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15676918 No.15676918 [Reply] [Original]

Is stoicism just an excuse to be passive about everything?

>> No.15676930

In the modern sense? Yes
But stoicism is much more than that

>> No.15676991

It must have been pretty hard back in the day for sculptors to make decent-looking hair/beard on sculptures. I'm not sure how it's even possible to make something as textured as hair out of marble.

>> No.15677029

No, quite the opposite in fact. For example, Epictetus praised people who stood up to tyrrany as opposed to those who meekly accepted it.

Discourses I.2
>This is what Helvidius Priscus also saw, and, having seen, did. When Vespasian sent him word not to attend a meeting of the Senate, he answered, "It is in your power not to allow me to be a member of the Senate, but so long as I am one I must attend its meetings." "Very well then, but when you attend, hold your peace." "Do not ask for my opinion and I will hold my peace." "But I must ask for your opinion." "And I must answer what seems to me right." "But if you speak, I shall put you to death." "Well, when did I ever tell you that I was immortal? You will do your part and I mine. It is yours to put me to death, mine to die without a tremor; yours to banish, mine to leave without sorrow." What good, then, did Priscus do, who was but a single individual? And what good does the red do the mantle? What else than that it stands out conspicuous in it as red, and is displayed as a goodly example to the rest? But had Caesar told another man in such circumstances not to attend the meetings of the Senate, he would have said, "I thank you for excusing me." A man like that Caesar would not even have tried to keep from attending, but would have known that he would either sit like a jug, or, if he spoke, would say what he knew Caesar wanted said, and would pile up any amount more on the top of it.

>> No.15677111

painstaking chisel work. They also had a few different tools for the various types of coiffures, and some of them used drills for female hair at times

>> No.15677115

No it's about changing what you can, embracing what you cant

>> No.15677207


Completely false. I can't be bothered to look up the exact passage for you but Aurelius gives the example of a man with bad body odor (lol) and that it's the stoic's duty to bring it to the man's attention despite the potential awkwardness.

>> No.15677405

no, stoicism emphasizes duty, read a book

>> No.15677554

no? are you retarded? i don't even like stoicism but i cannot understand how philosophically illiterate insects such as yourself parade such nonsense so often. surely after saying something completely incorrect for the 50th time you'd have at least read half a wikipedia page?

>> No.15677764

>no, stoicism emphasizes duty
t. entire knowledge of stoicism comes from le meme man Marcus Aurelius

>> No.15677902

no its about not giving a shit

>> No.15677928

There's a section in Tacitus Histories where a Stoic philsopher tries the lecture a legion and they get so bored of him they almost kill him and he runs away.

>> No.15677959

This word offends the modern cuckboi

>> No.15677970

what if it was Liberal fascism and the crimes are always silence and quiet dance?

>> No.15678023

Ancient stoicism is the opposite of being passive, it's learning how to only focus on things that you can actually control and not to care about thing you have no power over.
Dedication and duty are highly respected in matters that you can control, neuroticism over things in your head is not.

>> No.15678040

emotional control is not "not giving a shit"

>> No.15678054

Marcus Aurelius was an opium addict, as proven by TW Africanus and from a close reading of Galen, his physicians writings. That of course makes every quote by Aurelius funny instead of trite and banal:
>“If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.”
>*chugs laudanum bottle*

>> No.15678122

Liberal fascism is an oxymoron.

>> No.15678183
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Is Christianity?

>> No.15678206

They got a Medusa to turn people into stone, EZPZ

>> No.15678223

I think this is the point in a movement where the rest of the world looks at America, says "you do you" and walks away.

And Christianity can be. Pauline Christianity can be if you are in the lower echelons of society.

>> No.15678224

The stoics were full of shit, and pretended that our rational minds are anything more than a thin veneer over more ancient brain structures shared with other animals. They lied to themselves, and the lie was plausible because they didn't have the scientific knowledge of humans' evolutionary trajectory. There are philosophies which can make decent arguments for superceding science, but stoicism is not one of them. It's firmly rooted to an the natural world which has unfortunately had a hell of a lot of scientific evidence mounted against it over the literal millennia since.

>> No.15678233

If only they'd known about L I Z A R D B R A I N S dude *hits bong*

>> No.15678236

>It's firmly rooted to an the natural world
*firmly rooted to an "understanding of" the natural world

>> No.15678240

Not an argument.

>> No.15678246

Your Mom

>> No.15678305

The Egyptians were carving fine statues out of granite and quartzite in the third millennium BCE. That's fucking insane.

>> No.15678310

Exactly my point.

>> No.15678313

And that's why we say not to take things for granite.

>> No.15678323

Your point has no argument behind it. You're just one of those retards who make the implication of having an argument but never actually make one. Try saying something substantive or just let the adults talk.

>> No.15678342

Grug here. Since Epictetus was literally a slave, is stoicism therefore a slave morality?

>> No.15678472

The stoic cannot be passive because that would not be a virtuous use of his time and resources.

The stoic will not assume that he has plenty of days to live ahead of him, so he will not procrastinate.

It works. A lot of the things it aims to cure (eg. worry, anxiety, regret) are also created in the rational mind.

>> No.15678926

fake news

>> No.15678940

>I may be stoicky, but you are stinky

>> No.15678957

Pseudest take on the thread, actually read more before you embarrass yourself

>> No.15678961

Very much the opposite, bowing to your emotions and impulses is being a slave to yourself

>> No.15678991

stoicism is for midwits, as evidenced by its widespread appeal

>> No.15678993

Go read Heidegger and Stirner, then get back to me. Forsooth!

>> No.15679083

So what's a better philosophy to follow? Does that mean we can act like animals, since we share similarities?

>> No.15679132

Yikes, no, please try to learn the first thing about stoicism. It's literally effectively a philosophy about getting shit done. It basically says don't worry about the things you can't control or the outcomes, just live exactly the way you should, and you'll have a good life. And the ironic thing is, if you live like that, you'll wind up getting what you want a lot of the time.

For example, trying to have a career as an artist or writer is a stupid thing to do based on outcomes - it's hard to make it as those things. If you're focused on outcomes, it's more reasonable to go become an accountant or a petroleum engineer, because if you pursue those goals, you'll most likely succeed. But if you want to be a writer, you shouldn't do it because you want to be a success in some fantasy, you should do it because you love writing. But here's the thing - if you write a lot, because you love writing, then eventually you'll become a good writer, and if you get so good, then you can make it a career. In other words, by living correctly, you create the conditions to have a good life.

Basically these

>> No.15680859
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No. Read Epictetus. He pretty much says in one of his Discourses, that you can't just let God do all the work. You have to be willing to at least cooperate with Him.

>> No.15680882

P.S. Here's that quote:
>Have you not hands, fool? Has not god made them for you? Sit down now and pray your nose may not run! Wipe it, rather, and do not blame god. (2.16.11)

Also Stoicism says to only worry about the things you can change so that you can (at least potentially) change them and not worry about things out of your control.

>> No.15680960
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I mean, as a Catholic, it can be if you don't invest a lot of time into your faith or any and expect God to do everything for you. At the same time though, if you really read the Bible, it's very much against that idea since even in the Gospels, Jesus tells us that the work to make disciples of many wouldn't be easy, but it was necessary to bring the Kingdom of Heaven onto Earth along with the Eye of a Needle passage. St. Paul even echos this a lot during his epistles. But generally, people (while good meaning) don't invest that amount of time in that work. So, yeah it can be but it really shouldn't if you look at the examples of the saints and Jesus Christ himself.

It's just urban liberal white guilt, not a widespread problem in America tbqh. Most people feel bad about what happened to Floyd (even if he was a shitty person that pointed a gun at a pregnant woman) but they don't suck his pornstar dick.