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15672062 No.15672062 [Reply] [Original]

I really want to start meditating everyday, would appreciate books/resources/tips from anyone experienced.

>> No.15672089

Acheheart tolle. Books and youtube channel. Godspeed senpai

>> No.15672243

Ty, bump

>> No.15672300
File: 177 KB, 454x675, Screenshot_20200622-205353_Lightning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also check pema chödron, reading her book 'when things fall apart' atm and although its not directly about meditation its based as fuck. She also has a book on mediation, pic related. Havent read it yet though.

>> No.15673056

>mind illuminated
the only book you will need

>Eckart Tolle (got youtube aswell)

but honestly, reading wont matter if you dont have the habit

>> No.15673334

just breathe nigga

>> No.15673489

This guy's youtube makes him look and sound like a cult leader, are you guys sure?

>> No.15673504

Thanissaro Bhikku's With Each and Every Breath is:

1. Free
2. Vastly more comprehensive than anything I've read before on the subject including The Mind Illuminated (which, e.g does not have any good advice on how to extend meditation to everyday activities and is far too longwinded and technical)
3. Is based on Anapanasati and Ajahn Lee's method and rightly emphasizes virtue and discernment as much as concentration
4. Is not written by a man who cheated on his wife with prostitutes

>> No.15673517

>tfw George Floyd

>> No.15673734

He's a very wise man and his words are pure, I belive he reached enlightenment and personally gained a lot of knowledge from him. I recommend his book as much as his youtube channel.

You can also check out Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, but i find Eckart Tolle speak in a way that makes more sense.

>> No.15673790

reign of quantity and the signs of reddit
the crise of the modern reddit
the king of the reddit
reddit and its becoming
east and reddit
insights into reddit esoterism
the metaphysical principles of the reddit upvoting
studies in reddit
reddit canon
the power of reddit
the reddit
reddit of urantia
tao te reddit
the quantum reddit

>> No.15673842

Mindfulness in Plain English is pretty decent as a starting point. It's what made me understand meditation and start doing it everyday.

>> No.15675151

>I really want to start meditating everyday
that's good, don't break the chain
stop masturbating in excess and practice regular fasting, not because of some mystical reason, well regulated dopamine receptors make a big difference when trying to reach pleasurable states, you can prove it yourself once you have a stablished practice
The Mind Illuminated it's great because all the details but The Attention Revolution has a similar structure, also this one >>15673504
I'd recommend you to read any book on the Eightfold Path because clarifies a lot of things but it depends on your goals

>> No.15675172

Not to christcuck this thread up but does prayer have similar effects? I’ve done both conscious breathing exercises and have prayed the rosary on occasion, but have not made a habit of either

>> No.15675453

If you approach it properly, prayer and meditation can quite easily be one and the same.

>> No.15675484

He is. "The Secret" is some prosperity gospel bullshit. Get your guided meditations from someone who isn't ethically compromised. UCLA's mindfulness research center is a decent source.

>> No.15675503

Prayer can be analogous to mantra meditation if you practice it as such. I imagine for most Christians these days it just amounts to time spent ruminating on desire, worry, and if they're based, love.

>> No.15675562
File: 22 KB, 324x499, wie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Jew is, at the end of the day, part of the globohomo bastardization of Buddhism. Read pic related instead

>> No.15675614

Alan Watts, trust me.

>> No.15675650
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Heres an exercise to help your body completely relax. Do this at the start of your session.
>Mentally count up to 6 or 10, whichever is most comfortable for you as you breath in. Hold the breath (without straining in any way) for another count of 6 or 10. Then let the breath out slowly for a final count of 6 or 10. The whole operation should take either 18 or 30 seconds. Do this no more than ten times.
Taken from this article :

>> No.15675673

Great rec. Not very technical, but super accessible. Plus, dude was incredibly based: had dozens of kids with his 5 wives, smoked and drank constantly, and mercilessly dabbed on his fellow gurus.