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/lit/ - Literature

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15663769 No.15663769 [Reply] [Original]

>Tried to read books from Scandinavia
> overwhelmed with boredom and dullness

Why are they so bland and boring. Something with genetics or culture?

>> No.15663871

>Baiting for good Scandi /lit/
Kys nigger.

>> No.15663891

Have you ever been there? It's every where in Scandinavia; the weather, culture and most of all the people.

>> No.15663911

Scandinavian culture discourages greatness and promotes sameness. They're afraid of being different and crave social approval more than anything else. Basically, they're the women of Europe, and just like women, they've never written anything worth reading.

>> No.15663913

Comfort kills the creative drive.

>> No.15663925

I suspect you haven't actually read much Scandinavian literature and are presupposing it's dull and boring because their cultures appear dull and boring. The literature, however, is far from dull and boring. Hamsun for example can be quite surreal and erotic and the emotions you feel reading his novels are often intense.

>> No.15663926
File: 108 KB, 650x651, sigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tried to read the Icelandic sagas
>it's just a glorified family diary

>> No.15663939

Some of the most schizo shit (in a positive sense) you'll find is from Scandinavia. I can only assume this thread is pure fucking bait.

>> No.15664018

And yet they have the highest living standards.

>> No.15664153

Only women care about living standards.

>> No.15664167


>> No.15664171
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>Only women care about living standards.

>> No.15664819

>American reads some book he found on /lit/ in translation
>"Why are they so bland and boring?"

You wouldn't know a good book if it fell asleep in your coffee amerinigger.

>> No.15664826

that's bad for art-making.

>> No.15664913
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Just gonna drop this here

>> No.15664920

whats there to read besides astrid lindgren

>> No.15664940
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Read pic related, it's kino.

>> No.15664956

Imagine reading Hamsun and finding him "dull and boring"

>> No.15665032

Selma Lagerlöf is the definition of dull and boring literature desu.

>> No.15665061

Nah, you're just dead inside.

>> No.15665172

Signal boost!! She won the Nobel but seems mostly forgotten. Goodb writing.

>> No.15665193

>Why are they so bland and boring
Try living here. It's so comfy. And if we don't feel comfy, we get drunk, get laid, or have fistfights.
Who needs to masturbate over Joyce or Wallace, when they can just go do something with other people and have a good time?

>> No.15666540
File: 37 KB, 322x500, kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kierkegaard is considered one of the founders of existentialism. You should read it if you're into philosophy / existential philosophy

>> No.15667833

Because they’re a fundamentally feminine and inferior culture. They would have been better off being Germanized honestly.

>> No.15667839


>> No.15667849


>> No.15667892

I can only speak for Sweden, but all of Sweden is so incredibly monotonous. Not the inspiring kind of monotony, rather the suicide inducing monotony.

>> No.15667899

Read Hunger

>> No.15667905

Kierkegaard is great.
Fear and Trembling is his best work, in my opinion.

>> No.15667908

Scandi culture is like slave morality the region. Of course great art would be rare from those countries.

>> No.15667923

Is Iceland considered Scandinavia? I suggest you to read Independent People by Halldór Laxness.

>> No.15667932

Rödpillra mig på Nikanor. Är han baserad och är hans översättningar bra? Nietzsche osv

>> No.15667937

>Is Iceland considered Scandinavia?

>> No.15667966

Literature is a cope for neurotic people.

>> No.15668499

Antingen älskar man honom eller så slutar man läsa efter 10 sidor för att man tycker det är äckligt. Han är rolig och sorglig samtidigt om man kan hantera brutaliteten och dialekten. Han kan dock bli träig att läsa eftersom det dels är väldigt svårtläst och dels blir lite repetitivt.
Bara läst hans översättning av Cioran, den var bra.

>> No.15668702

You absolute retards, there is no other country in the world which has produced as much quality literature per capita as Norway in the 21st century.
Only 5 million people. And yet Solstad, Fosse, Askildsen, Flogstad, and arguably Knausgaard are all world-class authors.


>> No.15668707

Cool it on the national pride, Quisling.

>> No.15668721

Not only am I not Norwegian, I have never even been to Scandinavia.
This really is not a controversial statement in literary circles. Fosse is probably gonna win the Nobel soon. Solstad is endorsed by Handke, Lydia Davis, and James Wood, has won almost every prize in the region, etc. Knausgaard is possibly the most widely read writer in Europe, and that still counts for something.

>> No.15668729

It's impossible for /lit/ to say anything at all about scandinavia that isn't informed by /pol/ or other media; they don't actually read, especially not translationed works from smaller countries. The only people you'll ever get talking about scandi lit on this website are actual scandis, and half of them won't have read anything either, they'll just be spouting shit in the hopes that their non-scandi faggot friends will accept them as a "based and redpilled scandi". Few places are surrounded by as much foreign bullshitting as Scandinavia, largely because of the US' decades-long, severe obsession with it.

>> No.15668746

>i work all day to make my jew boss richer while my wife and children whore themselves out to niggers and porn jews to buy fentanyl that the jew doctor who is receiving half my paycheck in debt payment until 2035 gave them
>but im 'creative' just like the niggers on the telewitz amirite

>> No.15668798

You're an idiot, and you're not here for literature.

To those who aren't idiots, here's some thoughts on scandinavian literature. Hamsun is perhaps the greatest - he inspired much of the rest of 20th century literature, and is an absolute joy to read, from the madness of the youth works to the warm irony of his more mature works - some of the first indications of stream-of-consciousness are found in Mysteries. Hamsun was adored by the entire literary vanguard of the 1900-1920s. He only missed once, and that was with his sanatorium novel, "The Last Chapter", which figures, because he wrote it during a depression. Anyone familiar with Heidegger's philosophy will not be surprised to learn that Hamsun was his favorite writer - the entire existential part of the first division of Being and Time can be gleaned from Hamsun's early takes on subjectivity in modernity, in Hunger and Mysteries, which remain some of the most poignant achievements in the literary investigation of subjectivity even a century after their publication. Heidegger even directly quotes Hamsun in his "Einführung in die Metaphysik", quotes the August Trilogy, the critique of modernity contained therein mirrored in Heidegger's own later works.

Strindberg revolutionized theater - The Ghost Sonata and A Dream Play are still unparalleled achievements. Inferno is some of the wildest literature ever written, a Swedenborgian fever dream put on page, and every single writing on the fever of madness pales in comparison, even Dostoevsky's. Ibsen also revolutionized theater, although I personally find him of more historical than aesthetic interest.

And the Danes aren't without talent either. Kierkegaard has already been mentioned, for good reason. Karen Blixen, Tom Kristensen, Johannes V. Jensen and Henrik Pontoppidan deserve mention as well. These three last ones do not reach the world-historical status of Hamsun, Strindberg, Ibsen and Kierkegaard, but they're very, very far from boring, unless you're a retard. Oh yeah, and of course, the danes have H.C. Andersen, who is a household name pretty much in the entire world.

>the Heideggerian Das Man, but confined to women and scandinavians
Your takes are excruciatingly boring and dumb. But riddle me this: which of the Scandinavians have you read?

Very interesting. I've read very little contemporary literature, but I quite liked Knausgaard, and he is high among my favorite living essayists.
>Solstad, Fosse, Askildsen, Flogstad
Could you name some titles from these authors that'd be a good place to start?

>> No.15668813

idk i read at least a dozen good-to-great new swedish novels a year

i liked this recent essay on contemporary lit http://freudianska.hemsida.eu/texter/blindhet-och-klyvnad/

>> No.15668833

Lots of great recs in here, would like to add:
Pär Lagerkvist (both poetry and novels)
Hjalmar Söderberg
and because you want fun reads:
Sture Dahlström
Arto Paasilinna

>> No.15668872

>> overwhelmed with boredom and dullness

Dunno. Scandi child books were 10/10 when I was a child, and scandi cartoons (or maybe scandi-inspired, dunno) about some kids playing in the snow were 10/10 for an adult me.

Yes, they're SEVERELY bland, but somehow manage to make the blandness cool and good.

>> No.15668885

I am gonna assume you are would read them in translation (you should ask a Norwegian instead if you speak the language).
For Solstad, either T. Singer, or, if you find it intimidating - Shyness and Dignity.
For Fosse, start with his plays, I think they are better than his prose and also shorter. "Plays Six" is a good collection in english and available to pirate.
Askildsen, and Flogstad are hard to find in English, so just get whatever you can.
Judging from the fact that you seem to like Hamsun and Kierkegaard and namedropped chad Pontoppidan I would suspect that you would love Solstad. Unrelatedly, you also sound like you must read Bernhard if you haven't already.

Give me names, pussy

>> No.15668940

Would you call Christianity slave morality? If so, explain Christian art.

>> No.15669065

imagine trusting the authenticity of the icelandic sagas

>> No.15669093

Good list.
While Arto Paasilinna is great fun to read Finland isn't Scandinavian, just so you know. A shame that most of his works aren't translated to English (as far as I know).

>> No.15669102

Knausgård is cool
Also they are very good at CS so I respect them

>> No.15669106

redpill right here

>> No.15669135


>> No.15669159

All the interesting and enterprising people emigrated from Scandinavia and took their genes with them. I don't know the exact number, but more than half of all people that were born in Norway in the last 300 years have left.

>> No.15669175

kierkegaard, ibsen, hamsun, strindberg are milestones of the european civilization.
OP is probably some butthurt negro.

>> No.15669179

That's fucking retarded

>> No.15669217

Much like Africa, the spirit of history doesn't run through Scandinavia. Its inhabitants' primary concern is homeostasis, and nothing more.

>> No.15669219

Emigration was largely driven by rural poverty.

>> No.15669246

>part of the world primarily characterized as being the greatest seafarers and traders of history, rivalled only by the dutch
>Its inhabitants' primary concern is homeostasis, and nothing more.
Tell me more about this spirit of history and where it is found.

>> No.15669296
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where did you get this from?
scandinavians were conquerors and explorers
leif erikson discovered america 500 years before columbus
scandinavia's history is written in blood, too many wars

>> No.15669334


>> No.15669349

>pulls retarded shit out of ass
>is asked to substantiate his retarded shit opinion
simp cuck cope seethe dilate harder. cringe bluepill unbased post. this is a /pol/board full of /pol/ thinking. i am redpill based chad. you are bluepill cringe beta söyboy cuck incel. cringe cope cuck seethe dilate.

>> No.15669360
File: 294 KB, 2472x1118, church_of_Spurdo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello where are the Finnish authors? :D

>> No.15669362

t. incel

>> No.15669385

scandis BTFO

>> No.15669392

We're not Scandinavian
t. a Finn

>> No.15669414

I like Harry Martinson, would recommend, esp. if you're into poetry.

>> No.15669541

Cringy cope.

>> No.15669549

They make art every time a perfect aryan child is born

>> No.15669550

>scandinavians were conquerors and explorers
Not for a long long time.

>> No.15669626

Eyvind Johnson is a favorite. After learning more about history I think the historical novels he wrote were particularly erudite in reconstructing the mentality of the eras, careful to not let modern concepts inflect anything.

>> No.15669638

Are there any translated ebooks and can you give us a summary, I read the wiki and a few websites but I'm sure you have more insight.

>> No.15669661

Swede here, can confirm. Maybe that's why we are dismantling the entire nation at the moment. I'll be moving away from this gray wasteland before I'm dead.

>> No.15669685 [DELETED] 

>mutt's cognitive dissonance and complexes exposing them as the frauds they are
Scandinavians are superior to you in every single way, it's just that you enjoy low-brow literature and don't have the brain for the big books.

>> No.15669752

It's called Assisted Living in english, the translation is not particularly true since the original is written in an ancient Northern accent that is barely comprehensible, kind of like Scots in the British isles but with no equivalent in America. He seems to be a prototype for pol/alt-right edgelords, mixing de Sade type pornographic cruelty with justification and theory of nazism.

>> No.15669775

To female mind. Men would rather suffer for purpose than live comfortably for nothing. And even if men want to be comfortable it´s southern style siesta, chilling out in nature and friends instead of sitting on expensive sofa watching expensive TV.

>> No.15669782

I was very confused reading Days of His Grace what was authentic record and the authors fiction, I learned later that the story of the Lombard women stuffing their genitals with hen meat and letting it ferment to incur foul smell and dissuade rape by the invading Huns was actually real.

>> No.15669836

What about the second book though? I found by myself the name of the first one but it seems like the second is not even translated.

>> No.15669853

I've been known to shill Eyvind Johnson once or twice on this board too. The man's historical fiction is fantastic; it's a shame his translations are so hard to find.

>> No.15669910

This, they are buggish and feminine like asians

>> No.15669923

Incredibly based

>> No.15669945

It's not translated afaik.

>He seems to be a prototype for pol/alt-right edgelords, mixing de Sade type pornographic cruelty with justification and theory of nazism.
Don't comment on things you know nothing about. It is a beautiful story of love and sadness. Along with a litany of obscure literally references and jokes about swedish culture and the language itself. All set in a hellscape version of rural Sweden populated by calibalistic homo/Nazi/tranny/pedo grandad's who all happen to be extremely well read on autistic philosophy.
Anyone who says it is a justification of Nazism hasn't read it as for the authors anti-Semitism however it is pretty well documented, but if being an antisemite means you shouldn't be read most of the western canon goes out the window.

>> No.15670088

Scandis have always been matriarchal insect cucks. The narrow slice of historical viking ‘manliness’ they shill whenever they can comes from the Germanic leftovers on the west coast of Jutland and Norway. Before that they were proto hippie earth worshiping farmers, look at the Valar vs war like Germanic Aesir. They are built for stability not for excellence. Notice how whenever a nord is mocked on this site his go to retort is ‘our women are better than yours’. This cuckhold strategy survival adaption was selected for to counter their warlike imperialistic neighbours. The very thing happened in ww2 when the Germans rolled through without a fight, the Scandis simply offered their women and land

>> No.15670115
File: 96 KB, 1200x1200, ted_kaczynski_harvard_g-594372140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high iq

>> No.15670119

The Dwarf and Barabbas by Par Lagerkvist are both extremely good. Of course, they take place outside of Scandanavia.

>> No.15670146

cringe. even a genre fiction reference. are you gonna quote that fantasy book about hard times making it so that there is a hard man inside of you next?

>> No.15670166

I'd almost expect him to link some haplogroup research if it didn't prove that sweden, the great nemesis of the american ressentiment right, was more germanic than any other region

>> No.15670169

Nice cope thanks for proving my point by reacting like a fragile little girl

>> No.15670175

You can’t be more Germanic than the homeland

>> No.15670203

Which would be scandinavia?

>> No.15670218

North Germany/Netherlands. Only a fewer amount of words from pre-germanic Scandinavia like bride and seals were contributed

>> No.15670240

Checked, Scandy dandy’s on suicide watch

>> No.15670265

>pre-germanic scandinavia
We are talking about germanic scandinavia. I do not care what you think about the pre-germanic inhabitants; fact of the matter remains that Denmark, Southern Sweden/Norway and Northern Germany are the ground zero of both germanic culture and language.

Are you dutch?

>> No.15670286


>> No.15670292

Not for long.

>> No.15670299

Japan is exactly like that yet they produce many high quality lit, so that can't be the reason.

>> No.15670301

What do you mean?

>> No.15670307

What? Pre Germanic Scandinavia is Scandinavia that is my point. Otherwise you’d be more similar to the Germans, Dutch and English. But you are closer to the Finns. I’ve seen Swedes and Norweigans shitting on Danes for being more outgoing and pigs, right?
In here is a translation of linguistic evidence of the homeland of Germanics

>> No.15670411

>High Quality Lit


>> No.15670795

>you're not here for literature.
I'm here to redpill normies.

>> No.15670818

cringe cuck seethe cope dilate tranny incel.

>> No.15670871

Interminably based

>> No.15670934

The meaning of the English word Scandinavia isn't subject to your opinion. Scandinavia remains a common English exonym denoting the same area as the endonyms Norden and Pohjola. Although it's not universally strictly defined.

>> No.15671420 [DELETED] 
File: 464 KB, 900x506, 1501197863351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>about living standards
By that logic then the poorest countries would produce the greatest literature. Scandinavia exposes all the fairy tales of low income suffering geniuses and shows even something else that is quite obvious to people with at least average IQ. Better living standards lead to better education, something USA doesn't have. And thus the culmination occurs, amerimutts are too low IQ and uneducated to understand high brow literature, they can only read low brow literature that tries to disguise itself as something better when their creators themselves are uneducated and low class people who just want to create something for bragging rights. Jung described you perfectly.

>> No.15671736

He is 100% American or English, only they think Germanic=German. Talking about pre-germanic Scandinavia when it's the only place that have never had a Celtic culture lmao

>> No.15671778

>insect cucks
Maybe Scandinavians don't need to rebel against society or whatever because their society isn't shit?

>> No.15671948
File: 42 KB, 289x475, giants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giants In The Earth
read this in college. wasn't bad.

>> No.15672358

Strong comprehension anyway doesn’t change the fact that you got Germanised

>> No.15672619

German and germanic are not the same, angloid.

>> No.15672651

sounds like projection, not ven a burger, kid.

>> No.15672661

The pre-germanic age of Scandinavia, aka the neolithic lmao

>> No.15672674

So which nationality are you jews gonna claim next now the USA is about to go down?

>> No.15672683

English or French. We haven't decided. I have to check with our guys at Israel.

>> No.15672703

girl with the dragon tattoo was pretty cool

>> No.15672711

6 times as many Japanese as all the scandi countries put together

>> No.15672763

they descend from primitive hunter gatherers what do you expect

>> No.15672946

Still got Germanicised

>> No.15672977
File: 303 KB, 1440x810, 20819266_1621529904544862_6967892363749030720_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine lacking the IQ to enjoy aryan /lit/

>> No.15673014

My Struggle by Karl Ove Knausgård is supposed to be really good, norwegian author. Been meaning to read it for a while.

>> No.15673060

There’s good stuff but most of it is not available in english, like ”Autisterna” by Stig Larsson and ”Startpistolen” by Claes Holmström. They certainly aren’t boring (unless your attention span has been damaged beyond repair, in which case you might aswell give up on litterature)

>> No.15673091

Nah, this is how you poor people cope. Sour grapes.

>> No.15673107

How do you cope for having such a shitty body of literature compared to other European regions? Is it the weather? LMAO

>> No.15673215

It's because the people of scandinavia evolved in the cold for so long. Extreme coldness means there will be less vegetation and predation, meaning only the intelligent will survive. This is how you end up with populations with an average IQ of 110 in Asia, and also explains the similarities in this respect. The problem here is that when you stay in these climates for too long, then you turn into a coward, since any type of daring is deterred by horrible weather and the possibility of losing the tribe you rely on. This is how you have native canadians being ruled in longhouses by 80 year old grandmas. If a group of people stays in these hypercivilized conditions for too long, then the advantage they have acquired through natural selection will begin to dissipate back into retardation, since the retarded will no longer be killed.

>> No.15673232

Imagine being able to exhaust three country's literary influence on Europe in less than 400 words. I could masturbate just as impressively to Switzerland or Ireland, which don't even have homegrown languages

>> No.15673282

Except theres no iq differences between northern europeans

>> No.15673306

*except Finns

>> No.15673788

Imagine being so averse to discussing literature that you fallaciously think a shortform few thoughts are exhaustive, and then proceed to suck your own dick about all those interesting thoughts you hypothetically could have.

>> No.15673834

they're just bland people generally

>> No.15673869

>tfw you realize that american /pol/posters come to /lit/ where there are no flags to discuss the inferiority of other nations to cope every time they're called a mutt on /pol/

>> No.15673881

>To those who aren't idiots, here's some thoughts on scandinavian literature. Hamsun is perhaps the greatest
Stopped reading there, that's so obviously Ibsen. In terms of originality and influence, the greatest scandi writers and thinkers have been Ibsen, Swedenborg, Kierkegaard, Andersen, in that order.

But the thread is basically right, most do suck. There's very little produced up there, which makes me think a latin or a celtic strain is needed to make great art.

>> No.15673882

These moronic anthropological takes are absolutely pathetic. Where you find this shit? Your entire argument assumed Scandinavia has had a high standard of living for a very long time, when in truth it barely goes back to the mid 1900s.

>> No.15673900

>which makes me think a latin or a celtic strain is needed to make great art.
you ridiculous faggot you

>> No.15673929

>Stopped reading there, that's so obviously Ibsen.
what a totally interesting opinion, thanks for sharing your insight on literature, sure convinced me.

>> No.15673937

>These moronic anthropological takes are absolutely pathetic.
And incredibly, incredibly boring as well.

>> No.15673966

one example of this aspect of the scandinavian mindset is the fact that didn't take part in the great discoveries and the colonization of the Americas and the XIX century imperialism in Africa and Asia, even tho they had the wealth and military might to do so.

>> No.15673983

There really is something about /lit/ posters trying to pass judgment on certain cultures entire output based on a few political memes and the 3 - 4 authors they actually know the names of (but haven't read). Seeing people list nothing but Ibsen, Kierkegaard, Andersen and maybe Strindberg over and over says nothing about Scandinavia, and everything about the poster.

>> No.15674008

dont be mad at me just because basic history is a mystery to you. Ibsen had the approval of great writers to come, and was acknowledged as a major influence on literature. He may have been the biggest name in literature at the time of his death, maybe second to Tolstoy

>> No.15674022

It's absolutely the case. Where is the Scandi Turner? The Scandi Shakespeare, Welles, Mozart? It seems there' something about having purely honest, bland Germanic blood that thwarts art.

>> No.15674057

Why do the scandinavian countries need to have an artistic output equal to that of nations ten times their size? You don't actually care to receive any sort of answer; you just want to assert your low-effort assumption which could not possibly have sprung from experience, but rather ignorance.

>Where is the Scandi Turner? The Scandi Shakespeare, Welles, Mozart?
Where are their equivalents in any other culture? Do you think you're making a point with a rhetorical question as inane as this?

>> No.15674143

>tfw you realize that Nords project their inferiorty complex onto posters nations where there are no flags to cope with the fact they have no argument

>> No.15674280

I'm assuming you're Scandinavian, which means that shortform thinking is the just extent of what your brain can do. Only trying to be polite.
>I can't insult people if I don't see a flag

>> No.15674316

Havamal and The Golden Bough

Scandinavian mythology is some of the toppest tier lore around

>> No.15674340

Scandinavian has some of the best realism you'll ever find

>> No.15674344

1/10 people in Iceland are authors

Scandis are in fact the chads of writing

>> No.15674349
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>> No.15674388
File: 96 KB, 770x578, paavoharjuasceticchristians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrelated to literature, but Finland has a great, unique subgenre of freak folk, Finnish Freak Folk:



Lau Nau


Closest thing I've found to this genre that isn't from Finland has been from a Ukrainian artist Svitlana Nianio:


>> No.15674440

>Freak Folk
That does sound like a finnish invention all right. That nation is something else, isn't it?

Why /lit/ hasn't picked up Strindberg as a "meme author" is beyond me; the man is a mix of realism and schizoid fever that I think some posters would really like.

>> No.15674482

>Muh sources
Faggot. You didn't even make an argument. Even if the other anon is incorrect, you're more dull than him by the simple fact that you're uncapable of critical thinking to the point you couldn't even make a counter-argument to his post, just asking for muh sources.

>> No.15674504

>muh sources
Who the fuck are you to call out others for lacking "critical thinking" when you yourself can't recognise a rhetorical question meant to emphasise the stupidity of the original post, anon?

>> No.15674510

It's just 1 guy, he keeps misspelling things and thinks Ireland doesn't have any homegrown languages, very few such people.

>> No.15674523

It was handed to them on a silver platter after WW2
I'm pretty sure the pm of Finland spends more time taking care of her baby than governing because of how little decision making there is to governing, gigantic, highly urbanised countries with high natural resources, protection and institutions (none of which originated from Scandinavia) and three hundred years of peace after the genocidal Swedes were humbled by the Russians

>> No.15674555

I don't think you've said a single correct thing in this thread.

>> No.15674564

Someone from there told me the same thing.

>> No.15674575

hahaha, no. Japan is pretty subpart. I hate how the internet is filled with brainless weebs.

>> No.15674578

Everyone who's ever had their dreams denied say the same thing.

>> No.15674634

I don’t read Pajeets

>> No.15674659

This makes a lot of sense if you apply it to Scandinavia. Look at Greek art. Females were portrayed as pale because they were in the kitchen so the sun didn't burn them. Males were portrayed as dark (tanned) because they were out there in the sun earning a living. Before you go full /pol/tard you should considered that this has nothing to do with race but with the portrayal of their gender and function. Either way, among whites, women prefer those with darker features (hair, skin, etc.) but with blue eyes. Pale and blonde = feminine.

Now, as you know, Scandinavia is having a massive increase in trannies. Like holy shit. Many young men are becoming trannies. Who make the best trannies? Blond men. They're basically women already. All it takes is a little push.

As you now, Scandinavia has sucked in art and literature historically. They just don't have in them. Why? Because artistic pursuits are fundamentally masculine. Art requires reason, drive, spirit, and balls. Good male artists abound, good female artists are scarce. In the past, women were receptors of good romantic poems made by men. Men are active, women are passives. And Scandinavians suck at art because they are feminine, and they are feminine because they are blond.

Now, as feminine cultures, they care for comfort and living standards because women are neat and materialistic and want a clean house. Comfort kills the creative drive. So not only are Scandinavians feminine and therefore not artistic, but they are also materialistic and bland societies who live bubbled lives which don't enable the creative juices.

Blond & pale = feminine = high living standards = sucking at art.


>> No.15674698

>posting this when the whole thread was started by americans projecting their inferiority complex onto other nations

>> No.15674711

Wow bro, you have totally seen through society and it's lies. 19th century anthropology is like so underrated and essential. Keep being an intellectual, chicks love intellectuals, when you tell her about your racial you'll dunk that letter haplotype in her for sure.

>> No.15674723

based and truthpilled

>> No.15674936

But other fair-skinned (and blonde) Germanic countries like England, Germany, and Austria (and Germanic diaspora in the Americas) are as good at art as the meds.

>> No.15674964
File: 197 KB, 1024x542, 5651b3b910332555cdc9bb48442cac91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scandinavians are blondest, though.

>> No.15675135

>good at art

>> No.15675417

Like some people have said, scandinavia has a very conformist culture that discourages individuallity and sticking out. I personally have a hard time tolerating this country, people are willing to accept the most retarded lies and paradoxes just cause the state tells them.
But some recommended swedish authors would be August Strindberg, Vilhelm Moberg, and Nikanor Teratologen.

>> No.15675596

>But other fair-skinned (and blonde) Germanic countries like England, Germany, and Austria (and Germanic diaspora in the Americas) are as good at art
Those countries are all heavy mixes of Germanic, Celtic, and maybe some other things though. There's something about being purely Germanic, and therefore simple (this does not mean stupid), that thwarts art. Case in point: There are more great redheads in the arts than blondes, despite the relative rarity of the former.

>> No.15675747

>but with blue eyes
You wish. Blue eyes are feminine too.

>> No.15675835

kek underrated shitpost