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15674155 No.15674155[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do people see this as a legitimate criticism when Christianity is SUPPOSED to be like this? Christians turn the other cheek because they're supposed to!

>> No.15674162

There should be an specific thread for twitter screeenshots.

>> No.15674180

This, plus "turn the other cheek" does not mean that. There shpuld be containmemt for Literally Who on Twitter plus containment or some sticky warning about fake theological expertise.

>> No.15674181

>defending religion
yea only muslims can do that with their pea brains the fucking savages.

>> No.15674214

My pastor told me that jesus said not to judge! I love my trans son!

>> No.15674234

> The enemy is not merely any competitor or just any partner of a conflict in general. He is also not the private adversary whom one hates. An enemy exists only when, at least potentially, one fighting collectivity of people confronts a similar collectivity. The enemy is solely the public enemy, because everything that has a relationship to such a collectivity of men, particularly to a whole nation, becomes public by virtue of such a relationship. The enemy is hostis, not inimicus in the broader sense; πολέμιος, not ἐχϑρός (Schmitt 28).

>> No.15674244

If you have a belief you should be able to defend it. Not being able to isn't a good thing

>> No.15674249

Who's going to criticize Islam when they can literally lose their job over it?

>> No.15675439

Pretty sure "do not judge" refers to condemning someone in your mind, not to showing someone the error of his/her ways.

>> No.15675455
File: 64 KB, 410x512, How to deal with heretics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"turn the other cheek" only applies to personal conduct, it does not apply to matters concerning the collective. for example, crime and punishment.

>> No.15675457

That is his point, he is talking about society in general

>> No.15675463

>As a (insert non-white ethnicity) I have to say that White countries are lacking in this regard when compared to (insert non-white nation(s))
Hmm, how interesting! Let's take a peek into this Zubi
>Educated in White country
Of course, and...
>Lives in White country
Every fucking time. I will never take a colored's critique seriously, They'll talk about how bad the West is while choosing to live off it's luxury. Hey Mr. Zube, why didn't you get your education in your precious Saudi Arabia? Why don't you live in Saudi Arabia?

>> No.15675635

The West has had 300 year of conflict between Christianity and secularism. Secularism is currently the supreme. The morality of secularism is political correctness . That's why you can say whatever you want about Jesus but can't say you don't support BLM.
historically speaking, Christianity was beaten to and berated to get to this point. Saudi Arabia never had anything similar.

>> No.15675647
File: 400 KB, 750x747, 049428C4-C982-4D76-9B0B-46203AA8A927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea you're right it's frustrating but his comment isnt wrong. We have no pride in ourselves on a larger level, of course him being foreign he will never understand the depths of our problems and him just being here is getting in our way since his understanding will always be mid-wit tier or below.

>> No.15675689
File: 237 KB, 1080x1080, Buddhist on Islam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should read St. Augustine's "Just War" doctrine and his writings on the City of Men vs the City of God.
I think every Christian has the right to be a pacifist if he wants, but Christians also have the duty to defend their sacred images and institutions.
Let me rephrase this to answer you, OP.
>You can turn the other cheek all you want, but you cannot sleep next to a mad dog.

>> No.15675734

Russia is a secular state. The former Soviet Union countries are secular states. China is a secular state. Japan is a secular state. The West is NOT made up of secular states at this moment, by any means.

>> No.15675753

How is the west less secular than Russia where blasphemy can send you to jail?

>> No.15675846


>> No.15675856

Tolerance is a western virtue, other cultures see it as weakness.

>> No.15675861

>The West is NOT made up of secular states at this moment, by any means.
get out of here with this nonsense.

>> No.15675873

They don't exist in Russia. However try talking about Muslims the way American soldiers do

>> No.15675878
File: 71 KB, 816x980, 1494584523161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Prots don't have a history of fighting against pagans, heathens, and heretics, all the killing they've ever done is against fellow Christians. But it can be done. The Church has had military orders before, it could again. Even if the Templars succumbed to heresy, there were plenty of orders that remained in place for centuries, like the Hospitallers. They were only dismantled because nation-states got jealous of military strength that was only loyal to the Church.

>> No.15675885

The Templars were basically Blackwater except 98% bankers

>> No.15675890

Matthew 10:34

>> No.15675893

>However try talking about Muslims the way American soldiers do
Sounds like what would happen if Russians talked about blacks in the same way while in the US, except instead of getting jailed a mob will come after you. Though, blacks seem to have a weird fear of Russians.

>> No.15675904


>> No.15675914

He's speaking metaphorically. He is saying he was sent to be a homewrecker. Nothing to do with literal swords or violence.

>> No.15676024

any schizo in mental ward defends his hallucinations

>> No.15676187


Taleb sums this up quite nicely. Muslims know what they're doing. They're intolerant to criticism of their religion meanwhile Christians are so apathetic that they allow their own societies to publicly blaspheme their religion. Which religion do you think is more robust and growing?

>> No.15676200
File: 82 KB, 480x720, Hospitaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is supposed to be a bad thing

Blackwater is a perfect model for the contemporary needs of the Church. A private contractor where all the mercs pledge loyalty to the Pope and pray the Rosary every day. It would be perfect.

>> No.15676207

Except it would be bad PR and PR is the church's sole means of revenue

>> No.15676220

Only an atheist bugman would spout such nonsense.

>> No.15676246
File: 333 KB, 640x433, the-young-pope-smoking-jude-law.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Could that mean a Church only for the few? That's a hypothesis, and a hypothesis isn't the same as reality. But even this hypothesis isn't so scandalous. I say: better to have a few that are reliable than to have a great many that are distractible and indifferent. The public squares have been jam-packed, but the hearts have been emptied of God.

>> No.15676253

A few isn't going to pay for a military

>> No.15676288

Criticism of Islam either gets the book thrown at you or blown up, while the dishonest criticism/discrediting of Christianity has been actively (((encouraged/worked on))) since the industrial revolution.

I guess Islam being much simpler and quite primitive in nature somewhat plays into the whole deal, but the truth is that the moment muslims stop being useful idiots is the moment gay and female imams start to eat bacon off of icons of allah.

People who jerk themselves over how BASADO & REDPILLADO islam is usually forget that it was created with 80 IQ inbred tribesmen in mind. Christianity is pretty kike-y but at least kikes have an IQ that is larger than their shoe size.

>> No.15676346

So Augustine was a Buddhist?

>> No.15676400
File: 108 KB, 503x281, IMG_20200622_181046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your meds

>> No.15676401

>People who jerk themselves over how BASADO & REDPILLADO islam is usually forget that it was created with 80 IQ inbred tribesmen in mind. Christianity is pretty kike-y but at least kikes have an IQ that is larger than their shoe size.
This, Europeans should be thankful to Christianity, Islam would have only extinguished the Faustian flame.

>> No.15676419
File: 26 KB, 678x380, cardinalsarah_2018_vatican-678x380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will in Africa, there's plenty of really devout Catholics there. And, conveniently, Africa is where there's a lot of active Christian persecution by Muslims. Africa is one of the places where this sort of thing would actually be needed. We don't need to send in the modern crusaders with Jerusalem crosses stamped on their kevlar armor just because some pink-haired barista at Starbucks didn't wish you "Merry Christmas." We'd need to be prudent at this.

>> No.15676431

Fuck off with your off-topic spam
Can we get a /LARP/ board already

>> No.15676439

>Which religion do you think is more robust and growing?
Definitely the one whose followers are put in internment camps everywhere because of muh terrorists for muhammed while the "New Caliphate" is busy eradicating others of their own sect for going to school

>> No.15676460

>Africa is where there's a lot of active Christian persecution by Muslims.

And yet you boomers are still too feckless to make jihad and have to beg blasphemous, godless, secular states to which you are to frightened to fight. If someone wrote a song mocking Islam called Allah is a Woman, she would be dead

>> No.15676467

ISIS kills people for collaborating, not for going to school

>> No.15676501

Given the west derives its luxury from looting the global south, it's a more than fair critique