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/lit/ - Literature

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15642514 No.15642514 [Reply] [Original]

Is this true? (Biased Nazis need not respond.)

>> No.15642534

how long until you have to publicly agree with this? I give it until 2030ish

>> No.15642540

/pol/tards are now taking bait from twitter teenage girls. The absolute state of this website.

>> No.15642554

Legit question here: Can you disprove her claim?

>> No.15642570
File: 296 KB, 1242x1577, B039E93E-AA93-425D-A64F-71920178F3FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takes like this go viral with hundreds of thousands of likes and mainstream support. They aren’t just teenage girl takes.

>> No.15642574

i can't disprove that the bible was written by megatron

>> No.15642581

Who is the “black artist” she has in mind?

>> No.15642582

Yeah haha but the authorities are letting these people do whatever they want, you don't think they'd put this in the history books if they can get away with it? We're supposed to integrate with these people and they literally just make shit up "oh yeah your mama black btw, google it."

>> No.15642616

This doesn't really make sense when genealogies exist.

>> No.15642656

MC Shake'n Spear

>> No.15642670
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Beethoven was mad dark though.

>> No.15642817

R. Kelly

>> No.15642828

Mixed it seems.

>> No.15642857
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>> No.15642874
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Pic related is the only painting of Beethoven that he actually posed for. This whole discussion is more than retarded.

>> No.15642882

>died in poverty
>still has a painting of her
i thought only the wealthy could afford those?

>> No.15642903

Being darker skinned compared to the average German applies to 99% of the human population.

>> No.15642913

Dont forget the jewels.

>> No.15642922

Lol the Atlantic wrote a whole article about it, naturally

> When Maya Angelou first encountered the poem as a child, she thought Shakespeare must have been a black girl who had been sexually abused: “How else could he know what I know?”

So the answer to your question >>15642534 is probably much sooner.

>> No.15642930

Also Maya Angelou is straight ass and a total retard, so it’s no surprise her logic would lead her to such an enterprising conclusion.

>> No.15642941

Yes. Shakespeare clearly knew Latin (attested by the use of his sources and the way he uses Donatus' Latin word order rather often in English). The sources for many of his plays are known and are not from black writers. If you want to know these sources just go to each play's wiki page to see them.

>> No.15642948

Everything you read on twitter is true

>> No.15642953

>the authorities are letting these people do whatever they want
If "the authorities" decided to do anything about retards shitposting this whole board would be first in the ovens

>> No.15642961

Wasn't this made by a /lit/ poster as a joke?

>> No.15642971

If nobody would publish her, how tf did she get such a good education as to be able to write the most beautiful lines of all time? And what of Shakespeare's contemporaries who knew and admired the man? You think Shakespeare could be such an uneducated tard and mingle with these people and they'd really believe that he was the same person who'd written those incredible plays and poetry?

>> No.15643162
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>> No.15643182

yes.... a black female /lit/ poster

>> No.15643229

also elite women were commonly quite skilled in music, painting, lyric, etc. that's all they ever did was refine, the damn sure weren't down in the kitchens

>> No.15643315

are you really going to sit here and pretend like that's a bad thing

>> No.15643603

Wonder why they called him Spagnol

>> No.15643624

Its so funny because they like to think of themselves as the epic trolls who convince people to microwave their phones or bait some cable news channel who can't resist some ridiculous headline.

But the whole prophecy of distinguishing irony or whatever that internet law was called came true. Now pol and this whole site is filled with actual morons who would microwave their own phones if someone told them it would anger SJW's.

Its fucking annoying and is slowly ruining every board.

>> No.15643636

this is not even vaguely true

>> No.15643640

>I feel like this is known but while we're at it Shakespeare was a reptilian and most/all of his work can be credited to aliens.
Legit question here: Can you disprove my claim?

>> No.15643684

WOW blacks are AMAZING!!!

>> No.15643711

tfw no one bites on your appeal to popular opinion so you have to samefag. hate to see it

>> No.15643773

maya angelou is easily one of the worst things about the 20th century

>> No.15643780

There were probably less than a few hundred blacks in all of Europe at the time, and we can doubt one could have become a somewhat famous playwright and actor without his complexion ever being mentioned.

>> No.15643781

>HoW eLse CouLd hE kNoW wHat I knOW

>> No.15643804
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Most point to his handwriting as "proof" of illiteracy, but this is a style of handwriting and court documents written by others have his name in a similar style.
We have references to the poet and playwright (and theatre owner and actor) Shakespeare where none question that he is the white male from Stratford-upon-Avon depicted in the first folio and the funerary monument. All the evidence does not point to a black woman (for whom no evidence has been furnished), and the name usually given of Amelia Bassano refers to pic related, not very African I've gotta say.

>> No.15643808

You're an idiot. Do you think we actually care about what this idiot is saying?
No, we are pointing out how the discourse, in general, is shifting.
>I feel like this is known
Indicates that this is a sentiment shared by other black people.
Look at this video from 20 years ago, roughly. The things that the extremist fringe were saying in private are now becoming things some stupid teenage girl spouts on a public forum.

This is essentially what happens:

>fringe phenomena happens
>/pol/acks/"reactionaries" point it out as undermining their culture/society/tradition/whatever as a whole
>/lit/tle brains like to guffaw and say how ridiculous it is to overreact while simultaneously siding with the side that allows that fringe action to grow
>suddenly it becomes a progressive cause and now a mainstream political issue
>/lit/tle brains claim to be above the dichotomy while consistently rationalising the progressive's action, now fully-accepting that phenomena and any criticism is "reactionary"

Seen it too many times. You did it with muslims, gays, trannies, soi boys, now black-supremacists. You deny their intentions, gatekeep and then incorporate those points into anti-reactionary discourse. Which has been how western academia operates for the past 60 years.

>> No.15643812

Even if that were the case, there would be two problems with that story. If she was an elite, I'm quite sure she could afford to publish herself. And if she were elite, she certainly wouldn't "die in poverty" due to not being paid for her writings.

>> No.15643850
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/pol/ btfo

>> No.15643862
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>> No.15643938

I hate this shit on twitter so much
>post some stupid shit
>people correct you
>"lol all dem boys mad in my mentions XD"
fuck you

>> No.15643947


>> No.15643951

It's not bait if they literally believe it.

>> No.15644034

Wait, so his work was written by the Irish?

>> No.15644046
File: 713 KB, 1034x808, franklin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ben Franklin would like a word

>> No.15644060

He was swarthy, but not black.

>> No.15644086

>“How else could he know what I know?”
Based functionalist, from this perspective I totally agree with Shakespeare being black

>> No.15644113

>getting this mad
>analyzing a twitter post from literally who
>demonstrates superiority of /pol/ hivemind by making up a scenario
>>you're the idiot not me!!
faggot lol

>> No.15644131

Oh look, a /lit/tle brain with no comprehension skills.

>> No.15644145

>Can you disprove her claim?
it's not up to us to disprove, it's up to her to prove.

>> No.15644154

I dont even know who maya angelou is but I know this quote and you guys are misrepresenting it.
When she was twelve years old she read shakespeare and assumed he was black like her because she so connected to his writing and it resonated with her so much that she thought 'only a fellow nigger could understand me so'. And I think the story goes when she found out he was white she was devastated.
In adulthood she never maintained that she actually believed WS was a nigger.

>> No.15644163

you have to submit to your black superiors

>> No.15644193

Yes, that's also what I understood. I wasn't talking about her adult her but about how her functionalist thought as a child was based

>> No.15644197


>> No.15644211


You think anyone who believes this stuff actually thinks that far?

>> No.15644232

If black people are so smart and talented, how come they've been oppressed for so long?
The question's rhetorical nature provides an answer to your question.

It's very easy to lie, and many people do it.

End thread the thread.

>> No.15644282

More importantly, why was it covered up? There were a number of Africans in Europe of note at the time, and none of them faced any sort of racial discrimination.

>> No.15644287

It's post irony. Push them on it and they'll say they're just shitposting. Let them carry on and they'll act like it's genuinely true.

>> No.15644304

No, that's just irony. Irony is a defense for powerlessness. The only thing "after" irony is sincerity.

>> No.15644309

those are some impressive sources

>> No.15644318

Actually every person who achieved anything was black, right up to the invention of photography. Then they got oppressed and removed from history.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.15644349

No it isn't. Irony would be used here to mock the idea of Shakespeare being black. That's not what's happening. Post irony is using irony ambiguously to obfuscate. The joke is no longer "istnt what I'm saying (and by association the people who say it) stupid" but instead "aren't you stupid for not getting what I'm saying (and by association aren't you smart for actually getting what I'm saying)." Don't get hung up on the "post-"

>> No.15644387

>no records from his lifetime identify him unequivocally as a writer. The more than 70 documents that exist show him as an actor, a shareholder in a theater company, a moneylender, and a property investor.

>> No.15644421

That's my point: she IS being ironic, it's just from the Black perspective and mocking the idea of Shakespeare being White. I'd agree with you if she were White, but she isn't, and Afrocentrism is so common among Blacks that it can essentially be considered the norm.

>> No.15644445

Can you disprove my claim that there are goblins living on the dark side of the moon?

>> No.15644462

Yes, many true things can be proven false.

>> No.15644501

>it's just from the Black perspective and mocking the idea of Shakespeare being White
Then she's not being ironic because that is what she's literally saying.

>> No.15644518 [DELETED] 

>We are ALL Africans
- John Green

>> No.15644522

>>15642514 (OP)
>We are ALL Africans
- John Green (the best-selling author of The Fault in our Stars)

>> No.15644528

Not a single person quoted in that image was alive at the same time as Beethoven.

>> No.15644536

>The Atlantic

good lord, who the fuck is still reading that tripe still?

Its like Salon and Mother Jones

>> No.15644574

>Mother Jones
They have continued a standard of investigative journalism rarely seen anywhere else. Even in the golden era of investigative journalism they were better than others.

>> No.15644578
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Rosa Parks was KOREAN. Her REAL name was Park So Ra. But the black man couldn't handle his movement being taken over by a better race and had to change it.

>> No.15644628

>shakespeare illiterate
>beethoven was black

When will the memes die

>> No.15644970

That does not even remotely begin to refute her claim.

>> No.15644985

Good post.

Lame retort.

>> No.15644995

>it's up to her to prove.
Burden of proof is just another instantiation of white supremacy. Which you seem altogether too comfortable with and smug about.

>> No.15645003

Even the redditors aren't buying this one, so I don't you could claim it has any mainstream support.

>> No.15645012

>and we can doubt one could have become a somewhat famous playwright and actor without his complexion ever being mentioned.

Recall that very early on, when he was still virtually a nobody, he was slandered in print as an "upstart Crowe." It's no stretch to see that otherwise senseless remark as being a derogatory reference to his skin color.

>> No.15645014

>ahhhh please don't give the left ammunition by being anything but a grovelling cuck. kiss the nigger boot, bigot

>> No.15645086

Are you illiterate? He's clearly saying that the tendency of moderate right-wingers to laugh off ultra-progressives and shame reactionaries for complaining is what has led to the problem we have now. When people get angrier about /pol/'s reaction than they do about the twitter thots screaming "Mozart was a black boy!" it reinforces the conception that that's normal discourse, and causes a shift to the left.

>> No.15645115

>Are you illiterate?
Right back at you, I'm obviously agreeing with the person I responded to

>> No.15645129

I've been on here too long. My instinctive reaction to greentext is that it's mocking the post in question.

>> No.15645162
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I probably should have composed my post differently but eh whatever. I just wanted to give a topical example of how crazy things have gotten because no one pushes back on the lefts nonsense

>> No.15645291


>> No.15645320

They are being stupid on purpose to trigger you. Just ignore them.

>> No.15645717

of course it's not true.
and egyptians didn't have flying machines either.

>> No.15645800

>black guy comes up to me and tells me to get on my knees and beg for forgiveness
>ask why
>says it is because of what my white ancestors did to him
>"I'm Mexican"
>"Same thing"
>tell him it is my fucking continent and he should get on his knees and show some fucking gratitude for being on my people's fucking land without permission
>gets all flustered and walks away giving me a dirty look

>> No.15645815

Who cares. Shakespeare didn't stand the test of time

>> No.15645832

kys, niggerkike

>> No.15645886

It's impossible to tell, really. Never say black people aren't dumb enough to actually believe... Because there's always going to be some.

>> No.15645934

why is she so bad

>> No.15645986

>Shakespeare was a black man. Is this true?

>> No.15646031

This site was ruined by boomers and swarmfront

>> No.15646056

Did you know the people who told you to say that have been posting that lie since 2012, and that they whined and cried so much about stormweenies (formerly the hilarious stormlords) that /q/ was deleted and >>>/s4s/ was created mocking the name of the subreddit who was responsible for the raids? Of course you didn't.

>> No.15646064

What was /q/ I only came three years ago.

>> No.15646115

It was for site discussion and what that means is the entire board was people from reddit saying "delete /pol/" and /v/ (which already had 5 boards) demanding to be split 3 and 4 more times due to their hideous autism which causes intense hatred for playing with the wrong toy. This went on for months with virtually no other topics being posted before it was deleted.

>> No.15646132

It was ruined by jidf pushing back against the perceived presence of /pol/

>> No.15646139
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>I only came three years ago.
i have been here for 4 and a half, loser

>> No.15646169
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Werent niggers (Black people) really poor and opressed people? How she could access to knowledge

>> No.15646213

In continental Europe probably not. The few that existed were likely a novelty and hung out in court all day because there was nothing to do except watch jesters whistle, fart and do the splits and show off your pet african. Maybe I'm wrong and there were instances of N-Word Jim just being a random guy who ended up on Europe somehow and was accepted for being a regular chump but I rather doubt it. Anyone got the scoop on this?

>> No.15646268

Black presence in Europe goes back at least as far as the Roman empire and significant migration has happened every time some empire or other has encouraged mass migration (which happened every few years).

I mean it's not like Africa and Europe aren't right next to each other.

>> No.15646280

Everyone has always hated /pol/ even back when it was /new/, stop spreading nonsense.

>>>/s4s/ is from an April fools joke where moot made the site look a bit like reddit (we had updoots and everything). This was a couple of years after the facebook plugin prank.

>> No.15646294

why would she write his plays if she wasnt getting paid for it

>> No.15646303

Because it was
t. His Holiness Megatron

>> No.15646304

And why is it called "shit4chansays"? What is the reason for that name? Anon shut the fuck up. The jig is up. If you feel like you want to keep pushing this false narrative because you are evil or misguided or whatever then fine but try it next thread when I probably won't be on /lit/

>> No.15646382

Because there was a thing on some subredits of reposting EpIn thReADs that were usually made by visiting redditors through samefagging (that's part of why we have the unqiue poster count). Like, for example, you post a random booktuber and then post about sending her piss bottles and send her a link to the thread you made which you've also been screen grabbing because it's EpIN 4choon CoNTenT.

>> No.15646405

why are you still going dude? For months on end people shilled /q/ against /pol/ and /pol/ blamed it on r/ShitRedditSays and obviously the JIDF. Just stop dude. I don' care if you feel like you need to constantly be dishonest about your intentions and the facts of whatever is being discussed and never once question why you have to be a deceitful piece of shit, but you don't know what you're talking about, the idea that stormfront was a relevant website in fucking 2016 is ridiculous, the idea that redditors are nazis is even more ridiculous, and you're a dumb lying kike or carry water for the people who told you what to say. Just stop posting anon. It's over. If you refused to accept that, again feel free to carry on as usual tomorrow in your typical jewish manner. I rarely use the board so it will probably go better.

>> No.15646421

I understand this when we talk about arabs or turks, but black people are not so close (and arabs and blacks are not the same thing).

>> No.15646426
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>For months on end people shilled /q/ against /pol/ and /pol/ blamed it on r/ShitRedditSays and obviously the JIDF.
I think it's time to take those meds bro.

>> No.15646448

>Black presence in Europe goes back at least as far as the Roman empire
Yeah, maybe with the odd Nubian or Ethiopian soldier serving in the Roman army. They definitely weren't common anywhere except maybe southern Egypt. Isn't there some story where Hadrian laughed at an Ethiopian border guard in Britannia?

>> No.15646455

>I understand this when we talk about arabs or turks, but black people are not so close (and arabs and blacks are not the same thing).
It's not as well documented, but you have quite a lot of movement around Africa as well. The one I always found weird is the lack of trickling from East Asia to Europe via the silk road. Like we can see influence on culture, but movement of people no so much East of India unless it's something like the Mongol Hordes.

And desu I don't think many people would argue about most East Africans being black, like Ethiopians and that lot are sometimes lighter skinned but they are still black. I think people in Europe didn't care so much, like either you were pale white or you weren't so even people who just tanned were called "black".

>> No.15646467

People moved throughout the empire. It's the same economic model as always, migration happens under globalism like it happened under empire because of trade and its influence on the movement of people.

>> No.15646468

What compels you to be this much a dumb piece of shit anon? You've clearly lost, you're clearly a liar, and you're clearly wrong. Even if you were just to come here by the chapotraphouse discord and believed whatever they told you, at this point its very obvious you're wrong. However, I'm beginning to sense you are in fact being genuinely dishonest. Why is that anon? You have lost. You're wrong, and you look dumb. So why continue to try and snatch defeat from the jaws of defeat?

>> No.15646496
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Bad projection is bad bro.

>> No.15646516

Tell me why you act like this. Give me an answer.

>> No.15646591

Except like I said there were no sub-saharan African's in the Roman empire except for a few soldiers and maybe some Nubians at the Egyptian border. The fact that Septimius Severus, an emperor, (not Hadrian now that I looked it up) was surprised to see a black guy pretty well implies black people weren't a common sight in the Roman Empire.