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15659111 No.15659111[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15659127


>> No.15659131

holy cow thanks for the twitter celeb update!

>> No.15659132

The Invisible Comitee had this stated already

>> No.15659142 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15659155
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>> No.15659166

>Bro I fucking love science!

>> No.15659236

>spends his journey shooting cars into space, plowing NU grunge sluts and selling teenagers not! flame throwers

>> No.15659239

What if heat death is the real friends we made along?

>> No.15659292

I can't wait for that smug shit to be shot and cut up come revolution

>> No.15659340

I wish my father ran an emerald mine so I could larp as techno jesus.

>> No.15659352

not literature
not even a good thread

>> No.15659357

Guy is sending good vibes from his best life, get woke

>> No.15659383

Reminder Elon Musk is only rich because of apartheid and profits off what's essentially slave labour in Africa.

>> No.15659392

Good, apartheid was a blessing for south africa and ending it sealed africas doom.

>> No.15659402


>> No.15659408

elon musk is unironically a brainlet

>> No.15659435

That’s logically inaccurate, which is unsurprising considering the source. If the universe ends in heat death, that actually means that it had no meaning to begin with. If all information will eventually dissipate into nothingness, then your life had no meaning in the first place, so no matter what you do, the journey will always be meaningless.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think life is meaningless. But if you start with the assumption that Musk uses, the only logical conclusion for it is a meaningless life.

>> No.15659445

you're worse than him

>> No.15659452

>existence only has meaning if its eternal

You fucking nerd

>> No.15659454

>Elon Musk actually found a way to make black people profitable
Should we start to call him the Nog Whisperer?

>> No.15659463

Problem of induction dude.

There won't be no revolution in USA lmao.

It's just some sort of absurdism after all, if life is meaningless, to many it makes sense to explore it and try to enjoy it since the other option is not to instead and no option makes a difference so might as well enjoy it.

>> No.15659464

Why do so-called scientists pretend they have any fucking idea what's going to happen to the universe 20 gazillion years from now? They haven't even enabled us to visit another planet yet. It's arrogance of the highest order.

>> No.15659474

Lol, the jealousy of Elon Musk is so funny to see

>> No.15659481

Apparently he's not aware of the work of Roger Penrose, Andrei Linde, or that information theory guy whose name slips my mind currently.

>> No.15659486

Wow, really Elon? We are going to die? And universe is going to die as well? So what?

>> No.15659501

Sounds like every "spiritual" white girl I've met

>> No.15659521

Scientist make experiments and assume the uniformity of laws of the universe (which has been truth up to now) and then make claims that follow the behaviour they have found in their experiments.
This is not perfect of course because the problem of induction and because these experiments can still lead them to wrong conclusions, the first one is a problem we don't really know how to solve but nobody actually cares about it, the second one is not a problem because anyone who actually cares a bit about science knows that being wrong is possible, and scientists will admit when they are wrong the same way they have done time after time, scientists put all their effort in proving things wrong.
Meanwhile, you are a midwit that makes some criticism that adds nothing and if made in a proper way it's already accepted by everyone.

>> No.15659522

>so might as well enjoy it
When you’re on your death bed, I doubt you’ll be thinking, “Well, at least I enjoyed myself.” You’ll probably be thinking, “What was the point of it all?”

Hence why I pointed out that logically, Musk’s statement leads to ultimately a meaningless life.

>> No.15659530

>Musk’s statement leads to ultimately a meaningless life.
Not really. One can interpret that statement in whatever number of ways they want to.

>> No.15659531

What if in the journey, we find a way out of heat death; thus giving meaning to the journey.
Then we can have a non-nihilistic outlook.

>> No.15659538

>recognizing that one day we will die and that the universe will not exist is nihilism
Pseud alert. You could say that maybe its a bit "pessimistic," but it says very little about meaning.

>> No.15659564

Mdiwit alert. Meaning is causal.

>> No.15659568

Nihilism is the only truth

>> No.15659572

Retard alert.
The meaning of an individuals life isn't dependent on the condition of the universe in 20 thousand sexdecillion years.

>> No.15659574

Do you always need to write a novel to make a basic bitch point?

Here's my point: People act as if "the heat death of the universe" is the gospel fucking inevitable truth despite the foundations of such a claim being shakier than the East Pacific Rise. Elon doesn't put it quite that strongly, but it's very common.

>> No.15659581

Haha fool.
Thinking about the future affects the present.
That is a true statement.

>> No.15659587

It's not really any different from apocalyptards and Biblical cosmologists. Any form of "beginning/ending" hypothesis is rooted in indemonstrable axioms.

>> No.15659595

I agree, but it's not treated in the same way.

>> No.15659598

Pseud alert.
The entire motif of memento mori and the death-and-rebirth rites of mystery traditions was about acknowledgment that we may very well die tomorrow and should actively seek the meaningful life right now in our current thoughts and actions. If you interpret the possibility of Earth dying as the momentary existence of humanity being meaningless that is your own. It is still inherently worth as much as you value it.

>> No.15659634

>very well die tomorrow and should actively seek the meaningful life right now in our current thoughts and actions.
I don't see why you can do the present and the future concurrently. If you focus on the present of "living a meaningful life right now", you implicitly neglect the the future and devolve into hedonistic "meaning and values"(if you can call it that).

Maybe you should live as you'd live forever? Whether that be metaphysically (heaven) or materially (simulation, transhumanism); both teleologically has the same result of elevating the value of the future relative to the present: The Future adds meaning to the Present.

>> No.15659641

and I'm not suggesting that people be reckless. As that can be another form of nihilistic hedonism (indulging in chaos)

>> No.15659661

>neglect the the future
How is accepting what cannot be changed 'neglect.' Our planet could realistically be obliterated tomorrow and there would be nothing that any human could have possibly done about that.

It doesn't mean that there wasn't heartfelt meaning and value to the lives that were lost. Most of that meaning comes from being an active participant in the reality of the now.
>devolve into hedonistic "meaning and values"
I am pretty sure you are just using words you've read, there's no reason to assume that the only way to avoid hedonism is to believe the Universe and Earth will exist for infinity.
>Maybe you should live as you'd live forever?
A person could interpret that as being hedonistic, itself. This brings us back to the original contention - you interpreted something as being "nihilistic" and "hedonistic" when it actually depends on the individuals own values reading it.

>> No.15659695

>Any form of "beginning/ending" hypothesis is rooted in indemonstrable axioms.
Difference is that heat death is a future that can be extrapolated and is consistent with the present data. That said I do agree with the general point that it is foolishly solipsistic to decry cosmic meaninglessness just because we can model an eventual death of our universe

>> No.15659865

>I kinda like science but I'm not committed!

>> No.15659870

Is he Dr Robotnik?

>> No.15659898

Why are STEMfags so hopeless at philosophizing?

>> No.15659911

>People act as if "the heat death of the universe" is the gospel fucking inevitable truth despite the foundations of such a claim being shakier than the East Pacific Rise.
It's not that shaky, science is definitely more solid than any philosophy.

>> No.15659920 [DELETED] 

t.Projecting retards who can't conceive of any other reason one might dislike anyone apart from jealousy

>> No.15659922


>> No.15659928

You're an edgy little faggot aren't you

>> No.15659937

It's the truth, make peace with it before south africa is sold to the chinese by its black government.

>> No.15659957

t.projecting little bitch who can't conceive of any other reason one might dislike anyone apart from jealousy

>> No.15659981
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>> No.15659983
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It's like he doesn't even know what Being is, only stuck in a referential practicality of a eudaimonology. And because of the commonness of the phrase "it's about the journey" it entails all of the mistakes it is so often used with, like for example if one really just wanted to go on a journey and that was a goal in itself as well as the ending destination, then the word journey loses much meaning.

But I guess it's just a memey twitter post so it doesn't really matter. That some things are eternal, that being is eternal in its character.

>> No.15660010

The superior statement.

>AFTER recognising the necessity of a regeneration of the human race, if we follow up the possibilities of its ennoblement we light on little else than obstacles.
>We cannot withhold our acknowledgment that the human family consists of irremediably disparate races, (3) whereof the noblest well might rule the more ignoble, yet never raise them to their level by commixture, but simply sink [276] to theirs. Indeed this one relation might suffice to explain our fall; even its cheerlessness should not blind us to it: if it is reasonable to assume that the dissolution of our earthly globe is purely a question of time, we probably shall have to accustom ourselves to the idea of the human species dying out. On the other hand there is such a matter as life beyond all time and space, and the question whether the world has a moral meaning we here will try to answer by asking ourselves if we mean to go to ground as beasts or gods.

>> No.15660103

>south africa is sold to the chinese by its black government.
Won’t happen because the ordinary blacks in South Africa are too militant.Even the Chinese know that and are steering away from doing any meaningful investments(infrastructure building/debt trap)into South Africa like they’re doing in other countries on the African continent.

>> No.15660146

if there is time then what matters is what occurs over time

>> No.15660170

Blacks are militant everywhere, hasn't stopped china from buying up the rest of africa.
One famine caused by land redistribution and the chinese will be welcomed with open arms.

>> No.15660189

A new ELON MUSK™ tweet from Twitter®????
Gee whiz! Mr. Musk bringing the knowledge! :D

>> No.15660201

you just posted cringe

>> No.15660267

funny you should say that since he's actually right. better question would by why philosofags these days think they have anything new to say without studying science at the same time

the answer being, you're more interested in politics than truth, which is fair enough i guess

>> No.15660319

>that’s logically inaccurate
>proceeds to spew emotional garbage

>> No.15660332

>Blacks are militant everywhere
Nope.Thats a misconception which only applies to rebel held areas of those countries.South Africans are a whole different species.Even blacks from other African countries fear blacks in South Africa.The Chinese have caught onto that and instead scolds the ANC for not having concrete plans to grow the economy and create jobs which deters foreign investment.
>Land Distribution
It won’t take the same form as was seen in Zimbabwe and the South African land reform scheme has satisfied even the Trump Administration.In South Africa so much land of was taken from blacks under the Native Lands Act of 1913 and the Group Areas Act of 1950 that many of it is simply lying unoccupied and unused.Food security and South Africa’s ability to feed itself has been included in the land redistribution bill.

>> No.15660371

Brah, the land ear marked for redistribution is almost exclusively resource rich.
There land taken from the blacks who were native to south africa at the time will not be returned to those blacks or their descendants, it will go to friends of the ANC.
Their previous attempts at land redistribution resulted in agricultural collapse.

Shit will be a Chinese colony in ten years.

>> No.15660441


>Brah, the land ear marked for redistribution is almost exclusively resource rich.
If that’s the case then there’s no need for land redistribution since South Africans don’t own the mineral rights on their property.That law was amended back in 2008.
>There land taken from the blacks who were native to south africa at the time
Blacks were not ‘native’ to South Africa in 1913 and 1950 when those various Land seizure acts were passed?
>The land will not be returned to those blacks or their descendants, >it will go to friends of the ANC.
Which will create political instability for the government since they encouraged the various affected communities to give their input to the Land Reform Committee that travelled around the country at various town hall meetings.
>Their previous attempts at land redistribution resulted in agricultural collapse.
Odd since South Africa are ranked amongst the most obese nations on the planet.

>> No.15660465

what does the universe dying have to do with meaning?
none of us will be around to experience the death of the universe, why the fuck should we care

>> No.15660504

Life then is a rebellion. We have something that the universe (even in all its complex unreplicable vastness) won't ever have.
>implying life cannot cheat by travelling to another universe
Your thoughts are weak

>> No.15660603

Caring about what happens after we die, even just a little, is what enables us to become more than what we are.

>> No.15660696

>We have something that the universe (even in all its complex unreplicable vastness) won't ever have.
We are part of the universe, we are matter and empty space, just like everything else.

>> No.15660761

IF heat death is the end of the universe, it really is all about the friends we made along the way.

>> No.15660866

It's funny how talking about entropy and "the heat death of the universe" is the only way nerds can understand their own mortality.
Yeah, Poindexter, you're going to die and everything you make is going to fall apart and be forgotten. Don't need a radio telescope to figure that one out, people have been saying so for thousands of years.

>> No.15660879

you are jealous.

>> No.15660985

The transhumanism bug has been around for a while too.

>> No.15660988

I hate scientism so fucking much

>> No.15661006

Retroactively refuted by Herr Heidegger

>> No.15661052

empty platitudes, people only care for the future of their children, and grandchildren at most, not trillions of years ahead.

>> No.15661075

For now.

>> No.15661085

where the fuck are the faggot jannies?