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File: 87 KB, 1655x999, kino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15642950 No.15642950 [Reply] [Original]

this is the most /lit/ movie i've ever seen. reminds me of tolstoy's best moments in his masterpieces. perfect 10/10

>> No.15643155

I liked it too, friend. Very cozy.

>> No.15643157

literally who

>> No.15643221

Pseuds filter.

I liked it tho

>> No.15643272

How exactly did it remind you of Tolstoy's work?

>> No.15643298

It was okay.

>> No.15643325

>le myth of orpheus
the only fucking greek myth pseuds know about

>> No.15643330
File: 219 KB, 1288x1600, rublev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you were meant to say andrei rublev

>> No.15643337

This. Fuck all contemporary cinema, art haus or not.

>> No.15643490

Sisyphus is clearly the pseud Greek myth.

>> No.15643506

What movie?

>> No.15643509

I cried in the theater senpai

>> No.15643517

what's the movie called?

>> No.15643536

Portrait of a Lady on Fire

>> No.15643538

Thanks fren

>> No.15643643

i don't know. the realism, the dialogue. how the emotion hit you. it's one of those things i'm too stupid to articulate well enough to convince someone else of the validity of my experience. just an intuitive feeling in the marrow of my bones. for example, all music in the movie comes from sources within the film itself therefore realism. very natural dialogue and conversations and relations between people, for example when she first comes to the house and her and the maid have a silent conversation filled with knowing glances as she eats the bread and cheese. i could imagine that being a scene in war and peace. final example, i could really imagine the choir music from the dress burning scene being like perfectly applicable to Anna Karenina, as in it beginning with the death of levin's brother, when he gasps his last breaths in immense pain, and then these images being cross-cutted with the birth of levin's first child. growth, decay. life, death. the feeling of otherworldiness and the supernatural that i think is elicted from the chapter of AK with nikolai's death being called 'DEATH' - pretty reminiscent of this scene where it feels like a moment of transcendance from everyday reality

>> No.15643646

Babbys le epic arthouse feminist kino

>> No.15643665

also the fact the main characters are all very intelligent and sensitive people. this sensitivity being most evident when she lapses into hysterical tears mixed with joy while listening to the orchestra music at the end. an example from a tolstoy novel that exemplifies this (imo) is Pierre when he sees the burning comet of 1812 branded into the black night sky amongst the stars over moscow while riding in the carriage and it powerfully affects him. these types of moments

>> No.15643667

also of course prince andrei's recurring motif of the clouds scudding across the sky.

>> No.15643676

>Portrait of a Lady on Fire ... is a 2019 French
Into the trash

>> No.15643680

Thanks for the recc based anon, sounds like a promising movie.

>> No.15643683

I liked it as well

>> No.15643695

haven't seen it, how good is it? can you compare it to another movie? comparing it to tolstoy seems like an exaggeration

>> No.15643703

i dont even think it's an exaggeration. it's absolutely brilliant. ive watched a lot of movies and it's in my top 3. if i had to give an example of a movie that is just as good, probably there will be blood, once upon a time in america, manchester by the sea. i can't think of any movies that are very similar because i havent watched enough of them. it's a love story though.

>> No.15643731

It was okay, but I feel like it's way overhyped. A decent 7/10

>> No.15643834

give ur top 10 so we have an idea of your movie taste

>> No.15643864
File: 3.42 MB, 1905x1386, Screenshot 2020-06-19 at 10.40.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my top 36 in no particular order (continued)

>> No.15643866
File: 2.20 MB, 1945x1021, Screenshot 2020-06-19 at 10.40.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15643875

Abortion good: The Movie

>> No.15643887

Starter watching movies in 2018 starter pack

>> No.15643892

get a life lol

>> No.15643893

What is this website

>> No.15643897

letterboxd, great for keeping a visual diary of films you've watched, though i dont really give a shit for the social aspect

>> No.15643898


>> No.15643904

Cool sounds handy, will look into it

>> No.15643912

not wrong, but good picks nonetheless

>> No.15643924
File: 2.48 MB, 1977x1045, Screenshot 2020-06-19 at 11.00.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have some more

>> No.15643932
File: 2.63 MB, 1935x1030, Screenshot 2020-06-19 at 11.03.08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15643943

I’ve been boycotting non male writers and directors ever since the ‘no boys allowed’ showings of Wonder Woman

>> No.15643946

>good pics
Literally the most basic most obvious "dude I LOVE kinos" possible

>> No.15643948

look at my other choices. just because i like movies that are universally liked doesn't mean that's everything i've ever seen, lol

>> No.15643949

You got better taste than most people thats for sure, though i'd recommend trying out some more foreign folks, truffaut, wenders, bergman, fellini, antonioni, yang, haneke, herzog etc.

>> No.15643952

everyone starts somewhere

>> No.15643953

ty for recs

>> No.15643955

np, if you have a specific genre you like or a favourite film I could be more specfic.

>> No.15643958

All her films are shit, this one’s no exception. Terrible actor direction as usual.

>> No.15643961

in the similiar vein to daniel plainview's discourses on religion, 'i like all genres, i like them all'. more foreign directors tho plz theres very little information or discussion about them online and that's the source of 99.9% of the movies i sit down to watch

>> No.15643962

Pathetic honestly, watch more films

>> No.15643965

fair enough

>> No.15643969

>Infinity War, Star Wars, OUTH, Mission impossible and Joker.
>Above or same rating as Shame, Good Time, Uncut Gems.
It's like you made this thread to infuriate me.

>> No.15643974

infinity war is enough above shame, good time and uncut gems, lol. and my personal enjoyment is not representative of objective quality. obviously shame is better than joker. mission impossible fallout is a perfect action movie tho so yeah

>> No.15643979

is not above************** ffs rofl (they are all 8/10, i.e. same rating)

>> No.15643986

>victor erice
>ken loach
>terrence malick
>yasujirō ozu
>andrei tarkovsky
>jean luc godard
>františek vláčil
> krzysztof kieślowski
>rainer fassbinder

the last two also made two tv shows that are very much worth your time: Dekalog, Berlin
Alexanderplatz also another tv show: I, Claudius
some documantiers too:
>act of killing
>encounters at the end of the world
>pictures of the old world
>grey gardens
>paris is burning
>sans soleil
>palms (ladoni)
>west of the tracks
thats all i can think of right now but be sure to also watch the films that win big at the berlin, venice and cannes film festivals, even the grand jury and director picks can be worthwhile

>> No.15643988

ive seen thin red line and act of killing but are unlogged so feel slightly less bad lmao. thanks tho once again appreciate the effort you expended in compiling that

>> No.15644001

np man, my favourite malick films are actually his older ones days of heaven and badlands. Though his latest a hidden life is quite good, one fav i forgot to mention is bela tarr, though be warned he is in the category of "slow cinema" I'd start with turin horse and werckmeister harmonies for those before diving into Sátántangó. Also I'll just say that I really only got into cinema about a year or so ago, so dont worry man

>> No.15644005

I saw the trailer on tv and it looked like pretentious lesbian arthouse made by a woman. Scorsese's Silence, though flawed, seems like it was a better movie.

>> No.15644009

>there will be blood, once upon a time in america, manchester by the sea.
Lmao okay kid, it's overrated like all of those movies. Though considering the movie the Op is about, There Will be Blood is far better, and it's an averagely good film. It's mostly just teenagers who exaggerate it because of its "le masculine" development that it offers to a pubescent.

>> No.15644016


>> No.15644017

odd comparison? I'd compare silence to something more like Dersu Uzala by Kurosawa, though lady on fire did remind me of the piano by Jane Campion. The only good female directors I like are Claire Denis, Agnes Varda and Larisa Shepitko

>> No.15644039

Comparison because their both more recent films, while referencing Kurosowa is completely off, just because it's set in Japan.

I can tell this movie is bad, because you have bad taste, and the footage I have seen looks bad and little better in directing than a british bbc detective show.

>> No.15644042

ok im basic give me a break lmao

>> No.15644044

Everyone says Last Year at Marienbad is amazing, but I'm not sure if it's as good as the trailer makes out.


Can someone confirm?

>> No.15644056

??? are u retarded I made the comparison since they were closer in style of film who cares if they are not recent, and when did I say I enjoyed lady on fire?

>> No.15644062

I'm not gonna watch a movie about lesbians. End of story.

>> No.15644063

and its not even set in japan you mongoloid

>> No.15644068

You cannot be serious

>> No.15644108
File: 50 KB, 640x400, Falstaff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but this is just what happens when gets sucked into the degenerate entertainment of cinema, it can only ever be a lower art but man is stimulated by the instant gratification the ability of cinematography gives, without giving anything beyond this. As I said, whenever film is in becoming of an achievement unique to its own form, that is through cinematography, it can only ever be a lower art, but is predominately merely entertainment. It's why whatever minuscule of value a normal film has, it's always dependent on the script. Because it must be play first, and film second, for it to have any real content. Kurosowa and Riefenstahl are great because of this, even Kubrick though I'm not as much a fan. Someone like Bergman is an overrated ingenuitor of film, with little actual content, whereas for the most part content only comes by the hopeful inferrence of the audience that it does have some more meaning. Or the occasional luck of a short period of a scene to actually pull of some sense of the vague imaginative idea he first had, like playing chess with death for the first time is a rare example of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4yXBIigZbg

I haven't watched Welles yet, but he seems to obviously follow the play first and movie second, however he is also more of ingenuitor than an artist. Very few true directors-as-artists.

>> No.15644115

I also counted this in, the films are not similar in style.

>> No.15644118

Do you think I care? It's directed by a jap.

>> No.15644125

really? I've heard the argument bergman essentially stages a play and films it. He's never reliant on his cinematography too excel the story and nor does anyone watch his films for that.

>> No.15644133

ok so you're a pseud, good to know, excited for the new nolan film are we?

>> No.15644152

Are you kidding me? The only reason anyone watches Bergman is because he's apparently some genius director. Cinematography is obviously the biggest part in that credited fame to him.

In essence, his "plays" are meant to be filmed. The content is nothing, and he doesn't even pull the content off well. There is such a thing as achieving the best form of cinema through crafting a "play" made for filming, but when it becomes do dependent on the film it is hot garbage. I'm a bit confused what to say in this paragraph, but I explain most of it in the previous post.

>> No.15644156

Nolan films were literally on your list.

>> No.15644159

im not op

>> No.15644161

>ive watched a lot of movies and it's in my top 3. if i had to give an example of a movie that is just as good, probably there will be blood, once upon a time in america, manchester by the sea
Is this bait?

>> No.15644168

You're spiritually of his interior, you worthless venom: https://youtu.be/y4x6OiHe3AU?t=25

>> No.15644174

the only reason people watch him is because the genius directors, themselves thought he was genius, are you trying to be contrarian for the sake of it?

>> No.15644178


>> No.15644186
File: 101 KB, 785x731, k0IGUXx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see I'm not a psued I-I listen to CLASSICAL music

>> No.15644212

you asked this before just watch itnretard

>> No.15644230

>implying I wasn't calling you a jew

No! I gather it's disappointing.

>> No.15645025

>No! I gather it's disappointing.
why ask then dumbass

>> No.15645078

Dekalog is better than any piece of literature ever written

>> No.15645407
File: 716 KB, 1280x800, Red River snake bracelet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As I said, whenever film is in becoming of an achievement unique to its own form, that is through cinematography, it can only ever be a lower art, but is predominately merely entertainment. It's why whatever minuscule of value a normal film has, it's always dependent on the script.

Dig a little deeper. There may be more going on than you think. Read Mast on Hawks, pic related. If memory serves, chaps. 2-4 address the issue of meaning in film, and film vs. script.

>The apprehension and understanding of art that is fun and easy require not special learning but special sensitivity to complicated essences that have been translated into perfectly elegant, graceful, brilliant surfaces, and special care not to be fooled by those simple surfaces into believing the art is simple. They also require a certain immunity to the Puritanical suspicion that something fun cannot be very good for you.

>> No.15646391

As we all should. Get women out of film

>> No.15646728


>> No.15646815


>> No.15646892
File: 269 KB, 1272x640, 1F596047-8AF8-46FB-99D2-F885436B86D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T. Never seen Barry Lyndon

>> No.15647673

I have been watching movies for decades now, have even been taking notes religiously for the dozens and hundreds of movies i have watched for college and yet there is not a single one that even comes close to Tarkovskys Andrei Rublev. The catharsis of the bell maker is the pinnacle of filmmaking. Based.

>> No.15647698

I love that movie so much, but it almost ruined other films for me entirely.

>> No.15647719

It doesn't matter because your taste is dog shit and you're a pseudo-intellectual

>> No.15647734

I don't want to bother watching anything about lesbianism unless it's depicting in a negative light.

>> No.15647741

Stay on /r/movies you dilettante embarrassment

>> No.15647743

lol what the fuck is this goofy shit?

>> No.15647753

Post a better film but I know you won't

>> No.15647765

>your taste is dog-shit
Thats hurtful.

>> No.15647771

Is it actually good? /tv/ was complaining they found it boring so I didn't think twice about it

>> No.15647778

I know this is a troll but I still feel insulted

>> No.15647794

>dude look at how I tried to imitate a painting and still made it end up looking drab! I'm film making!
Kubrick is the epitome of soulless film and trying to make it up with "technicality".

>> No.15647807
File: 682 KB, 3120x2063, Nostalghia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15647812

Wrong terrible movie

>> No.15647818
File: 14 KB, 255x247, 1588368791384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15647825

Every patrician I follow has it at 3-4 stars so you are objectively wrong.

>> No.15647847

>Every patrician I follow
Yeah, I am thinking he's a pseud subhuman incapable of forming his own opinion

>> No.15647857

No I have my own opinion but everyone else I know shares almost the same opinion so I'm saying you're the wrong one

>> No.15647861

That's a pretty solid list. Will watch some on ot although I have been avoiding them for years now

>> No.15647911
File: 170 KB, 753x800, Stirner .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone else can suck my fucking cock, Nostalghia is the greatest film of all time.

>> No.15647921

ok weirdo

>> No.15647927
File: 659 KB, 271x223, Ryan-Gosling-Laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have my own opinion but everyone else I know shares almost the same opinion

>> No.15648082
File: 292 KB, 1020x568, Screenshot 2020-04-24 at 1.22.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch The Elephant Man