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15647102 No.15647102 [Reply] [Original]

Write a poem about pic related

>> No.15647178

no /thread

>> No.15647189

One summer a burger of ham
Was was hauled by a turtle named Sam.
But there was no great loss,
When Sam hauled it across
As there was only so much ham Sam could cram.

>> No.15647201

o young ocean turtle
hungry as all sin

he spies the great sky burger
and widens at the maw

he cranes his neck up towards the sun
hoping for his fill

but all this turtle gets
is one sad mouth full of bun

>> No.15647323

Im no teenage mutant ninja turtle, but
I still dont like to eat straw
Shit is supposed to come out of my butt
Meat, that, I wont eat raw
Jizz in the cum sock
Then I eat crack rock
Drinking lean
Dont be mean
Fell like im floating in the ocean
I suck cock only if its feminine
Aside from that only burgers is allowed in my mouth
I want a qt trap gf as my spouse

>> No.15647390

iktf :(

>> No.15647438

The turtle saw the floating burger in the sky
Why is it so high up, is it shy?
The turtle came closer and got a good look
This is some fine work by a good cook
But what is happening now?
Why is the turtle growing to the size of a cow?
It doesnt matter yet for the turtle can finally take a bite
It knew it was forbidden by the gods, it did it out of spite
Reality is collapsing now, the darkness closes in on us
There is no escape you will die faggot

>> No.15647675

peepee poo
oh peepee
how daring are u
here's a flying burger
for no reason whatsoever
my peepee is hard
and so is the turtle's peepee
poo falls from the sky
you may wonder why
that's actually a good question
and you must see the flying burger for such a reason
no treason, peepee is big enough
the turtle may also fall
as humans, we wonder why
there's no bother
because even if the turtle's peepee is harder than mine
it's a turtle and thus cannot be a tortoise
she may fall but she won't die
because mighty is her peepee
and so is the sea

>> No.15647731


>> No.15647769

Turtle, turtle, strutting slow
Blue above and so below
Will he reach the burger meat?
Is it such a tasty treat?
"Cheesy oozy goozy slime
Processed dairy so sublime
For I've eaten only leaves
All my hundred thousand eves
Turtles live so long you see,
Fast food is a luxury."

>> No.15647780

Bruh thtat shit kinda fye

>> No.15647845

turtle teeth on beachy ball
burger bitten by the beak
void surrounds us, void consumes
turtle taste the moo cow meat

>> No.15647918

theres borger
om nom nom

>> No.15648182

turtles munch on mystic waves
turtles crunch the burger away
oh turtle turtle
how sweet your bite
I love your smile
oh turtle turtle
do stay a while

>> No.15648215

These are my favorites.

>> No.15648226

The turtle
He left his shell
He eat the burger

>> No.15648265 [DELETED] 

Bonus points for being the only one noticing this is a tortoise, not a turtle.

>> No.15648410

Based tig- I mean turtle

>> No.15648428

Turtle turtle take a monch
Rabbit so fast but now he's lunch
Divinate the winner if speed's the hunch
The answer to zeno is drowned by a crunch

>> No.15648456


>> No.15648493

In the sea of love
once you meet
the one

His tough
but under the shell
His heart thumbs for love.

>> No.15648513

burger turtle
turtle burger
burger eating turtle
burger turtle
burger turtle
framing you for murder

>> No.15648542


Still gnawing at you slowly, Americas original sin
Blue in trouble Black is circling you in
2 races at odds, thieves, riots and blood
Over 1 body Lifeless in the Minnesota mud
And you sit doing nothing writing stupid rhymes
when the days of opportunity are passing on bye

>> No.15648631

Between the shells, the meat of the matter,
as they say between the pages
of older books, when thoughts were fatter.
Untempered, yes, but of their ages.

Between the buns, the meatburger sits
baking and browned beneath the sun.
Wet tomato, hotly wilting,
can it feel the weight of seeded bun?

The seeds, once to grow, now decoration
fit to pick out of your teeth.
The sun, would-be father, just onanation,
spilling seed upon the relief.

Returning now, to the meat of the meat
between the jaws of turtle snout.
The snap meets char, the eater eats,
the bite which tugs and ravels out.

Two strangers linked now falling fast,
the turtle and his burger score.
The water clear, with sudden splash
will only the two for us obscure.

>> No.15648711

Nice and based

>> No.15648992

a burger once took a dive
a turtle saw it
went for a bite.
oh no burger said
im all for anon mouth

Turtle swam on
to distant shores
swalled lots of micro plastics
got sick

On his deathbed
suddenly a burger came
"Do you still want to eat me"?

the turtle died with a smile on his face.

>> No.15649100

Waves crash on the sands of a summer city
A city with hope of preserving the sixth sin
Shelled creatures walk these sandy planes
Even gluttony permeates through turtle veins

>> No.15649112
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Turtle eat burger
Burger tasty
Turtle happy

>> No.15649134






























>> No.15649351

Back now, then forth once more. Who could pretend such love shall not decay? Ideal and angry, can we not be free?

>> No.15649358

I want them to touch

>> No.15650119

What's this?
No Burger

>> No.15651673

Good good

>> No.15651749

// // ////// \
/// o
/ // O

>> No.15651907

Tartaruga, tartaruga não és isco
A tartaruga é um temível predador!
Preda, preda sem pudor
O flanco do teu petisco.

Come o hambúrguer, sucolento
Aquele de que mais gostas.
Oxalá te dê alento
Para aguentar com o mundo às costas.

>> No.15652065


>> No.15652078

the turtle
so small yet brave
big bite no give up
all women are strong

>> No.15652122

le turtle
xe destroyed the fucking burger
teh turtle is out

>> No.15652724

In calming warm blue sea,
A turtle, graced by the discovery,
Something appealing to taste, appealing to his eyes,
There he take a bite
Turtle succeed.

>> No.15653119
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>> No.15653178

Burgered the Turtle
as seawater circled

Turtling the Burger,
water circled did sea

Burgered the Turtle
with skies blue and clouds hurdled

The turtle and burger
The You and Me

>> No.15654146


>> No.15654208

~turtle swims across
~ocean clear no fish in sight
~keep that sandwich dry

>> No.15654911

The turtle
He has got himself a burg'
the turtle is eating a burg'