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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.31 MB, 3024x4032, Bookshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15648974 No.15648974 [Reply] [Original]

post your shelves here

r8/h8, discuss shit, post that black-clad incel standing in front of his books, bitch about pop history, harry potter funkos, the usual. post 'em.

>> No.15648978
File: 186 KB, 1616x2560, Stax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15648982

epic shelves of books my dear man! dare i say... based? truly you are ov svperior heritage and nobility... say, my good man, do you as well hate the uppity negroid? and don't even get me started on the jews....

>> No.15648993

you have to go back

>> No.15648998

Why did you beat a dent into Women & Men?

>> No.15649004
File: 15 KB, 300x250, 12334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wignat trash
>Song of Ice and Fire

>> No.15649009

Caesar was literally anti-ethnonat
he tried to raise a foreign army - Gauls, Druids etc., to help him centralise power in the the Roman Empire
Cicero would make more sense

>> No.15649011

you must go back

>> No.15649020

its augustus...

>> No.15649028

You have to go back.

>> No.15649046
File: 85 KB, 355x481, 312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it appears that I have jumped the gun

>> No.15649055

no there's quite a bit of Julius Caesar from what I can see
Augustus definitely makes more sense though but not Julius Caesar

>> No.15649099


augustus caesar, this is where i bought it from. they had two other better ones but i wasnt about to drop 250 on the better bust.

im broke

>> No.15649207
File: 1.03 MB, 1701x3416, 20200620_023849 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive me

>> No.15649213
File: 16 KB, 410x598, baseddepartment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's the bust from? price?

>> No.15649276

45 + shipping
also on amazon

>> No.15649321

I'll upload a video of my library with a few comments. My library is a little messy.

>> No.15649327
File: 2.86 MB, 4032x3024, 1586755317161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15649328


>> No.15649332

I'll post it in like 20 minutes.

>> No.15649360

keep me posted

>> No.15649374

godspeed anon!

>> No.15649388

is that a book on Homer Simpson? Top shelf to the left?

>> No.15649398


>> No.15649399


>> No.15649403

nice, how'd you find him

>> No.15649417

>the virgin amazon bust buyer
>the chad pillager

>> No.15649428
File: 35 KB, 183x275, books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my bookshelf? Here you go bro

>> No.15649446
File: 4 KB, 205x246, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and to you my son I give you my vast collection of books I have gathered over the course of my life.
>wow really dad thats amaz-...oh.

>> No.15649451

>having children in the modern world
>having space for a large lifetime collection of books in the modern world
Nice jokes Anon.

>> No.15649458

i...just like history, man

did the bust make you insecure or something?

>> No.15649465
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>that bottom shelf

>> No.15649467
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>But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

>> No.15649473
File: 379 KB, 1280x958, 437D028B-8E0C-4BE4-BD6A-4DB0FB22E7F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15649477
File: 1.02 MB, 1648x4060, P_20200620_113503_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too lazy to stand up and take pictures.

>> No.15649486

>2 copies of The Divine Comedy


>> No.15649495
File: 394 KB, 1280x958, 67597938-0603-4A80-AB36-794419EA4976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only saying nice things

Great aesthetic

Rare infinite jest edition

I like the editions on the bottom shelf

That iceberg slim is real fuckin cool

>> No.15649496

Not OP, but I have 2 copies of The Odyssey, Fagels back when I was a pleb, and now Fitzgerald.

>> No.15649502

they're different translations

>> No.15649506

arent you that guy living in japan? you got better pictures than that

>> No.15649508

tfw not even poor
>earn above median income (48k)
>earn above the mean income (70k)
>I'm still limited to a mortgage amount which would only cover a small apartment or a place with a 2 hour commute

>> No.15649515


I was being sincere. Multiple copies are based, the only book I have multiple copies of is Republic so far.

>> No.15649536
File: 3.32 MB, 4608x2592, 15926209268233094549381050677970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got off the bed.

>> No.15649538

>I was being sincere
being on this board and website I've almost forgotten sincerity, everything not explicitly said otherwise is an attack

>> No.15649544

go on...

>> No.15649546
File: 31 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hahaha I guess you could say we are all just Sisyphus, let's just imagine ourselves happy right hahaha

>> No.15649548

Oh really? I think you'd be pleased to know I have

4x Republic
3x Paradise lost
3x Odyssey
3x Iliad
4x Bible
3x Qur'an
2x Epic of Gilgamesh
4x Moby-Dick

Can't think of what other multiples I have

>> No.15649557
File: 2.34 MB, 2592x3876, P_20200620_114938_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to read this ugly motherfucker.

>> No.15649566

Eh, I'm just working on achieving FI/RE so that I can move back to the rural paradise I lived in before and have a home lab instead of needing a job to get lab access.
Maybe once that happens I'll start building up a book collection again. For now I only have a small bookshelf for reference books and textbooks. The other reason I don't want a lot of physical books at the moment is because moving them is a huge pain. I left them all in storage at my family's house.

>> No.15649580

looks like a weird cross between the two

>> No.15649584

holy shit those faces

>> No.15649597

Do you realize that you're being the toxic one here?

>> No.15649602


Admit OP is a fucking retard larper.

>> No.15649613

I've only just started to build up a bookshelf collection, its few in numbers but I'm very proud of it, I had a sort of dark-age period in highschool where I read practically nothing, so now in uni promised myself to start reading. It's one of the few joys in life, especially with the rona and all. I wish you all the best moving back to your rural paradise. I've always fanaticized of living somewhere rural myself, perhaps one day...

>> No.15649632

utterly based

>> No.15649638

Damn m8 that's pretty awesome

>> No.15649647

Kek that's how 4chan operates

>> No.15649704


>>15648978 isnt OP

>> No.15649711

well thats what i get for buying the cheaper one

>> No.15649718

What book has most helped/influenced you on the journey to log cabinism, anon? For me it has been On Education by Rousseau.

>> No.15649734

Here you go, I have dysprosody by the way. Please watch whole thing before judging. I want a library largely with horror fiction on the left half and children's literature on the right side.

>> No.15649748

oo, DVD on the persian empire, whats it cover, specifically?
and solaris is such a good movie. based taste right off the bat.

>> No.15649763

nice Buddhist/hindu section. what would you reccomend for someone who wants to get into both?

and i just learned about schoppenhauer the other day and wanted to get will and representation, what do both volumes cover and should i just get vol 1 or would you think i need both?

>> No.15649800

I haven't watch it yet. I found it for cheap at Bargain Hunt. It covers the Achaemenid Empire.
I recommend starting with Early Buddhist Discourses edited by John J. Holder and for Hinduism I recommend Oxford edition of Upanishads.
You'll need both volumes of The World as Will and Representation. You can start with Essays and Aphorisms by RJ Hollingdale if you want a brief intro to Schopenhauer.

>> No.15649807

we gotta save the birbs, bro
i need to watch that movie, theres been a cardinal family moved into my backyard last month and ive been watching them in the morning. and just recently found a nest of what looks like blu-jay babies in the hollow of one of my fence poles that lost its cap years back. been checking on them every now and again, i dont think they will be able to get out once they are grown but hope it works out for them

>> No.15649815

Ducks is fucking amazing

>> No.15649823

Cool Zoroastrian stuff, pretty uncommon on shelves

Why the combo of horror and children’s literature?

>> No.15649824

I have that same Stein, Is that from the Epcott Center?

>> No.15649845

it is lmao

epcott is my favorite park. love the whole place

>> No.15649853

Peterson... Fucking dork.

>> No.15649884

Yeah, it's a very good movie I highly recommend watching it:
I have enjoyed bird-watching and scuba diving.
My goal is to write the most intense horror and children's literature in order to find the dividing line between the light and dark. It ties into my philosophical project of attempting to end the growing antinomian and nihilist sensibilities in this day and age.

>> No.15650618

can you post some images of the hiroshige book please. I love woodblock prints and am looking for similar collections

>> No.15650642
File: 404 KB, 930x892, 1504663417846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok twig neck.
Psychologize OP all you want, but you sound insecure.

>> No.15650645

Hey, I have that B&N essential Plato too.

>> No.15650694
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I have injured my penis with a rusty sounding device

>> No.15650707
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>> No.15650711
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>> No.15650741

why are americans like this

>> No.15650747
File: 2.07 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20200620_024614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe shelffags

>> No.15650807

This is what tacky LARPers think class is
uninspired shelf choice
This is nice anon

>> No.15650814

based Kipling anon

>> No.15650822
File: 34 KB, 286x459, 1467661716602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that Plutarch edition

>> No.15650842

Based Ryu Murakami anon

>> No.15650857

we want to come back
its fucked over here

>> No.15650867

Now I fell less autistic and am eager to order another edition of the Iliad and odyssey. Thanks, anon

>> No.15651099

Nah fuck off we don't want you over here.

>> No.15651132
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>> No.15651142
File: 452 KB, 585x729, american.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're sorry for leaving but please accept us back

we will bring cheeseburgers.
you like cheeseburgers, right?

a great sadness in my heart. it hurts. shooting pain into my left arm and laboring my breathing.

>> No.15651145
File: 1.04 MB, 1548x2064, 20200620_100713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on a different level

>> No.15651179

what triggers me is the bookshelf on the right blocking the left bookshelf's rightmost books at the bottom. couldnt move that unit over a little more?

>> No.15651343
File: 1.03 MB, 2064x1548, 20200620_110901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That might just be the angle, every book is accessible. Here's a close-up photo of that area

>> No.15651519

You goddamn troll you

>> No.15651531

Don't let the autism restrain you; read what you want, even if its 4 translations of the odyssey

>> No.15651546

Or infinite jest

>> No.15651548

Holy based! Mah boy

>> No.15651553


>> No.15651573
File: 30 KB, 640x400, flycloud.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pale Blue Dot
Based mall ninja

>2000 world factbook
Someone call Al Gore and tell him to watch his ass

>> No.15651737

>no modernist works
How can one man be so based?

>> No.15651880
File: 1.30 MB, 2133x1558, Simple gifts..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly I am not a photographer.

I wonder just which of these books would be the first for the people of the 21st century to burn, and which one will be used as evidence at my trial.

>> No.15651899

abridged version of Moby Dick. All credit lost

>> No.15651913

>U.S. Army Field Manual
Nice. This better have been posted from the middle of a forest, Anon.

>> No.15651922

>he doesn't intend to build a country manor and have a small library alongside his curios
>AND he doesn't intend to have a large progeny
Cringe and bluepilled.

>> No.15651924

it is what it is, at 536 pages for the main text it can hardly be called small

>> No.15651933

Save your money and go to the country. Buy a six bedroom house for less than $100,000.

>> No.15651946

>Time Travel Short Stories

>Joe Biden
Dammit anon

>> No.15651951

I want to understand people.

>> No.15652005

How is that facsimile Hobbit staying on the shelf (top left of image), damn near looks 2/3 the way hanging off

>> No.15652043

great selection anon

>> No.15652511

± statue
± painting
- tiny bookshelf
- paperbacks

>> No.15652637
File: 1.09 MB, 612x954, 1591841023125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did you get such a bust ?

>> No.15652801

The bust is of extremely poor quality and appears to be made of plastic. Cringe bro.

>> No.15652827
File: 2.81 MB, 2029x3607, P_20200509_195708_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15652836

Ah! It was the perspective. Good to see you though, you usually post in shelf threads

>> No.15652879
File: 1.65 MB, 3024x3271, Library 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15652896
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>> No.15652903
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>> No.15652904


>> No.15652915
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>> No.15652919
File: 782 KB, 2048x2029, 2776FB57-AF2A-4233-AC04-98FAD864CC39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My next-up pile

>> No.15652929

Give me some of your money pls.

>> No.15652938

Post your bitcoin wallet.

>> No.15652941

jesus this thread is some fetishism
i have a library card and a pc
my family has so many fucking books, its horrible, i think i am gonna donate most of it at some point

>> No.15652957

BIG cringe

>> No.15652973


no really, i dont get collecting books, they are literally free

i mean people owning literal public domain shit, that you can read anywhere whenever, why?

i have some books, mostly gifts, have never bought a book like a fucking weirdo

>> No.15653003
File: 183 KB, 750x569, B62DA6F2-A305-46C3-B52C-676725EAA87A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


VERY based if you follow through

>> No.15653011
File: 515 KB, 2048x1536, I8et7yaN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bedroom shelves

>> No.15653019

The only reason I'd want books is so that my kids could pick random books of the shelf and discover literature, because I loved doing that as a kid. But I will never have kids so moot point

>> No.15653030

Dang, that selection sucks. Wouldn’t want to hang out with you anon.

>> No.15653055

also i really doubt kids now, and especially in ten years will read anything off paper

>> No.15653058
File: 1.47 MB, 1673x2020, Cool, clear, water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fellow sophisticates!

>> No.15653113
File: 428 KB, 1657x801, ikea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the dimensions of that little bookshelf on the left with the Loebs? It looks similar to the 40 cm IKEA Billy (pic related) which I am considering for my Loeb collection. Based shelves btw

>> No.15653153

This is undoubtedly the most BASED shelf thread we've had in a long while, gentlemen. I've saved so many pics.

>> No.15653264
File: 247 KB, 1920x937, shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's an old shelving unit which used to belong to my brother. It was originally designed with CD's in mind I think.

The whole thing is a bit over 5 feet tall. The shelves are about 10 inches across. You can fit books 7 inches tall or shorter--it becomes a tight fit after that.

>> No.15653276


CDs or movies I should say.

>> No.15653299
File: 1.63 MB, 2448x3264, shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15653322

First shelf had me thinking you were based

>> No.15653327
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>> No.15653354


>> No.15653366

No Nietzsche??

>> No.15653450

Hey handsum.

>> No.15653526
File: 183 KB, 370x359, 1585537385124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine this is actually real

>> No.15653562

wtf i love centrists now

>> No.15653652

I would say that fellow really likes star wars

>> No.15653742

The shipping from this publisher is fucking dogshit. I ordered this book and it also came dented, but not as bad as his.

>> No.15654112

Is that a Loeb shelf to the left? I'm gonna fucking coom

>> No.15654206

Okay,,,,,,, this is epic;

>> No.15655492
File: 112 KB, 730x831, Avgvstvs looks down upon your poor literary choices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its made out of RESIN with a faux STONE finish bitch dont @ me again

>> No.15655502

and then you noticed eragon and asoiaf

>> No.15656466

Truly respectable my good man

>> No.15656483


I only buy books that have good hardcovers

Everything book that has shit aesthetics and isn't the right size and shape stays digital.

>> No.15656787

thats what we call autism

>> No.15656961


>tfw no matter what board you post on you always get called autistic when you share anything about your personal behaviors.

fuck, I'm really starting to believe it=/

>> No.15656980
File: 2.84 MB, 2940x1960, 20200618_231414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recs pls?

>> No.15656995

its okay, just watch this and you will feel better


>> No.15657026

You should check out "The Game" by Neil Strauss. I think you would enjoy it. :)

>> No.15657070

The Golden Bough

>> No.15657082
File: 248 KB, 820x879, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my bookshelf in college. Now that I am renting a tiny bedroom they are either in a box in my closet or on my desk at work.

>> No.15657098


>> No.15657196


He's dead on about the hypersensitivity to stimuli. It made me feel a little bit better but the rest of the world still has an overwhelmingly negative view of it.

>> No.15657219

well you know what they say. the majority of people are dumbasses.

>> No.15657308

interesting bit of useless observation, threepio appears on the spine of star wars novels more frequently than any other character

>> No.15657366

how did you like those works by Kierkegaard?

>> No.15657372


>> No.15657422

I don't *read* the books; I just keep them around to make potential sex partners feel inadequate

>> No.15657466

Is the Water Margin any good?

>> No.15657496

aha kiekergaard seems like an awful choice for that

>> No.15657616
File: 1.99 MB, 400x400, 1566709158998.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally something good

>> No.15657617

Imagine zealously sharing this image thinking it makes you look cool

>> No.15657795

Excuse me? This is the first time I have ever posted this.

>> No.15658333
File: 31 KB, 578x560, inhospitable hellhole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no results in the whole country
Only the coasts are liveable and they're expensive.

>> No.15658415

Beautiful physical coies

>> No.15658915
File: 977 KB, 1050x2268, Really bad phone pic 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to lower the quality of this thread by a cool 75%. Sorry for the shit pic I sold my camera.
To the anon that told me to get the deluxe edition Berserk, thanks. Motherfucker is big and beautiful, will probably get more when I get more space/money.

Recommend motorcycle literature

>> No.15658940

Why are burger editions so ugly?!

>> No.15658946

Put anything through a meat grinder it usually comes out different

>> No.15659232

What is that about?

>> No.15659318
File: 3.04 MB, 4088x3088, EbBIhc0UwAAxNxH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 no b8

>> No.15659323

It's an anthology of short stories written by C.A. Smith. Science fiction, fantasy, weird fiction, horror, etc. Most of his stories take place in Averoigne (a fictional medieval province of France), Zothique (the last continent of our dying planet) and a series of fictional continents that existed millions of years ago.
If you like Gene Wolfe, Jack Vance, Lovecraft or Robert E. Howard, you will like him.

>> No.15659399

what edition is Anna Karenina?

>> No.15659425

just the barnes and nobles one, translated by Constance Garnett

>> No.15659442


>> No.15659475

Is that the entire njo? Damn I’m mirin, I had to go through the whole series with library transfers when I was a teenager

>> No.15659489

Imagine thinking reading Evola or Chomsky is midwit or middlebrow.

Please retitle “essential things I don’t like because I’m a bland fuck core”

>> No.15660004
File: 3.16 MB, 4032x3024, 9385509F-76EA-465C-9136-92EF87C6EB02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15660176
File: 3.83 MB, 4032x3024, 34099CDE-574D-4754-AE1A-32DD34C3DBC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know there aren’t too many, but I wanted to give my thoughts on each book you see here (as well as some electronic books that obviously couldn’t make it here)

The Cthulhu mythos by H.P. Lovecraft: an illustrious set of short stories built with colorful language and a nagging feeling that we are both not alone within the universe and also are extremely insignificant. I highly recommend ‘the nameless city’ in particular.

Tolkien’s translation of Beowulf: it took me a while to get used to the more archaic language, but when I did I found a wondrous story that was no doubt told in mead halls like Heorot by bards and poets under a cool summer night and a roaring fire.

Le Morte d’Arthur: haven’t read it yet, as it is a more recent purchase, so I won’t form any opinion other than I am very excited to read it.

Mitchell’s translation of Gilgamesh: a story of two friends and their adventures in mythological Sumeria, with themes of grief and death. Highly recommended.

Sir Richard Burton’s translation of the Arabian nights: absolutely wonderful. The layers within layers that the narrative provides almost makes you forget that this is supposed to be told by one woman. The tales are highly immersive and hearten back to a time when the world was a little bit quieter.

The silmarillion by Tolkien: easily my favorite book here. With subtle nods to Christian themes and homages to the great epics of European history, the elvish history within middle earth is by far the most beautifully written piece of literature I have ever read. If you’re not convinced, I urge you to read the “Ainulindalë” and hearken to its beauty.

The hobbit by Tolkien: a comfy little story in a comfy little book. The prose is both illustrative and vague, makes sure to have the readers fill in the foggier parts of physical description with their own imagination.

Alice’s adventures in wonderland by Lewis Carroll: a narrative which is filled to the brim with the spirit of early modern British children’s books, complete with an illogical fantasy world and a diverse cast of characters. The plot is not as well built as other fantasy novels, but ‘Alice’ is not other fantasy novels.

The brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky: I haven’t finished it quite yet, but what I have read is quite interesting. You have these surprisingly developed and realistic characters with their own wants and goals, which are set up in a natural way. I can’t wait to see where the narrative will go with these characters.

The lord of the Rings by Tolkien: again, I haven’t finished it quiet yet, but I don’t think I need to tell you that its really good. Tolkien’s prose is unlike any other fantasy author I have yet read, who in comparison feel as though they’re trying way to hard to be like him. Tolkien puts his words to the page in such an effortless manner, yet you can feel the genius in every sentence.


>> No.15660207

Nice, Lovecraft and Tolkien are two very similar authors, they're my favourites

>> No.15660208


The Homeric poems: I was presently surprised going into this, as I was at a complete bore when I first read the odyssey back in high school. But my attitude has obviously changed, as the brutal nature of warfare is ever present in both the Iliad and the odyssey, and these deaths aren’t always seen as heroic, which is a stark contrast in comparison to all of the wartime romances of both Greece and Rome. Diomedes is definitely my favorite character.

The art of war by Sun Tzu: this war novel is surprisingly in accord with what it teaches, as it can applied to a lot of places within modern life. It does well to pay homage to the Taoist thought that it’s based on, and I wouldn’t recommend a better book to help you with getting into Chinese philosophy.

I just realized now that the image I have in upside down, I apologize.

>> No.15660213

You've read all that? or are you still getting around to some

>> No.15660228
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So... plastic.

>> No.15660229

Still getting around to about half of them :D
Some of them are really just reference material though.
I have not read Plato or Aristotle in their entirety.

>> No.15660243

I think lovecrafts early death was one of the great tragedies of modern literature. There also seems to be a resentment for more fantastical literature here on this board, and there are even some here who will say that fiction is, altogether, pointless and for the feeble-minded who aren’t ready for “real” literature. Often times I imagine these people lead boring and pointless lives themselves, and use literature as a cope. A shame that they can’t derive joy from even simple things, like a nice story.

>> No.15660249
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*Psst* Greek philosophy is a cope. Get yourself some Chinese books like the dao de jing and the four books.

>> No.15660268
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>tfw we missed Lovecraft's reaction to atomic bombs and the cold war

>> No.15660309
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It’s almost 7 am where I’m at at and already you’ve ruined my day.

>> No.15660404

>Hyperion Cantos
good man

>> No.15660533

But I have those too

>> No.15661614
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>> No.15661634

Based Billys
Sorry if I missed yours

>> No.15661643

I can tell you listen to Sabaton, and I want you to know, I cringe.

>> No.15661645
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>> No.15661654
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>> No.15661683
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>> No.15661706

I like this one.

>> No.15661761

>George Martin

>> No.15661822

something about the organisation is really subtle, it all comes together nicely

>> No.15661830

>not a single paperback

>> No.15661861

>the art of war
>the prince

I understand the chart isn't exactly saying they're bad texts - but it is a shame that they're lumped in and stained by midwits. they may be entry level or not as in depth as you'd like, but they're great to a get a general sense, the problem is that midwits don't read beyond them, or if at all have very basic information

>> No.15661894
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Thanks anons

That’s just my hardcover shelf.

>> No.15661924


>> No.15661984

Jesus your collection is fucking awesome Anon. That Arabian nights collection, amazing

>> No.15662043
File: 3.59 MB, 1960x3486, 20190717_120538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm waiting to move before I build a bookshelf

No Culture of Critique?

>> No.15662063
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One day I'll buy hardcovers.
And retake this with my early edition War and Peace.

>> No.15662104
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