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File: 1.74 MB, 2114x1935, Harold_Bloom_(Agon_portrait).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15634384 No.15634384 [Reply] [Original]

>reads 1000 pages in an hour

>> No.15634389

The faster you read the more you can stretch your legs.

>> No.15634402

>lies out his humongous ass 1000x an hour

>> No.15634437
File: 10 KB, 171x278, 59B853BF-97D8-4DA8-8179-CB10D4D4A896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lies about being able to read 20 times as fast as average to cultivate intellectual mystique and reverence
>still can’t write great literature

>> No.15635519

Reading Comprehension 3%

>> No.15635547

Did he actually say that? Wow, what a massive shithead. Jesus Christ, who would ever believe that? This is the man you all worship? A liar, and a damn bad one at that.

>> No.15635557
File: 29 KB, 921x1119, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He can’t read 16 ppm

>> No.15635775

an hour has 3600 seconds. so he claims to read a page in less than 4 seconds AVERAGE. look at a page for 3.6 seconds and see how much you learned.

>> No.15636731


where did he claim this?

>> No.15636737


How do we know that he didn't say this as a joke/legpull?

>> No.15636862

In an old audio interview.

>> No.15636928

>retains none

>> No.15636937

He claims he could read 1000 pages an hour, read war and peace in a single sitting over a lunch break lmao

>> No.15636954

Probably talking shit, but still just imagine reading summat like Don Quixote in under an hour, or fuckin all of In Search of Lost Time in under 5. I mean you'd probably retain about 1% of everything that is there, but still, mad innit.

>> No.15637370

given that he read it, taught it, and memorized it, he literally can reread by just checking what the page looks like, hence 4p/s or 1000p/h is achievable (if you're an savant professor of literature)

>> No.15637374

Memorized it my ass

>> No.15637391

I taught more difficult books than war and peace and could reread them just like that. once you summarised and analysed them, they are no longer a 1000 long pages or 29 hours reading time, but strings of thoughts and structures you know (better than the author himself perhaps)

>> No.15637444

So are you saying you can RE-read very quickly, with the initial read-through being a slower, more "normal" speed?

>> No.15637448

The current average is 4677 pages per hour, honey
Better go faster to keep up with us

>> No.15637494

Does he speak other languages? If he can read so fast it means he memorizes a lot of stuff, and so he might be able to memorize a lot of vocabulary as well.
If all his knowledge about literature is purely in english (including english translations) then what a pseud amirte

>> No.15637531

lmao you would spend more time turning the page than reading

>> No.15637620

You know reading and rereading are different things, right? It's fucking obvious than your second read will be way faster than your first, specially if you took the time to study it comprehensively during the former read. What we're trying to discuss here is that this faggot, namely Bloom, claimed that he was able to first-read a book with an average of 500 pages per hour (1000 is a myth, or so he says) which is utter bullshit and only speaks to the naivety of the average person.

He also explained that he read for content — not aesthetics — which further undermines his claims, specially when trying to read classical fiction which if I remember correctly was his main focus (he even wrote some sort of Western Canon). Ironically enough he isn't taken seriously by modern academia and is no more than a second-thought much like Diogenes the Cynic is in the world of philosophy. I've yet to see anyone claim that he enjoys his writing or his essays which are no more than a regurgitation of past thought ideas branded under the concept of pretentiousness.

I wish you fucking faggots were more critical instead of blindly believing whatever someone claims to know. There are thousands of well educated scholars out there who spend their whole lives studying the works of a certain writer or literary movement yet this supposedly acclaimed (acclaimed by whom) sophist is able to speedrun the whole literary corpus in less than a year and be so arrogant in his knowledge as to claim to speak from a position of authority. Fucking disgrace; no wonder nobody takes modern critics nor thinkers seriously anymore seeing how easy is to fool and manipulate the population into lauding one's flatulent opinions. This bastard is the epitome of elitism based in words rather than actions, believing to be superior than a plethora of writers just because one's able to enumerate from memory the works of all of them rather than being able to share in the expertise of writing which he clearly failed to do (and lambasted others for sharing his fault!). He is (rather was) a cancer in academia and I'm glad with each new day even more reputable scholars recognize his work for what it is — a pretentious and vacuous attempt to categorize the greatest writers of all time under the idea of a self-imposed Canon.

>> No.15637871

Absolutely, unequivocally basèd.

>> No.15637881

His native language is yiddish, so yeah.

>> No.15637894

well, rereading Tolstoy was what Bloom talked about. he boasts a lot for anecdotes and fun. 8 seconds per page is ridiculous in the first run. Bloom can't even flip the pages that fast.

>> No.15637908
File: 67 KB, 600x492, Monsiau_-_Alexandre_et_Diogène.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>second-thought much like Diogenes the Cynic
You take that back.

>> No.15638168

>given that he read it, taught it, and memorized it
Here the Bloomtards show themselves even bigger pseuds than fat old Harold. He didn't memorize it retard. The only long work he's claimed to have memorized was Paradise Lost, which is believable considering the many long passages of other works he's quoted in interviews, but even there he's shied away from publicly reciting it.

I doubt that he's read WaP in a single sitting, and it's nothing he could have shaped his knowledge of by reading various secondary over the years.

He learned languages at a normal higher professorial rate. Faster than normal professors, but not at the super genius rate he pretends to.

>> No.15638238
File: 1.14 MB, 1508x2048, Ilya_Efimovich_Repin_(1844-1930)_-_Portrait_of_Leo_Tolstoy_(1887).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“I took a speed-reading course and read War and Peace in twenty minutes. It involves Russia.”

>> No.15638320
File: 311 KB, 362x562, 1589824886313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still can’t write great literature
name me ONE (1) critic that has actually produced something original of worth

>> No.15638329

Problem is critics who write good, original fiction work are considered fiction writers who did criticism rather than critics who wrote fiction. So by definition nobody could name a single one.

>> No.15638551
File: 90 KB, 850x400, quote-that-is-what-the-highest-criticism-really-is-the-record-of-one-s-own-soul-it-is-more-oscar-wilde-59-10-97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of famous novelists and poets also wrote criticism. Some examples:

Edgar Allan Poe
Algernon Charles Swinburne
Oscar Wilde
T. S. Eliot

If you mean someone who is best remembered for their criticism, but also wrote well regarded literature:

Samuel Johnson
John Ruskin (was also a painter)
Walter Pater
William Empson

Oscar Wilde argued that criticism should be viewed as an art form in its own right.

>> No.15638560

>Edgar Allan Poe
>Algernon Charles Swinburne
>Oscar Wilde
>T. S. Eliot
>Samuel Johnson
>John Ruskin (was also a painter)
>Walter Pater
>William Empson

all 3/10 writers or less

>> No.15638601

You want to perfect that past tense bro, Bloom's dead.