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15644468 No.15644468 [Reply] [Original]

>Imaginary girlfriend criticizes my literary taste again

>> No.15644480
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>stirner tulpa criticising me for being too selfless again

>> No.15644486

Every time I'm selfless and something bad happens to me because of it I swear I can hear Stirner laughing from the sky

>> No.15645230

what a cunt

>> No.15645329

Stirner here, write a book

>> No.15646296
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But you know she really loves you, and only says those things because she wants you to be a better man.

Give her a surprise kiss tonight, just to show her that you really do love her.

>> No.15646316

being egoistic or selfless is a spook.

>> No.15646466
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i have never kissed a girl and i panic about it. what if i somehow kiss a girl for the first time and i am so overwhelmed that i struggle to hold my breath and blow air out of my mouth into her mouth while kissing and she becomes disgusted with me?

>> No.15646476

I'm 25 years old and never kissed too. I afraid that she will understand I am very inexperienced if I kiss with her.

>> No.15646482

Empty your lungs before kissing and slowly inhale with your nose during the process.

>> No.15646498

there is all this planning i have to do, i wish basic things like this weren't a game of chess and strategy

>> No.15646578

He is going to take your advice and give her the vacuum treatment now.

>> No.15646608
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Why have you guys never kissed? I’m 22 and never kissed because I’m a shy autist Schizo. Good looking too, but I’ve literally never initiated a conversation with a girl because I’m too scared of them. Is there any hope for me to proliferate my genes?

>> No.15646624

You could pass as a poor kisser rather than an inexperienced one. Start slowly by grabbing one of her lips with yours and massaging it with your smiling orifice. Slowly transition into a full mouth to mouth as you improve your understanding of the topography and gain the capacity to plan your future moves. From then on act according to circumstances. You're a smart kid, you'll figure it out.
If you go in head first guns blazing your sensors will be overwhelmed by wetness and you are bound to get lost in the unknown terrain.

>> No.15646632

i never kissed a girl in high school because i was stuck in that weird phase between puberty and maturity where your face can look weird. after school ended i started to look normal but i don't leave the house although i am actually not too bad looking now and my face is an 8 (unironically)

>> No.15646890

I've only kissed one girl and I am quite good at it from the first. Just practice a bit on a mirror or something, then think about how it would work with another mouth introduced. Takes a bit to get the rhythm but it's easy af.

>> No.15646942

But how do I find a qt girl to kiss?