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15642341 No.15642341 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15642362

Idc about ur tiny dick syndrome at all yeah yeah yeah yeah
Fuuuuuck you. Idgaf uuu bout you no no no ig I'd rather say oh baby I'd rather fuuuuck youu you know idgaf uhhh bout you oh no no no oh oh oh ohh

>> No.15642365

I call it crusty opoop anon wat do you think

>> No.15642370

damn... racism btfo

>> No.15642376

Fuck Robin DiAngelo. I hope that Duke dies from in a nightmarish datura-fueled delirium.

>> No.15642377

Jesus, I can't believe people actually live like that, let alone think that its any way to combat racism. this is peak oversocialization.

>> No.15642394

Jesus all of her issues in that interaction stem from being massively unprofessional. Dismissed a client's request and made a risque joke about coworker to the same client, as well as bizarrely ragging on her own race in the process. Of course rather than admit a complete lack of professional standards she blames racism. What a joke.

>> No.15642396

sounds like a secularized version of Confession:

'here are my sins'
'please forgive me'
'what is my penance?'

>> No.15642406

wow two people running into an issue and talking it out and dealing with it like adults in a respectful manner
so awful

>> No.15642416

>I open by asking Angela
>Would you be willing to grant me the opportunity to repair the racism i perpetrated toward you in that meeting?
Holy Kek, what a faggot.

>> No.15642426

Is it just a smut book? Have we really come any farther than playboy protests? It doesn't work

>> No.15642430

>would you be willing to grant me the opportunity to repair the racism I perpetrated toward you
Stop. This isn't healthy, and you know it. She literally wants people to talk like robots and wants race to be the defining factor of interactions.

>> No.15642438

>>Would you be willing to grant me the opportunity to repair the racism i perpetrated toward you in that meeting?
this stuff really reminds me of those comically elaborate greetings that writers and musicians used to give to nobles and kings in the dedications of their work.

>> No.15642439

You go up to mental hospitals and preach to them how bad it is to see crazy shit?

>> No.15642445

That excerpt illustrates black fragility, not white fragility, lmao. What the fuck even is white fragility? Do we see WLM trending on Twitter right now or BLM? I can't stand all the oversocialized morons these days.

>> No.15642447

See this shit is why we can't have good butler's anymore. This language is relegated to guilt by commoners who know no better

>> No.15642456

>wow this survey is shit
>oh wait a black woman wrote it
>great survey no racism here :DDDD

>> No.15642464

The author of that crap didn't know not to make comments about black women's hair, especially at work? And now she wants to lecture the rest of us on racism? gtfo of here.

>> No.15642473

Yeah, let's run the country like a corporate HR department. Sounds like utopia.

>> No.15642475

These are the kind of books that only further partition people on the political spectrum. These brainless don’t realize that misjudging others on their hair, clothes, skin, etc. are deeply rooted social features in humans. It sucks but truth hurts you big fucking pussies.

>> No.15642478

>white fragility
i don't really understand this and it's probably an american thing, but i love being white and it's fairly obvious to me that being caucasian makes me on average better than people of other races, i'm pretty sure that's why whites are tolerant of animal behavior perpetrated by non-whites, it's pity

>> No.15642486

based and brahminpilled

>> No.15642490

I don't know if it's just the way it's written, but there's something about this so sterile and mechanical about that whole interaction. Who would honestly want to live like this?

>> No.15642491

Pol Pot kinda did that. Sort of.

>> No.15642496

Pol Pot'
s brutality was infinitely more soulful than HR department culture.

>> No.15642498

Pol Pot emptied out the cities and forced everyone back into subsistence agriculture. I'm surprised he's not more popular with the vegan left. Maybe it's because his system resulted in the death of 1/4 of Cambodia's population. But don't you think that's a reasonable price to pay to live in a vegan world?

>> No.15642510

How do we meme Greta into reading Pol Pot and Linkola and turn her into an ecofascist?

>> No.15642525

>I'm surprised he's not more popular with the vegan left.
Or with the anarchoprimitive right.

>> No.15642547

"white fragility" only exists when whites accept that racism is "evil". i wonder if it even occurs to professor diangelo that her concept can only exist when whites CHOOSE to take on the mantle of constantly policing themselves, apologizing for historical wrongs, prioritizing the opportunities of "disadvantaged" people over their own, etc. the day whites wake up and say 'you know what, maybe racism isn't as bad as having to perpetually cowtail to people who mean us harm', POOF! "white fragility" disappears.

>> No.15642555

That's boring af, care to give us the executive summary?

>> No.15642562
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Do feminists actually respect men that are feminists too? Deep down, most women deep down really want to be told to shut the fuck up, which I know for a fact.

>> No.15642573

Women don't care if men are feminists or not, they judge men on a different set of criteria.

>> No.15642575

I see nothing wrong with this. The white woman just wants to not be held as racist by black people, and tries to do that in her own unintelligent way. People will say "it's unhealthy", but health does not matter if it's getting in the way of something you value. People will completely sacrifice themselves and destroy their health for things they love, as we can see all throughout history in every suicidal act of war.

>> No.15642654

The term white fragility was invented by DiAngelo herself and is built on a very shaky premise. Once you know how that Kafka Trap operates, the entire project falls like a house of cards.

>> No.15642658

Concrete fragility

>> No.15642661

Until we can quantify it then it means nothing

>> No.15642679

As the plague of SJWism emasculates white men, white women move on to more challenging prospects -- namely, black men, who have not been entirely domesticated yet. It's no fun if there's no challenge.

>> No.15642683

Stfu u creep, go outside

>> No.15642691

Fuck I love Pol Pot. We need that kind of tenacity in the USA

>> No.15642693

It sounds like someone with autism wrote that

>> No.15642696

Your entire ideology revolves around your penis and how afraid you are that it will shrivel up and fall off one day, this isnt healthy.

>> No.15642720

He was hella sneaky too. The CIA had no idea who he was until the revolution was well underway. They just knew someone known as "Brother Number 1" was in charge.

>> No.15642721

>black ppl pls save my penis

>> No.15642737
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>> No.15642740
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> systemic systems of institutional institutions

>> No.15642758


>> No.15642769

From how poorly that is written
I think she actually wrote it and not a ghost writer

>> No.15642830

But that's black fragility.

>> No.15643044

It’s all so tiresome.

>> No.15643179

are black people becoming a literal aristocracy?

>> No.15643192

it's a little fucked when one has to literally bow and scrape. angela didn't even say anything conciliatory like "oh, that's fine, you didn't mean it" or even "thanks for apologizing like this", just "i've been justifying my intelligence to white people my whole life" as though that's not an aggressive statement to make

>> No.15643195

identity politics types would've been the first up against the wall if pol pot was in charge

>> No.15643200

that's because white anti-racism is actually a war by whites on other whites

>> No.15643207

you are correct

>> No.15643209

Americans worship the Other now, and sacrifice their dignity at the altar.

>> No.15643219

who the fuck can read this shit? It's style for a 5th grade reading level

>> No.15643238

seriously, I dated a chick who now posts about wanting to abolish money and go back to an agrarian way of living. To pussy to go and do it though, she loves living in a big city. Why do these people want everyone to live this way? No ones forcing this hoe to be on the grid, go and live a self sustaining lifestyle If you want.

>> No.15643249
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An asthenocracy rather than an aristocracy, and it doesn't belong only blacks but is a mindset/zeitgeist occurring across races.

justpaste dot it / 4e051

>> No.15643318 [DELETED] 
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why is it "white fragility" when its only black people that go ape over words and no one who isn't a retard feels guilt over causing their monkey business anyway

>> No.15643377
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>Deep down, most women deep down really want to be told to shut the fuck up, which I know for a fact.

>> No.15643410


>> No.15643426

Is it worth reading though ? It could be delighting in a way

>> No.15643432

You have to read Coulter too, then. Balanced diet of amygdala bait tripe.

>> No.15643442
File: 27 KB, 238x317, 3A79C855-590D-44AF-99B6-A8E73FD11C1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, white people care a lot more about “””systematic racism””” than black people do.

>> No.15643455

This bitch is crazy

>> No.15643669

Old take by now but yes, modern leftism has a quasi religious quality to it.

>> No.15643678

This, I'm basically a racist according to these people's standards and it would never even occur to me to make a joke about black womens hair in the workplace.

>> No.15643700

What the fuck did I just read what is this garbage ? Are woke people really living like this ?

>> No.15643803

Is this like that phenomenon when closet pedos always talk about how everyone they dont like is a pedo until they get found out? Or is it simply self-hate?

>> No.15643851

She seems like one of those ‘wine aunt’ types that’s actually racist, and was completely clueless about all the terrible things she used to say.

The reason all this gets so much attention is because all the rich types in the media are the ones that came from real slave trading families. My ancestors worked in coal mines, their ancestors done fuck all while black slaves made them rich. Of course they’re going to be feeling guilt. Stop this fake race war and bring back the class war.

>> No.15643871

I really love being white bros. I love looking back into the history of our great culture. Reading the classics that made the backbone of our (comparatively) prosperous society. I actually get where blacks come from when they complain everything in the US is rascist. Yes, this is OUR (now fading) great culture. Partially built on your enslavement. Blacks have no great music, paintings, literature etc. No wonder they’re so resentful

>> No.15643883

>Deep down, most women deep down really want to be told to shut the fuck up, which I know for a fact.
This is very true. When I volunteered to help women and politely asked how their day was I was met with indifference. Lately I’ve been acting like an asshole and I can’t get this one girl to leave me alone lmao

>> No.15643901


>> No.15643939

>I was in the line at starbucks, behind my black friend (about time, she went first), when I asked her if it was okay to order a black coffee, or whether I should call it a coffee of colour.
>She turned to me and shook her head, "No, actually we prefer the term African-Americano."
>As a gesture of repentance, and willingess to learn, when the guy at the counter asked for my name was for the coffee-cup, I replied "the oppressor".

>> No.15643978
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Hark!, My liege! O! Wouldst thou feel trepidation at the behest of granting thyself the opportunity to repair thy racist remarks which were perpetrated towards thee?

>> No.15643998

Traitors deserve a bullet. Nothing more.

>> No.15644038

This is what I don't understand about this book. It makes white people talk like they're fucking slaves or something. Why don't just say:

>Hey, can we talk for a moment? I've been thinking about what I said earlier about your hair and I've realized it was in poor taste. I just wanted to apologise.

Look, I'm half autistic and even I can talk more humanly than this piece of thrash. Also how it's white fragility to dislike a stupid survey? So if instead of a black woman the survey had been done by a white person and it were a black man the one that complained, would it still be racist? Would it be considered "black fragility". I can't understand how people unironically recommend this piece of trash

>> No.15644069
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Ironically this person obviously actually is racist and is intensely uncomfortable around people who aren't white. If she was used to being around black people and wasn't anxious around them she would just talk to them like normal people.

>> No.15644094

It's like those male feminists who can't stop fantasizing about raping every woman he sees and believes this is a normal thing for all other men. These are twisted people.

>> No.15644143

Beyond based

>> No.15644181

Does anyone have a pdf of this?

>> No.15644185

Holy cope, he's right.
Lmao leftist faggots like you would be pissing their pants and crying hysterically before even entering tuol sleng. Is this how you try to cope with not having a single masculine cell in your leftist body, Idolizing old genocidal dictators?

Absolutely gotta love how mad leftists hang around in threads with indisputable proof of how pathetic and stupid their ideology is. All they can do is passive aggressively snipe at individual posters.

>> No.15644225

I've been seeing this book being shilled by Amazon and Goodreads, has anyone done a throughout refutation? I was thinking about doing a deep dive myself.

>> No.15644253

>white woman refuses to follow basic instructions
>goes off on a tangent
>makes race related joke in a professional environment
>gets chastised for it, blames systemic racism instead of just taking responsibility for being a fucking retard
why am I supposed to take advice from these people, again?

>> No.15644261

The whole concept of racial fragility is ridiculous. Remember when Elon Musk tweeted "who do you think owns the media?" and a bunch of blue checkmarks started calling him anti-semitic? That's Jewish fragility right there, is it not? Or when Trump referred to the Coronski as the "Chinese Flu," and a bunch of Asians got offended. That's Asian fragility, no? Or when blacks lose their fucking minds over someone saying the nigger word? Black fragility baka

>> No.15644268

check'd and kek'd

>> No.15644291

Are all black people like this in the US?
I live in Brazil and Ive never seen such a thing, really, never
Is it a rich black thing? Is this an american thing? Or the author is just larping and creating a situation that never existed?
Any american had had an interaction like this?

>> No.15644298

What the fuck the book was written by a woman, this answer many question and opens others
Why do people give children neutral gender names? It just makes things harder

>> No.15644299

It's unironically what you get when loxism becomes the main source of moral values

>> No.15644307
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Why does this kind of thread get so many replies? Please stop.

>> No.15644313

>hostile foreign agents are spamming garbage threads to stifle very important and creative discussions happening on 4channel dot org
your pills, schizo
take them

>> No.15644317

Ever noticed how schizos have much more determination and will than the average person?

>> No.15644323

>slide threads
>on a literature board
>a thread discussing the hot, new book about how white people need to do better and be better is posted by alphabet boys
Not everything is a glownigger post, you fucking mong. Maybe we just want to rip on some shitty new book being shoved down everyone's throats

>> No.15644324
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But anon, (((they))) are trying to subvert our attentions from bookshelf and stack threads

>> No.15644326

>guy who wrote picture books for children and manchildren
>ripped heavily off Jacky Kirby and Steve Ditko
>greatest 20th century writer
jesus fucking christ, what a rertard

>> No.15644335

Cultural marxism is being shoved down by glowniggers.

>> No.15644340

This is more evidence to show that woke praxis is just mildly autistic people attempting to lifehack their way through conversations with black people. I'm reminded of that /fit/poster who wrote himself a script for ordering pizza.

>> No.15644360

All of stan lee's creations were written better by other people.

>> No.15644448

This race tribalism bullshit is just a thing in America, isn't it?

>> No.15644504

in every multiracial country with significant minority population

>> No.15644558


Well this is a lot more boring than I expected
Is the whole thing like this?

>> No.15644568

This is schizophrenic garbage. Why would anyone want to live in this hyper police state world? Why do we take these people seriously instead of excluding them from normal society?

>> No.15644573

Multiracial ism is an evident failure and won't ever work it doesn't even make logical sense how and why would you want a multi ethnic culture stat4 how does that even function everyone would have to sacrifice elements of their culture to a degree thsg the culture just wouldn't exist none of this is remotely sustainable

>> No.15644589

Alongside police reform, the concept of systemic racism that was used in this book is considered to be the main focus of current protests. This concept defines racism as an aspect of western socialization that is responsible for racial disparities. Statistics of these disparities and lessons on racist policies of the past are used to support the concept. The existence of these disparities and policies is well known and not likely to be denied; however, without current policies to point to, it is hard to grasp what is being fought against. The use of statistics implies that protesters are simply frustrated with reality, but the heavy focus on race will not ease their frustrations. Instead, protesters should look towards changes that improve the quality of living for all citizens of their countries. Racism is an issue that can only be solved by growth. Resistance will likely have an effect opposite of what is intended.

>> No.15644593

Holy shit. It reads like a working manual for a teenage staffer. Lmfao.

>> No.15644601

Won't happen and makes no logical sense how can you be seperate but equal it doesn't work. I gave up on all that bull shit the first day I went to a protest and met these idiots. I left the country a year later I live in Eastern Europe now don't givf a fuck if I make less money I'm so much happier now no screaming hyena Marxists no bull shit pseudo multi cukti freaks LARPing but in reality just burning everything good to the ground. Fuck em all

>> No.15644633


>> No.15644652

no it's more than that, jews have indoctrinated whites into white guilt for stuff that all racial groups did. Colonialism and slavery are part of the history of every group on this planet.
And yet they want to blame the very same people who stoped slavery and colonialism world wide for it.

>> No.15644653

It’ll catch up with you sooner or later

>> No.15644663

Probbaly but at that point I'll just start killing them.

>> No.15644665


whites blaming the jews is as incoherent and nebulous as blacks blaming whites

>> No.15644672

go back to your country you fucking parasite subhuman trash

>> No.15644678

just look at the surnames of who made up this stuff and promoted it, it's not difficult to grasp

>> No.15644680

mad slavsquat. you missed a spot here, addy

>> No.15644691

>dynamics dynamics dynamics
Why do pseuds love that word so much?

>> No.15644695

Muh parasite. I work can speak thelanguage and lay low. Wypierdalej

>> No.15644699

you are part of the problem, immigration is cancerous, people like you should be executed

>> No.15644701

Dont care I'm probably more patriotic about this country than you are.

>> No.15644702

anprim is left pseud. the unabomber was a joke

>> No.15644706

it always starts with small numbers of immigrants that integrate, then you have a precedent of allowing people in, next step is allowing the hords of shitskins because muh human rights and shiet
east europe should not allow even one person in and deport every single immigrant instantly

>> No.15644713

what country have you infected?

>> No.15644718

Biało czerwoni polska
I'm also already involved in a kind a of territorial militia here so don't give a fuck what you try to tell me kike

>> No.15644721

Based slavshit

>> No.15644724

The amount of anti-white propaganda in the west is fucking insane
There is no way to go back


>> No.15644727

you are literally the kike parasite exploiting the hospitality of other countries

>> No.15644728

I am anti human rights

>> No.15644739

Don't care and if you come here I'll probably fight you live in the east if Poland and have already been in several bear downs of homos like you the media can't stop me

>> No.15644744

then kill yourself

>> No.15644750

i hope polcucks find their balls again and kill all the human scum like you

>> No.15644751

Come and make me i live in Białystok involved in militia we patrol the border like. Me guess you're a fucking hohol we've dealt with several already

>> No.15644755

Fuck off kike

>> No.15644757

>neighborhood keeps getting more diverse, notice neighbors interact less.
>ethnic enclaves start forming
>Ay but the ethnic food tho

I love america

>> No.15644758

If you're so passionate about purity you may as well fuck off back to your own slav chan, you FAS monkey that Hitler missed. This site is American, we don't like your Russian kind around here spreading your FSB shit.

>> No.15644760

Russia is run by Jewish oligarchs fuck off glownigger

>> No.15644768

Most Jews have traces to the Pale which included some parts of Pooland

>> No.15644771

Yep its a fucking meme

>> No.15644778

It's like saying most niggers have traces in America because they lived there for awhile. Shitty argument probbaly a German who watches femdom porn

>> No.15644779

I'm Hung-Aryan you fucking subhuman and lmao at the polcucks for taking in some immigrant in a fucking militia or maybe you making this shit up

>> No.15644782

>claims to be slav
>doesn't know one of the many forms of pierdalac
Uhh huuuuuuuh

>> No.15644785

Chinese faggot already dealt with a few of you too. Google pride parade Białystok hooligans I'm even in a picture the media took you can't stop me and I'm not leaving just because some mutt gook says shit get some nigger

>> No.15644800

IJews have been all over Pooland, your ancestors prolly got dicked by one at some point. Most of the Jews Hitler successfully gassed came from there. He missed one too many, though.

>> No.15644804

you mean you were at blm protest in warsaw?
that i can believe

>> No.15644816

I'm blue eyes fair hair most people take me for a native you don't know shit gook let me guess you work for Uber eats
They didn't even have one in my city because we taught them such a lesson after they tried a fag parade. Let me guess you've done nothing just watch porn want to talk shit to me ok hohol hope i catch you on the border

>> No.15644827

what is you obsession with "hohol" and wtf does that even mean?

>> No.15644832



>> No.15644836

So you're confirmed not a Slav then fuck off pseud

>> No.15644840

Dont believe you. Post nose.

>> No.15644843

that might be an exeption because many whites have been brainwashed into this for decades or a crypto jew with faked surname
there are many such cases

>> No.15644855

i told you that i'm eastern european but i never said that i'm a slav trash

>> No.15644865

You're a fag

>> No.15644870
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>> No.15644888

nah i too went to poland to fuck cheap whores

>> No.15644901
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>I'm a proud eastern euro, i love this place
>i do hate slavic trash though
Without said slavic trash you wouldn't have a refuge to escape to, dumb w*stoid fag. Meet me at a bar so i can break your faggot nose and buy you a beer.

>> No.15644906


as we go along it sounds more and more like the 'systemic racism' conspiracy

The far right and far left have a lot more in common than they give eachother credit for

>> No.15644908

retard it means ukrainian

>> No.15644917

your larp is getting weird, did you say that you are a western european who migrated to slav shithole because you don't like browns?

>> No.15644925
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who stands out as the better storyteller on this page, ditko or lee?

>> No.15644929

there is no such country

systemic racism is real, most whites just notice how badly blacks perform at any job so they don't want to hire them

>> No.15644966

this reminds me of CCP struggle sessions

>> No.15644968

Everyone ITT should take a look at this

>> No.15644975

eeeeehm sweaty she's an """""educator""""

>> No.15644986

Couldn’t have said it better

>> No.15644997

Wrong guy slant gook it's me you're talking too I am from. The West and live here and love slavs and already fight for them unlike you Chinese whore of Babylon

>> No.15645002

What’s your point? You know, there’s a huge gap between arguing for the elimination of institutional racism and the Protestant flagellation of DiAngelo.

>> No.15645005

he is tho

>> No.15645007
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>> No.15645020

ok schizo

>> No.15645063

Theres a lot of middle class, college educated blacks, usually half or a quarter white who become the paragons of this shit.

>> No.15645164

Neoliberal race ethics is just the logical conclusion of Christian morality.

>> No.15645188


>foreign faiths had to be destroyed

>worships marxism

>> No.15645237


>> No.15645257

>why it's so hard for white people to talk about racism

Because most of them are not racist?

>> No.15645265

Has anyone actually read this book in full and can offer a critique of it/its claims? Or is this just the usual bitching?

>> No.15645298

Two people running into an issue, and one completely submitting to radical leftist ideology, since no true conversation about what happened is permitted.

>> No.15645330

It's not even that. The people in charge have decided that only white people aren't allowed to speak or even think in terms of group interests so any conversation about race is a nonstarter. When people say they want a dialogue about race, they don't mean a back and forth conversation with you, they want to talk at you. They want to preach to you and dictate.

>> No.15645355
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>why it's so hard for white people to talk about racism
Because it's racist to do so, it's also racist not to do so but that requires less energy and attracts less attention from the 'anti-racists'.

>> No.15645384

Not being racist isn't sufficient to not be racist. You have to be anti-racist and live by the guidelines of the white privilege lecture circuit.

>> No.15645440

>why is it so hard to white people to talk about race?
Hold on... zoom that
>talk about race
>subject to black supremacy politics

>> No.15645443
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That whole story was Asperger level of communication. Everything immediately goes to the race issue, it's like they are not even people but robots.

Jesus Christ, the NPC meme is real.

>> No.15645478

Exactly this. All of the "liberals" I have met absolutely detest minorities. This whole fear blacks taking over is laughable to an extent. Sure, they are being given power out of nowhere, but all minorities worship white people. You don't think so? Go over to /gif/. I can guarantee you that no minority wants to fuck a race that isn't a white woman. All of the cuck threads are just evidence of how much minorities fantasize about whites. Rather hilarious that any white person thinks they hate us when their deepest desire is to be accepted by us.

>> No.15645587

all whites no matter what political stripe understand on some level the entire concept is a trap and attempt to avoid it

>> No.15645604

We’re talking about one passage in particular, not the whole book.

>> No.15645609

ted wasn't an anprim

>> No.15645611

All collectives are fragile in some sense. They wouldn't be collectives otherwise. Of course, you have to be White (or maybe Asian) to understand this.

>> No.15645638

Read Settlers

>> No.15645639

lol. this is some religious shit.

>> No.15645662

It's a Kafka trap to belittle white people and enforce the notion that they wield unlimited power that they are terrified of losing.

>> No.15645673
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Up yours, nigger

>> No.15645676


Not just that but they're also just people. This person seems to approach the issue as if her black colleague is some sort of child

>> No.15645698
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>approach the issue as if her black colleague is some sort of child
it's worse than that, children are at least human beings. She's lucky that thing didn't tear her to shreds. Have you ever seen a fully grown African American female? Jaimie pull that up. Jesus that thing must weigh 400lbs.

>> No.15645724


>> No.15645744

Do at least have Polish roots? Wasn't Alaska far enough so you had to come all the way to Podlasie?

>> No.15645844

Progressives are such lazy thinkers it's not even funny. You ask them to justify any of their assumptions and they give you a blank look, like they've never thought of it before. Systematic racism is a given, don't question it. Don't ask for a definition either because that changes based on convenience.

>> No.15645995

>I have moved people forward who were raised poor or working class and could not own racial privilege by sharing how I came to understand mine. … I did it by sharing my own experience as someone who grew up in poverty. While I have struggled with a deep sense of class shame and the message that I was 'less than,' I still always knew that I was white and that made me 'better than' poor people of color. In fact, being white has helped me escape poverty. No one looks at me and assumes I don’t belong in academia, but my colleagues of color can’t say the same. The question that white people need to ask ourselves is not if we were shaped by the forces of racism, but how."

>> No.15646051

burgers are just completely fucked and brainwashed. I'm not just talking about liberals but conservatives too. no matter where you live in that shithole, you're constantly presented with one tribalistic narrative after another. and you idiots swallow it all up.
god I hope my country doesn't become like this. good thing I don't have 100 private news channels and corporate "intellectuals" telling me what to think.

>> No.15646089

Cringe. Both of you.

>> No.15646130

seems that black lady was so fragile she couldn't take a comment about her hair

>> No.15646239

>people are sliding threads on /lit/
why would they do that?

>> No.15646258

>cross racial dynamics
Is this like Calc 2 in highschool?

>> No.15646263
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Nu-/pol/edditors have some quirks they can't shake. Another common tell of a nu-/pol/edditor is when someone is posting and uses the term "we" speaking loosely about the board or whatever they will go
kys shill.
The worst part is when those faggots come over here with their libertarian bullshit. "Its fucking hitler vs marx out here"but and "stay off the blue boards you newfags" is what I tell them when theres a happening and I go endure their newfaggotry for a day.

>> No.15646509

So white supremacists are both retarded but somehow pulling all the strings of society?

>> No.15646548

what page?

>> No.15646623

This. How fucking clueless and tactless is this retarded bitch?

>> No.15646701
File: 469 KB, 580x889, damn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read this entire book just to see how bad it was. There's a part where some white woman is crying at an event to mourn the death of a black person. The white woman is asked to leave because there are black people present and white women crying has often been used as an excuse to lynch black people like Emmet Till.

>> No.15646746

I'm beyond even trying to reason with people like this. They have a mind virus and it needs to be eliminated before the infection spreads.

>> No.15646766

Seen a decent amount of libs basically flip on shit like the death penalty especially regarding Kneelcop.

>> No.15646771

True. Every time I debate someone like that it eventually just begins to sound like me trying to convince a blind person that the sky is blue. It's more of a cult than a mind virus, but same thing. These people just accept certain axioms as true, and build off those flawed axioms. If you attack the axiom they just say something like "well, you haven't experienced the black experience so what do you know?"

>> No.15646783

>white fragility
>200+ replies
like it or not i think robert dangles was onto something

>> No.15646792

They flip because they don't have a foundation to their beliefs

>> No.15646796

Anon I used to have leftie friends because I was a hippie for a long time. They unironically got radicalized by bernie sanders, and started this sniffing up of dissent and virtue signaling and starting conversations from the assumption everyone agreed with them just because they obviously did. This culminated in a guy who came to our wedding insulting my wife unforgiveably in front of one of his other friends over a dumb facebook argument. So I texted him and traded insults back, he was in no position to be throwing stones because he is emaciated (like 100lbs) and a cashier with his fancy literature degree (he only reads serialized genre shit). Another hippie we knew then CONTACTED ME TO DEFEND THAT DUDES HONOR, because how dare I insult him for being a bitter mean piece of shit to the woman I'm married to. Now we no longer have any social media, or speak with anyone like that. It's much better. You should cut them loose before you get hurt anon. These people are growing increasingly unreasonable, you're going to end up with a vandalized car and doxxed on twitter.

>> No.15646829

>starting conversations from the assumption everyone agreed with them
I hadn't thought about this before but this is a big reason why I dislike these people so much. They see it on their tv and on their social media so they just assume every reasonable person is just like them.

>> No.15646833

It's hard to tell if people are trolling when they say stuff like this but I see it all the time. Don't you see the fallacy?

>> No.15646845


>> No.15646851

this is pretty good

>> No.15646857

In many ways people like this scare me. They have zero foundation to their beliefs, which means everything is permissible in their eyes so long as their mob of like minded people agree with them. It's basically mass psychopathy.

>> No.15646865

That's the entire point of 'white fragility', if you do anything but apologize it confirms you're fragile. kafkatrap

>> No.15646871

>see master suppression techniques

>> No.15646877

You're committing what's called a Kafka trap. You're accusing somebody of X and then using their denial of X as evidence that they are X.

>> No.15646881

There are two times this happened to me that stand out that signaled the beginning of the end to me of these friendships
>at a buddies house before we head to the bar
>his roommate starts talking about bernie or whatever
>and anon, you're like radically left right?
>I am literally hitler and never ever talk about politics, I just like jam band hippie music
>all I could stammer out was "I-I just like to do drugs man"
And the other one
>Hillary Clinton and CNN declare the alt-right exists and crown Richard Spencer it's king (I didn't know any of this)
>Informed by my friend while I'm smoking weed with him in his kitchen that evidently "I call myself the alt right" (he didn't know anything about me)
>which was news to me as I had been OPing /pol/ IRCs since 2012
fun times. And no I was never a sperg or argued an offensive position. The entire reason my wife got insulted was because she genuinely believed in evidence and reasoning with people and was still a libertarian. After seeing how unreasonable the other side actually is she is no longer a libertarian. I, the husband, a MAN, win again. Take that feminism.

>> No.15646898

where's that from?

>> No.15646916

are u trying to kafka trap me into accusing me of kafke trapping

>> No.15646923

I know what you mean. When I go to a Catholic forum and post the Book of Mormon and talk about how it's true, I get a bunch of angry replies and "refutations" because they're all secretly Mormon.

>> No.15646932

What? You can admit or deny committing the fallacy but you would be committing it all the same.

>> No.15646941

i knew it

>> No.15646951

The point of a Kafka trap is that the very act of denial Is used as evidence of guilt. Saying someone is using a Kafka trap isn’t a Kafka trap

>> No.15646953

I don't think you know much of anything. I feel like I'm talking to a slug.

>> No.15646957

awful take

>> No.15646959

No you retard. If you were just making a valid criticism, and then someone accused you of kafkatrapping, you could point out how you weren't doing so, because there are ways for the person to respond to the criticism. If there is no way for a person to defend themselves from the criticism then you have to admit that you were kafkatrapping.

i hope you're just rusing and your grasp of logic isn't actually this bad

>> No.15646970

kek'd and checked

>> No.15646980

not what systemic means but on a high level you're on the money, king

>> No.15646981

u guys make good points for defensive white boys

>> No.15646989


>> No.15647004

based euro

>> No.15647031

its not even just how they live, its how they want to FORCE you to live too

>> No.15647054

>why don't white people like being called the fount of all evil?
>: (
>must be because they're so weak and evil.
>: )

>> No.15647077

its funny to me how the right's fear is "a leftist hippie yelled at me because of a facebook argument" and the left's fear is "right wingers are doing terrorist attacks and defending police murdering civilians, calling for a violent civil war and the president encourages it".

You truly see these things as equally dangerous? Conservatives are pathetically myopic. "no conservatives CANT be the bad guys because that's MY team!!!! I can't be bad can I???" answer: yes, you can and you are the bad guys here.

>> No.15647084

>I made a joke about my black coworkers dreadlocks being savage and scary and it offended them
fuck this stupid bitch, seriously. Societal conversations about these nonsense terms and arguments aside, this cunt is fucking dumb.

>> No.15647093

>police murdering civilians,
this barely happens. You know what happens a lot? Blacks murdering whites

>> No.15647101

It's funny to me that I was an acid abusing pot smoking alcoholic hippie who followed around jam bands for 10 years while maintaining and deepening me empathy with hitlers words and experiences as written in Mein Kampf. I knew the entire time that I didn't agree with people and it never came up. But when they started the rank checking I just checked out, fuck that. I wasn't getting thrown off the scaffolding of my own vienna.

>> No.15647108

Left wingers aren’t violent? What? That’s just patently wrong my guy. So are right wingers, but don’t act like the left doesn’t engage in violence or domestic terrorism

>> No.15647110
File: 56 KB, 924x1095, napuleon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello fellow why ppl,
pleas become doormats.

>> No.15647118


im not right wing, but this is a bad take.

you realize its leftists who are looting, burning buildings to the ground, etc? You realize that its leftists who condone their every political transgression because all they have to do is claim a fascist takeover in imminent?

I read about a prof at some university in new york who said some video of police brutality wasn't as bad as others were saying. Students are now calling for him to be fired, saying somehow that he is a danger for students on campus (inc trans students?) and is engaging in apologetic for racist policing, despite the 'victim' in the video being white.

the hysteria is just absurd. And that hysteria is kinda dangerous, because none of you seem to think you are wrong.

>> No.15647127

>Do feminists actually respect men that are feminists too?
>Deep down, most women deep down really want to be told to shut the fuck up, which I know for a fact.

My gf is mildly liberal/feminist and she knows that I am not an egalitarian in any way (fuck niggers, trannies, & jannies). That being said, she says, I'm the only guy who's ever been able to make her orgasm and enjoys submitting to me by cooking/cleaning for me.

life is pretty good.

>> No.15647148

>defending police murdering civilians
but nobody, NOBODY has defended the murder. and nobody is calling for a fucking "civil war".
you know what actually is a very real threat? stepping the wrong way and getting your name publically smeared and rendering you unemployable forever and ruining you and your family's livelihood.

>> No.15647155

Nigger do you not pay attention to the news at all? Trump couldn't have a rally during election season without some of his followers being attacked and right now cities are burning.

>> No.15647168

Excellent bait

>> No.15647217

>fragile white people have a fit at their frailty being pointed out

>> No.15647232

shit bait. here's your (You) retarded kike

>> No.15647241

you have literally no proof for this lol

yep just like I thought. Whenever someone points out right-wing terrorism, conservatives squeal and cry like babies: muh property damage, muh doxxing, muh punching a trump supporter. Guess what? Killing people is worse than insulting someone for wearing a maga hat. Get a thicker skin or admit you're wrong. The left is much less deadly than the right.

>> No.15647253

the FBI crime stats are the proof. blacks kill a ridiculous amount of people every year. Cops kill like 10 unarmed people a year in a country of over 300 million

>> No.15647288


>that poor of sentence variation and vocabulary
Was the author a high schooler or what?

>> No.15647354

wrong. You are lying and the word "ridiculous" is fearmongering and not accurate. Look at fbi chart, 576 white people were killed by blacks in 2019. In the same year over 1000 people were killed by police.
armed or unarmed is irrelevant. Police should be able to talk down someone with a knife instead of kill them. Your opinion that anyone who carries a weapon in a country where guns are legal deserves to die is what's ridiculous and its changing goalposts since no one brought up unarmed vs armed until you changed your mind about what you were asking. It is changing goalposts twice actually, because I was talking about left vs rightwing violence and black homicide rates have nothing to do with political terror on the left vs right

Second, there is no "ridiculous" rate of white on black murder. 80% of whites are killed by other whites. 88% of blacks are killed by other blacks. Anyone with a basic knowledge of crime statistics knows that the vast majority of murders are done by someone of the same race as the victim. Please get a new propaganda talking point this one is easily debunked.

>> No.15647361

I never got into a scene like this, but I should have. transitioning from hanging out with emos to hanging out with nerds was the biggest mistake of my life in high school and nowadays I don't really have any friends at all.
but I guess I also probably couldn't stand to be in a scene like that anyway.

what are you gonna do now as far as friends? or maybe are you at an age where you're just sort of satisfied to not have any and focus on family instead?

>> No.15647377

I really hate when people try petty shit like this to show how their worldview is superior instead of arguing the point. Both the left wing and right wing have killed hundreds of millions in the past century alone. Rather silly to pretend that your “side” has any room to judge. Left and right are incredibly vague and broad notions anyways, so trying to talk about them as a collective is a waste of time.

>> No.15647379

Yeah you did it anon, because of your post blacks are actually human beings, they aren't violent and dumber than a gorilla on average, they aren't horrible shit retarded "people" even though they are, and I bet now because of your post now the phenomena of every word that describes them will stop being offensive right. I mean at what point do we stop calling them brown people of shit skinned color and just call them niggers again? The euphamism treadmill is worthless. They're still niggers.

>> No.15647384

>Let's burn down your house, dox you on Twitter and fb to get you fired and destroy your career to be rendered dirt poor and also destroy the relationships of all of your friends, family, coworkers, local community to have yourself completely ostracized from society. But hey, you're still alive. You should thank us for letting you live, you racist!

>> No.15647388

The latter. I dont regret anything I did I saw a lot of cool shit and I still LOVE the music even if it is MKLUTRA Masonic shenanigans

>> No.15647449

>they aren't violent and dumber than a gorilla on average,
has absolutely nothing to do with left vs rightwing political terror. That's the topic here. Stop replying if you don't want to talk about it.

Its not my fault you're obsessed with black people. Its not my fault you base your racism on "data" and than get btfo by your own data. That's what you get for listening to /pol/. I'm not here to babysit your retarded race science fantasies.

>> No.15647474

lol fuck off you dishonest little weasle. Everyone has been alive on planet earth for the last month, and more broadly just lives on earth. Fuck niggers. You're just pretending. No one believes you, not yourself and not us and certainly not niggers. Even niggers know they're niggers and you do too.

>> No.15647490

>Guess what? Killing people is worse than insulting someone for wearing a maga hat.
You mean like those BLM shooters or the Bernie bro shooting up the GOP baseball team? Go ahead and tell me about that one guy who hit somebody with his car you delusional bastard.

>> No.15647496

>burgers are just completely fucked and brainwashed.
Many of us see what is happening. Our institutions are so thoroughly corrupted, though, that there's not much that we can do and we don't have much of a voice.

I suppose that is another radicalization vector. I just want to live in society where people do their best to be excellent to each other. Instead I feel like I'll have to take up arms in the upcoming and unnecessary Civil War as I watch many people around me succumb to this new anti-white religion.

>> No.15647503

>both the left wing and right wing have killed hundreds of millions in the past century alone.
And we are talking about present political fears of people who are alive in America today not all of human history. Do rightwingers now fear the ghost of Stalin fucking them in the ass while they sleep? Unless that's your argument your point is irrelevant. Why can't you argue the point?

murder is worse than doxxing yes that's right. If you count the emotional damage of antifa ruining someone's life than I can also count emotional damage of leftists afraid of nazis. Than it becomes completely abstract because you have no way of measuring or proving one person is more afraid than another.

>> No.15647516

>Police should be able to talk down someone with a knife instead of kill them.
lmao you go be a cop you fucking faggot

>> No.15647518

>Everyone has been alive on planet earth for the last month,
not you. You still fall for /pol/'s low effort racebaiting so clearly you were born yesterday

>> No.15647529


>> No.15647536

>muh property damage, muh doxxing, muh punching a trump supporter.
You forgot kidnapping to. I'm sure you remember that white trump supporter who was kidnapped and tortured while being humiliated on Facebook?

>> No.15647552

if cops can't handle being in a dangerous situation and want to solve everything with violence, they should not be cops.

>> No.15647561

ayo how much dough has this bitch made?

>> No.15647577
File: 63 KB, 730x480, 1568378552380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Police are the only reasons niggers even exist and the borders are open. They are also the only reason any monuments are being torn down and the seattle LARP zone exists. The people protesting against the police immediately scream for the cops when they face the lightest of opposition in their own democrat controlled cities who are protecting them, while they protest against them

>> No.15647579

Great, form your own police force of super conscientious deescalators and have fun in Detroit and Baltimore. Go for it

>> No.15647585

Subdueing people with weapons isnt like the movies my guy. I doubt there are many even professional martial artists that can do it unscathed. But if you really think sending social workers to violent people with knives will help lets go for it

>> No.15647716

That person will probably wish he were dead if you took everything he cared about away from him and leave him with nothing to live for. This level of irreparable emotional damage dwarfs the fear any vague threat told by the MSM that nazis run amok freely even when none of them have ever seen a bonafide nazi. You're saying life itself should be held to the highest good, even if life is without meaning, which reduces life to mere existence. Such an understanding is cold, juvenile, inhumane, and morally bankrupt.

>> No.15648144

didn't read past the first sentence. you make no sense and are just strawmanning because you're obsessed with black people. Cops kill more whites every year than blacks. Are cops protecting both groups from each other? than why is racial violence still getting worse compared to 10 or 15 years ago even as crime rates go down? sounds like they're terrible at their job.

you assume physically subduing someone is always necessary. a social worker could easily prevent a suicide or an armed domestic dispute better than an officer could.

you have no way of quantifying your belief about conservatives who get doxxed losing the will to live. It's just a very very small minority of right wing pussies with hurt feelings that you want everyone to feel sorry for. No thanks. Suicide and depression is increasing among almost equally among all races and for doxxing to actually effect that number you'd have to be getting like tens or hundreds of thousands of people fired for racism. Thats not happening.

>> No.15648153

No right wingers are scared of political violence from the left. My point is that both ‘sides’ are very capable of violence

>> No.15648162
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>Are cops protecting both groups from each other?
In literal terms yes but in what would be practical terms no. Blacks victimize whites all the time. If we acted the same way, again there wouldn't be blacks. Police protects niggers. Especially their little protests and the seattle larp zone. The military had to force white kids to go to school with niggers
>oy vey you're OBSESSED with current events aiming at sweeping cultural changes
Imagine being this much of a disgusting kike. Yes I care about the world I live in.

>> No.15648179

This, i dont even fucking disagree with thevery basis, but they take it to the autismo extreme. Its like the author is and is adressing 80 iq housewive Karens who have no social awarene- oh wait, fuck she thinks everyone is that insipid doesnt she?

>> No.15648184

give me replies

>> No.15648187

>Suicide and depression is increasing among almost equally among all races
And all races but one are allowed to make changes to overcome those problems

>> No.15648203
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>> No.15648236

>Blacks victimize whites all the time.
nope. see the 2nd paragraph of >>15647354
Also what you're saying makes zero sense in practical terms. If you were an actual white supremacist who hated blacks you're going to be investigated by DHS or fbi. Local police play pretty much zero role in preventing racial violence especially since nazis live nowhere near inner city ghettos. Even the claim that police "prevent" something is wrong. They are purely reactive, cleaning up the mess after a crime has already occurred.

>aiming at sweeping cultural changes
I wouldn't say reforming modern police is a sweeping cultural change LA riots were like 30 years ago people have been upset by police brutality for a long time.

>> No.15648260

he's absolutely right. Women don't want a walking mat

>> No.15648272

What compels you to do this? Do you realize how ridiculous it is for you to put serious effort into saying
>actually, niggers ARE human beings, and they don't fucking suck and aren't violent retards, even though they do and are
What is the purpose of what you're doing? Do you not feel a bit silly even defending against this point? You know true, because it is. You know you can't convince me or anyone else of anything, because you know we're right. What exactly are you trying to accomplish?

>> No.15648297

just graduated college and applying to jobs for the first time. how am i supposed to filter out workplaces where i'm expected to coddle people who get "offended" by the most inane shit? I'm a queer POC by the way and shit like the passage i just read is still deeply upsetting to me. god i hate neolibs

>> No.15648316

Ideally you never get employed and someone beats you to death soon and nobody ever cares and your poor parents are happy their little abomination is finally out of the picture.

>> No.15648322

>live in Asia
>never have to deal with this shit
>get six figures
>worst that happens is some chink incel getting mad when he sees me with a chink female
>just do a 360 and walk away

>> No.15648332

>a social worker could easily prevent a suicide or an armed domestic dispute better than an officer could.
How are you so fucking delusional?

>> No.15648337

That guy looks pretty based.

>> No.15648340

>I'm a queer POC

Then you don't have to worry, as a noble the rules don't apply to you.

>> No.15648342

>being this fragile
saying "maybe racism is bad" is so offensive to white people that it's funny

>> No.15648347

>even defending against this point?
you keep flip flopping between specific claims like "blacks kill a lot of whites" and vague moral abstracts like "blacks are bad people/not human". When I disprove your obviously wrong but specific claims, you retreat to vague philosophical positions. I never made any grand moral claims about black people being good or bad. If you based your whole racial utopia on the "statistics" which I just proved wrong, that's on you not me.

I am doing this to show lurkers that /pol/ is stupid and weak when confronted, but mostly I am doing it because it makes you mad and its funny

>> No.15648352

imagine identifying yourself as a person who's the same color as poopoo and being proud that you're a poopdick bloody cum and shit eating GRIDS infected homo dying of GRIDS also known as AIDS. And if you don't know what AIDS is, its also known as dying from wasting away of being a disgusting poop eating faggot who is dying of the traumatic buttfucking disease which is known as gay AIDS.

>> No.15648361

Again dude you did it you solved racism, blacks aren't the problem anymore even though they obviously are. What a hero you are.

>> No.15648365

wrong actually, white women will report any perceived slight against them as misogyny and trans women are constantly worrying about making cis white secret terfs "uncomfortable".

>> No.15648373

it's also funny pointing out how all black countries suck

>> No.15648385

based. I hope you're never comfortable ever in your shitty corrosive life. You're a tumor on society and its wonderful that you're perpetually miserable. It's just a shame the rest of humanity at large is still putting up with you
>oh I'm an educated poop eating brown nigger, and as a person of shit color I think
no one cares you dumb sub human faggot.

>> No.15648394

A lot of stuff gay people say is easily interpreted as misogyny by out of touch neolibs. Just google "Gay misogyny".

>> No.15648396

Why are blacks so fragile?

>> No.15648404

>men who hate women so much and are such molested incels that they want to suck sweaty man cock and eat poop and die of AIDS with their intestines hanging out of their bodies don't care about women

>> No.15648429

i don't get why you're so hostile i'm just trying to tell you trumpers that a good portion of the left hates cancel culture too and if we teamed up and framed this issue in the right way we could easily engineer a backlash against it

>> No.15648434

This lady has one of the best marketing departments ever. She's making a killing on selling these books and seminars.
Might have to become a leftist to get it on the grift so I can finally have a piece of the boomer pie.

>> No.15648444

why do you set up a false dichotomy for everything and then completely believe it? Why would I be a "trumper"? Trump is a flip floppy democrat billionaire pedophile from NYC who was rubbing elbows with the clintons and epstein, hinted at running for president like 30 years ago on opera and telegraphed his run by attacking obama for years. He is the first president in history to go into office pro-poopdick AIDSfaggot, is a wet blanket, and a huge kike. I'm not a conservative, or a reactionary, or any of that useless concessionary bullshit. I have clear goals that I would like to see happen. I'm certainly not your friend with commonalities.

>> No.15648445

He's hostile because you being a queer poc is irrelevant to the views being discussed here. Why did you feel compelled to bring it up * immediately *? Are you able to discuss your views without bringing up your identity? Also, if you're not expressive with your queerness, no one cares. There were queer people in the past who acted normal for example and few people had issues with them. The issue lies in you making it so formative of your identity that you have to bring up when it's not needed.

>> No.15648452

I was just thinking about this anon. I don't want to go into detail but I am very heavily considering making money off of all these faggot enabling nigger loving kike apologists.

>> No.15648455

>a good portion of the left hates cancel culture

Not enough and certainly not enough are vocal about it.

>> No.15648460

>why do you set up a false dichotomy for everything and then completely believe it?
mainly because this is 4chan and the environment doesn't really support subtlelty

>> No.15648466

Robert DiAngelo isnt a leftist. This book is peak neoliberalism. Its basically an advertisement for her job: corporate race sensitivity training. Which is a very lucrative industry.

>> No.15648469

reddit moment

>> No.15648471

Let me ask you this. If you're not trying to normalize your queerness, then why did you bring it up randomly? Why not just keep it to yourself? I think most people's issues have to do with how queerness is being normalized by the media and certain social followings.

>> No.15648480

>DiAngelo isn't a leftist
Lmao who the fuck cares why do you people always No True Scotsman everything.
I'm just talking about making as much money as possible off of people who don't deserve to be alive.

>> No.15648486

I don't like modern culture's attempt to normalize sexual deviance. To be honest, anyone who brings up a personal sexual matters or fetishes, randomly, when discussing sociopolitical matters pisses me off. What are we going to have next? "I am a castrated zoophile who is totally on board with you!"
Do you understand why I would want nothing to do with such a man?

>> No.15648495

Youre correct. But due to the sensitive nature of the subject it will rarely get used that way.
The term 'white fragility' mostly ends up used as a (ineffective) bludgeon for keeping whites from complaining.

>> No.15648503

>I'm a queer POC
You're good to go. For shits and giggles, gaslight your bosses and coworkers into literally sucking your dick. They're probably unironically that brainwashed to do it too.

>> No.15648504

>Is it a rich black thing?
Mostly, yes

>> No.15648506

>a good portion of the left hates cancel culture
That's because they're the stupid ones unable to see cancel culture as what it is, which is ploys for power.

>> No.15648514

because its important you recognize the difference

>> No.15648534

It doesn't even make any sense. Trump is the only president in history to go into office pro-faggot but if I think faggots are revolting I must be a trumper or whatever. These people protest against putting people into boxes but just invent other boxes that don't even make sense.

>> No.15648546

Why does every interaction with a black person need to be a 4D chess situation of submission and understanding

>> No.15648547
File: 79 KB, 768x510, f7be676e9ea7d8118012369e5793fa75991e9e4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, watching everything go down in the USA has turned me off free expression, democracy, and all of it. Just give me a stable government that leaves me alone and three news channels pushing the same feel good narrative of "local boy scouts pull drowning kitten from river" incessantly.

Always was left wing growing up, but seeing my super-lefty American friends falling themselves to justify rioting, looting, and indiscriminate murder these last couple weeks has been a real eye-opener.Fucking insane.

>> No.15648549

There is no difference that matters. Neoliberal leftists have power and actual leftists are as irrelevant and powerless as the alt-right is.

>> No.15648556

>queer POC
Since you post here you probably also have autism. Literally top of the liberal pecking order, youre good senpai

>> No.15648561

Because you have to walk around glass to make sure you don't trigger a nigger's anger disorder for being from the wrong tribe.

>> No.15648563

black culture and queer culture are both often perceived as toxic by cis whites. by forcing people to act in this overly rigid manner in the workplace we are fostering a culture in which blacks and queer people who have been socialized in a toxic culture can be canceled by the very policies that are meant to protect them.

>> No.15648575

It's not just the faggots pushing for normalization of sexual deviance, but the social engineers who work for major companies and media. I had an article from a US senator, which I regret to have lost, but it basically described how cues, pertaining to social deviancy, are increased in advertisements and more prior to periods of economic downturn. It has something to do with maintaining social cohesion in a day and age where people no longer believe in anything mystical -- being materialists/physicalists and all. Basically, it involves a method of altering frequency of sexual deviance during certain crucial economic times. Don't forget that the 70s rock & roll were steeped in faggotry too.
And yeah, I wish I didn't lose that article, but you see examples of it with that one leaked document from Google about wanting to end white heterosexual dominance. I think it ties into economics, but there are other subversive elements at play too.

>> No.15648582

I wish that were actually true
Good luck with firing someone for acting gay

>> No.15648583

People need an ideology to live as their opiate or else society doesn't hold together, this isn't new.

>> No.15648589

>I'm from LA bitch
He oughta feel free to go back to LA

>> No.15648596

I'm working on my own personal research linking interpersonal relations between Hollywood and rock and roll and modern culture, and the CIA and frankfurt school and ultimate sabbatean frankism, kabbalism and the Jews. While it can always be fleshed out, my only missing link is the ties to the best generation being spooks. Allen Ginsberg simply being Jewish and part of NAMBLA isn't enough for me to claim I have the missing link.

>> No.15648597

I'm actually excited for police being called off and defunded because it's the fastest way we get to actual fascism.

>> No.15648609

These attitudes are manifestly insane and it's becoming increasingly obvious even to many who follow them. It's unsustainable and will quietly collapse in time. Such attitudes are increasingly unfashionable

>> No.15648629

I agree. USA will probably Balkanize and split into several countries. Multiculturalism and degenerate liberal culture don't work. They're also ruining the children's and picture book industry too fyi. Lots of books encouraging kids to develop white guilt or change sexes (e.g., the 2020 Caldecott winner The Undefeated, Mat de La Pena's Love, Peanut Goes for the Gold was promoted by Target, and you probably know about I am Jazz).
Soon we'll have homeless kids in the sewers reading illustrated copies of de Sade's Justine with Shlomo's eyes glowing red in the background.

>> No.15648632

I think blacks should make their own communities and create their own police force with their own prisons and judges, just like the Jews in New York and Florida. It's funny how nobody ever talks about this stuff in the media. When a Jew commits a crime and actually gets convicted he goes to a special Jewish prison.

>> No.15648636

I doubt there will be a balkanization but we have yet to see if the current state of affairs is a French Revolution of bourgies killing themselves after they run out of people to kill or a full on USSR style push.
I honestly don't see how white people get out of this, when the most southern "racist" states in the country are trying to virtue signal about how we can all just get along and we're simply being pushed to conflict by outside forces. Which, even if true, is proof enough the multicultural experiment doesn't work, if it can be so easily fractured.

I'm placing my bets on Europe. When America is run by actual niggers and women and even the CIA consensus makers are too incompetent to keep psyopping the European people and NATO stops having a thumb on European policy, there might be something there.

>> No.15648662

Fuck off retard


>> No.15648674

when there were those "anti-semitic threats" last year or whatever this whole town in NY the jews have taken over was showing off "defending themselves" with ar-15s which have been effectively outlawed in NY much less to open carry in the streets with "high"(standard) capacity magazines.

>> No.15648709

Imagine not thinking Trump was an op from a beginning.
He's a classic capitalist. He's selling a "crisis" to neoliberalism that can only be "solved" with more neoliberalism. That's literally the whole point of him being in office. All of the people who point out "yeah but look at how much they hate him" are midwits at best. They make such a big show out of hating him because that's part of the scam.

Trumpist populism IS real, in terms of it being a movement, but the majority of adherents are completely worthless and would create a country and invite hispanics and niggers AGAIN.

>> No.15648718

agreed. He's a pressure release valve for angry people who listen to fox news. Unironically.

>> No.15648740

It's more like he's stopgap to make people believe something is being done and they don't have to do anything. That and he's the low-hanging fruit for catching dissidents. Soviet Russia let you vote for "anti-revolutionary" politicians as well... so they could catch you if you were stupid enough to do so.

>> No.15649918

You fool, you're focused on the actions alone instead of the individual. Women aren't looking for a man who performs certain actions or phrases things a certain way she's looking for a man who physically, aesthetically pleases her heart. Which is exactly the same preference men have in women, no one cares about the ugly or the average people want the best, sex is meritocratic which is an unfortunate pill to swallow for those who aren't blessed by nature. However, they wouldn't be here had weak men and women created their dysgenic offspring of which grow up to become weak and subsequently resentful people singlemindedly obsessed with fucking as if the right to have sex is something nature agrees with. You could be an absolute retard and to a certain degree, within reason, an interested woman would attempt to win you just as a man will put up with the same in a woman he fancies. Those who don't have a partner and never will should attempt to change their priorities, unfortunately this is lost on them as they are in a way doomed to live a life of weakness and resentment due in part to genetic determinism, there is truth in physiognomy.