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15676499 No.15676499 [Reply] [Original]

How much of the Bible is plagiarized/completely made up?

I want to read it in its entirety for many reasons but I want to know a it more about the context of what I'm reading. Is any of the old testament historically accurate? What about the New Testament? Should I just read the parts that actually happened? Is it even worth reading the made up parts(shit that just copied the epic of Gilgamesh)?

>> No.15676504

Everything is plagiarized/made up.

>> No.15676512

Do you believe Jesus literally rose from the dead?

Because if you don't, you won't really get much out of the Bible and you probably shouldn't bother.

>> No.15676517

Yes read it for cultural significance. There are even a few good morals in there. The history isn’t reliable in the slightest and can almost be entirely written off. If you’re looking for a history book, try something more modern.

>> No.15676521

You are on a literature board
Literature deals with well-written fiction
The Bible is fiction
That's the Christtards excuse for spamming up the board
You don't read fiction for "The parts that actually happened." None of it actually happened

>> No.15676531

Almost all literary analysis of the Bible as fiction fails as its not written as fiction. Its more akin to self help books with semihistorical examples.

>> No.15677748
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>None of it actually happened

>> No.15678478

If i remember correctly a lot of it is plagiarized. You’d be better off with a google search as I haven’t bothered to research it in a few years.

>> No.15678916

t. satan

>> No.15678989

get a load of this guy

>> No.15679031

is your purpose to read bible or to find truth? pick one.

only certain quotes of jesus are of highest value but only to those who understand at least something about themselves. old testament is 100.00% feces, new testament is 99% feces.

>> No.15679064

rose from the dead - from NPC

>> No.15679071

t. book-spoiling faggot

>> No.15679081

Ironically, the parts of the Bible which are historically accurate are the least important. If you want context, get the Oxford Annotated Bible

>> No.15679104

The bible has been hugely influential on world literature and especially on the western canon. You should at least be familiar with the major stories and themes. Also, knowing how a historical people viewed their own history and place in the universe is always of historical relevance, even if the events listed aren't firmly historical. Greek myths can tell you so much about ancient Greece's ethos and way of life, and it's no different for the bible for its respective peoples.

>> No.15679110

The most important book to read before reading the bible is Terence McKenna's Food of the Gods. Terence explains how human beings evolved from early proto-hominids through the use of Mushrooms, and how this religious tradition made itself present in the fertile crescent. If you read the bible understanding that all of the religions at the time were an assortment of drug cults, using Mushrooms, Opium, Frankinscence, Mercury, Lotus Flower, and others, you can understand that much of the Old Testament can be translated as a pschedelic trip report. In other words, the stories being told are explanations of hallucinogenic visions. There is much history in the OTz but you have to learn how to differentiate between hallucination and history.

It's a process that takes time, but I am writing a book on the subject that will be released by the end of the year that will cover a lot of ground.

>> No.15679216

We know it's you, Terence

>> No.15679249


>> No.15679272

I have read a thousand pages of the bible so far this year. I just recently finished Isaiah and will now start Jeremiah. 1100 more pages to go until the end of 2 chronicles

>> No.15679377

Isn't the gospel of Thomas basically the oldest one and John's was proven to have been written as a rebuttal to it afterwards?

So, you might want to check out that one first, if you want Jesus' teaching without the later incel autism in it. If you want to learn a history of Jesus and not his original teaching, you might want to try non-christian sources on Jesus like Joseph Flavius, but that is already compiled and served in finished studies about the historical jesus with archeological and other sources, so it's smartest to check those first then.


>> No.15679491

Some of the stuff in the book of kings happened for real.
Like the assyrian invasion of judah and Hezekiah's tunnel

>> No.15679510

The Flood Story is Ziusudra/Atrahasis. Job is based on the Babylonian Theodicy. Ecclesiastes takes a passage from the Old Babylonian Gilgamesh.

>> No.15679816

Which Bible is this? How many verses fit per page? How many pages in total? I've got one at 904, another at 1750, another at 1217, another at 915, and another at 985.
Even with a really big font on small pages it shouldn't exceed 2000 pages.

>> No.15679847

annotated bible probably

>> No.15679863

that would explain it

>> No.15679922

Im using the JPS hebrew English portable Tanakh. Its a thick book with small pages and a column of hebrew and a column of English on each page. I can read a lot of the hebrew but still need the english translation for help.
(Im the person you replied to)

>> No.15680083

Oh ok. I just took a look at my Hebrew Bible epub, 6721 pages. These things are usually used for study though, after you are already familiar with the text.

>> No.15680153

Nah bruh. If you want to understand the bible you gotta do as i did and learn hebrew and read it in hebrew. Any translation loses all the depth
Besides its fun

>> No.15680255

>Any translation loses all the depth
Including the parts the that were translated into Hebrew from Aramaic?

I mean there is nothing wrong with the Hebrew, from a scholarly standpoint.

>> No.15680370

What do you mean?
Theres a few parts of the old testament in Aramaic, and theres the Targums which are aramaic translations since after the babylonian conquest a lot of jews couldn't read hebrew anymore
What do you mean about parts translated into hebrew from Aramaic?

>> No.15680435

I mean that some prophets wrote the original manuscripts in Aramaic. Like Daniel for example. Not sure who else, still a student myself, so I don't know everything. But I can tell you with certainty that the Bible is composed of manuscripts originally written in 3 languages, Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek.

>> No.15680549

The court tales at the beginning of Daniel are mostly Aramaic whereas the apocalyptic visions are mostly in Hebrew.
The OT is almost entirely hebrew with a little aramaic in the late books. Also the hebrew alphabet is written with aramaic letters because at some point the proto hebrew alphabet was replaced with thr Ashurit aka the assyrian script

>> No.15680570

So basically, some of the original manuscripts were written in Aramaic.

>> No.15680582

The glimpse into the life of people in Judea you get from the Gospels is interesting enough. Comparing translations is also interesting.

>> No.15680587

Christianity took from a variety of other religions and scooped up a lot of the best parts and assimilated them. That, on top of not allowing for polytheism, is what let it spread so much. It’s a book of mythology.
It’s also the most important book in Western literature and culture. Those two things can be true at the same time.

>> No.15680741

No. Only segments of Daniel and a section of Ezra is aramaic. No books in the bible were composed entirely or even mostly in aramaic.

>> No.15680778

so basically Stoned Ape Theory

>> No.15680794

So basically, some of the original manuscripts were written in Aramaic.

>> No.15680844
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Terence McKenna is a glownigger psyop. 1000% CIA asset. Unleashed with the goal of demoralizing the public. The entire hippy movement, sexual/drug revolutions of the 60s was a program to have the people destroy their own culture, tradition, and values. The very reason for the madness you see today.

>> No.15680892

Fake and gay, what culture was there to destroy?

>> No.15680911


>> No.15680920

Basically Moses and the people of his tradition are remnants of a secretive Egyptian cult, crypto-atenists.

>> No.15680966
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shut up glownigger

>> No.15680999

This chart is shit and doesn’t even have the correct end date for Rome

>> No.15681042

Its mega shit. The iron and clay divided kingdom is the Diadochi after the split up of alexnaders empire. Daniel was written during this time during the reign of antiochus epiphanies in the selucid greek empire

>> No.15681055
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>The Bible is fiction
I think you will find that it is your words which are actually fiction.

>> No.15681127

For the sources of the Torah, check out "Berossus and Genesis, Manetho and Exodus: Hellenistic Histories and the Date of the Pentateuch" by Gmirkin.

>> No.15681141

Go away Gmirkin everyone knows your book is bullshit

>> No.15681145

>ITT: anti-Christianity disguised as pedantry

>> No.15682542

It's not possible to cleanly separate what actually happened from what's made up. For example, nearly all Bible scholars agree on a handful of facts about Jesus but everything further than that is up for debate (those facts are: Jesus lived in Nazareth in Galilee, he was a travelling preacher in his early 30s, he was baptised by John the Baptist, he was executed by crucifixion). There would be no point trying to pick out the verses that certain scholars think actually happened, you may as well read a gospel in its entirety so you get a coherent picture, then you can read about the historical issues once you're familiar with the material.

If you want a continuous narrative that's mostly chronological, I can recommend the reading list below. It cuts outs repetition and stories that aren't part of the central narrative so it's selective and not definitive.

Genesis (can skip: 5, 10, 36)
Exodus 1-24, 32-35, 40
Numbers 10-36
Deuteronomy 34
Joshua 1-13, 22-24
1 Samuel
2 Samuel
1 Kings (can skip: 7)
2 Kings
Daniel 1-6
1 Maccabees (not in Protestant Bibles)

>> No.15682638

Greek Historians independently wrote that Mice miraculously ate up all the Assyrians supplies. In the Bible it says angels did intervene

>> No.15682784

The bible says an angel killed 185,000 assyrians and saved jerusalem

>> No.15682894

>You should at least be familiar with the major stories
Which are the most important books?

>> No.15683078

This little faggot...

>> No.15683808

Such a double digit take.

Terence might have been a fed, but if he was he was backed into a corner over it, just like Leary. The feds were crawling up both of their asses, so they had a choice, take a job working for them and tone down the revolutionary talk of the 60's, OR go to jail. Easy choice to take, and they were enlightened enough to know that the Feds would never be able to control what these drugs would do to our culture anyways.

The deterioration of American social fabric resulted from the false ideas and beliefs embedded into the psyche of the Post WWII family. The youth grew up and recognized that there was something fundamentally wrong and false about their parent's lifestyles. The isolated nuclear family unit is a historical abberation, that never existed. Even those "faschy Romans" lived in communes with extended family and servants. The isolation of the post WWII world is what drove people insane, not the drugs. If anything the drugs reintroduce a small modicum of sanity back into American culture.

For example if you don't like Hendrix, The Doors, Zeppelin, or the Beattles you should probably be shot on site.

>> No.15685362
File: 52 KB, 850x400, 1571321734628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know that the beatles were a psyop
>jim morrison and hendrix fathers were military, they were handled by agents
>le lizard king
give me a break
>zeppelin literally sold their souls to satan, crowly followers
>doesn't understand that "The deterioration of American social fabric" is a result of manipulation and deception, long ago planned
You clearly don't know anything about the occult nor how mind control works, otherwise you wouldn't be a victim of it. You should be ashamed of yourself, and are in dire need of reexamining your life. Right now you're just a tool of the establishment, consenting to your own enslavement and demise.

>> No.15685577


>that screencap

I can believe this website was actually so cringe holy shit are we gonna look back at this day and say the same? I guess we already do with all the kekistani stuff

>> No.15685637

how does that force humans to evolve? i've heard this theory before but it makes no sense to me.

>> No.15687404

Completely wrong you little authority cuck.

Honestly, why do you right wingers cower in fear anytime a public figure has connections to the federal government?

The reason these guys got big was because they were connected to Government, I'll give you that. BUT they had to be managed because what they were doing went AGAINST the American ideology of the time, not because they were themselves Feds. The feds recognized that these people were radically autonomous, and needed to be managed and controlled. It was your supposedly glorious American Ideology that was in charge of keeping the 1960s from exploding. If your American Golden Age was so fucking great, then why couldn't you stop a bunch of kids from overthrowing your empire?

The Nuclear family and the 1950s is nothing but an illusion, an illusion worse than psychedelic drugs because there is 0 historical truth in it. You are the one who is wrong, and it is the justice of the Gods that the post WWII American civilization would be destoryed. The 1960s were nothing short of the return of the Gods to American civilization.

I understand that this kind of occultism is probably too complex for your little cuck mind to understand, but this is the language of power. While you cower in fear of the occult, it is being used to govern civilization, and there is nothing wrong with that, as this has been the state of affairs since the dawn of the human species.

>> No.15687435

>made up
>predicts the future perfectly

>> No.15687793

>dark pedo occultists that rule the world is a good thing
kys bootlicker