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15647161 No.15647161[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Me in the top right. Why do whites hate themselves? It’s weird and makes me uncomfortable when they denigrate themselves for me.

>> No.15647176

Politically correct bullshit is prevalent, lowering yourself is the only way to fit in as a white person.

>> No.15647179

very cool. this is epic, and dare i day based? well meme'd my good sir! :)

>> No.15647185

daily reminder that jews are white people and fuentes is a shitskin beaner spic.

>> No.15647193


>> No.15647245

We felt really bad about colonialism and imperialism and we had the Enlightenment telling us that real progress is everybody being free and happy, and Christianity telling us that meekness is a virtue and ambition and pride are sins.

These are normally good things but then a minority of financial elites started dominating our societies, and those faggots found it useful to have a self-loathing, self-flagellating citizenry that deliberately debases and weakens itself to apologize for past sins. As the financial elites became more and more dominant, they found it easier and easier to promote and solidify these feelings as the norm, and the more they became the norm, the easier it was to promote them and continue dominating white western countries. Now the financial elites are an international class of anti-national propagandists who control all the resources and media and run the entire society as a private country club for themselves, with the lower 95% being "the help."

Fascism was a (too late) reaction against the international financial elites , so they moved to crush it. Because it was at war, it did horrible things. When it lost, those horrible things confirmed the original narrative that the only people who resist the degeneration of morals and turning everyone into a fucking tranny are evil Nazis.

The rare few people left with intact souls, white or black or Jew or whatever, still know evil when they see it. Young men are naturally right wing because they are naturally against being feminized by and social-engineered into weak docile faggots and cattle for the slaughter. Violence is not possible so they lash out via irony and humor.

>> No.15647338


>> No.15647459
File: 919 KB, 585x733, uwot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>treating others with respect and not being a racist edgelord means you hate yourself

>> No.15647491

Every American president ever is in the top right, including Obama. So if you're in the top right you're like Obama. Lol.

>> No.15647690

Leftism is when you hate white people and the more you hate white people the leftier it is.

>> No.15647705

This but unironically. Where else did all the shit they hate come from but white people?

>> No.15647717

She's pretty

>> No.15647781

Capitalism was invented by the jews.

>> No.15647788
File: 221 KB, 2358x944, 57D7C82F-AB74-4E86-88C9-A1ADF8579C9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do hate yourself though. This is well studied to be a fact.

>> No.15647790

Ppl hating anyone, much less themselves, is a symptom of the problem

>> No.15647804

>my entire political view is defined by memes and twitter feed


>> No.15647833
File: 8 KB, 229x250, sojus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my entire political view is defined by muh facts and logic

>> No.15647864

Based Weyes Blood

>> No.15647895

Is there no room in your worldview for the thought “white people have done some horrible shit throughout the years, and I can accept that fact despite the fact that I am myself white and haven’t done horrible shit myself”.
It is not a very difficult thought to process, so I’m wondering what the issue is.

>> No.15647952

How about the thought process that the only reason you’re living so well now in a first world country is because your ancestors suffers and did bad shit to be at the top?

>> No.15647971

me in the middle

>> No.15647975

She’s got prehensile toes

>> No.15647976

Nah, that's liberalism. Leftists think identity politics is divisive and distracts people from class struggle.

>> No.15647999

I’m trying to help him with baby steps, he’s clearly not ready for that level of cognition yet.

>> No.15648012

Have white people done more horrible shit than other people per capita or something? Do you have some way of measuring this? Do you ask other races to feel bad about the horrible shit their people have done or only whites?

>> No.15648096
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White people didn't invent 'humans being shitty to other human beings'. Everyone was happily murdering each other before whitey got anywhere near them. The only difference is that whites got better at it first. If the Chinese or Africans developed sufficient technology for colonialism before the Europeans, do you really think they would have geon around being kind and loving? It isn't a 'white' quality, it's a human quality.

“human people have done some horrible shit throughout the years, and I can accept that fact despite the fact that I am myself human and haven’t done horrible shit myself”

Dividing seven billion people into five-ish random colour factions and arbitrarily declaring that they share their actions is nonsense and exists purely for political manipulation.

If anything, blacks allocating crimes to whites is an attempt to exhonerate themselves of crimes that we as humanity share as a whole.

>> No.15648106

In what way? I meant that in more of a “ your whiny and spoiled for calling what your ancestors did for you evil” sort of way.

>> No.15648111

Which btw any people that actually wanted their children to be better off then themselves did this shit.

>> No.15648127

It's just a matter of competency.

>> No.15648139

Every group of people has done horrible shit, they've also done wonderful things and made art, music, science,etc.
"White" isn't even a definitive group. Do you mean European, or Anglo, or people with pale skin? I know my family history and they had a deep opposition to modernity and religious devotion to pacifism, so why should I feel guilty about them doing literally nothing and often going to jail/being banished for opposing various European wars?
If I started demanding that black people individually acknowledge and apologize for the disproportionate crime rates committed by other black people, is there any doubt in your mind that I'm a racist? SO why the hypocrisy when it's applied to white people? If I started demanding Jewish kids at my school acknowledge their "Jewish Privilege" are you really so stupid that you'd doubt it's antisemitism?
Stupid lefty faggot. All you are is an embarrassment to your race.