideas/curricula to a certain extent.

Pic related is The Brook Hill School. It's unabashedly college prep and I'm not sure how it teaches the humanities. But their statement of faith makes sure to include that marriage is only between a man and a woman/the Bible is inerrant.

>> No.15684856

What about the evangelical schools mentioned earlier in the thread? Ones like Pepperdine, Wheaton, Baylor, Gordon? I've always wondered if those colleges show any preference for ACCS students or not. Then again, it's not like their acceptance rates are that low anyway. I think Pepperdine is the lowest in the 30's.

Btw, in googling that, I just saw that Liberty University's acceptance rate is 29 percent. How is it that low? Literally on par with UVA

>> No.15684867

imo, your schools should emphasize math more. it is low cost unlike sciences that need labs, and it jives with the humanities well. plus it's useful as hell for careers.

then again i can see how finding good math teachers can be hard.

>> No.15684933
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I sent my boy to an expensive private Christian school thinking that some remnant of scholastic or classical influence might remain, sadly it's just as woke and bereft of tradition as any of the other child-prisons available.

>> No.15685091

No. I’d send them to a madrassa

>> No.15685158

What's the student population like? Racial, economic makeup? Ever taught anywhere else, how'd the education compare?

>> No.15685308

this but with Homer and Virgil instead of bible

>> No.15686005


what about them? imo from what I've heard those schools are becoming super woke, though I don't know if you care about that.

do you mean would they be accessible to this sort of student? of course. I can't imagine those evangelical schools are more selective than ivy league or state schools. many students at my school do extremely well on the ACT or SAT (I forget which one they do or if they do both)

i agree, I think math is really great even though I'm bad at it. the main problem seems to be finding people.

this is why you have to choose conservative schools, not schools run by mainliners.

almost entirely white, in keeping with the demographics of our city. some families are very wealthy and some are very much not - the school has a program to make sure that no family is turned away because of purely financial reasons. haven't taught anywhere else (this is my first job out of college)

>> No.15686054
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yeah, I would provided there'd be no niggers attending it too

>> No.15686484

(((Go to trade school)))

>> No.15686490

But how can they have kids if most of them are incels posting anime girls on 4chan?

>> No.15687452

>what about them? imo from what I've heard those schools are becoming super woke
wow that is really unfortunate... fucking sucks

>> No.15687706

It's the opposite, you fucking Calvinist brainlet, because a literal human appeases God and convinces God to spare some Jews.

>It's a logical consequence of total depravity. There is literally no other way salvation makes sense unless it's a gift given based on nothing other than gods choice.

No. This is just because Calvinists are stuck in a 16th century modernist mindset. I am genuinely surprised Calvinists deny the compatibility of free will and God's omnipotence without going all the way and simply denying the incarnation and the trinity. Follow your logic to its conclusion. I respect the most obstinate and hostile Muslim or Jew over a Calvinist.

>> No.15687862

Ok well you didn't make any argument so I'll just note it's appropriate you feel that way given the catechism blasphemes God by saying Muslims worship the same God as Catholics. Although they're probably right, just not in the way they mean.

Now say your worship the same God as Muslims like your ccc says.

Pro tip if God doesn't mean Jesus, full stop, you aren't christian.

>> No.15687884

Why the fuck would you ever want your daughter to have the "common touch" of today's society? If I ever have a daughter I don't want her anywhere the average person.

>> No.15688153

very well said

>> No.15688167

I taught at a private school. They have a weird mentality towards education. The teachers treat the parents as the customers rather than the students as the pupils, and sometimes that's reflected in the attitude of the teachers. They don't necessarily want your child to be happy and well, they want you to keep paying; that means if your child did badly on a test, they'll get given grief for it until they improve. It's a pretty gross situation, and one I found myself deeply uncomfortable in.

>> No.15688186

Are you gonna keep her locked in your house forever? She's gonna be exploitable and vulnerable if she's never had to deal with the "common touch". If you're gonna live in society you need to understand the rules on who and what to avoid.

>> No.15688202

>Nothing you do will ever matter. You are nothing. Cope harder fag.
another well adjusted poster totally not projecting when he tells others they're seething

>> No.15688264

Wheaton doesn't seem liberal or woke. They fired this black bitch just a couple years back. A woke school would not. Why she was hired in the first place tho...

In December, 2015, she became the center of a controversy when she made a post on her personal social media account (Facebook) for Advent affirming solidarity between Christians and Muslims. Wheaton College suspended her as a result of the negative publicity resulting from the social media post, which pictured her wearing hijab and explaining that it was an expression of solidarity with her Muslim sisters at a time when Muslims were facing rising ethnic tensions in the U.S. Hawkins was placed on paid administrative leave on December 15 as the school determined whether her statement was at odds with the school's core beliefs.[2] On February 8, 2016, Wheaton College and Hawkins issued a joint statement that they had "reached a confidential agreement under which they will part ways."

>> No.15688272

Retard. Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Babylonians, Ancient Greeks, Ancient Romans (for most of their time) were all pagans and had superior culture compared to nomad goat herders. The real driving force in cultural superiority was the Renaissance which started with the influx of Greek refugees after the fall of Constantinople. That's when Europe became exposed to ancient Greeks/Romans.

>> No.15688276

>constantly complains about others not reading or studying
>doesn't read the post he's responding to
>poster he's arguing with is more well-read and it shows

I mean why do you even bother?

>> No.15688307

I absolutely despise people who post with the tone you do, so smug, so condescending

>> No.15688313

None of this is an argument. In fact, all it is is some assmad Prottie trying to deflect from the arguments made in the previous post by using ad hominems (that aren't true btw).

>> No.15688325

CCC 841

The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last day.

>> No.15688344

Well this is awfully embarrassing for the Catholic cuck. The defining document of your faith says Muslims worship the same God as you. Muslims do not worship Jesus and they don't worship a trinity. So in that case your own religion proves it is not Christian by definition. Rough.

>> No.15688359

Yeah holy shit. Now the fun part is watching the catholic twist himself in knots explaining how the words don't mean what they clearly say, and then pretends like this is obvious and anyone who disagrees is a subversive heretic.
Their minds are so warped by their postmodern religion lol. They have to constantly explain away contradictions so it's endless cognitive dissonance. It's really sick stuff. Probably why they lose more people in a given year of any faith in the world, both in raw numbers and proportionally

>> No.15688416

Based fuck dumb nigger women. The supposedly Christian bitch is stumping for Muslims the biggest slavers in the world by throwing her own religion under the bus.

Fuck her

>> No.15688455


People can worship the same God but do it wrong, like people can be subservient to the same king and not follow his edicts correctly. If you aren't retarded, it's not a hard concept to understand. It's sort of like how the pagan philosphers like Aristotle, Plato or the Stoics had a dim view of what God is but they couldn't reach the totality of Truth due to not having knowledge/rejecting of the Incarnation. Muzzies are right in that there is One all powerful all loving and all knowing God, but their view of God is so fucked that even if though they are "worshipping" him, they aren't doing it well by a wide margin. This is why Protestantism is so fucking intellectually dead: it's fucking full of fideist nonsense and doesn't try to at least reason alternatives to their hypothesis.

>> No.15688466

I knew he wouldn't fail to deliver. This is so deranged lol. It's like textbook clockwork. Even blamed protestants for it and called them wrong for thinking Muslims don't worship jesus... wtf

>> No.15688475

Maybe people would prefer a religion that states what it believes clearly? Just a thought

>> No.15688479

Can you actually make an argument or are you too retarded to even do that?

>> No.15688485

There's a fucking Catechism for the Catholic Church. How about you read it if you want to know more of what the Church believes in a more clear manner?

>> No.15688510

Jesus is God. Muslims don't worship Jesus. Claiming anything else is pure sophistry and politics and deliberate obscurantism, as your post wonderfully proved. Equivocation is equivocation. Your arguments speak for themselves.
>dumb hick why can't you just make the words say things other than what they say???
The CCC says what it says. Muslims and Catholics worship the same god. Per muslims, this is not Jesus.

Your post modern cognitive dissonant nonsense doesn't change this. It's a desperate workaround.

>> No.15688514

Just did. It says Muslims and Catholics worship the same god.

>> No.15688554

How much clearer could the argument be? You could write it out as a simple logical proof.

Jesus equal god for Christian
Muslim god no equal Jesus
Ergo Muslim god not Christian god

You are the one spewing nonsense non arguments like they worship god imperfectly. Would Muslims say that? Would you say that to a Muslims face? Would the pope? No. The catechism doesn't say that either, so it's all a stretch, a personal judgment made on your part.

>> No.15688596

Nah, he really didn't.

>> No.15688603


>Jesus is God. Muslims don't worship Jesus.
Yes on both counts.

>Muslims and Catholics worship the same god. Per muslims, this is not Jesus.
Have you ever considered that Catholics think Muslims are wrong and aren't worshipping God correctly? Again, Aristotle thinks God is fully trancendent and uncaring (and the UnMoved Mover) about humans and the Stoics think God is fully immanent and fully with us (in fact, nature is God). Again, they're both wrong in their conception of God, but they do recognize aspects of the True Living God that are in the inaccurate pictures. Just because Muslims are wrong and clearly so doesn't mean that they aren't worshiping God. they're just not doing it in a respectful or good manner. It's possible for humans to do that because we are flawed and original sin has tainted us from seeing God in all of his fullness. None of this is postmodern or whatever. You are just being a fucking dense zealot. I'm pretty sure I could tell this to an atheist even and they would understand what I'm saying. Even Jesus when fucking said multiple times that the Pharisees gave praise to God he didn't say they weren't worshiping God because they thought he was madman. He told them their praise of God was incomplete and insincere. Some old people can only think of God as a big man in the sky, but so long as they accept the Trinitarian formula and do it respectfully, then that praise of God is valid. The only group of people I would actually say aren't even worshiping God that claim to are Mormons since their conception of God is even wildly different from any other Abrahamic faith to the point of being it's own weird ass shit. Again, Jews , Muslims and Christians worhsip the same God but only Christians can give the proper praise God is worthy of. This is a very simple concept and you'd have to be borderline retarded if you thought I was saying Muslims are going to heaven magically because they worship the same God as we do or that their dunecoon cult gives God the proper respect he deserves. Even Jesus said that some people would cry on his name and he would say he doesn't know them.

Shit like this is a good reason for people to start mocking Protties even more.

>> No.15688684

>I'm pretty sure I could tell this to an atheist even and they would understand what I'm saying
I bet you're right.

>> No.15688724

Nice rebuttal, faggot.

>> No.15688754

You're full of shit. Jesus literally said no one knows the father who doesn't know him and no one comes to the father except through him. Now reconcile Christ's literal own words with your garbage. Btw popes before about 1900 thought the same way I did and condemned your machinations above as modernist. But you don't care about them huh, just the current liberal?

>> No.15688830

>Jesus literally said no one knows the father who doesn't know him and no one comes to the father except through him.

That doesn't even remotely contradict what I said. In fact, that's basically what I am saying if you read that part about respectful worship and the Trinitarian formula. Muslims don't have the full picture and truth of God in their shitty theology mostly because they only think Jesus is a prophet, not the Son of God and reject the Trinity. They can still very well direct and give their praises to God, but without that crucial piece of information, but it's all hollow word and gestures rather than praise by which God sends down his grace and invites us to the inner life of the Trinity. I really don't know how I can explain this simpler than this: they don't give God the proper worship fitting for Him since they reject His Son. That's also the reason why Unitarians and Deists may believe in the same God but they don't give Him the proper praise. I really don't know how you can't grasp that. It's babby's first theology lesson.

>Btw popes before about 1900 thought the same way I did and condemned your machinations above as modernist. But you don't care about them huh, just the current liberal?
Yeah you are going to have to source that because even the Church Fathers were able to reconcile pagan philosophy with Catholicism because they read a lot of these philosophers and realized a lot of what they talked about sounded pretty in line with Christianity barring some major and minor pitfalls usually. It's why a lot of them subscribed or at least touted points very similar to philosophical schools like how Augustine did with Neoplatonism and Stoicism, John Chrysostom and St. Clement with Stoicism and Aquinas with the Peripatetics.

>> No.15688850

*words and gestures

Also, Aquinas was mostly Aristotle and an bit of Averroes, not the Peripatetic School as a whole.

>> No.15688855

>That doesn't even remotely contradict what I said
Yes it does, full stop. No one can know god without Jesus. It doesn't say anything about knowing imperfectly or blah blah blah.

Also lol at thinking popes didn't condemn ecumenism in any form. You lost any respect I had for you. A simple Google search is all you need. I'm done with you unless you at least retract this statement

>> No.15688871

>Ok well you didn't make any argument

I literally referred to the Bible as my argument. Romans and Exodus refute Calvinist election.

>> No.15688880

Muslims are more noble than Calvinists. I'd venture to say Calvinists worship the devil.

>> No.15688892

Calvinists worship the devil.

>> No.15688925

>satan trips despise Bible

>> No.15688928
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> No one can know god without Jesus.
They can think they know God without knowing Jesus, but God can still make Himself known even if people reject some aspects of His Being. That's what I'm saying. If you really think about it, that's what the Gospels are all about. Yeah, the Pharisees were worshiping God, but when called to worship him in his Incarnation, they crucified Him because when God called on them to know Him more fully and deeply, they rejected the offer since while they wanted to worship God, they didn't want to humble themselves and TRULY know God. I'm not going to go over all the pagan philosopers, but that's what happened with them when they assented to the Truth of God's existence through reason.

>Also lol at thinking popes didn't condemn ecumenism in any form. You lost any respect I had for you. A simple Google search is all you need. I'm done with you unless you at least retract this statement
>Look it up yourself. I'm not going to provide sources.
Fucking retard lol. Just fucking stop. If you aren't even willing to source your shit just stop arguing.

>> No.15688946

>I'm not going to go over all the pagan philosopers, but that's what happened with them when they assented to the Truth of God's existence through reason.
This is more of a case of the Incarnation didn't happen (at least till after Christianity got on Rome's radar then what I wrote before still applies) yet but the basic premise still applies

>> No.15689081

no he’s going to send her to private school
putting your daughter in public schooling is like putting a dandelion in a blender

>> No.15689361


They're called "furbies" and they've been out of business since 2011.

>> No.15689408
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Do you have a better suggestion? Perhaps one that emphasizes reading comprehension?

>> No.15690695

I went to Scarsdale.

>> No.15690897
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>> No.15692603


>> No.15693006

Are you not aware that popes have condemned ecumenism? Not him but what kind of shit Catholic are you?

>> No.15693069

Pope Pius XI in a papal encyclical on ecumenism:

Such efforts can meet with no kind of approval among Catholics. They presuppose the erroneous view that all religions are more or less good and praiseworthy (this is the error of indifferentism), inasmuch as all give expression, under various forms, to that innate sense which leads men to God and to the obedient acknowledgment of His rule. Those who hold such a view are not only in error; they distort the true idea of religion, and thus reject it, falling gradually into naturalism and atheism. To favor this opinion, and to encourage such undertakings is tantamount to abandoning the religion revealed by God." (§2)