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/lit/ - Literature

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15662001 No.15662001 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best novels and short stories about the police?

>> No.15662007
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>> No.15662013

That police officer is apiece if shit

>> No.15662016

What are the best novels about quelling the /pol/tard invasion?

>> No.15662017

I don't know who made this photo but its some top notch cringe

>> No.15662020

a hero*

>> No.15662039
File: 37 KB, 318x499, 51IxwuMpvxL._SX316_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure kino.

>> No.15662058

What are the most ebin novels and short stories?

>> No.15662070

How is he a hero?

>> No.15662074

he's redpilling people about CIA-manufactured "tragedies."

>> No.15662087
File: 30 KB, 330x499, 51Y6t6N2x-L._SX328_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my favorite Elmore Leonard but it's good nonetheless.

>> No.15663336 [DELETED] 

Common procedure, too bad Floyd was hopped up on an upper and a downer. Not a healthy drug combination for a heart.
Oh well, you probably know nothing about the amount of white killings within this month from gangs of blacks. Nor even the 15 year old white girl who got beat and stomped by 15 black men.
Call me /Pol/ quickly so you can escape reality.

>> No.15663369

If you're outraged about this, you've probably had too good of a life. I wouldn't care if it was a white guy. I wouldn't even care if it was a woman or some kid. The world isn't a fair place, about time you realize that.

>> No.15663378

That Awful Mess On Via Merulana

>> No.15663381

>Nor even the 15 year old white girl who got beat and stomped by 15 black men.
Explain to me how this isn't based.

>> No.15663396

>The world isn't fair so stop caring
Damn, sucks to be such a broken person, you have my pity anon

>> No.15663397

Sounds like she got what she fucking deserved

>> No.15663414

So did Floyd.

>> No.15663424

Yes, and?

>> No.15663446


>> No.15663586

>common procedure

>> No.15663822

He'll an hero. It's the biggest killer of cops there is in America, next to not using seatbelts properly.

>> No.15663829

>Call me /Pol/ quickly so you can escape reality.
Sounds more like you're escaping reality.

>> No.15663865

He'll walk out free.

>> No.15663878

Its a five point restraint

>> No.15663881

>life is unfair so its ok for government death squads to extrajudicially murder people


>> No.15663886


>> No.15663896
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Nah, he's right. It's a common technique all around the world for detaining criminals. It's unfortunate that the criminal was on drugs and that the officer was white.

>> No.15663907
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>> No.15663918

I'm looking forward to the gay horror erotica of Derek Chauvin's prison term, because I think it will be as bone-chilling as anything I've ever read. You just know he is going to be sentenced, there's zero way around it now, and his face is the most famous cop face in all of the world. You know how american prison works.

What state do you think his asshole will be in after the first shower in a federal penitientiary? What state do you think it will be in after a week? How long until the sphincter entirely snaps never to seal again, and his lovers will thrust into the equivalent of a too large sausage casing, the frustration over the lack of friction leading to even greater and more calamituous savagery in their rapes? How many new strains of AIDS do you think he will contract, and how quickly will he accumulate them? Are we talking super-AIDS in a manner of minutes, or in a manner of weeks? Do you think he is a religious man? Will he pray during that first painful thrust, and if so, do you think he will still pray on the 50.000th, or will he have abandoned all faith by then? How many days until all his teeth have been knocked out, to ease entry into his throat? Will he be spitroasted often, or will it be more rarely?

So yeah, there's going to be lots and lots of cop literature exploring a hitherto unseen magnitude and severity of rape, and that might be interesting in a morbid way.

>> No.15663988

Any book you can think of. This place used to be better, sure, but it was always a waste of time. The /pol/fags may be a blessing in disguise, finally making this place so shit that we may completely escape.

>> No.15664011
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>> No.15664032
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Three of them except one has their knee on their head rather than neck. I'm not arguing that Floyd was a saint, but you can kill someone doing that shit.

>> No.15664096

46 years old and had a life full of family and friends. Objectively had a better life than mine all things considered 46 is a pretty long amount of years. I knew a girl who died at age 25 of a brain tumor which is more unfair if you want to debate fairness.

>> No.15664133

You don't know what this word means.

>> No.15664172

>all things considered 46 is a pretty long amount of years
You must be 18 or older to post here.

>> No.15664178

Clearly not.

>> No.15664185

Do you want to expand on that?

>> No.15664193

Find Christ.

>> No.15664201

Killing everyone older than 45 would likely lead to a better society.

>> No.15664260

Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said

>> No.15665701

just accept anything that happens bro

>> No.15665731

i think this uncritical support of conspiracy theories is in this instance racist and you are posting racism outside of /b/

>> No.15665740

i think this biased tolerance for police murder when the victim is black is racist and you are posting racism outside /b/

>> No.15665745

Yeah, but it's sad to see my favorite board getting trashed because a bunch of fascists wanted to feel "intellectual", "esoteric" and "deep".

>> No.15665750

really? you want they police pretending they are 'build the wall' israelis next time you get pulled over?
enjoy your 'common technique'

>> No.15665758


>> No.15665764


>> No.15665776


>> No.15665872

Police Rat by Bolaño is a good short story!

>> No.15665909

Killing a violent drug addict before he hurts more people. Pretty damn heroic

>> No.15665952

You need perspective is all I'm saying. Do you really feel the need to participate when every media and banking outlet is forcing it and increasing rage?
the fact that most cop murders are upon whites, 2x as often actually, should also pop up in these complaints, but they don't because context doesn't matter to you ideologues.

I mention the brutal beating of a 15 year old white girl and this how you respond? That is their reparations. And more will come. 3 have already died in Ireland by the immigrants mobs. Again, no one is doing anything because cowards like you have made a religion out of self-loathing.
Really shows your hand, scumbag.

>> No.15665971

I'm 30 years old. If I was younger I would be more naive and caring about the events that unfolded.

>> No.15666089

>bro who cares if police have a license to kill whoever they want
imagine being this much of a bootlicker

>> No.15666390

Police literature is copganda where the officer is always right and justified in everything they do. It’s basically fantasy.

>> No.15666469

Why can't we all get along? I hate cops and niggers

>> No.15666483

I don't have to imagine. Cops should be seen as national heroes.

>> No.15666484

>the fact that most cop murders are upon whites, 2x as often actually
yeah so why do whites just accept it lmao fucking brainwashed bootlickers

>> No.15666524

>where the officer is always right and justified in everything they do
Most of the time is like that

>> No.15666612

t. police union
it's funny how cops use "dindu nuffin" more than the blacks they kill

>> No.15666627

you gotta go back

>> No.15666630

There's nothing wrong with whataboutism.

>> No.15666641

You're deliberately avoiding the point in doing so

>> No.15666648

I don't care. It doesnt affect my life.
>but what if they kill you
I still wouldn't care.

>> No.15666658


>> No.15666716

Very keen to use this sophist ploy, I see.
Whataboutism is a fraudulent idea, because when one makes a strong and broad proposition about reality, they should be ready to be scrutinized. For example, claiming there's systematic and unfairly discrimination against blacks on the basis of one incident as a holistic application to the country can be fairly countered by showing whites unjustly treated in even more incidents. Or, to say there needs to be awareness for justice in this instance, on basis of its qualities, can be similarly responded to.
But because the original proposition is a disingenuous one, its authors will revert to something as flimsy as citing whataboutism.
It's not "whataboutism." It's asking that you be consistent in your worldview, and statements you make.
This is why whataboutism is popular as a rhetorical device among lefties and resistors, so why don't you duck off back there faggots.

>> No.15666734

>I don't care so you shouldn't care lmao
Pretending to be a nihilist on the internet doesn't make you any cooler, you deranged schizoid.

>> No.15667032 [DELETED] 

I call you an idiot because you think a coalburner getting curb stomped isn't a good think

>> No.15667152

why do you comment on things that you know nothing about

>> No.15667175

lmao. ty for pissing off the children

>> No.15667182
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You have a naive view of man and authority. If the central Authority doesn't want white man to know he won't.
It's not a matter of all people being free and independent beings. Nor does man desire such a state. Well, you probably do.

Anyways you obviously just out right hate Europeans and wish to give everyone else what you deny to us. Probably explaining away with some particular historical event that has been overemphasized just like how you are overemphasizing black deaths and insulting the white deaths.

>> No.15667214
File: 138 KB, 1080x902, 90 percent young guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth is not in particulars excluded from the rest which do not conform to your mold. this is worse then empericism because you end up repeating whatever is massaged into your brain by ideologues and media. Empericism gets dragged down in particulars assuming that eventually a grand truth will be revealed, it never is. Larger truths are reached by courageous "what ifs".
Some people shouldn't read, it only makes them dumber, you are one of these.

As >>15666716 said

>> No.15667233

And into a noose.

>> No.15667292

Some vague illusion of rightouness
Wonderful, comment removed. Fuck mods.

>> No.15667602

truthpilled and mob hate approved

>> No.15667620

It's funny how you focus on the bad whitout looking at all the good they bring to society.

>> No.15667629
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>Wonderful, comment removed. Fuck mods.
it was pic related

>> No.15667656

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.15667670

I asked for cops books and some kind gentlemen did answer.

>> No.15667686

>fairly countered by showing whites unjustly treated in even more incidents.

but they aren't when it's adjusted for percentage. there is a jim crow system in place. its called prison. there are people who don't even get a trial in jail for crimes they couldnt even commit.

>> No.15667692

Single handedly ended the pandemic lockdown

>> No.15667703


>> No.15667707

I doubt the mods deleted that, I bet anon was banned over on another board and they did the thing where they just delete all his posts.

>> No.15667714

>adjusted for percentage.
now adjust for how much crime each group commits

>> No.15667718
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>> No.15667722


>> No.15667726

Why doesn't the media give this shit any attention? 70 year old white guy gets beaten to hell by a black guy, and there's near silence. 15 black guys kill a 15 year old, and the media doesn't care. But one fucking black guy dies and that's the tragedy?
Something needs to fucking change, urgently.

>> No.15667735

>We Are The Cops is an adrenalin-fuelled ride through the lives of America's police, told in the authentic voices of the cops themselves. The journey begins with the rookie's first day on the job, and moves through the heartbreak of officers dying in the line of duty, the bloody reality of policing savage gang wars, the devastating consequences of drug crime, a gut-wrenching cop's eye view of 9/11, and even an encounter with a runaway gorilla called Little Joe. These real life stories from crime fighting's front line come from cops of every rank, from chiefs to street cops, working in big cities and small towns all over the US. The result is a stunning montage of brutal, funny and sometimes tragic true events which paints a vivid and unforgettable portrait of life as an American cop.
sounds kino. this is my next read, fuck it.

>> No.15667739

Because black people who attack white people go to jail, white people who attack blacks also go to jail. Police are able to instigate violence, plant drugs on people, and kill with impunity. They even fire good cops who report them for doing illegal shit.

>> No.15667750 [DELETED] 

>black people who attack white people go to jail,
Do they, though? A 14 yo niglet who murdered a white woman recently got like 4 months in the can.

>> No.15667755
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pic real was interesting

>> No.15667759

Why does the media give disproportionate attention to white on black crimes then?
I'm honestly not having a go at you or anything but the media's apparent determination to paint white people as evil this past while has made me so fucking furious

>> No.15669240 [DELETED] 
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Why was the third post to this deleted? What is this website becoming, reddit? I'm posting it again because it didn't break any rules.

>If you're outraged about this, you've probably had too good of a life. I wouldn't care if it was a white guy. I wouldn't even care if it was a woman or some kid. The world isn't a fair place, about time you realize that.

Fuck the janny who deleted my post. I didn't do anything wrong. Just because your feelings were hurt, doesnt make it right to delete.

>> No.15669248


the racist glorification of murder is ok but a pixelated titty is a problem?

Fuck you

>> No.15669251

>literally has no argument

>> No.15669255

Sexuality is worse as it is a rejection of rationality. Such morbid topics as OP can be discussed without a sudden desire taking over and compelling you do do something. That is why sexual posts are the worst.

>> No.15669262

is also gay

>> No.15669269

ok retard

>> No.15669272

Why does it make you so upset?

>> No.15669285

All these political propaganda threads do is devolve any meaningful conversation to be had. Every single time

>> No.15669286

did you get that rhetorical flourish at Walmart?

>> No.15669291

>he still makes a hard distinction between eros and rationality
Should have started with the greeks pleb.

>> No.15669300
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Cringe of the highest order

>> No.15669304
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>can discuss unsavory topics like murder, asphyxiation, brutality and reflect on their implications
No artistic, aesthetic, or intellectual merit, and hence is 100% irrelevant to this board. It serves only to set people off in a frenzy of arousal. So yes, in point of fact, a pornographic image is invariably more detrimental than any discussion of (insert bad thing here). Orson Welles and Nabokov have said the same thing. Do you know who agrees with your brainlet opinion? George RR Martin. I rest my case.

>> No.15669321

seething samefag.

>> No.15669359

Some facts concerning the death of George Floyd

>the knee-on-neck restraint technique that was used on Floyd is standard and is taught by the Minneapolis Police
>this technique DOES NOT asphyxiate an individual, it merely restrains him
>in line with this, the first autopsy performed on Floyd did not show signs of air flow interruption
>this very autopsy did show traces of fentanyl and metamphetamines in his blood
>fentanyl is known to cause respiratory arrest
>its effects are further aggravated by the presence of metamphetamines and Floyd's supposed claustrophobia

Do as you will.

>> No.15669364

You know nothing about jails, degenerate
The prison guards won't let anyone get near him

>> No.15669400

It really doesnt matter who was in the right and who was in the wrong here. Caring about it is a sign of a small brain.

>> No.15669405

Do you think those are the words that are keeping Derek Chauvin from hanging himself right now? The belief that somehow, prison guards who cannot even prevent the systematic rape of prisoners who aren't universally reviled and known to everyone, will somehow be able to prevent it for the man that everyone, every single big-dicked nigga in american jail wants to rape? That chronically understaffed prisons, with underpaid guards, that these guards will risk their own life, that they will intervene between Derek Chauvin and a pack of lust-crazed and hatefilled black men with rage in their eyes, throbbing, huge erections and testosterone coursing in their blood?

I'm sitting here wondering if he'll actually die from it, and if so, how long it will take. One can imagine the repeated rapes will eventually tear his colon to shreds, perhaps leading to fecal seepage into the blood and sepsis.
Maybe that's how he dies? Raped until his blood turned to shit?

Who would be the best author to describe such atrocity, such horror? I'm thinking McCarthy. It'd be really interesting if Pynchon did a short slapstick story about Chauvin dropping the soap though, but that'd be a very different story.

>> No.15669415
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Try again sweetie.

>> No.15669452

I'm sorry to ruin it for you, but it simply won't happen. The justice system won't let it happen. (White) prison guards won't let it happen. Guys like vid related won't let it happen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJu3r6dpGYI

He's simply too high profile in order for any of this to happen

>> No.15669482

I meant to post this video

>> No.15669486

I read cope, cope, cope, cope, cope. The justice system does not care. The guards do not care - do you honestly think prison guards want to risk their lives for a murderer out of racial solidarity, a murderer who is so universally reviled that only /pol/ defends him? The prison nazis are outnumbered - is that not the case? Is it not the case that blacks make up the majority of the prison population? - and you underestimate the sheer amount of hatred for Chauvin, the unending cost of protecting him from repeated and forceful attempts at his asshole. Every black man has it out for him. How long until prison nazis will no longer foot the cost of repeated assaults by a more numerous foe?

If it helps you sleep, by all means, believe that Chauvin's punishment will be within the framework of civilized legality. But you know, deep down, that it will not. It will be a punishment of such unbelievable brutality and savagery that we will need dark poetry to even indicate the evils that will befall Derek Chauvin's poor little asshole.

>> No.15669494

are you jewish

>> No.15669502

yes, why?

>> No.15669528

The /pol/faggot grasps for straws. I am not; if I was, would that make my judgment of the horrors of Derek Chauvin's rectum be any less sound? Come now /pol/faggot, bring your facts, logic and arguments.
Do you think he will try to kill himself after the first rape?

>> No.15669564

How do you even know he'll be convicted, given the autopsy showed he didn't die of asphyxiation from the kneeling and was on drugs that could easily have caused his death?

>> No.15669569

Lol, you are just some clearly mentally unstable individual who reads too much gay erotica. What could you possible know about any of this? Watch the video. Do some work on Google. If he does get convicted, there's literally 0% chances that he won't be placed under protective custody. That could only happen in your gay literotica scenario.

>> No.15669628

Politics. If he walks free America burns to the ground. They already appeased by upping the charge. If you think ideal criminal justice will trump realpolitik, then you are naive beyond hope.

Got to you, did it? Protective custody is not cheap, nor is it granted leniently. American prisons are for profit. Almost only bona-fide nazi /pol/tards believe that Chauvin deserves humane treatment. Go figure.
But let's play along. Chauvin is taken out of genpop, and is now in the PC unit. Which is also full of people who want to rape him. It solves the problem how?
His option is solitary confinement. That would also be an interesting prison story - how his mind unravels, how his very soul is chipped away piece by piece, until nothing remains. Less outright brutality, but at least the same savagery of punishment, but colder, perhaps even more cruel.

>> No.15669631

There is no good police literature, but dead police literature isn't bad

>> No.15669639

They rioted about Zimmerman and he went free

>> No.15669667

8% of prisoners in the US are in for profit prisons

>> No.15669673

And so did the guy who shot the Ferguson dude.
American Justice doesn't have a history of submitting to mobs, I don't know why the gay erotica dude is so sure this will be any different, even more so since it's as clear as day that Floyd died due to the drugs in his system and not asphyxia. We'll see.

>> No.15669816


>> No.15670188

>The existence of a person who died of cancer at 25 makes it acceptable to kill someone who is older than that

This is actually really fun logic and you've made my night slightly more enjoyable

>> No.15670645

It doesnt make it acceptable, it makes it not matter. There is a difference.

>> No.15670692
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Rude. Policemen are heroes. Pic rel should be give to every kid in America. Nice book.

>> No.15670704

He was criminal scum. Who gives a shit lmao

>> No.15670713


>> No.15670733
File: 47 KB, 500x500, 51kcUvviVPL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds like a great book:

Violent crime has been rising sharply in many American cities after two decades of decline. Homicides jumped nearly 17 percent in 2015 in the largest 50 cities, the biggest one-year increase since 1993. The reason is what Heather Mac Donald first identified nationally as the "Ferguson effect": Since the 2014 police shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, officers have been backing off of proactive policing, and criminals are becoming emboldened. This book expands on Mac Donald's groundbreaking reporting on the Ferguson effect. It deconstructs the central narrative of the Black Lives Matter movement: that racist cops are the greatest threat to young black males.

The War on Cops exposes the truth about officer use of force and explodes the conceit of "mass incarceration". A rigorous analysis of data shows that crime, not race, drives police actions and prison rates. The growth of proactive policing in the 1990s, along with lengthened sentences for violent crime, saved thousands of minority lives. In fact, Mac Donald argues, no government agency is more dedicated to the proposition that "black lives matter" than today's data-driven, accountable police department.

>> No.15670758

CIA bungles a lot of stuff, you really think they can pull off something like this?

>> No.15670788

I do not use any other board...

>> No.15670837
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This, I was going to make this argument but they only listen to snappy retorts and this has to be explained.

>> No.15670891
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this book

>> No.15671918


>> No.15671935
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What!?!?! You're devaluing my visceral reaction to one highly charged death while I ignore the thousands of other injustices that my comfortable existence is built on!?!?! HOW DARE YOU!!!!! This is white supremacy!!!

>> No.15672016
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I almost want large cities to dismantle their police departments and give into the mob demands, part of me thinks a return to the 70s/80s crime wave will give privileged self-victimizing Americans some perspective. Of course it won't bother the wealthy, they'll be able to hire their own private security. It's so ironic to see "progressives" attacking a very progressive institution: the public police department.

>> No.15672019

To be fair, /his/ is a Great Value version of actual academic historical forums.

>> No.15672042

Shit my wires are crossed today. /lit/ is Great Value too.

>> No.15672045

>Actually nothing matters at all, I don't care about anything
Do people who make such vapid posts ever think about how much of a complete waste of space and time they are?

>> No.15672108

not that guy but getting fixated on the death of one guy is pretty pathetic, maybe you're the one without significant meaning in your life. I think that's the case for lots of these "activists" who have never experienced real hardship.

>> No.15672128


racism is a good thing

>> No.15672163
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>explodes the conceit of mass incarceration
I don't care much for the negroes but if you don't understand that America has a thriving industry based on slave labor from prisoners, you are not paying attention

>> No.15672176

I was mocking the retard saying he wouldn't care if it was a woman or child getting killed, and that none of it matters at all because he knows somebody who got cancer. He's just fellating himself.

>> No.15672184

You mean the paid voluntary labor which prisoners are not required to do?

>> No.15672285

It's typically "paid" less than 5% of minimum wage (i.e. literally pennies per hour) and is not always voluntary. In many states it's perfectly legal to give the choice of work or solitary. The 13th Amendment says plainly that prisoners can be used as slaves.
You're also completely ignoring that cartoonishly high incarceration rate by sidestepping it into a different question. Maybe it's true that most prisoners can choose to do labor, but why do we have so many people in prison? Well, because there's a lot of money to be made by having them there, even if they get a "choice."

>> No.15672451

Damn, what happened to this site. I thought the edgy daddy issue "culture" of this site made people have problems with authority. Or is the authority ball gargling just bait? Anyone have an authority and power dynamic chart?

>> No.15672456
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Les Miserables

>> No.15672466

Why is it that most right wingers I've met are willing to at least countenance the "economic" explanations given by leftists for black misbehavin', but leftists are completely incapable of even considering the cultural hypothesis, that blacks have a shitty fatalistic culture that glorifies violence and crime?

I'm not saying you have to believe one or the other entirely. I'm just saying that right wingers will at least make an effort to factor in economic causes, in my experience, but leftists act like used car salesmen trying to get you to buy their whole story or bust. It's so "all or nothing" for the leftists.

>> No.15672469

You do the crime, you do the time. It's not hard to understand.

>> No.15672506

Leftists (if we can call it that) understand the world through a childish, emotional lens. They don't care about reason or facts but they want do what's right in their minds even if that solution will ultimately lead to decline in the world.

>> No.15672513

Why do we have ten times the people doing crime and subsequently doing time than every other developed country on earth?

>> No.15672518


>> No.15672524
File: 88 KB, 549x865, IMG_20200325_220203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right-wing and left-wing generalities and cherry-picked ideas don't exist in the real world. Go outside. Talk to literally any normal human.

>> No.15672547

Very BASED book. Reading it at the moment.

>> No.15672759

No you're not. By giving a counter-example you're de-escalating your interlocutor's hysterical and overstated argument.

Both sides do. Or rather, *all* sides do it.

>> No.15672782

Any police-scifi noir books? Basicly blade runner ripoffs. And yes i own a copy of androids sleep sheep.

>> No.15672786

It's a logical fallacy

>> No.15672794
File: 186 KB, 748x521, blue blood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edward Conlon, Blue Blood is a good nonfiction book about an NYC cop.

>> No.15672797

Please go outside even if it's for just a short walk

>> No.15672800


>> No.15672820

All sides do it.

Even if doesn't *refute* the other side's argument, it shows that their argument's substantive value is de minimis.

>> No.15672832

Yes but also no.

>> No.15672838

>Go outside. Talk to literally any normal human.

can't, joggers rioting

>> No.15672850

It's irrelevant to the argument that "All sides do it." That doesn't refute anything. And it's also irrelevant the fact that other entities do it.

>> No.15672857

flow my tears the policeman said

>> No.15672923

In what way is it irrelevant? Who are you to determine what is and isn’t relevant in a discussion? How is relevance relevant to arguments?

>> No.15672969

Because it doesn't even try to refute the original argument, it just stunts the discussion and tries to change the topic by evading the main argument. Example:

Person A: Danny stole my bike.
Person B: Many people also steal bikes. Therefore, what Danny did doesn't matter.

It's irrelevant to the argument what external entities do. It leads to nowhere. It's an obnoxious rock on the road.

>> No.15673108

>That doesn't refute anything.
Technically, "tu quoque" (aka whataboutism, to use retarded contemporary vernacular) doesn't refute the other side's argument.

But it can effectively knock down and take the steam out of the argument.

In short, a good tu quoque can **win** an argument, in real life, even if it falls short of some arbitrary marquess of queensbury rules for refuting an opponent's argument.

And **everybody** does it, including the jackasses who bitch about "whataboutism" when it's done to them.

This fact is relevant because it establishes that purveyors of the "whataboutism" trope are hypocrites (the fact someone is a hypocrite does not, of course, refute the argument that the hypocrite makes -- it just eliminates the weight and force of the argument).

>> No.15673125

No policeman *ever* said that.

>> No.15673216

He was being sarcasting after rightfully shooting a criminal and being crucified on social media about it as a "pig".

>> No.15673224

sarcastic* ffs

>> No.15673415

k (i was being facetious, btw).