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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.14 MB, 4950x2550, high brow reading list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15635731 No.15635731 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the ultimate high brow reading list?

>> No.15635736

It doesn't even specify which essays or poems. Also I bet they read only excerpts from a lot of those.

>> No.15635925
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>web du bois
>booker t

>> No.15636101

gotta get that multi culti quota in

>> No.15636120


>neitzche but no stirner

>> No.15636132

I really don't get why reading lists add in historical science texts. I just don't see the point in it.

>> No.15636208


>> No.15636214

I think they read it in Latin to improve their language skills.

>> No.15636220

I have pretty much all of these except Freud because fuck that guy

>> No.15636221

Has anyone on here gone to this college? I'm considering going to it. What was it like?

>> No.15636327

better than most amerishit lists i've seen

>> No.15636480
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it's a pretty good list not gonna lie

>> No.15637683

>Poems by
>Yeats, Eliot, Wallace, Stevens, Valéry, Rimbaud
enlighten me me on Wallace and Stevens right fucking now

>> No.15638402

There are lots of slavic and italian people in there. What the fuck are you talking about Lopez?

>> No.15638491

Why would anybody waste their time with fiction? Only pretentious midwit normies wanting to be sucked off by other normies for having read 'le western canon'.

>> No.15638529

what's your differential? i mean, everyone goes through those but what different you have to offer? those in the list didn't got to be in this list by just reading the canon

>> No.15638744

We read the entirety of every work listed there except for Aquinas.

>> No.15638766

I am attending the one in Annapolis. It’s great. But very lefty.

>> No.15638773

We learn Homeric Greek and French. Greek for the first two years and French for the last two.
Natural philosophy (or science) is still an important thing to study for anyone interested in the humanities.

>> No.15638786

Bait? Midwits are almost without exception the people who refuse on practical grounds to read fiction. Fiction and poetry are essential if you want to be patrician.

>> No.15638809

You could not seriously read all that inside of four years. I mean you could sped read it with zero retention. You could not really absorb it.

>> No.15638825

most people only go to university to be trained on how to use sparknotes

>> No.15638836

how many total pages are those books, total and year-by-year?
That's an insane amount of dense, wordy literature for someone to read in 9 months

>> No.15638863

>Reading Greek Tragedy
gotta get those intellectual pseud points, right? ...what a joke

>> No.15638884

Honestly, I am sure there are very smart people alive who no doubt could read all those books, retain a great deal, etc.

I am not one of those people and neither are you, but for the elite of society, yeah sure, no problem.

>> No.15638892

>gotta get those intellectual pseud points, right? ...what a joke
Yeah, you dont like it when people are being smart or exploring history, that makes them better then you and so you have to call them pseuds.

>> No.15638904

you're not supposed to read tragedy dude, that's like reading the script to Star Wars and think you got it

>> No.15638929

>you're not supposed to read tragedy dude, that's like reading the script to Star Wars and think you got it
yeah that analogy makes perfect sense.....

>> No.15638995

how is the average /lit/ anon going to major in gender studies with only 3 women on the list?

>> No.15639010

SJC only offers one major for undergrads.

>> No.15639021

>Including Tacitus

That's how you know this is a good list.

>> No.15639052

what do they do afterwards? go for corporate office jobs, research? im not on par with anglophone college culture

>> No.15639181

>t. ass blasted pseuds. hurts to remember how much of a fucking retard you are, right?
>but those guys won't even get half of what I, professional slow reader and genius, get out of the classics!

>> No.15639222

I like the idea of undergrads going through and reading books together but this is too much. Columbia does it better imo, with having great book classes freshman and sophomore year and allowing the last 2 years to be focused on a major. A school that's main way of teaching is books and without any degree specialization seems lacking to me

>> No.15639261

ultimate pseud response

>> No.15639314

Lol I’m really uneducated...

>> No.15639325

Based. The most pleb people always say they only read non-fiction.

>> No.15639437


Not sure why you'd opt to read Ajax and Philoctetes over Electra for Sophocles.

>> No.15639487


I have to doubt the efficacy of this education a little bit. The reading load is extreme, especially considering how difficult much of this work is. There's no chance that students are really absorbing and appreciating Heidegger, Hegel, Husserl, and Baudelaire (poetry + historical import + aesthetic philosophy) by senior year with just this list in such an attenuated timespan. That is, if they're even able to finish these works at all. This reading list is a life's journey.

Seems like it would graduate students who were 'well-read' in a checklist sense, but without substance after the Middle Ages

>> No.15639503


>> No.15639681

Why this nigga go chronological but the he got Phaedrus again in the senior`????

>> No.15639846

The cope in this thread is unreal.

>> No.15639903

>no Heraclitus
>no Parmenides
>no Adolf Hitler
>no Ezra Pound
>no Corpus Hermetica
>no On the Jews and Their Lies by Luther

>> No.15640128

holy shit are these all read cover to cover? literally just the first line (Iliad, Odyssey) is already more than 900 pages.

>> No.15640257

You scared?

>> No.15640260

>your reading tastes makes you high brow
>looks up St. John’s ranking

But college is just a meme...

>> No.15640278

well for one, it's Wallace Stevens
his poetry is focused on the act of creating meaning from the landscape/our perceptions. it may require deeper reading than other poets, even other modernists. it isn't as flashy and referential as the other big american Modernists, but it is amazing. most of his poems are quite short. if you're really interested I can give you more tips, reading a lot of Stevens lately. famously difficult poet

>> No.15640295

>Ptolemy's Almagest
this is how you know, if you didn't already, that this is all for show and that none of these brainlet undergrads read, or are expected to read, any of this.

>> No.15640342

Hate to hear it

>> No.15640352

If you don’t want a lefty college go to Prager U faggot.

>> No.15640402

Yes. This is a killer amount of reading in 4 years. Picture doing this with all the other things you have to do in college

>> No.15640407

Be real guys:
How hard is it to get into NYU, Columbia or Stanford's graduate degree?

>> No.15640417

graduate degree in what? from my experience you need at minimum a good undergrad GPA, GRE score, writing sample, and letter of recommendation. the letter is probably most important.

>> No.15640588

bros anyone want to do this with me?

>> No.15640606

you wouldn't read Star Wars because the script is terrible, to be frank you shouldn't watch it unless you are under 10 or have kids that age.

>> No.15640638

Stirner is a /lit/ meme. He is nowhere near as important a thinker as Nietzsche.

>> No.15640678
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How would you change this? You could add a lot to round it out to 48 months. This looks as if it is in perfect chronological order.

>> No.15640716

If one were to read all of these, how long would one at least take?
Also without wanting to offend anyone, I kinda feel most of the specifically scientific works seem a bit dated and might perhaps be better replaced with a decent course on the history of science.

>> No.15640727

a list of authors but reading them all won't be terribly helpful, just a superficial taste of many ppl

>> No.15640734

if you read for more than an hour in a day it's easily achievable.

>> No.15640894


How do they decide these rankings? My college is in the 60's on USnews website and the people that go there are retarded but come from money

>> No.15640938

300k starting any job

>> No.15640965

Why are these plebs named after a Cambridge college kek. Also whoever thinks you can meaningfully engage with all these works in 4 years is a pseud

>> No.15640985

Stirner influenced Marx, Nietzsche, Freud, Darwin and every post-structuralist

>> No.15640990

too many white men

it's time to decolonise higher education

>> No.15641106
File: 190 KB, 616x572, FE7838E3-9C0C-4697-A60F-8CEB66046B7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, what the fuck does this mean? Do they want me to throw away literally all of my knowledge?

>> No.15641130

It means you should go back to twitter

>> No.15641200

Are you ironically being a faggot?

>> No.15641421

White is such a broad category, a retarded American one at that too

>> No.15641450

I worked at restaurant in Santa Fe years ago that had a bunch of St Johns kids working there. Every single one of them was a total waste of space.

>> No.15641461


>> No.15641472

holy shit, you are a giant faggot, at santa fe politic retards like you are quarantined and dismissed day 1

there's no question that this curriculum is exploratory, and meant only to introduce you to each work, more in depth work is done when writing papers, and in preceptorials


most freshman greek classes translate a few heraclitus and parmenides fragments

many are, the workload is a lot, many are not, all the literature you see is read cover to cover, you can see a detailed reading list for one of our classes (seminar): https://www.sjc.edu/application/files/4615/8750/1012/Undergraduate_Seminar_Reading_List_Santa_Fe.pdf

most students become self-made billionaires shortly after graduating

>> No.15641481

we have laboratory classes, where we study natural philosophy chronologically (read galen, harvey, etc)

>> No.15641507

we do not read these books cover-to-cover, and most students and I would estimate the average student spend ~20 hrs/week in class and ~30 hrs/week reading, with the good students closer to 40 hrs. and the slackers doing more like ~15-20 hrs you can take a look at the reading list I posted above for an actual workload for one of the classes

>> No.15641515

Not sure why you'd opt to read Electra over Ajax or Philoctetes for Sophocles.

They're all great plays... stop being a baby

>> No.15641706

STEMlord here, what do you actually do in terms of work outside of reading the texts? I'm completely ignorant to what sort of work someone undertaking this curriculum would perform, the humanities departments at my university don't seem nearly as intensive as the reading list you've posted.

>> No.15641722

This list isn't bad, the education gap in the USA is insane. I read most of these in my boarding school (phillips academy). I went to the academy for free thanks to a program for intelligent kids I got into. My wife went to public school her whole life and told me they read Lord of the Flies and the Kite Runner in freshman year of High School (among others of course). I had already written a 12 page paper on Oedipus when I was two months into my freshman year of HS. Wealthy faggots go to these boarding schools (whites and Chinese mostly) and get intensive educations on top of the extra curriculars. This list isn't daunting to people with experience in these good schools. There is no culture shock of dorming or acclimating to selecting classes when you've been doing it since you were 14.

>> No.15641733

How can anyone read that much?

>> No.15641747

I went to a state funded, run of the mill highschool and I didn't write a single expository essay on any serious piece of literature. The quality of education available to the general public is completely appalling. I actually ended up majoring in physics because my highschool english classes were appalling. We'd take half a year just to read a single short, simple book like lord of the flies or the great gatsby, and our "essays" had no structure, no style guides, our interpretations were spoonfed to us and it was essentially impossible to fail.

>> No.15641773

PhilosophyTube's Olly tried to cite an example of a philosopher from africa that originated Kant's ideas. Wasn't very convincing. Still, the society shaped the thinking, but doesn't mean European philosophy isn't valuable.

>> No.15641831

Don't tell me you watch this pseud?

>> No.15641939 [DELETED] 

>I read most of these in my boarding school (phillips academy).
When was this? 1982?
>I had already written a 12 page paper on Oedipus when I was two months into my freshman year of HS.
(See pic, but without any intend to offend.)
At least here in krautland from what I know "elite" (boarding) prep schools have the not entirely unmerited reputation of being the dumping ground where rich parents sent off their dumb kids to get them their Abitur (highest HS diploma allowing access to universities).
To be fair, the academic level of german grammar schools is still fairly decent and higher education is in a slightly strange way at the same time very elitist but also remarkably egalitarian with expensive private universities being close to nonexistent.

>> No.15641973

I know this is a lib arts school but as a big math guy their math program looks so shit and useless

>> No.15641981
File: 18 KB, 600x341, doubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I read most of these in my boarding school (phillips academy).
When was this? 1982?
>I had already written a 12 page paper on Oedipus when I was two months into my freshman year of HS.
(See pic, but without any intend to offend.)
At least here in krautland from what I know "elite" (boarding) prep schools have the not entirely unmerited reputation of being the dumping ground where rich parents sent off their dumb kids to get them their Abitur (highest HS diploma allowing access to universities).
To be fair, the academic level of german grammar schools is still fairly decent and higher education is in a slightly strange way at the same time very elitist but also remarkably egalitarian with expensive private universities being close to nonexistent.

>> No.15642058

Why not Attic or Koine? Or do they lend themselves well enough to each other.
French is surprising too desu. I think it lends itself better to translation than German or Latin, equally important languages for this list
>t. pseuds robbed of their sense of pride
The brain is like a muscle, there's absolutely nothing wrong with an extreme reading load. Appreciation is a life long endeavor, the idea here is probably to get a background in the first place. Literally nothing wrong with this list
12 page paper isn't even 3000 words, it's not like these kids are coming up with respectably publishable analysis. I had to do a 20 page paper for history in sophomore year and that was at a public school. German schools are probably already better however simply because they can get kids to take language learning seriously for a few years. Here that sort of thing is the exception, not the rule.

>> No.15642181


12 page double spaced is not much, but writing like this seemed like a huge burden to people when I went to college. Certain schools are clubs for rich kids to suck each others dicks, but many are academically rigorous. Especially if your grant requires you to continue to produce good grades. Public school in the USA wastes a lot of time, Erik Demaine has written about this. I'd assume Germany would have higher standards for Math and science, which makes it instantly better imo. I went in mid 2000's.

>> No.15642485

That's a lot of boring wypipo, i can't take it. Not all of them are good

>> No.15643529
File: 86 KB, 635x933, socranigg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's a lot of boring wypipo
uhmm I don't think so shitlord, socrates (the founder of greece) was an erudite african-greek philosopher, sweety

>> No.15643550


Like a theory of transcendantal bananas ?

>> No.15643575

if i read all of this will i ascend?

>> No.15643578

Booker T is legit. He isn't one of those dindus. A lot of things he said about the future of the negro race was right

>> No.15643587

So it's all a massive LARP then. Why not read up to date science textbooks if you have a lab? Do you take pride in doing it in a shitty way?

>> No.15643620

DuBois traveled to Communist China and palled around with Mao during the height of the Red Scare.

>> No.15643626
File: 94 KB, 700x932, 52BE30AF-A172-434F-B6F6-91621BC8EAAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greeks aren’t white though

>> No.15643685

It's not hard to understand.
The people of that and that time period knew, from experience or from calculations, these following things. When confronted with something new, they reasoned as follows "...". Today we know/believe that actually "..."
It's to gain insight into what made the great people of the past arrive to the conclusions they made, it might help you broaden your view on certain things and make you think in a new way.

>> No.15644011

Ok subhuman

>> No.15644018

Orson Welles should have really played Socrates in a movie.

>> No.15644023
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>> No.15644029

What point is reading "German Ideology" without Max Stirner when the book is supposed to be a refutation of Stirner?

>> No.15644053
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>> No.15644777

They left out Poulsen in the art category

>> No.15644990

You can't have an art list without Giotto or Andrei Rublev. Huge oversight.

>> No.15645177

Dr. James Watson is also there. Isn't he the "race realist" guy?