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15647841 No.15647841 [Reply] [Original]

How does one become intellectual in this unintellectual world?
>t. feels like an extreme disappointment looking back at his highly intelligent and intellectual grandparents

>> No.15647870

develop critical thinking nigga

>> No.15648683

Install ubuntu

>> No.15648720

have you considered starting with the greeks, anon?

>> No.15648863

One only has to say "Rick Sanchez" thrice in front of a mirror.

>> No.15648959

watch Seinfeld

>> No.15648981

>read wide variety of books
>Watch wide variety of film
>Listen to wide variety of music
>Fully engage with works on their level before critiquing them, "say yes to the text", don't come to a work preemptively agreeing or disagreeing with it
>Always challenge your own thoughts
>Think critically about where you get your thoughts from, what they're based off of, what they might reflect
>Never be complacent with yourself and how you think of yourself
>Talk to others in good faith, not merely to "win arguments"
>Never allow yourself to fall into passive satisfaction with your worldview and preferences
>Realize that people who aren't as well read as you can still be just as thoughtful

>> No.15648996

this is, unironically, exceptional advice

>> No.15649049
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Realize that you won't get social validation for reading and becoming an intellectual. Also, don't see it as a competition with autists online who engage in dick measuring contest to see who has the best (read obscure) taste
On a personal note, I dislike girls who smoke. Don't ruin your health just to "look cool"

>> No.15649062

seriously based

>> No.15649083

Practice alchemy until an initiated appears to you and makes you an offer you can't refuse.

>> No.15649618

it's funny how zoomers brought back the cool image of smoking to a general audience but don't actually smoke or want to smoke. kinda a weird hodgepodge of elements.

>> No.15649891
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Its because zoomers are pussies who want to be cool and "trad". Anyway, I actually did pick up smoking for a while its nice at first but once you gain tolerance from nicotine it sucks. And it sucks further because the places you can smoke theses days are very limited. Personally I never felt addicted, so once it lost its appeal I stopped.

Vapping is honestly better. Tastes better, and you can do it anywhere. The only thing it lacks is the "aesthetic".

>> No.15649971

Step 1: get off 4chan

>> No.15650242

I don't see why the world would hold you back, to begin with. High intelligence has the tendency to isolate oneself from the rest of the world. A literal communication barrier is formed between those of the standard intellect, and those bearing the capacity for higher understanding, thus inhibiting any chances of meaningful dialogue. I have many intelligent friends, but I'm unfortunately better than them with respect to my verbal intelligence and knowledge of the humanities. No one in my life is capable of helping me improve my current skills. I find comfort here precisely because of the large number of people who can btfo me.

>> No.15650344

Intellectualism these days is only valuable insofar as being an investment. The entire educational institution has been commoditized more than ever, both in practice and perception. Unless you’re talking about your STEM degree or some kind of trade school vocational shit, you’re just going to be seen as a foolish blowhard.

Tldr: keep all the Hegel and Kant to yourself

>> No.15651509


>> No.15651787
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you should watch rick and morty its a great show but you must have very high iq to understand it

>> No.15651802

host your website, store your food
buy books from www.easy-engineering.net
make money from gubberment or clerk jobs
have real friends

>> No.15651815

start a podcast