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File: 14 KB, 320x160, white-fragility-robin-diangelo-book-1532706367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15669498 No.15669498 [Reply] [Original]

For starters, I'm a spic. However, I might have some white in me, probably from the Spanish conquistadors that tricked the native Taínos and Caribou people with mirrors and pieces of glasses in exchange for gold.
Being somewhat white means I might've some white fragility and it should be addressed. I probably also have some African in me so if there's a book about black fragility, please let me know.

How do I better approach this work? Will this book define the future of race relations in the Western world? ¿Qué piensan del mismo, hermanos/as Latinoamericanos/as?

>> No.15669590

Follow this books advice if you want to treat minorities like they’re ticking timebombs. She treats human interaction like the HR department of a big investment firm

>> No.15669599

>How do I better approach this work?
you don’t

>> No.15669683
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You can't just stop at White Fragility. You have to read the canon, it's a synthesis.

>> No.15669727

>How do I better approach this work
By burning it

>> No.15669735

Western Yuros considered my ethnicity to be Asiatic until the eighteenth century and I look tanned even during Christmas
I also don't believe that race actually exists and is a retarded concept that was invented in the Caliphate of Al-Andalus for administrative and tax farming purposes
Do I have white fragility?

>> No.15669809

Read White Girl Bleed a Lot.

>> No.15669879

Reactions like this are "white fragility." You might be tan but you're still acting like a honky

>> No.15670220

Idk, just accuse them of some kind of -phobia to get the whites to go away

>> No.15670367

no, you're just a pseud with boring takes

>> No.15670447

are black ting togeth the ca

>> No.15670464

>implying gold would serve those retards better than glass (lenses) and mirror
the absolute STATE of mid-wit """victims"""

>> No.15670476

Just read this, then the turner diaries directly after, then you will synthesize them and be ascended

>> No.15670487

>How do I better approach this work?
You throw it in the garbage where it belongs. It's subversive trash written and read by oversocialized, hypersensitive people who have built nothing on their own, have no clue about what it takes to build anything great, and wouldn't be able to defend what has been built if they were called upon to do so.

>> No.15670504
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>For starters, I'm a spic
Stopped reading there

>> No.15670507

Morite, imbécil.

>> No.15670511

To be honest, if you tried behaving like this work suggests, it's impossible to have a genuine relationship with any black person, it'll be totally dry business because you have to walk on egg shells. You will be so focused on looking through a lens of race if you tried to be genuine you will just embarass yourself, the author writes about how she's done that many times where she awkwardly said somewhat racist things.

>> No.15670518

>You might be tan but you're still acting like a honky
>you act like this US centric archetype
This is the beginning and the end of US colonialism.

>> No.15670592
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>tricked the native Taínos and Caribou people with mirrors and pieces of glasses in exchange for gold
AAAAHAHAHAhahahahahablarfhaha I forgot about that one

>> No.15670604

>Being somewhat white means I might've some white fragility
Damn, get that looked at by a dermatologist. Might be malignant.

>> No.15671039
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Ufff, I guess I dodge a bullet.
Yet here you're, anon.
Igualmente. ¡Gracias, mariconaso! On another note, have a good day!
Reparations now!

>> No.15671063

Imagine having such a low self-esteem and self-respect that you use racial slurs invented by other people to define yourself.

>> No.15671068

How did they teach that cat to do that?

>> No.15671093
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It's interesting that an entire book needed to be written to prove white fragility but you can prove black fragility with one word.

>> No.15671167
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>> No.15671203

Implicit in all American race discourse is that blacks are basically large children at best, thus it's mean to use racial slurs towards them. It's patronizing.

>> No.15671230

what am I looking at here?

>> No.15671421

It's entertaining that we've created an extraordinarily elaborate system of lies in universities, media, politics, and publishing to deal with this.

>> No.15671432

I am ready to take the Corporate ESG Landing Page Pill

>> No.15671439

>Are Black Ting Togeth The Ca
What did they mean by this?

>> No.15671463

It’s eye catching so white surburban soccer moms pick it out at Barnes and noble

>> No.15671464

You viewing them as children is a legacy of colonial paternalism. You need to decolonize your oedipal triangle. As you know, humanity originated in Africa. Therefore it is not they who are children, but you

>> No.15671470

>How do I better approach this work?
You turn 360° and walk away

>> No.15671485

My ancestors emigrated from the Artic Circle

>> No.15671499

are you a fellow barnes and noble employee

>> No.15671515
File: 204 KB, 600x599, 1584384030939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wants to go milf-hunting when Barnes and Noble reopens?

>> No.15671587

There's plenty of racism and colorism in Hispanic nations and territories too. in Puerto Rico, there's a culture of trying to unite under a single national identity - puertoriqueño - and ignoring race. when the US started conducting the census in Puerto Rico, a lot of people were taken aback by the question asking abt race bc they'd never thought abt it before. as a result, a lot of people ended up selecting "white," even if they were black. despite this, studies have shown that black people in PR, just like on the US, are disproportionately targeted by police and discriminated against. ignoring race doesn't make discrimination go away; it lets it flourish unchecked.

source: npr's throughline podcast, ep. "puerto rico"

>> No.15671590

Any further criticisms? Or is it fine besides making you very self conscious around blacks?

>> No.15671632

Let me be 100% with you, my young friend. As an extremely lightskinned, blonde haired cuban - white people will never consider you white. You will be aN object of derision at best, and a target at worst. I was born here and I don’t have an accent. Most whites don’t even consider a Spaniard to be white. Just some food for thought.

>> No.15671654

Implying colonial paternalism ever went away and that contemporary wokeness isn't another manifestation of it. What is promoting "other ways of knowing" if not a spineless mom entertaining her child's silly fantasies? This is a good analogy for contemporary race relations in the Anglopshere really.

>> No.15671739

That in and of itself is terrible for anti-racism. Let's deliberately give kids weird complexes about race and teach them, systematically, to treat one specific race of people differently from the way they treat all the others... absolutely brilliant.

>> No.15671780

All this 'literature' is the American hyper-anti-intellectual form of the umwelt. Really it isn't radical to suggest people from different backgrounds construct the world differently and experience it differently as a result. Anyone could tell you there is a black world and a white world in terms of experience. But the language in which it is articulated is so sensationalized and BuzzFeedulated to make it a shallow polemic tailored to clickable ends that it can't be discussed at all; it has to be accepted in totality without criticism or rejected wholesale and substituted with an equal and opposite hamfisted response.

>> No.15671819
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Thanks, anon. However, I've never dreamed of such delusion. As a light-skinned Hispanic from the Caribbean, I couldn't care less about white people's opinion for most intent and purposes. I know I'm not white and I don't want to be white. I'm just tired of this race war, not addressing the problems, blaming everything on racism and trying to pander to every "minority".

>> No.15672071

It’s not even implicit, it’s the core of all progressive racial discourse. Progressivism is ideological ressentiment which makes it a perfect playground for both liberals and leftists to intersect. The white man is at the root of every issue in the world and every group below white men are structurally oppressed in some abstract way. They don’t want you to view people as individuals, the point is that you’re inherently supposed to look at people as political objects with no agency.

Black people are the biggest target; despite the fact that African-Americans are still one of the most wealthy groups of black people in the world, they’re the only group whose entire identity is based around a perceived lack of agency against the white man. The system doesn’t even allow them to view the world beyond this, everything is through a prism of ressentiment and progressivism doesn’t want them to overcome this or else their ontological oppression ceases to exist. I know it’s overused, but people saying “liberals are the true racists” is literally fucking true. They don’t support black liberation just because genuine equality would defeat the purpose of progressivism

>> No.15672112

Doesn't work that way retard, if people evolved from Africa that means Africans are genetic dead ends.

>> No.15672143

Can we agree that First World Westerners that go on about blackness and whiteness are massive shits?

>> No.15672172

If I’m going or be lumped in with niggers anyway, you can kindly suck my dick.

>> No.15672181

Not you specifically, I mean people that think that in general.

>> No.15672244

Not how evolution works, colonizerino. Anything that is still around as a population has fitness

>> No.15672265

Dogs being bred for their cuteness while their brains are deteriorating is also a kind of fitness. Fitness doesn't tell the whole story

>> No.15672291

If you are suggesting wypipo were bred for cuteness from the original Black stock then you may be on to something

>> No.15672329

I am suggesting that fitness as a term is meaningless if you're using it as an euphemism for "should be allowed to live" or whatever weird normative nonsense
>wypipo were bred for cuteness
Every activity that nets me resources and women that doesn't include me rounding up the boys for a rape raid is a kind of sublimated desire

>> No.15672342

This is so fucking gay. Do you think wops apologize to themselves on the behalf of niggers for the conquest of Sicily?

>> No.15673017

>However, I might have some white in me, probably from the Spanish conquistadors that tricked the native Taínos and Caribou people with mirrors and pieces of glasses in exchange for gold.
Why the hell are American spics so insecure about their Evropean blood. You are the result of big Iberian cocks penetrating tight little Indio pussies retarded sudaca.