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15674816 No.15674816 [Reply] [Original]

How would your favourite philosopher tackle this dilemma?

>> No.15674827

he would fuck them and then die from aids

>> No.15674846

Diogenes the Cynic- my dick want what it wants

>> No.15674852

Thrasymachus- I'll rape a trap if I fucking feel like it

>> No.15674861
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>> No.15674945

Zizek would have himself and the trap put some sex toys together and then go to a different room and play chess

>> No.15675018
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>I couldn't give less fucks bro, I mean, if it stratifies your dick then just don't go for it. Personally I recognize some molecular tendencies in the trapification process, as it's a part of the becoming-woman and that's as far as I can care
>What did you say Félix? Another cock&ball torture session? Sure, I'd love to go

>> No.15675036

It's not gay to love him or even have sex with him so long as it is love and not hedonistic
(From his Adam and Eve conception of them having sex)

>> No.15675073
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Nietzsche taught me to make my own morals so I most definitely would pipe a trap

>> No.15675101
File: 881 KB, 1700x2151, Hegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consciousness, in perceiving the trap, begins with the pure immediacy of externality and thus assumes that the perceived object is female. In doing so, Spirit relates itself and to the object as an other and becomes a being-for-other, and in doing so loses its being in-itself in utter physicality. However, the trap, in virtue of being a trap qua trap, reveals its inner and therefore negative nature to consciousness, and the realisation of the trap's negativity places the utterly physicalised form of Spirit into complete despair, as its being-for-other is in reality revealed to be a being-for-self. Utterly physicalised Spirit despairs, because it can see no way to reconciliate the negative with the positive image that was gained from its first immediate sense-impressions, and thus assumes that these sense-impressions were instead developed from the negative image. Spirit has not yet realised that the negative is only a partial aspect of the trap, and that in order for consciousness to perceive the object correctly, it must consider the object's external positivity as an essential aspect of the trap just as its internal negativity. Spirit is prevented in reaching this stage by the internality of the negative which lends itself to its immediate appearance as essentiality, as well as the physical character of the internal which appears more purely physical than the previous externality. To escape this prison of physicality and immediacy and reveal the absolute nature of the trap, Spirit sublates itself into the form of the spiritually physical, and develops its relation to the trap in the true form of being-for-other-in-self. Thus, in accordance with the Absolute Notion, Spirit understands that the physicality of the external acts as a spiritual qualifier on the internal, and similarly that the physicality of the internal acts as a spiritual qualifier of the external, and this mediation of the external and internal as mutually interdependent concepts allows Spirit to understand trap qua Absolute Trap.

>> No.15675189
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The expansion of our system has led to the destruction of the Other. All of the Other has been replaced by others, for now even the sexuality of the other gender has turned to the incest of difference. We claim to be the same humans with the same desire and sexuality, having fully done away with the seduction inherent to alterity. The transsexual is the most empty of them, playing solely with empty signs of representation. But for the trap the representation works on two levels. On the first, the trap convinces themself, by the interplay of empty signs that they are in fact a woman. On the second, by playing on the cultural signs of femininity, devoid of representation, illusion, and seduction, ripped of any staging, lacking a scene, they show the masculine solely a third level simulacra of femininity. For the trap can never know the feminine, just as any woman cannot know the masculine. By elevating woman to the position of man in the male/female binary, instead of turning woman into a zone of impossible exchange afmgakbst the male, women lose their ability to be other, and are forced to a game of desire, no longer playing the seductive game where they would play with desire. The trap is no one, only empty signs, simulacra proliferating horizantally, a metastatic excrescence, influenced by not just the empty signifiers of feminists but also by the inherently simulated trap culture

>> No.15675284

>zone of impossible exchange afmgakbst the male
What did he mean by this bro’s?

>> No.15675446


>> No.15675482


>> No.15675955

>traps as simulacra that result from modern sexuality and technology
Very Baudrillard. The prose, not so much. I doubt anyone can copy his style.

>> No.15676029

the greeks were already gay so dilemma solved

>> No.15676089

I think kant would say traps are gay

>> No.15676241


>> No.15676650

Based Foucault poster

>> No.15676924
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Insofar as one speaks of 'traps', they are speaking on the subject of the primordial natures of male and female, of the solar and lunar qualities, of inequality (hierarchy) and equality (matriarchy). Moreover, according to the ancient dogmas (which before the advent of modernity each sane individual considered sane and natural) traps fundamentally assumed the role of the feminine, divesting themselves of all of the transcendent qualities of virile manhood. Therefore, we can claim with full certainty that through their relent of male qualities, that traps are not gay.

This was also revealed to me in a dream.

>> No.15677395
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>> No.15677402

Alcibiades- who the fuck cares either way?

>> No.15677506

I didnt know what to be more amazed at; their agility at appearing normative or their virtuosity of lying about being feminine.

Gradually, I began to hate traps.

>> No.15677574
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I base my affairs in nothing. Including the affairs with boipuccy