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/lit/ - Literature

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15656486 No.15656486[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I recently read a book called Nietzsche and the Nazis by Stephen Hicks.

According to Hicks, Communism and Nazism both have roots in Kant. He claims that the central dogma of Communism evolved from Kant to Hegel to Marx, while Nazism evolved from Kant ot Schopenhauer and Nietzsche.

Would reading phenomenolgy make me a Communist?

>> No.15656491

Hicks is a moron

>> No.15656521

Phenomenology is inherently stuck in an eternal metaphysical presence

>> No.15656526

Sounds like an absolute reductionist outlook, but not necissarily wrong in terms of the genealogy of ideas. Kant and hegel definitly had a mass inpact in the thought scape that those politixal concepts grew up in, but it is not direct causation. I would also say kant had great influence in terms of how science and religion were percieved, and hegelian thought was influential amoung many political leanings.

>> No.15656555
File: 1.01 MB, 1500x3242, lit top 100 (2018).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's the 50th best book of all time.

>> No.15656567

I would read it anyway. Phenomenology goes even deeper, to the preSocratics in a major way.

>> No.15656586
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Phenomenology leads one out of theology

>> No.15656592

But despite many protests to the contrary, not out of ideology.

>> No.15656617
File: 118 KB, 1920x982, arxiv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you gentleman aware that the term "phenomenology" has been appropriated by physicists to describe particular kinds of calculations they do in particle physics?

>> No.15656621
File: 143 KB, 647x656, readingHegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What other works of Hegel's are essential to his philosophy, besides PoS?

>> No.15656694

Coffee boosts your physical performance.
Coffee may help you lose weight.
Coffee helps you burn fat.
Coffee helps you focus and stay alert
Coffee lowers risk of death
Coffee reduces risk of cancers
Coffee reduces risk of stroke

>> No.15656718

>there’s a difference
>of course I haven’t read Derrida

>> No.15656778

Hicks is retarded
Nazism didn't "evolve" out of Nietzsche/Schopenhauer like political manifestations of Communism did out of Marx
the degree to which Nazis used Nietzsche was for post-hoc justification
read Kant's Prolegomena first
Hegel won't turn you into a communist - Marx might, but if you read Hegel first you might end up getting mad at Marx's attempt at transfiguring Hegel

>> No.15656796

Based non retards appropriating retard jargon

>> No.15656808

Wtf is wrong with her calves?

>> No.15656849

Don't bother with anything else. Seriously. Some dork will come in here and tell you to read The Science of Logic, but don't. Absolute fucking psychobabble.

>> No.15656962

I can't find a source for this so it may be bs, but I've heard Lenin said that Hegel's Science of Logic is the most important work for understanding Das Kapital.

>> No.15656992

I don't think Derrida ever said theology and ideology are the same. Can you give some citation or hint?

>> No.15657173

Reading a micro-economics textbook is the most important work for understanding Das Kapital.

>> No.15657180

>it's a dumb thread
>bait-y question
>reverse search image
>100% results are from /pol/
Would you faggots please leave, Jesus Christ.

>> No.15657416

Nietzsche absolutely dispised and ridiculed the first reich of his error, nationalism etc AND he praised jews a few times too, so no, Hicks has to be a retard to make such an incompetent proposition.

>> No.15657515


>> No.15657630

>top 100 books
>totally dominated by novelistic fiction

what the hell /lit/

>> No.15657663

It's called literary fiction, retard

>> No.15657671

>oh hello fellow 4channelers and not redditors, why you no (haha, meme!) no like non-fiction

>> No.15657672

>all literary fiction is novelistic

Never gonna make it

>> No.15657679
File: 596 KB, 944x4013, Polddit Boomers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry all you want, but we're here to stay.

>> No.15657730
File: 236 KB, 500x631, fedora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

classical literature bad because it not a history book or philosophy book

>> No.15658189

Fuck, she's disgustingly skinny. I know white people like skinnier women but this is just... A health issue.

>> No.15658285

If anything, she's not skinny enough.

>> No.15658310

everything looks fine except for the legs. wtf

>> No.15658320

>not wanting her to stand at attention while you slide your ween between her supple thighs
You are what’s wrong with this world

>> No.15658321


>> No.15658325

I'm glad they did. Now the term actually has a clear meaning.

>> No.15658328

My sister's room.

>> No.15658344

I don't see how you're making a distinction. PoS is also retarded psychobabble.

>> No.15658349

This is only moderately skinnier than what women are SUPPOSED to look like. People today are horribly obese. The health issue here is that your perception of normal bodies has been destroyed by seeing a 500 lb lard as the extreme of high weight, when really the extreme starts at 180 lbs for a woman of average height